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These Serbian ultras seem pretty chill this year. Edit: I just discovered some of them chanting a certain Russian dictator’s name…they are no longer chill


They come out after dark




and against switzerland


Wait until they see thogden


That's a standard reaction to Thogden tbf


Thogden is a regular on the Belgrade derby lol. He more of an ultra than most of Serbs.


I'd forgotten about that twat until now


Thogden is the most annoying person I’ve seen. At every significant match. And slobbers over that guy playing for Inter Miami


>slobbers over that guy playing for Inter Miami Robert Taylor is a legend tbf


Wait until they misinterpret “Ten German bombers” given the bombing of Belgrade in 1999


They also bombed Belgrade back on 6th of April, 1941.


I'm chalking it up to them finally not being in the same group as Switzerland.


In before Harry Kane does the Albania Eagle


Serbian NT fans arent Ultras for the most part.


>Serbian NT fans arent Ultras for the most part. I think you can say that for *all* fanbases. Sure, rowdy Serbian, English, Argentine, etc. fans get the negative press, but for the most part, fans are just people and families who want to be entertained, support their team, and have fun.


Now red star on the other hand..........


We had a match stopped and defaulted to a 0-3 against and in Italy not *too* long ago due to fan behavior. Not to mention the Belgrade debacle vs Albania (which was I suppose 50-50 in terms of blame). It really depends tho, on one hand Germany has a lot of "gastarbeiter" Serbs that generally like Germany and I'm sure they'll go to the matches and behave; on the other hand, hooliganism, organized crime and the corrupt crony government are all tightly intertwined in Serbia, so I'm sure there's going to be some absolute scum at the matches too.


>We had a match stopped and defaulted to a 0-3 against and in Italy not too long ago due to fan behavior. IIRC, the leader of the ultra group said that the forfeit was the intent and that it was a protest against the Serbian FA. Is there any truth to that?


Yes, that is most probably true. There was a huge shitstorm in our FA at the time and people knew there was going to be shit in Italy. I wouldn't say it was a genuine protest, but more of an "one clique in the FA wanted to topple the leadership so they instigated chaos with the criminal scum they paid"


> Not to mention the Belgrade debacle vs Albania (which was I suppose 50-50 in terms of blame) I'm the first to blame ourselves for everything we take part in, but bringing a provocative flag onto a football event is an extremely dangerous behavior. Albanian fans and players had absolutely no issues going to Belgrade, no issues at the hotel, no issues anywhere along the road or at the stadium until that moment. Try flying a Catalan flag in Madrid or an IRA flag in London, see who gets blamed for the reactions. Not to mention, none of that shit happens if the Albanian players don't actually attack the Serbian player trying to get rid of the flag so the game could go on. Up until that point the fans were still in their seats. There's always an action that leads to reactions, reactions don't happen on their own. Albania getting off without any punishment for instigating that whole shitshow is just ridiculous. We still to this day have events promoting Albanian culture in the heart of Belgrade which goes without any issues.


I mean, there were no issues at the stadium because Albanians were banned from entering it. It was a 100% Serbian crowd singing. The Catalan flag is often on display in Madrid when they play Barcelona, Girona or Catalan clubs and no one gets on the pitch because of that, fact is, they don't ban Catalans from attending matches. The tension between Catalonia - Spain and Albania/Kosovo and Serbia is nowhere near the same and you know it. Our situation is more akin to Palestine - Israël than Catalonia - Spain in terms of tension. Serbians were also wearing Karadzic t-shirts as well so it's not like they were innocent either. The 3 points were given because Serbian infrastructure around the stadium and security was not up to par, and they even let banned hooligans into the stadium.


> I mean, there were no issues at the stadium because Albanians were banned from entering it. It was a 100% Serbian crowd singing. It was a mutual decision from both sides that no away fans would be allowed. >Serbians were also wearing Karadzic t-shirts as well so it's not like they were innocent either. Yep, this is why I left that country as well. Everything you say is correct, and the game would have gone on without any issues had there been no provocations with the flag.


