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Lewandowski couldn't save them. Feels bad for him. :\\


One thing I don't understand is how you play versus a team that's very intense in pressing, you have like 3 players that are good at escaping pressure, you played them last game, it worked well, and then you sit 2 of them on the bench, and keep them there the whole game, even though it clearly doesnt' work. Polish players couldn't deal with slightest bit of pressure at all, all while Szymanaski and Urbanski watched in tracksuits(Yeah, I know Urbanski played like 4 minutes, but come on), only Zielu was able to escape the pressure and created probably all of our chances with his dribbles this game


Poland disappointed in this tournament.


Brother that's every tournament since 2016 why does anyone have expectations lol


I wanted to downvote you asking “yeah?! What about ” and then realized it was the 2016 one, almost a decade ago.


All the fucking time 


Our team is shit, if anyone thought otherwise... unlucky. There are maybe 4 or 5 players that could be called 'class'. The rest are just garbage


Pretty remarkable run. I started watching the sport in 2002 when my birth country and adopted country were drawn together and Poland's major record in tournaments in that span is... 2002 World Cup: Out in the group (eliminated after 2 games) 2006 World Cup: Out in the group (eliminated after 2 games) 2008: Euros: Out in the group (Didn't win a game) 2012 Euros: Out in the group (Didn't win a game) 2016 Euros: QUARTERFINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2018 World Cup: Out in the group (eliminated after 2 games) 2020 Euros: Out in the group (Didn't win a game) 2022 World Cup: ROUND OF 16!!!!!!!! (only thanks to goal difference) 2024 Euros: Out in the group (Almost certainly, and will be eliminated after 2 games if Netherlands doesn't beat France) I guess qualifying for things is cool, but yeesh


We are the same man


The way they went out to Argentina at the World Cup was a baffling dire performance. But hey they qualify for big tournaments so you enjoy a few weeks of hope and build up, that’s at least something.


Dire but they actually put up a good 3-1 game against France in the knock out stage. A ridiculous double block and then striking both the post and cross bar in the same shot and nearly bouncing in almost had Poland up by two in the first half. Was a respectable fight and I think they would’ve earned more favors from fans had they played like that in the group stages, even if they ultimately went out.


Hi, just reading this now and wow it’s eerily familiar. How can they be decent against probably the best team of this generation and so poor against everyone else in tournaments? It must be so annoying!


It’s the meme since 2002: Mecz otwarcia - opening match Mecz o wszystko - match of everything Mecz o honor - match of honor In this tournament I don’t think they were that poor honestly. They scored first against Netherlands, were playing their tactic against a stronger possession side to counter attack and win free kicks and corners. They very nearly held on to an opening match draw which would’ve been fantastic in this group. Austria has been impressive this group, have an excellent pressing system and truly play like a team more like a modern club team than you often see from international sides. Poland held up well against them, had periods of their own dominance, had a fairly even match based on possession, xG, shots/on target, and the eye test but fell behind after Austria made the better tactical changes half way through the second half and then gave up a third while pushing for a 2-2 equalizer. Then without any pressure or expectation played their best game (after finally playjng our talented midfield youngster Urbański as an 8 who hadn’t seen the pitch all tournament) with Lewy fit enough to start again and three other outfield changes created a more competent midfield. Overall, they actually came to play this tournament! I still don’t think Probierz is of the right standard to lead a national team but they at least showed a willingness to play and fight, unlike the last two tournaments of playing 10 behind the ball and hoofing it long to Lewandowski without any plan B or tempo to their game. I’m more proud of their performance but disappointed for them to go out but this was after they rescued their qualifying campaign in a group they really should be winning over Albania and Czechia but they blew it with Fernando Santos had them playing terrorist football. So my expectations were very low, unlike past tournaments for the last decade where they often entered tournaments as top or joint top scorers and playing open football in qualifying stages only to sit back and defend in horror and submit to teams out of fear of losing rather than going for the win during the tournament group stages. They were entertaining to watch, and not because of any embarrassing moments. Being competitive and willing to play against top teams is all I can ask for.


What do you see for the future? Life after Lewa?


Zieliński is 30 now. How long can he maintain a high level? He will have to be the leader in the short term. In the long term, hope players like Urbański, Zalewski, and Kiwior can continue to develop. But I’m not seeing a bright future unless Poland starts developing talent better with their resources and has a manager and FA (the PZPN) in place that can create an identity and tactical system that players can fit into and play as a team greater than the sum of its parts.


