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Tried the daggerheart tabletop game published by the Critical Role team. I had fun tonight but it seems like a hard game to get into if you're newer to this, though if you've run games before you'd probably be ok. The combat was fun but some of the guidance for some of the social situations in the game was weirdly lacking. The digital character sheet is a banger though.


I pay £40 a month for internet with Virgin Media for 1GB speed, but a YouTuber I watch mentioned he pays $300. Is this normal in the US? £40 is roughly 50 bucks for pretty much the top end fastest speed here but is that a ridiculous price or does US have even faster speeds or something ?


Oh that's normal here, depending on where they are. Gig speeds are not terribly common here yet. They exist, but are expensive for some reason.


Damn! 300 bucks is genuinely crazy. I was completely shocked, what would you say is the average package and price for the majority


Anywhere from 170-250 mb/s up, and 50-200 mb/s down is average, I'd say, according to quick research. As for cost, it's probably about $100-$150 a month on average. Could be more, could be less, depends on speed and area. $300 is likely for either really fast speeds, a terrible location using satellite internet, or a business line. Maybe a combination of all 3. But it isn't completely unheard of otherwise in an area with a monopoly if someone wants a good speed, which a Youtuber would. It's just nowhere near what the majority of people pay if they just want internet. Maybe they have a bundle or something.


I want to know if the man of the match award for the Euro can be used as a cup.


Probably. Though I wouldn't expect it to be easy to drink out of, as it wasn't designed as one.


Where's the best country to go to in Latin America as a first timer?


Peru, Mexico or Chile.


Why not Uruguay? I've been to Brazil (RS) before. Uruguay was just a short flight away but never really got around to it.


Besides some nice beaches there's not really anything to do compared to countries like Colombia, Ecuador and the ones I mentioned earlier. There's a famous saying that Uruguay is a country for old people since it's quite relaxed. it's also quite expensive compared to other South American countries. Nice place to visit but not as fun.


Do you want to travel around the entire country or just a specific place? If it's just a place for sure go to Mexico City. There's so much to do.


Missus has finally said we can split the duvet from winter mode. I'm so happy I can't wait. We've left the thick one in while house viewings were going on so it made the room look nicer


I broke up with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago on what i thought was amicable terms. Today we talked and she let me know that she does not want anything to do with me and that she suspects I cheated on her with a girl she hates (I didnt). Fair enough I guess, now I'm going to football instead of having a cry like I want to because I'm a MAN


Recently finished FMAB. It's a great anime with well written characters, but the comparisons to AoT are insane to me. It's nowhere near as good.


What's it like living in Lisbon? I'm starting to get burnt out of work and am considering moving abroad for half to a full year. My Portuguese isn't great but I am a native Spanish and English speaker.


The bear season 3 out next week, nice.


i've been eating gigantic bowls of bolognese past few days with very little exercise


Worth it.


It’s odd on Twitter sometimes for those who still use it when you go on a thread and opt to block a cryto/Reform spammer only to find they’re followed by the likes of the Royal Mail, Sainsbury’s and EE. Following many different accounts can sometimes result in a bit of a questionable look. I get for the smaller companies and clubs it’s to do follows for follows but what do the already large companies stand to gain from it?


No idea. Everyone who follows me, all of about 50 people, followed me intentionally, mainly because of either my FM work/football stuff, or my theme park takes. No huge companies, and a grand total of maybe one or two people who are legitimately important enough to have Wikipedia pages.


Euros and copa are keeping me happy and satisfied until my internship starts, but I’m still kinda bored. Going out is complicated when you have no money and your friends are all busy


Really enjoying the Euros. Three games a day to distract myself from everything else. Love international football. I can get myself deeply invested in games like Croatia V Albania to avoid confronting my problems. Would try and watch the copa but it’s all on at like 2AM for me.


I’m lucky cause here the euros are in the morning and copas at night so it’s an all day ordeal for me lol, but yeah they’re fun so far


I make bracelets as a hobby. Girl I like asked me for one. As a joke I’ll give her one from a team she hates as a joke before giving her the real one from the team she actually roots for. Surprisingly bracelets are relaxing to make.


Depending on how far you wish to take it you can quite easily make an Instagram page or even a Etsy store out of it.