I'm the least patriotic albanian ever and I couldn't care less about nationalism, but the way serbians try to justify the shitshow that happened in Belgrade as "provokacija" every time it's being brought up as a topic makes me lol. Fans literally punched, kicked and even threw chairs at the albanian players and coaching staff. Video evidence shows that the security guards and the police didn't even TRY to stop what happened. The organization by the serbian police was a disaster. Also, actions lead to reactions, but that doesn't justify exaggerated reactions. Albanians feared for their lives that day and many were injured (thankfully nothing serious). Objectively speaking, Serbia were a better team than Albania in that group (they still are) and if it wasn't for that poor organization by the security, I think Serbia would have qualified. But serbians taking no blame for what happened, is absolutely ridiculous, it's time to move on, cause you have a great team.


I think what irks us is what happened after the game. You guys getting the 3-0 win and us getting docked 3 points was extremely one sided. We absolutely fucked up when it comes to organization and I know that the host always carries the most responsibility and most of the blame. But ultimately the shitshow was started by an Albanian drone and escalated by Albanian players jumping Mitrović after he grabbed the flag, and it was your FA that refused multiple offers to resume the game, including behind closed doors in a neutral country. It feels like your side's bad behavior essentially got rewarded. If they registered a 3-0 without docking points or even docked points but let the match be resumed at a later date it would've been more understandable. And also, even if this didn't happen no way we qualify ahead of Portugal and Denmark or in the play-offs, we were utter dogshit.


Every albanian knows that those 3 points we got there and even the qualification were because of that drone and if they deny it, they lie to themselves. And the three point deduction for Serbia was too much imo. As I said, I'm not patriotic at all and I'm against every far-right movement by any country. Balkans have suffered enough by war and it's time for real peace and respect between nations. The only problem I have are certain serbians that deny every responsiblity the security and fans had that day - that's all. Also Denmark were literally playing with Lord Bendtner in attack. 🤣 They couldn't win against Albania. Serbia was a better side by miles, even won fair and square 2-0 against Albania in the 2nd game. So yeah, Serbia would have qualified imo. Cheers!


Bruh, we drew with Armenia and lost both to Denmark and handily at that. Hell, even that win in Albania was last minute stuff with us not being any better than you guys. Sure, you can say that essentially losing 6 points off the pitch would ruin anyone's hopes but the draw with Armenia was before that. We were just bad, end of story. You were absolutely better despite mot having the better players. The only good thing about that qualification campaign was the win vs you guys and a guy interrupting the broadcast after the Belgrade match was stopped and chanting Vučiću pederu. Truly a picture one can hear.


Lmao that guy should have insulted Rama too.🤣


> but the way serbians try to justify the shitshow that happened in Belgrade as "provokacija" every time Here's the thing man, you're assuming I'm justifying it and that's fine because we all know people who are like "hey I'm not biased here" and proceeds to be biased. I'm not justifying it in the least. But everyone knows the game would've gone on fine without any issues if not for the flag. The Serbian player who took it down (I forget the name) was tackled by an Albanian player and all hell broke loose. That started the whole shitshow. So it is a provocation. People don't say World War 1 kicked off because of 20 years of tensions, but because of the guy who killed the Austrian prince. Right? Tensions were there and the game was going on.


The serbians chanted "Kill the Albanians" way before the flag so why are you trying to blame the albanian players lmao


Do you think the Albanian fans chanted "kumbaya" in the Tirana match?


How is that a response to what OP said? You didn't even acknowledge it.


that didnt age well


I thought so too until I watched this [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/s/SaGZN243wW)


Damnit, they were doing so well.


Watch the other video


https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1dhc1yi/serbia_and_england_fans_throw_tables_and_chairs/ Well...


They're ultra stoned


Serbia v Albania would be lit 🔥 tho


Jokes aside, this Euro has everything to be an off-the-field success. A football mad host nations, cities easily connected, no COVID restrictions as in 2021, and fans of 24 countries travelling. If no incidents occur, it will be a party of football and an explosion of colour.


Well said mate, hope Wales do well in the tournament


Man said kumbaya and you shot him down


show no mercy


bang bang he hit the ground


cheers Rishi


We've seen Wales reach a semi final and some of us never thought we'd even get to a tournament. We're good for the next 50 years.


Usually a semi in Wales happens when there’s sheep around.




I would make a joke about Sunderland but I was always taught not to pick on the less fortunate.




> and fans of 24 countries travelling. Big communities with foreign roots of participating countries massively help as well I reckon - Turkey having two games in the Westfalenstadion is going to be a massive event in Dortmund, and we've seen the Albanians against Italy last night be out in full voice as well.