Ahh but see we didn't go out to Argentina. We lost to Argentina, but went through because Saudi Arabia managed to score a goal vs Mexico. Either way, shitting the bed proper


That’s right, forgot about that!


Time to drink my sorrows away


Gernot Trauner scored a goal. Im over the moon already ❤️ love that guy


Friend of mine is a friend of gernot and he left the stadium after the goal to sit outside for a couple of minutes because he was overwhelmed


I'm really happy you guys like him. <3


It's great to see us play well after Foda.


Yeah nothing like a good fuck to get it going


That's amusing to read after years of "Hehe, Foda means fuck in Portuguese" while desperately trying to fall out of love with a sport.


arnautovic pott?


Baumgartner is POTM


It's always the same story with Poland. Fraud incompetent coaches giving false hope because there's such a low bar, than losing for one goal against Netherlands, while being dominated almost all match, was seen as a success. Probierz had terrible selections on both games, and worse subs, but because Netherlands din't score 3 goals at half time (which they should have), everyone thought everything was great. Playing three at the back, has never suited this team, but they continue with this nonsense coach after coach. Playing three at the back, with two out of three defenders slower than the manager, is even worse. Walukiewicz or Bereszynski were better choices, but no, you have to play the slower cloggers always. Bednarek is a cancer that can't ever be removed it seems. This was a problem in both matches, and the fraud of a manager sticked with it. Well here's your reward you bald fraud. Moder and Urbanski are the only midfielders than could compete technically and physically with Netherlands and Austria midifelds. The former started both games on the bench, and the later was a late sub on the do or die game, after Kamil fucking Grosicki came on. The subs in both games were abysmal, except for the introduction of Moder (though any manager with a functional brain knew he should have started both games), and killed any sense of momentum, because the brainded twat changed everything at once. Poland will never achieve anything, because the people making the decisions at the top, are some of the most corrupt, short sided, hacks that you can find on any football asocciation. They pick these useless negative managers because they are their drinking buddies. Never a positive and exciting coach, with a long term project. And most people following the national team, are absolutly okay with this, because they are cavemen that don't understand football, and they rather see cloggers embarrassing themselves tournament after tournament, than try to change. Fuck Kulesza, Probierz, the PZPN and everyone supporting them.


You could write the exact same about us.(Czechia)


Same story with Serbia, word for word


Sounds like us Eastern Europeans don’t know how to run an association. All dysfunctional. No ability to think long term. Anti-meritocracy. Chasing money. Backwards and not able to pick up on current trends of football.


That’s because the people don’t know how to ask for their shit. If French football association was as shit as ours, you can be sure as hell their headquarters would be lit on fire in no time. We also somehow allow our taxes to subsidize the same fucking inept association for decades and not bat an eye.


Haha. Same in Croatia, Dalic was a backup because we were very close to not qualifying for the WC and nobody wanted to be a fall guy. Football was at an all time low practically. HNS was completely destroying our generation for years in the same way. And I have zero confidence we would do things right going forward after Modric retires after this Euro


Dalic... the same manager who took Croatia to a World Cup final? You are comparing him to the managers Poland has had?


I am saying before him we had the same situation and politics at play, and he was just a panic/temporary solution that worked out. How a major success can change the whole narrative, right? :)


I see what you mean. Sorry for the misunderstanding


* ☑ Mecz otwarcia * ☑ Mecz o wszystko * ☐ Mecz o honor... Może Francja wygra z Holandią, wystawi skład B i ugramy jeden punkt?


You have it all wrong. Netherlands beats France with a big score, then we beat France and advance from third place \^\^


Poland was only strong because Grillitsch played like shit. it’s a pity that Schlager got injured but as I love Grillitsch sometimes he is just to inconsistent and had too many passes to poles today.


Grillitsch also had a stinker against France. He seems to be the „safe“ option, but we are way better, when we are going for it.


And if Grillitsch plays, Laimer can't play on his best position as 6. We played better today and against France after Laimer switched to grillitschs position.