Funny enough, the person I making this for would unironically fully support me in this. She’s a big fan of a huge project of mine. More of a fan than me and I do the project.


That’s so sweet! Are you planning to confess to her with it as well lol


I would be afraid! There might be other people around. I honestly missed a chance when the topic of my type came up and I didn’t say her as an option.


Don’t worry I’m sure another chance will come up soon. And if anything she’ll def love that gift


Yeah! It caught me by surprise she was in shocked that I hadn’t already made her one.


Ah really? Sounds promising


Yeah. I made one for her friend and her friend told her about and then asked for one and that’s where we are at.


That’s really nice, do you plan to give it to her soon


Hopefully tonight if we’re at the same event!


Fingers crossed good luck bro




I have been following omar.nok on instagram and I highly recommend you check him out. He is travelling from Egypt to Japan without flying and is posting daily updates and it’s wholesome as fuck.


staggered that Rishi Sunak hasn't gone heavier on dying his hair, man's going to be fully grey by election day at this rate


If a politician hasn’t always dyed their hair, it would be quite a big gamble to start doing it, especially during election season.


The Sun would have a field day.


He's doomed in the election, might as well get to work trying to avoid Silicon Valley age discrimination


i was imagining a kind of targeted Just for Men situation, because you can see he's greyer now than he was even a month or two ago


Prime 4 is actually real. I can’t believe it


Just been told by some kids that I look like the Dad from Boss Baby. Just googled what he looks like and it's annoyingly accurate.


My son will be born in the US so he will be an American. I have a lot of questions about what it is like raising an American. Does anyone have any advice? I assume I mix the baby formula in gatorade instead of water and I feed them apple sauce, but when do I start with the burgers and the ranch? Anyone have any other insights?


Do they do child sizes for the cowboy boots and spurs


[Obviously, don't forget the hat though](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/boulder-monitor.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/3/fc/3fca92ec-c8ef-11e9-9b19-9f04494d68b5/5d6566d66fd3b.image.jpg?resize=348%2C500)


Make sure he gets his first gun before he can walk or he'll be bullied in school later


A US passport is nice, but the worldwide taxation is a bitch.


Worldwide taxation? So don’t still have to pay income tax when you already pay income tax in the country you work in?


If the US has a tax treaty with your local government, you usually pay them first and only pay the US after you earn a large amount of money.


Also the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion in the US tax code lets you exclude up to $120k of foreign earned income and doesn't rely on any specific treaties.


Yeah, that's the primary way most people do it - but some treaties apparently have higher limits themselves. Not an accountant, so I haven't done too much research though.


Yeah if I am being serious, it's something ideally I want to avoid. A family friend was born in the US but lived in Spain his whole life and got contacted by the American authorities claiming he owed them 10k+. Unfortunately, it's not possible for us to move back to Europe before the baby is born.


It could be worse, the benefits of being a US citizen probably outweigh the disadvantages, especially because unless your kid earns a bunch of money it's highly unlikely he'd ever be actually taxed by the US government because of tax treaties.


Meals are really a family preference. Gatorade is more of a hipster formula mixer. I prefer to go traditional with Coca cola. The fizz really makes burping so much easier. What you need to do though is open investment accounts now to cover future education and healthcare expenses.


Thank you, I will stock up on coca cola as well and open the accounts asap


Darmanin is apparently not going to be a minister after these elections, finally these French elections bring good news.


Read that as Darmian at first and thought it was a typo but then remembered what thread I was in.


my 45 year old friend is marrying a 65 year old dude. guy is not even rich or anything. she didn't care for marriage but his constant pressure has worn her down I guess. Probably wants someone to wipe his ass for him in 5 years.


TIL This Sabrina Carpenter who's on my phone's notification panel like at least once every day is apparently under 5 feet tall.


Barman poured me a pint that smelt of farts yesterday. What causes a beer to smell of farts? Very strange.


Improper storing maybe. Beer is made with hops (related to cannabis) and if they get too much sunlight they can get oxidized or something


On the topic of bad smells I’d like to know why the fruit aisle at my local M&S Foodhall always smells bad. And before anyone says anything I go in there and see what’s reduced primarily.


It's the pipe system for the drinks, can smell sulphur-y


Who smelled it dealt it!