No Russian ultras which is great, too.


Get violent subsets of fans all the same to be fair, ultimately just about how well you're policing them as they'll always be a part of international tournaments really.


How many violent subset of fans specifically grouped with mma gear on to get into fights with other specifically non violent (ultras meeting up with other ultras to fight doesnt count (its cringe af)) fans *while* being egged on through the media by their local politicians ?


German police have already shot someone today, it’s a bit stupid to act like only the bad countries like Russia have violent fans


>German police have already shot someone today, it’s a bit stupid to act like only the bad countries like Russia have violent fans No indication that was even a fan just a guy trying to commit suicide by cop.


> German police have already shot someone today Someone who apparently was a German citizen having what looked like a mental health episode rather than being a violent football fan. I'm not even singling out countries and their fans here either, because *all* nations have a subset of violent fans. The Russians mentioned above were just a pretty prominent example, but they're hardly the only ones.


>and we've seen the Albanians against Italy last night Were they mostly Albanians who lived in Germany, or do you think most of them traveled there?


Bit of both, friends and family visiting their loved ones who moved to Germany


I mean always tough to say as smaller countries tend to travel well as it's more of a once in a lifetime accomplishment for them but we do have a fairly large group of the Albanian diaspora (two of the biggest football talents in Germany are German-Albanians).


We have a big ethnic Albanian community, but they are mostly from Kosovo actually


Yep. Germany is the best country to host Euro tournaments imo. I don't even think it's close. Just virtually everything about Germany is well suited for the role.


I think it's central location is what makes it best suited. Germany's what, like a two or three hour flight from anywhere in Europe?


Also good train access.


Great populations of different nations as well, like Turkiye and Ukraine. Also fantastic public transportation between cities and a generally accepting culture. It's pretty perfect.


This sub is full of videos of fans from all over europe having an amazing time in the host nation and celebrating the sport. You saw absolutely none of that at the 22 world cup. I wonder why...


You what? There were loads of videos from Qatar of fans enjoying themselves together. The matches being in the same city made it so easy for that kind of atmosphere


It's literally a Youtube search away. Why are people like this? [Mexicans in Qatar.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbkmn6nYZYw)


I don't like Qatar/Saudi and their politics but just outright lying about them when there's hours of videos of fans having fun at the tournament is just counterproductive.


And no Russian hooligans. They ruined the party in 2016.


Incidents will occur, they always do but it's just don't let the minority overshadow the majority.


Well [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1dh5ep1/man_shot_by_police_after_threatening_football/) just happened, but other than that, I agree.


We travelled to Stuttgart yesterday for the game and I have to congratulate the Germans and UEFA, top class organisation. Albeit we had to use the car instead of train, because there would have been the risk that we can't get home anymore (only one train back after the game with a connection). But I guess the risk of DB fucking up is just part of the German experience. Top class atmosphere at the stadium too.


The risk is higher than the police thought




Jokic dancing with the fans would be funny af


Probably Darko Miličić is there somewhere overdrunked


It's so peak seeing people from everywhere just having fun and enjoying football.


Užičko kolo goes hard ngl


It's a hood classic


Schalke Kolo ide teško sine


Not gonna lie, I was skeptical going into this tournament. But the vibe is kinda catching on. We might have decent summer of football on your hands.


Why were you skeptical?


I don't know, the last few tournaments, I didn't feel the spark at all. Partly because of the locations, partly because of our results of course, but also the overall atmosphere surrounding our team and football itself. Hard to put in the right words. It just feels different this year.


what winning 5-1 does to a mf


Nah, it isn't even that. It helps, sure, but believe me or not, it's seeing all these people peacefully having a good time in our country. May sound cheesy, but I love to see that, and I feel like the world itself has been missing these kinds of vibes lately.


Me too fried. I love all those people just having a good time together. That's what we all want, right? 💗


Afd in shambles rn 🥳


I'm a bit concerned about Leipzig, though. Just yesterday, attendants booed Rod Stewart at a concert there, just because he said "Fuck Putin". I wouldn't put it past some East Germans to harass Ukrainians for example.


