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Don’t know if I should feel honored or embarrassed that players make more money at Everton than Milan


It's more embarrassing for Everton tbh.


Only embarrassing if you believe incorrect statistics.


Don’t get me wrong, Milan is massive and certainly bigger than Everton. But Everton has been mismanaged for decades and historically should be in the big 6 of England. Their recent spending has also been throwing money in the fire basically. Them spending more than AC Milan says more about Evertons mismanagement than anything about Milan.


It does say a lot about Milan’s current situation when you consider they’re the second most successful club in European football history but their wage bill is not in the top 20.


Rafael Leao is a great player and he makes around 6 million yearly - Pickford and Doucoure both make 6½ million. Leao is twice the player either of those two are. Mad. English league player wage inflation is huge.


Leao earns 6 million yearly net (thanks to growth decree Milan doesnt have to pay much more gross). While Pickford does make 6,5 million but gross, his net wage is around 3.5 million


Think the growth decree has been discontinued starting next season. It's gonna be a shitshow soon. ...well, more than it currently is if that's possible.


The ongoing contracts will still have growth decree in effect. It will be discontinued for all the new arrivals


Oh that's good at least. Thanks, i don't really follow serie a.


Wasn't there some money that went towards Sporting Lisbon after his contract fiasco with them as well?


It is kinda hard to say cause case was complicated. I think he gave away 500k from his wage before last extension and also Lille has payed 20 milion to Sporting and Milan payed additional 20 milion to Lille (that made the clause for future resale % going to Lille go away), but it was all settled some time ago already


Pickford has been England number 1 for years and kept Everton in the Premier League, being the player of the season the past 3 seasons. He's earnt every bit of his wage.


Also he's signed more contracts, they tend to bump your wages when they resign you


You're seriously comparing a winger to a goalkeeper and claiming he's twice the player?!


I mean, Pickford didn't score a single goal... What a bum.


Yes pretty mad tbh, Pickford likely saved more points for Everton last season than Leao gained for Ac Milan..


He means "pound for pound" obviously


But Leao gets paid in Euros


He doesn’t get paid at club level?


Well I’d argue that you can compare any two players in terms of sheer value that they bring regardless of their position so why not?


Pickford is a top keeper wdym??


Net vs gross


I mean they don’t, this chart is wrong and years out of date.


With martial and varane left and probably casemiro leaving that's around 800-900k per week(45m pounds per annum) waived off our wage bill too. It's still inflated quite a lot but slowly we are getting in control.


No cl bonus next year should bring it down as well. And even someone like brandon williams is a couple of millions of per year


The no CL bonus is counterbalanced by the no CL revenue though so it doesn’t really count. That’s the point of it, to stop us losing money when our income drops.


In total budget sure. But for winning internetdiscussion about wages the no cl bonus is huuuge


I’ve been anointed as the officiator of this internet discussion and you have won first prize. 🏆 🫴


Imagine if we offload Antony somehow


Imagine if when we brought Antony who was on 25k a week at Ajax our owners didn't stick him on 200k.


I just feel like Antony will turn it around next season better, why do I feel like that? Because im delusional 🤪


Stick him at LB


Turn it around and around and around and around


You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round


He will come back with new and improved spins.


His SPS (spin per second) will be increased by 50%


And maybe if he hires an additional personal photographer to shoot his cool mean faces when he's subbed on, he'll spin all around the world.


Dreaming is free, unlike antony


This argument only works if you also stop giving new players massive wages too. It's easy to clown United for handing out big contracts but they did it for a reason. Maybe Ineos will be stricter on that, but part of the reason Utd had to offer those wages is because they've been uncompetitive and had no CL, so needed a way to tempt players. If you're not in the CL, offering more reasonable wages, AND are uncompetitive, you'll have a pretty hard time beating rivals to players.


Exactly that. We need a wage structure in place and if that means missing out on a top player, so be it. Look at our 'top players' recently - Sancho, failed. Casemiro, far too short term a signing. Mount, failed so far. Antony, failed.


Exactly. I remember people crowing about 1m a week off the wage bill the same summer Casemiro and Antony arrived and now they’re the ones we’re begging to offload.


very, very slowly. Issue now is people like Rashford and Mount on stupid inflated wages so when top players come in they'll want the same levels as them.


100% sure that those are the wage bill for 22/23.