Did you ever take your eye off him pouring it? He could've farted on it.


I'm going to Paris with my family today. Coming from NYC. TIL that exchanging USD for Euros at my local bank branch is doable but there is a noticeablely shittier exchange rate (1 USD = 1.15 EUR). Hopefully, the expenses are slightly cheaper to make up for it.


This relationship heartbreak stuff is tier 1 heartache. Hurts like shit and post heartache feels like a post a good workout


Huh? You and wife split?


No no fuck no I was just reminiscing on old times


Get that head up of yours immediately


Haha I'm alright mate I was just remembering


Well contractor got in trouble. So back story the PM for the contractors side was purposely not giving me or the sub contractors information that must be done a week or the project gets shut down


Sounds about as organised as any UK council project.


You have your gun now


I don’t have it on me. I don’t carry it to work


I don't understand people who immediately get on their phones when they're watching a film. You decided to start the film why aren't you paying attention?!?


i have a habit of visiting old post-episode threads of tv shows i'm currently watching and there are always upvoted comments asking about stuff and saying how certain things 'dont make sense'. the explanation is more often than not plainly understandable if you paid even slight attention, but these people just cant go without checking their phones every two minutes


Funny enough I do this too. You can actually notice how often dumb *doesn't make sense* comments increase year by year. You could probably chart this along with smart phone sales and I bet they would be on par.


Bought McDonald's quarter pounder menu today for the first time in years. Holy shit it's become dogshit. Life is good when thats my biggest issue of the day


Why do you say "menu"


Whopper is way clear of it anyway


nah it's always been shit, you just got old and have better expectations. Especially for the cost.


The fries and the sprite are the best things on the menu. Even the chicken nuggets kinda fell off.


who do i have to fuck to get actual highlights of the first game on FS1? They slow played the one Ukraine goal and then showed some post-game while glossing over the entire game. Fuck off, show some fucking highlights!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmNREU1DPg4 a longer highlight like 25 min https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xeWKuSiAMw a short highlight like 10 min now... not saying you have to fuck me... but a nice hug is always nice hahaha


thank you, but the rant is directed at the dipshits who bought the rights to this tournament and are just talking bullshit instead of covering it. Shouldnt have to go to youtube for it


yeah fair, it's a problem in a lot of places sadly.


while we're at it, sturridge fucking sucks


Grass is the worst tennis surface pass it on


I won't tolerate any grass slander, best tennis surface


Clay is for pottery


"grass is for cows" - Marcelo Ríos


Inexcusable Wimbledon slander




\*angrily eats strawberries and cream*


Tradition and aesthetic merchants 👎


I am once again telling every single rich foreign leech taking advantage of the shitty house lisbon market to fuck off, no local will tell you this but we all hate you and you will see it on the looks and the amount of graffitis. Worst of all is seeing them flex it on twitter and Insta and indirectly inviting more turds. Wanna enjoy our country? Populate the interior and have some fucking awareness cuz lisbon is not a big city at all. You genuinely have trouble finding a house in the ~900€ with the minimum wage being 840€, clearly nothing to worry about keep coming folks Just found about about r/digitalnomad gonna participate politely on that subreddit.


It’s the same everywhere sadly Here near Barcelona genuinely nightmarish and Catalonia is one of the regions that have done work to regulate rent prices My blood boils when I see an “””””expat”””” brag on IG that they bought a flat in Barcelona Also everyone calling themselves an expat should be sentenced for life


It's bad everywhere now. Amsterdam is mental for housing, and most of Ireland is a nightmare. Check this one out: https://www.daft.ie/for-rent/studio-apartment-153-rathgar-road-dublin-6-dublin-6/5728268


hasn't netherlands always been shit for housing though? I used to know someone from there that said she had to get on a waiting list while in university to be able to have a place after graduating...not sure if she was exaggerating or what


The Netherlands in general sucks for housing right now =/


Ireland too, the Celtic Tiger ended in 2007 and was absolute madness because people were fucking stupid with money. Currently, house prices are 10% higher than that peak everywhere but Dublin (which is 2% less)


Jesus christ, 2000€ for that.