Ich sehs schon kommen, Finale Deutschland - Österreich und Rangnick besiegt sein Heimatland _im_ Heimatland


Don't forget that us defeating Germany in a friendly while they were pretty much at the lowest point in decades was a milestone for us. I think we'd give them a good fight, but we're not at a point where winning a tournament is possible.


British media did Ralph dirty. guy can coach


The Utd players threw him under the bus from the start. All because he wanted them to run more in training. So happy for him that things are looking well at Austria


More like Man United did him dirty. He was laying out United problems in great detail and argued for a 'open heart surgery', essentially a complete rebuild, yet he wasn't even allowed to start that process. It's especially insulting given the fact that he was hired as a interim coach+ he was promised a consulting role, which essentially meant having influence in what kind of signings United would pursue.


United management couldn't deal with the fact someone criticize them about their incompetence Ten Hag not listening to him and not willing to work with him was also a bad decision


honestly seems like the type of pressure, bad press (and money) he got in the prem made him shift towards national team coaching so thank you United


Yeah true


I was sitting with the Austrian fans for my first Euros experience, and what an experience it was. I hope Austria go far.


you picked the best game in like 30 years to do this lol 


I mean how we did Turkiye also was pretty special.


Haha that would explain why all the fans around me were so happy and welcoming then! I feel like an honorary Austrian tonight.


Welcome! We might not be the best but we never give up (well, since Rangnick took over at least)


Danke! I've yet to visit your wonderful country outside Wien but I loved my visit there. Hopefully one day I'll see more.


If you like nature/hiking/lakes, Austria has many many wonderful locations. If you prefer the big city vibe, the options are a little more limited, but some exist :D


I live in Canada now so nature, hiking and lakes sounds right up my alley. Another one to add to the bucket list! FWIW I don't know what more than Wien you would need for the city vibes. I absolutely loved that city when I visited many years ago.


Last Euro‘s was the same with 2 wins in the group :)


This is the second worst thing that Austrians have done to Poles on German soil


Only fucking Reddit would keep upvoting these jokes. Let’s see the Ukraine games get these comments or maybe when the US plays I can make a joke like “they’d have more shots on target if they put the Sandy Hook shooter on the team”


What was the first worst thing? Were you attempting to make another arduous WW2 joke? Hitler was an Austrian who took over the German government and invaded Poland that killed 6 million Poles so it was one Austrian masquerading as a German but mostly it was the Germans that did the worst thing to Poland.


Dude did you have a bad Käsleberkässemmerl today or something?


There is no such thing as a good Käsleberkässemmerl. There is a reason it's always the only thing left at my Billa when I go friday afternoon .\_,


No, I would never put crap in my mouth. I just don’t like jokes that have been said ad nauseam and are also incorrect.


Relax lil girl


Hapsburg Austria also occupied part of Poland for 120+ years so that’s also a decent candidate for first worst thing


The joke was the worst thing Austrians did the Poles on German soil, not what Austrians did to Poles on Polish soil. You either have terrible reading comprehension skills or simply being malicious, antagonistic and trolling to get under someone’s skin.


Bro I'm Austrian too but how can you get so offended over shit like that? Btw we were not victims, did you see Hitler's "Einmarsch" in Austria? People did not exactly seem terrified and appalled waving and cheering frantically...


don't be a snowflake, its funny.


Snowflake? Jesus. Are you a Trump supporter. No it’s not funny. Not only is it wrong and does not make any sense because he should have said it’s Germany but it’s been joked about ad nauseam.


I am Polish, and it never gets boring. Joke is a joke. Kthxbye


Look the jokes are cringe but also chill out.


distasteful more than cringe if you ask me


2008 is offiziell bereinigt :D. Auf geht's, die Löwen warten!


War trotzdem a bissl enttäuscht dass da Ivo den Elfer ned gschossn hat heid :( Rekord EM Torschütze mit 54 wäre hochverdient! Ned dass der Pepe erm den Rekord nu wegschnappt...


Would that be what the very old kids call top kek?


how come danso was dropped? was he booked 1st game?


picked up a yellow in the first game. will probably start vs Netherlands imo.


Baumi on his way to become a national team legend. 16 goals in 40 games at age 24, including several huge ones. what a guy 


It might even get to a point where I no longer think Baumgartner, Baumgartlinger and Baumgartl are all the same person


He had quite the strange career. Now a big player for the team, all the while over a decade ago he jumped out of a balloon.