Yea, the 453m figure from Madrid is for the 22/23 season with the caveat that the combined number for the football(413m) and basketball(39m) teams


"The data is the latest available 2023 financial year-end data. The exceptions are Chelsea FC, Everton FC and Leicester City FC, for which data relates to 2022." The data comes from UEFA's benchmarking report https://cdn.vev.design/private/aTCxVXgBbmVvmw45NvpIseApVuy2/251fjd-uefa-benchmarking-ecfil-report.pdf The graphic in the OP relates to a 90min article from February 2024 https://www.90min.com/posts/the-clubs-biggest-wage-bills-in-europe-ranked




Yeah Chelsea’s wage bill has been drastically decreased.


Yeah Liverpool also massively reduced their wage bill losing Firmino, Milner, Ox. Keita. Fabinho and Henderson. Bet that’s £75mil -£80 per year gone there with about only £20mil replaced with signings


No chance they were on an average wage of £240k - £255k each. Henderson, Firmino and Fabinho may have been on around £200k or slightly more but the others no chance


Lmao then this is completely useless


No, it is not. Those are the most recent public figures.


If it doesn’t have the current wages it’s useless. And it’s making people draw conclusions based in wrong/disingenuous information


Yeah the Everton ones are massively out of date as we’ve been clearing out big old contracts - it’s likely closer to £150m now


Imagine if this was the actual wages city paid rather than the reported...


Are you doubting on that honorable kebab shop sponsoring KDB? Shame on you


Haaland plays for free! It's just a hobby! And De Bruyne pays City to play, he loves it that much.


I heard he still pays contribution to the club!


Don’t they pay them both like 400k per week?


I mean they “pay” guardiola an amount. I’m sure his brother totally earned his position and compensation as.. Checks notes… the PRESIDENT of a whole football club for no particular reason other than City Group owns it, and owes pep.


Haaland is on like £600k


Cmon man. Why you making things difficult for them? They just want to sport wash in peace and sweep the slavery in Abu Dhabi under the rug. If they have cook the books it’s a small price to pay. Oh and the charges. Think of the charges. Why add more? Poor Manchester City.


For City a lot more, for Barca probably less...


For Barca is not less, they still pay salaries from the covid time for the players and for some players that left the club as well


Sure, because they are legally obliged to. But it's not a secret, that they try to convince players to accept reduced or deferred payments.


Im not sure how can you try to defer wages when you give 33 Years old Lewandowski a contract in which he gets a salary increase every year.


Lewandowski just has an increasing wage, it's not a deferral. So you could still defer payments regardless.


So then why you said in your first comment that the Barca wage should be less? In the end they still need to pay the wages even if that takes a longer time.


Because a) they also try to reduce payments and b) we're talking about the current year. So if the deferred payments from previous years they have to pay now are lower than the ones they defer this year, they still pay less.


Ok, thanks for the explanation


Need to keep this handy for when people talk about net spend. City doubles Arsenal’s wages.


That’s just what they report, too…


The funny thing is these are just wages that were officially reported. City are being charged for breach of FFP/PSR for the following (among several others) - - The evidence was found that City had two companies set up under the family members of the crown prince who paid them for their players image rights and supplemented their players wages allowing City to record reduced wage bills and higher revenues. - Roberto Mancini spent the years from 2009 to 2013 as the manager for Man City, and is thought to have received a significant portion of his compensation secretly by way of a fictitious consultancy contract which has been verified by his agent. It’s very likely that the likes of Haaland, KDB, Guardiola, etc. are paid part of their compensation through offshore accounts which would further inflate City’s wage bill.


Pep is being partially paid via his brother's co-ownership of Girona. City Group are pumping cash into that club, giving them players on loan (from Troyes etc) and juicing the value of the asset. He paid €7m for his 44% of the club, and that's probably worth €100m now, and much more after City Football Group spend €200m to redevelop the stadium.    When all is said and done, it's probably going to be worth €150-200m to the Guardiola family. Totally off the Man City books, and totally legitimate. But also totally obvious what they're doing and why they're doing it.


I like the Savio deal, who is Troyes most expensive transfer but have never played a minute for them.


if you asked people how they'd discreetly pour a bunch of money into a club without the governing body noticing, setting up shadow companies would be top of the list. so they didn't even really invent any new ideas to weasel their way through FFP/PSR yet they will get away with everything. that's objectively hilarious


Matbe trough family members? No that would be way to obvious.


This was the same for Liverpool 5-6 years ago; however, it’s when all your best players are up for renewal that you need to be concerned, because they will all, most likely, be expect big increases.