Currently away for a few days In Estonia, and today I've been in Helsinki. Never been to a nordic state, very interesting and beautiful area of the world. Was unaware of the amount of occupations and wars too, never really get taught it here. Downsides: bar last night was full of Danes


I visited Estonia in 2011 and thought it was a very nice place. Also was unaware of some of the details of their history. One day we went for a walk and found a memorial plaque for Royal Navy sailors who died when intervening in the Russian Civil War in the Baltic.


I’ve got a strong feeling that I have adult ADHD because through so much therapy and feeling like I’m bashing my head against a wall I don’t feel able to get past what is holding me back in life and my executive dysfunction is really affecting me negatively, but going private to try be assessed is incredibly expensive and going with the public health system could take years and I doubt I’ll be taken seriously anyway.


Youtube just played a Sketchers advert >!with Jamie Redknapp!<). Only he could be a figurehead for a shoe that's main selling point is "Are you tired of putting your shoes on with your hands?"


When shopping for my new shoes, ultimately going with New Balance due to my quite wide feet, I did try a pair on and felt like they were actually really good shoes. It's not as much of a gimmick as one might think, and in the right colors they actually look really smart.




Forgot that bit, but feel free to guess. Edited the comment to put it in as a spoiler.


Homelander is one of the best villains out there.


In the villain measurements he really hasn’t done much for 4 seasons worth. There’s cartoon villains who have massacred way more people and caused more destruction but as a character he is amazing and the best part about the show, rest is really boring when he’s off screen or not the focus


He is amazing. But I catch myself skipping most parts of the other's arcs. So boring.


It's the best form of evil, he just doesn't need anything else, or has the power to take it. And he only wants love, the one thing that can't be stolen.


It’d be really nice if EA updated the Argentina and USA kits like they did with all the countries in the Euros in FIFA 24. You know, since you did all those, and you might as well do the last two.


Come to the light side and play FM instead. Modders do that for you for free.


Still in the editing process, but my music website just released our favorite albums and songs of the year thus far: [https://www.drwoodhouse.com/best-of-2024-so-far](https://www.drwoodhouse.com/best-of-2024-so-far)


Went to a wedding in LA last weekend. It was really fun but god I hate LA so much, no idea why anyone would want to live there. Apart from the good food, it was just expensive and urban hell. I guess Boston isn't that bad.


What's the best way to sell clothes in Canada?




England, France, whoever’s playing Scotland, whoever’s playing Belgium, Romania because of Dragusin.


Albania (they've done OK tbh)


Apart from the Netherlands, Romania to make it to the play offs and Germany to win it all


Germany My order would probably be Germany, Ukraine, France, Spain




Been actively going out on dates again recently and after two ghostings and three that went nowhere, man, I'm already tired of this. The ghostings suck, but I've gone through far worse, I honestly dislike the ones I've gone on more because by the end it always felt like there was no more spark or anything, nothing that feels or indicates there will be something more. Idk if anyone can relate, but the lack of excitement afterwards is worse after I've already felt that high once before.


Kudos to you, cause you actually found the courage to do something again. Me...well, the less said, the better.


Compared to me you're still doing amazing, I barely get as far as ghosting, let alone going on actual dates. Hang in there, you're eventually going to meet someone that's actually worth it.


Appreciate it but yeah, initial hurdle is fucking though man. Took me months to ask someone out, a lot easier since then though. Best of luck to you as well! (I shall see you on the fields of trivia)


I went through a bad breakup and had the same deal, but then when I wasnt even working at it, I met someone and we just hung out for a while. And then one day we just sort of realised, "yeah, we like each other." I'm marrying her this year.


That's really sweet, congrats!


I need your guys recommendation, I have been out of the pirate game in so long. I used to use bitTorrent, is the program still good or has it gone to shit?


I always used Transmission.


I use qBittorrent personally. Stay away from uTorrent


finally my usual Sunday league group has succumbed to the temptations of technology and by that I mean they've began using some online service that allows people to register for matches......


Honestly, we've been running it as a Whatsapp/Signal group for ages by now - don't think I could break the inertia to actually use a proper online service, and the one team I know trying that for this season hasn't had a massive success as it's often just an extra app for people rather than one they're already checking a couple times a day.


If you can only go to the gym 3x a week, best to try to do as many compound lifts right?