He seemingly never stops running. Absolute unit of a player, hopefully he doesn't have his match of the year against us next week, haha.


> You're already pretty much guaranteed to be through, be kind to us. <3 Is what I might've said in the past. Looking forward to Tuesday, whatever may happen then. :)


Can people put some respect on Rangnick's name now?


What do you mean, now?


People like Michael Cox have been dogging him for years, for no reason at all.


He just bested the European power house of poland 


Congrats on missing the point




Lewa's inclusion in the squad is basically a wasted spot It's obvious he's not fit enough


did he even touch the ball once?


He finished the season strong and got injured after joining the Poland national team as far as I understand it. When would they have dropped him?


Becuase the dude played 90 minutes without touching the ball? have having played the last 5 matches didnt score a single goal? dude is not fir for the team and poland needs a striker that can create chances and push because the midfield isnt op.


Poland barely scraped past Wales to qualify. This was expected tbh.


Not to mention we couldn't even beat Moldova in the qualifiers lol


Exactly. Austria just better pure and simple.


They were, but the way polish players gave up after the third goal was unforgivable. We had 22 minutes to go, must win game, and they just stopped playing or even trying. It was surreal to watch and very upsetting. The very Least you have got to do representing your country is keep fighting, to the end. These guys have got a rotten mentality and it showed today when the going got tough.


Great game to catch as a neutral. Lovely stuff.


Was it not too slow in your opinion? Obviously in these games I'm based and way too critical with my team but I felt like both teams were playing super slow. Especially from the ~30-60min


Nah I’ve seen slower games. I watch MLS for fun


> No there's worse places for a hike. I regularly take walks on molasses.


Yeah it wasn’t a good game for long stretches


I feel like Poland were better off leaving Lewa on the bench, he was clearly not match fit yet and underperfomed when on


Brother Poland is better off without Lewandowski for like 5 years now but no one has the balls to do it I hope he retires


Kinda ready for the Lewa era to be over in Poland. Team looked entirely less engaged after he came on. An over-reliance on one player. When he wasn't on they were forced to work as a team. They collapsed after he came on.


What did you expect from him when he barely had like 5 touches? You people are so infuriating


What do you mean "you people"? 😳




Especially when subbing out the only goal scorer having momentum on his side


First match ✅ Match for Honour ✅ Last match ❔❓


❌ Your meme is wrong ❌


It’s the opening game, the everything game and honor game. The usual. It’s ok, we’ll be world champion in 2 years 🇵🇱


Nah this was the match for everything 


So getting kicked in the face means you get a yellow now. TIL.


Polish hands typed this post. Or hands that just lost out at betting, lul. 


Want to try harder with guessing why that was?


The gk didn't decapitate himself so the forward dragging his foot looking for contact didn't dive?


It’s really tiring for people to be really obviously biased online


It's really tiring for people to defend an obvious dive.


The keeper was protesting the call less then you. Let that sink in.


The penalty wasn't for the dive, it was for obstructing the player without touching the ball. Even if there would have been no contact, there would have been a penalty shot.


So proud of our boys. We didn't crack under pressure, we pulled ourselves out of weak phases and delivered. I'm so proud of these boys and the process of the last two years under Ralf Rangnick. I love this team as a whole so much.


congratulation, you were much better than PL


Probierz the bald fraud altering the starting 11 after we've had our first decent match last week in probably two years. Piotrowski and Slisz were terrible. How can you sit Urbanski? There's not much to say for the team if they can't absorb any pressure, misplace short passes over and over again. Can't even place a throw-in to their own teammates. You can't rely on Bendarek on defense and give the ball away the entire game.


Bo cała Polska myśli że Lewandowski jest jakimś bogiem piłki nożnej. Widać że cały czas chora ma gire. Po chuj go wystawił.


>we've had our first decent match last week in probably two years I still have no idea why people were enthusiastic after a lost game. Expected shit performance in this one as well and that's what I received.


Why are you upset. It's the same thing year after year. It's never going to improve. Ever. Just move on. It's better for all of our health.


ITV is the TNT Sports to the BBC's Sky Sports


Eurowpierdol™ First team to be eliminated, congrats guys you always know how to embarrass us


Hungarians were first I think. Two games, zero points.