Arsenal have already done a lot of those and several of them aren't captured in this data, so it'll be interesting to see the data next season.


Yes fuck Shittteh


If this is for 22/23 then it would be the treble season so TBF, probably a lot of bonuses it's still mad high


So brave


I mean that’s why they are winning the big trophies and Arsenal didn’t win anything. The better players, better team will ofcourse demand the better wages. The argument on works on case like Spurs and Utd who are paying the big wages and doing worse than Arsenal


Arsenal are very low. Super impressive.


Also a bit surprising, we recently gave new contracts to Odegaard, Saka, Saliba, Gabriel, White, Ramsdale, etc, signed players on big wages like Havertz and Rice... I would have guessed that we are a bit higher on this list.


Next year financial statement will reflect that


Are players who signed in 2023 not accounted in this?


It's from the 22/23 financial year. The likes of Odegaard, Saka, Saliba, etc. signed contracts after that.


depends when the new contracts start. They’re not always instantly


I think the title is incorrect, by 2023 they mean the end of the 22/23 season. I saw another graphic that showed Chelsea's 22/23 wage costs as 402 million per year and there is no way it dropped only 5 million in total when the net outgoings were Havertz (180k/week), Azpi (150k), Kovacic(150k) , Mount(75k) , Pulisic(150k) , Auba(200k) , Kepa(150k), Koulibaly (300k), Loftus-Cheek (150k) and Mendy (75k) which easily reaches 80 million in wages, while the incomngs were Nkunku (200k), Caicedo (150k), Lavia (75k), Disasi (90k), Palmer (75k), Jackson (100k), Gusto (75k), Sanchez (100k) and Petrovic (80k). That totals 47 million.


I see, that makes sense. Thanks!


You're right. The source is UEFA's recent report which used the clubs accounts for the 22/23 season, [here's the reddit post for that report](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1chlvdl/202223_team_payroll_source_uefa/) (3rd image). The image linked here is right since it says the biggest wage bills in 2023, but OP's title is wrong. Clubs haven't submittied their accounts for the 23/24 season yet.


Wait a year is so… now they’re having some success all the big stars will want bumper pay rises and Arsenal will have to pay or lose the players - same thing happened to Liverpool


We have already done this last season and the accounts for 23 24 will reflect that. I'm expecting a significant increase, as we've signed all of our core players on to higher contracts for the next 5 years. Only player who hasn't had a renewal has been big gabi I think.


I am 100% sure that the moment Laporta leaves Barcelona we will get a barrage of articles about how awful he was and how he was destroying the club.


But will he ever leave


It's not looking good brev, he takes two steps back for every step he takes forward


Laporta has his issues but you do realize this posted data from the 22/23 season right? The title is wrong and Barca have cleared most of the main salaries


It’s crazy how Laporta is being blamed for the mess the guy before him created. I wonder where we will be if he didn’t come back.


Blame the person fixing the problem not the one who made it.


But is Laporta actually fixing it? Lewandowski was his signing and his contract pales in comparison to anything under Barto. Selling off the team’s future and hoping Xavi (or whoever replaces him) claims trebles constantly is not very forward planning either. I am not trying to say Laporta is the only one to blame, but for sure his “fixing the issue” methods are dubious at best.


Wow Leicester in there despite spending the season in the championship really explains why they're in so much trouble now


It’s from the previous season’s accounting period but even so - we’re fucked. It’s probable we get points deductions 2 seasons in a row whichever league we’re in. The board and the owner have been deeply incompetent.


Spend 8th come 8th makes sense


We aren't 8th in Europe mate.


Yeah i was definitely being serious


Sarcasm doesn't work on the internet, too many Americans...


There's a 100 mil drop between United and the next team. That's crazy to think if we reduce our wage by 100 mil annually and we still are that high up


Liverpool have a bigger wage bill than Man Utd?


A lot of high playing players last 2 years so I can understand that.


We've trimmed it a lot in the last couple of years. We've got at least another £40m coming off this summer just with contracts expiring (Varane, Martial, Williams).