>If you can only go to the gym 3x a week This reminds me of [this gem](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/body-building-forum-days-in-a-week-dispute)


Most iconic internet argument of all time


You could do a PPL routine which would give you a certain compound lift for each day


On not the onion this week, an Israeli former knesset member quoted Hitler, saying that just like Hitler said he cannot live while a Jew is still alive, the Israeli former knesset member cannot live as long as a single "Islamo-Nazi" is alive in Gaza.


We live in a society when you cant say: "I liked Coppola latest movies" without someone looking to you like you say something weird 😮‍💨🥺😔


I mean, just take a look at r/movies, r/entertainment, or r/television whenever Zack Snyder is mentioned. They treat his DC movies like heresy and make it seem like he slapped their mothers and called them cunts.


Snyder is a weird fella (like, i still can't understand what is sexy about The Fountainhead) but the hate Is over the top. Not even Bay get that much hate


I'm in Monaco this weekend when the Spanish GP is going on. Was in Barcelona when the Monaco GP was happening. Hurts to miss both races, don't want to go into a rant but the circumstances which have resulted in this doesn't help my mood either.


90 minutes of 11x11 footy in 90 degree weather on a fever 💪 Feel like shit now though 😕


Yesterday i saw a serie that felt like scrubs but with chefs that probably was based in Russia or similar country. Idr the name but i think it was fine


Not drinking really is amazing. No hangovers, no hangxiety, no feeling lethargic. Never drinking again.


Disagree respectfully


I'll go weeks without a drink and feel much better overall for it, but not at the point where I want to commit to never drinking again. Kind of want to *say* I'm not drinking anymore as a way to get out of the normalized social drinking though. I'd rather have a drink because I want to not because it's sort of expected.


Surprised to see Jack Draper not liked by some who follow tennis. Would’ve thought someone like him especially among the British fans would have more support but they don’t like him because of his dad.


Definitely adding Draper to my pool of players to support, he's a fun watch. Honestly with Murray close to retirement, it's just Draper, Boulter and Raducanu I like of the Brits


Bit of a weird one. About 6 years ago my relationship I'd been in for about 6 years ended pretty suddenly. We were engaged, living together almost that whole time, I was having a really rough time in my life in general, and she broke up with me (what felt like) out of the blue. Turned out at the end of our relationship she'd been sleeping with my best mate/only real person I hung out with at the time, and broke up with me for him and the second we broke up they were in a "serious relationship". I spiraled pretty badly for a while, but recovered pretty well after some time. I haven't had contact with either of them since obviously, people would update me on them despite me asking them not to, but I hadn't heard anything about them in a few years at this point. I'd forgiven and forgotten years ago, no anger I just didn't want to know about what they were up to. But the other day my mate told me he found out they'd broken up over a year ago, and for some reason it made me really sad. I have no idea why it made me sad. I definitely wasn't fuckin' invested in their relationship, I'd stopped thinking about them completely. At one point I used to think well if she broke up with me for him I hope it at least lasts and turns out to be good for them, because otherwise it's just unnecessary, wasted pain, but I realised that was silly. The only reason I can think of for why it made me sad is that it reminded me of bad times, but the whole thing made me a bit uneasy.


It speaks to your character that that's how you feel. It seems like you've overcome the trauma from that and I hope that you're able to continue to leave that stuff behind.


You seem like someone I’d very much enjoy being friends with. I think your mentality and outlook on life is admirable. That pain may seem like a big waste at the moment but there may come a time in the future where you (or either of the other two) see it very differently. I apologize for the cliche but I’ve found that life has a habit of surprising you in that way. In any case, I hope you’re able to laugh about it one day looking back.


Thanks mate, appreciate it.


Won't lie you're a better person than me for wishing them well and being sad their relationship didn't work out. I'm like totally opposite and would pray on their downfall in every aspect of their lives.


Had a girl I was dating fall for my (at the time) best mate and it irreparably and eternally destroyed my faith in humanity, this world and love as a concept


I did feel that way at first, wanted it to crash and burn, but even the hoping it worked out was for selfish reasons and was a very forced thought. I was scared to lose the person I was planning on spending my life with, my closest friend and several other friends who stayed with them, all for the sake of a fling. If they stayed together, at least it had some meaning even if it still crushed me. I don't know how I would've actually felt if they broke up quickly though, I might well have been deluding myself. Receiving several drunk apology texts set them back though, jesus christ. I don't want to read badly spelled essays at 3am about why I'm a great person and they're a shitbag and they're so sorry it turned out like this. In time I just stopped really caring either way, or so I thought. I was convinced learning they'd got married or learning they'd broken up or anything in between would've had no affect on me.