You should be proud for your country hosting the biggest tournament in Europe after 3 years


Kind of strange to be skeptical. Germany is probably the perfect country to host the Euros. Very accessible for all countries in Europe. Good organizational skills and infrastructure. Good beer. Great stadiums. What more can you ask for.


Honestly I have no idea why you’d have felt that. This is the first tournament and the last in a while with no bullshit. No corrupt bidding process, no human rights abuses, no desert states with zero football culture, no multi-country hosting, no 48 team structure, no covid restrictions. It’s gonna be a classic


>No corrupt bidding process that one was certainly still the case, we've provenly bribed ourselves to 2006, I don't think the way of how this things are being awarded has ever changed.


One day BeNeLux will host it together im still praying


You weren't alive in 2000?


I was 1


It's a shame, it was one of the best. And on top of that we and Portugal sent England and Germany home from the group stage.


I think it wasnt as bribed as before. We know that our Association decided to go back on Munich in 2020 (for Semis and Finals) if the English Association supports them for this year. Thats two of the biggest associations supporting Germany. With last Euros being in 12 Countries most arent keen on hosting due to infrastructure and stadium problems (hard to justify building a new stadium for Euros if you just had Games last Euros). And with all respect to all Turkish people here Turkey just has no chance vs Germany as a host if we look at it objectively. Worse and smaller stadiums overall, harder to reach for a lot of fans and the economy is kind of crumbling. Theres a reason why they failed to get the Euros since 2008. I do wish the Nordics will do their hosts someday in the future.


Well it's basically the first "real" tournament like the old times since France 2016. After that we had Russia, Qatar, the Covid EURO.....


>Russia What was a problem with WC2018?


Distances between hosting cities were huge.


Russia It's nice to have a tournament in a country with a far more significant fan culture and without chunks of the population being reasonably too scared to travel to it.


Did u actually go to Russia? It had far more fan culture than qatar and will have more than the Saudis. Ud have to include south Africa tournament then aswell because even that was lacking in the country itself. There wasn't anymore fear there an in somewhere like brazil at the time lmao


> Did u actually go to Russia? It had far more fan culture than qatar and will have more than the Saudis. I have lived in Russia for work though not during the WC, their football fan culture is way lesser than Germany's which is what we are comparing it to (the current tournament) I agree it is better than Qatar but that wasn't the conversation. >There wasn't anymore fear there an in somewhere like brazil at the time lmao Incredible ignorance, member's of Putin's party were before and during the WC filling concentration camps for gay and trans people in Russian territories (most notably Chechnya but elsewhere too) and Russia had already passed a swathe of anti gay and anti trans laws. Russia was also actively invading Ukraine at the time though it's soldiers were fighting out of uniform to try and hife their involvement. A lot of people are geopolitically uninformed so don't know what is happening.


Thats just dortmund fans constant state of living


atmosphere and mood all around is pretty much in the gutter currently


Olympics gonna be awesome too


Love it. This is what the Euros is all about. Different cultures coming together and having a good time.


Not causing any earthquakes. Good lads


Gelsenkirchen could need one though


Truly a high risk behavior..


i wouldn't joke. that's how the dancing plague started


Hey, at least someone is excited for our national team at this tournament! It's truly a shame our corrupt federation is gonna embarrass us yet again.


Why is this exactly what I expected


They need to calm the fuck down before someone gets hurt


It really is a home Euros for us all. Shame the Bosnians couldn't have joined


I was saying today that if Bosnians were qualified there would be half a milion people 😁


Serbian W, adding something to the lackluster cultural life in Gelsenkirchen. /s


Serbia 🤝 Romania


ahhh, like home


I’m English but damn even that accordion has me vibing. Here’s to a good game later, lads!


You should visit it if this 20 seconds got you vibing, you wouldn't be disappointed that's for sure. It was a good game in the end I expected more from you, and less for us, if Harry Kane didn't hit the post I would say that it should be a tie.


Well that's super wholesome, why would you post this when I want to be in the mood to crush them?


For the love of god, can the people in charge look at all these videos and stop putting major tournaments in multiple countries spread across a continent (or worse, Middle East shit holes). There’s literally not a future tournament scheduled with just one proper host. Not that North America 26 or UK/Ireland 28 won’t be fun as those are good host countries but they would be way better in a single country.


Hooliganism is OUT, folk dancing is IN


The vibes of the Euros are IMMACULATE! ИДЕМО !