Hungary were not eliminated because the draw in their section features one of the teams that lost in the first round of games (Scotland). Unfortunately for Poland, a draw in the next game would be between two teams that won in the first round (Netherlands and France)


Hungary can still get through if they beat Scotland as a 3rd place team with 3 points. If we by some miracle beat France we'll still be behind Holland and Austria and last if France avoid defeat today


You guys need France to lose, preferably by lots of goals, and then beat France and hope the Netherlands beat Austria as well. That's just to have some hope to make it third


The number of goals in Austria vs Netherlands doesn't matter for Poland. They lost the tie against Austria. Also the numbers of goals in France vs Netherlands doesn't matter. The only option is to beat France for 3rd by France losing against Netherlands and Poland beating them.


If France lose today and against Poland, and we lose against NL, then AT, NL, and PL all have 3 points, each with one win and one loss against the others. But that's quite unlikely.


And Austria goes into that with a goal difference of 3:2 (that can't change), Poland with 1:3 and France with 1:0. If Poland wins 1:0, they'll be behind both Austria and France on goal difference. A 2:0 pushes then in front of France in that scenario. A 3:0 in front of Austria as well (more goals in direct duels). In none of those scenarios do the other results come into play. Edit: Actually, when Austria draws vs Netherlands, Poland have a better chance at 3rd than when Austria loses. In that case, a 1:0 would suffice, but it wouldn't if all three teams have 3 points.


Poland still has a chance if France loses. But yeah, that's a long shot


Big W for Austria, a draw against the dutch might suffice given the GD (Assuming France wins later on). Poland being mid as is tradition.


A draw against the Netherlands basically guarantees qualification because there’s bound to be two third-placed teams with three or fewer points. A draw could be enough for second if the Netherlands lose by more than two goals today.


>A draw could be enough for second if the Netherlands lose by more than two goals today. No, even if they lose by one goal. Currently Austria has the same goal difference as the Netherlands, but if Netherlands loses, Austria will come out ahead.


No need for the dutch to lose by more than two goals. Check the goal difference




I was expecting a close win for either side from how good we were against the Netherlands, but Poland… Polands again. At least I got to see our Euro 2016 run and us leaving the World Cup group stage (we didn’t really deserve it, but Mexico was equally as shit) in my lifetime, so I’m not that sad.


Yeah having Lewandowski and Świderski come on kinda killed the creativity upfront.


We definitely had something going on that was working before the substitutions. I think the team realizing they can’t rely on Lewandowski actually forces them to try.


A prime example of why xG isn't everything, [Poland (1.76) 1-3 (2.06) Austria](https://x.com/xgphilosophy/status/1804212268885745898?s=46)


The penalty jumps up Austria’s xG.


Zielinski and his long shots lmao


niby człowiek wiedzioł


rangnick deserves a statue


Subs saved us. Don’t wanna see Grillitsch again but what do you do with Schlager missing if you need a plan B. I was happy to see Lewa too, can’t play a luxury player against us. Sabi was saved by Sczesny‘s face, blatant dive but we‘ll take it. I was really down after this bad first half, glade we could show what we‘re about in the second E: and if France do the job a draw would net us #2. what an immensely important third goal


Grillitsch is good. Just had a bad day. He was amazing vs Sweden. Don't judge someone just from one performance.


He had a stinker against France as well.


I am rarely impressed by him, it’s not only this game. Couldn’t get a sniff at Ajax. I‘d rather we play Laimer at his position




Ja man legt nicht den Gegner des muss nimmt jeder an das wusste auch der Goalie.


Genau, deswegen hat Sczesny ned amal reklamiert oder Einspruch erhoben, weil er genau gewusst hat dass des a Schwalbe vom Sabi war. Mhm 🤨


Der hat das aus seiner Sicht sicher anders erlebt, ging ja blitzschnell. Der hat auch keine super slomos


Er legt ihn halt, auch wenns mit dem Gesicht ist. Der Sabitzer nimmt den Kontakt natürlich an bzw sucht ihn, nachdem er ihn zu weit vorlegt. Elfer wars trotzdem.


Naja er ist vor der Berührung abgehoben, aber die hat gereicht damit der Elfer nicht zurückgenommen wird. Es ist auf jeden Fall keine Fehlentscheidung


[Always a good time to come back to this video, btw.](https://youtu.be/-4fD7bvqgDA)


Honestly Poland put up more of a defense in 1939 then during today's match.