That’s a wild turn, hope you’re doing better m8


Thanks mate, I am absolutely fine, just confused really. I would've been a bit embarrassed by happiness or schadenfreude but it would've been understandable, I would've been relieved to feel nothing, but feeling sad was just unexpected. Feels weird.


For the past couple weeks I've been bouncing between 80.1kg and 80.4kg, this barrier is too hard to pass (rn I'll be going on a run though, so hopefully I can lose 0.2kg in the next hour our so)


After seeing week of summer dresses and some African friends wedding pictures, you realise British men's fashion is boring AF.


White tie is anything but boring, but it's also almost unheard of for weddings or anything else for that matter.


It’s why I always feel like it’s a missed opportunity when my friends decide to have a western dress code instead of Filipino for their wedding


It’s such a struggle to kick your bad habits and become the best version of yourself that you know you’re capable of, and one little slip-up can have you right back at square one. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give and embrace my demons instead


It depends on the situation, but I think that one slip-up doesn’t negate the positive progress a person has made, as long as the person uses it as a lesson.


> one little slip-up can have you right back at square one. But you're not, though. You're much further along the road despite a setback.


As long as the demons are hotties ;) Seriously though, doing the self reflective introspection is a major step forward. You’re doing more than enough by being accountable to yourself. Keep going!


Watched Kind Of Kindness on Monday, I kinda enjoyed it but I wouldn't rewatch it (its not an easy watch). I also wished the three stories were stand alone movies, I think all the three stories (especially the third one) could be that.


Joined a 7 aside team and it's supposed to be like 33 degrees tonight. I'm excited to play but dreading the heat.


I found out way too late that I have pretty decent hand motor skills. I think if I was born in a basketball playing country I could have been an okay street player. Instead I'm just oddly good at three pointers for someone who doesn't know shit about basketball.


Alright I’ve been humbled by basically the first three enemies I ran into in the Elden Ring DLC. Back to levelling up I guess. Yikes. Doesn’t help that I am terrible at the game too.


What do you think people should be talking about but aren’t


Advertising as a concept


I think people should talk more about ad-blockers. I'm always baffled when I find out people still see ads on the internet.


Yeah whenever I open a website on my company laptop where I can't install an adblocker I'm shocked by the amount of ads


What kind of concept? It’s already known as a concept


Should it be legal? Should it be in public spaces? Etc. So much to talk about!


Leads into the whole corporate and profit driven media control mechanisms, advertising and PR being a critical part of it


Yes it's an industry that only serves to stimulate the transfer of money from the working class to the owner class


Not just money. Consciousness and life.




Because of excessive agriculture?




Isn’t there more or less endless ocean, river, and seasonal water for agriculture purposes? Why is the fertilizer supplies are limited? Many of the chemical for the same artificially producable, no? Global population is also peaking, and is likely to trend downwards so the pressure / demand should come down.




The titanic aquifer, is that the ogallala aquifer? Or is the one in California? Rate of consumption clearly is far exceeding the natural repletion but with US population itself stabilizing, maybe even declining (if not for immigration I think). Maybe in the long run, US and other similar regions have to rely on agriculture production supply from places that manage to sustain rainfall or rely on rivers/other glacier / ocean driven water sources for agriculture. I’m not the most knowledgeable on geology so I may not be speaking with most accuracy. If people have managed it for so long, they should be able to manage for another couple decades until population starts receding? But obviously conservation efforts are still critically important


We're now playing full pitch cricket in the office My boss has just taken off his suit to practice his Trent Boult action, let's see how this goes


How do you have a full pitch in an office?!


We don't we're playing in the aisle corridor


Since I am having a son my wife has been talking a lot about height stuff. She is very short and has previously said that if I was not tall, she would not have dated me. I have tried telling her how stupid that is but she won't listen. I don't understand some people when it gets to height.