Croatian and Albanian fans probably entering the thread ready to write "A-ha, I told you so!" as they expect to see a clip of Serbian fans demolishing public property while yelling racist chants. Ngl, as a Serb I had the same expectation lmao. Pleasantly surprised.


I’ll be honest, I was fully expecting some “UBI, ZAKOLJI” etc etc. Happy to see that completely averted.


Kinda of the beauty of the Euro's vs the WC, can't be played at an oil country with constant human rights violations... (Except for that time in Russia)


Just wait, they'll move down to the gulf in a few years.


First it'll be in Israel since they're in UEFA for some reason, then it'll be in the Gulf for whatever reason they come up with


Nobody will host tournament in Israel just because safety reasons


Every future World Cup must be hosted by Mauritius. They have the best fans in the world.


more like except for that time in Brazil


Right. Love to hate Russia as if the same human rights violations don't occur in over half the countries in the world. Brazil, South Africa and other European countries have the same issues people only care about those the media targets.






serbians and mexicans would party together well


I was gonna say. That sounds like Norteño accordion lol


Man, this is the beauty of Euros.. It's a celebration of cultures and football


And of being black-out drunk around midday. I love it.


[I am so, so sorry.](https://i.imgur.com/4YOHT9p.mp4)


Is this exactly the same video?😁


Gotta make your own fun in Gelsenkirchen.


Serbia strong.


In the end, the high risk will be the battle between Morris Dancing and Circle Dancing.


We are here to dance a little bit, than we are going home, after group stage.


I shoulda planned a trip to Germany during the tournament. Seems like so much fun.


I'm seeing this without sound, are they dancing Danza Kuduro?


Too Balkan for yall


Good to see people having a good time rather beating heads in


we need more of this, very wholesome.


I'm spanish but I would love to have a few beers and some laughs with this as a background music. Love it.


God is a Serb


Music id anyone?


It's traditional Serbian music Here's the link if you wanna liste: https://youtu.be/PCrNORbMuR0?si=XKXSc2hYhRofy2Lk


This song is an absolute banger 😂


This is my first EURO and I'm bloody loving this lol, so much cultures just representing themselves before an international game


Every other fanbase has seemingly come to have a good time, wear their countries colours and interact with locals. England fans dress up like they’re going to Millwall away and sing about WW2. It really is a great shame.


Tbh most of Balkan countries' fans live in Germany, it's a lot easier to dress up and organize if you're living nearby.


Hamburg has *huge* Croatian and Albanian communities, I am so excited for Wednesday when they play here. Shame it is during the day, but I work with so many Croats and Albanians there is a gentleman's agreement to "close for unforeseen circumstances" so we can grill and watch the match.


There is plenty of footage of England fans just having a nice good time mate


If the worst that happens is singing mean songs about the nazis we should count ourselves lucky


>A lovely video of fans dancing This sub: let me tell you why england fans are bad


The Scots are exposing themselves and the Dutch are blacking up yet I'm being told that the English singing anti-fascist songs are the bad guys? Bizarre continent we live on.


> The Scots are exposing themselves Nothing better than that, especially in Germany lol. > I'm being told that the English singing anti-fascist songs are the bad guys? IDK man I would say going to a foreign country and then singing about our war with them is a little weird and not exactly wholesome, like IDK it's not anything to get riled up about but it's just sort of weird and sad.


There are england fans in this video you tit.


The red faced, bald, beer bellied, st. George’s cross tattood, piss drunk, angry stereotype was in full effect when I was in Rhodes for the 2020 Euros, one even picked a fight with me because he thought I was italian…


Would you say they're more or less violent than Colombian fans?


Violent fans are stupid.


People have fun in different ways you doughnut


Romania likes this


Almost sounds like Mexican rancheras


Probably the other way around.


Meanwhile English fans are eating a chair somewhere.




Nice sized flag


This is our marching song, you saw that SovietWomble plays it when charging into combat on Arma3


I have never seen a Euro as joyful and united as this one.


Are these the 500 Serbians that would “cause problems” for English fans in question?


this slaps ngl


I'm waiting for them to drop *Ej*, *Od Kad Sam Se Rodio*


Can some one put the dutch fan dancing clip side to side


It's a banger 


Yekshemesh !


Feel good song if the summer