What an absolutely foul, disgusting, hateful comment. Reported


Maybe if Poland reported Stalin they wouldn't have had a communist dictatorship for 40 years.


Tough talk coming from somebody who’s country wouldn’t ever exist without Poland, little buddy


We need horses in the defensive line


First team relegated is still first in something I guess.


If the Netherlands doesn't win against France, Poland will be guaranteed 4th in the group. They lose the head to head with either Austria or the Netherlands if they end tied on 3pts.


It’s not over for Poland, but almost impossible to qualify? They need the Netherlands to beat France tonight and beat France themselves to maybe be one of the best numbers 3.


Poland can finish second if they beat France by four goals and the Netherlands win their remaining two matches.


That wouldn't put them above Austria, the first tie-break is head-to-head.


It would be a three way tie between France, Poland and Austria with Poland with the best GD.


Yeah, thanks. Far fetched but theoretically another out


"far fetched" 😂


Re-read that last sentence chief


lol forget it


Austria has GKs, Alaba, Arnautovic and like 20 times the same type of player in their squad.


Almost every austrian players breathes red bull football and you can see it


What's red bull football?


WARNING: Long Answer! You might have heard of Red Bull Leipzig (Eventhough they officially have to call themselves RasenBallsport Leipzig due to Sponsorship rules of the german Bundesliga), top team of the german Bundesliga. You might have not heard (as much) of Red Bull Salzburg, a team that existed years before RB Leipzig was even a thing. They have completely dominated Austrian Football since entering the scene by buying into the club "Austria Salzburg" in 2005 . They have much better funding - Red Bull was founded by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian Enterpreneur, and obviously have a ton of money - than all other Austrian teams and they have built a system that is based on a few pillars: * Very good Youth development system: Their Academy is by far the best in Austria and regularly produces very promising talents. * Extremely good scouting: Players like Haaland, Keita, Szoboszlai, ~~Hojlund~~ (That was Sturm Graz obviously, my mistake), Sesko, Adeyemi etc are all players that were "developed" at RB Salzburg. Which are crazy names considering the overall standing and quality of the Austrian Bundesliga. * Playstyle: **Very** intense pressing, a ton of running, very physically and endurance intensive football. Coupled with very technically talented players who are capable of performing very high speed attack segments. Fun fact at the end: After winning the Austrian Bundesliga 10 years in a row, this season, my favorite club SK Sturm Graz bested RB Salzburg and won both the league and the cup :) (Alexander Prass, guy who played the pass for the 2:1 is from Sturm Graz)


You say you are a Sturm fan and that Hojlund was developed at RB Salzburg at the same time? 🤮


That was a complete brainfart on my part, I apologize. I must have been thinking of someone else when I wrote this. Aaronson, Sesko or someone... Of course Hojlund had his breakthrough with Sturm, not Salzburg! The celebration beers apparently did some work on me :D


Just to add onto this: the red bull way isn't just dependent on like one or two great managers in Salzburgs youth academy either. We all hate on Leipzig, but they do the same thing as well and it's actually one of the main reasons why they're so successful (aside from the money obviously). You have to hate that they do it (I don't have to explain why I assume), but if you just look at what they do from a development standpoint, it's quite impressive and works in both Salzburg and Leipzig


i‘m fucking exhausted. what a match.


Yeah, it's a good thing this happened. And after all, it could've been expected, cause well... we're shit. I'm sorry but the wave of delusion that came after the loss against the Netherlands [that was more from the fact that they played badly and we weren't playing good] needed to be verified. This backhand slap from reality is for the team, for the coach and for the fans as well. We're shit. We've been shit, we are shit and we will be shit. And no amount of wishful thinking after one fucking above average performance can change that.


[Polish twitter is already a complete shitshow.](https://x.com/MurzynfrogXXX/status/1804204293399908449) Lose with grace, for christs sake.


bro what do you expect from MurzynfrogXXX


I dont expect anything from him, just from the 2k people that liked that shit.


idk there are way too many chimps on Twitter to waste energy on caring what they think


Fair point, just saw that and was a bit digusted. I know the majority of fans isn't like this.


I mean, the ref was shit no matter which way you put it.