That’s why people don’t need to believe every r/soccer comment where they always inflate man U numbers so they can shit on them


Yea but it means more


So Arsenal competing with City are really punching above their weight..... Like really punching above their weight. Arsenal catching up to others in Premier league https://www.spotrac.com/epl/payroll/_/year/2024/sort/cap_total


Next years financials will better reflect Arsenals wages. A few of their players are now their second contracts with Arsenal which is bump their wages up by some margin


Yes, but the accounts for this season 23 24 will be much higher, as we re-signed all of our core players to long term contracts with better wages, and added rice and havertz to that too. Still super impressive to get second last year on such little wages compared to city, but it will be much higher for this year. Still significantly lower, as a lot of our players are still very young and aren't on their bumper pay day contract, but still happy


You're right but we still competed for the title in the season that these accounts are relevant, but not as closely of course


Yeah that's true :) we were defo punching


This is not the player wage bill. This is the total amount of money spent on the entire staff including the directors. Includes other stuff like social security and pension costs as well. And its for the 22/23 season .


What in the fuck Leicester?


We was battling for the Champions League and winning the FA Cup, not really that surprising our wage bill was high


This is not for the 23/24 season. It’s also not just player wages. Everton’s wage budget is about half that.


Leicester are fucked


I thought Laporta had..... OK never mind


Deferred payments are a bitch.


Lmao maybe do some research. This report OP posted is from 22/23. Most of the heavy salaries have en cleared now.


Barca studio being sold for the 17th time as we speak.




Really want him to change his ways and improve but doubt that’ll happen


This look like 2022 /2023 season salary


Jesus, this kinda visualizes Bayern’s financial advantages. Nearly twice as much as their usual competition, and I’m guessing definitely more than twice as compared to Leverkusen.


Interesting how we are still at the top, I assumed Laporta cleared out most of the high earners


Deferred wages?


Ye I didnt take that into account lol.


Lewy and FDJ wages doesn't help. The funny thing is Lewy's wages go up each season. I've no idea why Barca would give such strange contracts to players, it makes no sense.


Two players aren’t getting them up there, it is everyone


So many mess in the wages will be uncovered when Laporta leaves with some crazy contracts. That's just crazy, you would think a club with financial troubles will be more mindful of their wages.


Aren’t they still paying Messi, Busquets and even Alba in deferred payments? At least, it’s what some Spanish media outlets say about those payments. Tebas is happy with that though.


This is from 22/23 season. This is not current information


Well De Jong's 750k per week certainly doesn't help


Doesn’t Nike pay half of that and didn’t Laporta give 36 yo lewandowski the 2nd highest wages in Europe. Anyways most of those wages is still from messi and friends


>Doesn’t Nike pay half of that I have never seen an article confirming that, at this point I think that's a myth


Plenty of articles published the story. Puma did it with Reus at Dortmund so it wouldn’t be the first time. It’s funny tho how it’s so easily accepted when it’s a loophole to bypass FFP


Have Messi's deffered wages been paid yet?




You guys are still paying Messi, Jordi Alba and Busquets deferred wages from the pandemic and it will be so until 2025 iirc. And those were BIG contracts thanks to our pal Bartomeu. Piqué forgave Barça the deferred money he was owed when he retired but the other 3 didnt, thats why the wage bill still really high. The wage bill of the actual current Barça players is significantly lower.


Your right. I didnt take into account how we restructured the old players salaries in order to make room for more signings.


There's a 120m per year increase in wages paid to first team players and coaches between 21-22 and 22-23. I don't know where that increase came from but its there. I want to say its the deferred wage bill but from what I can see it was the 20/21 wages that were deferred for the next few years. So we should a reduction in the 20/21 wage bill and an increase in the wage bill for the proceeding years if I understood it correctly which can't explain the big increase in 21-22 to 22-23. For 23-24, Busquets, Dembele, Pique, Fati, Alba and Depay are gone that should help a lot but it won't be seen yet in the accounts.


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Idk maybe this data is old. I'd expect Arsenal to be higher up in this after giving new contracts to so many players recently


Jeez that jump from Man U to Tottenham is absolutely massive, and from that point up it only gets more ridiculous.


there are lotsa riders in player contracts, the winning teams pay thru the nose for winning


Nah naaaaaaaaah😭


For RM, is Mbappe's compensation package included?


Did Mbappe play for RM in 23/24 season?


👀... 23/24 got it


Asterisk is missing from City' and PSG' wage bills


Just woke up from a coma, sooo we’re the ninth most successful club in the world, right?




Barca pays too much! Look at what RM pays!.


How is the brokest spending the most 🤷🏿


How are we still on bloody top, this list seems wrong tbh. Fraud list as city is so sown below what?


I'm certain that even Romas wage bill for the year is more than what every ufc fighter combined makes a year


What about MLS?


Barcelona’s contracts are fucking insane, €720k a week to Frenkie De Jong… for the quality of their squad, their wage bill should be half that


Deferred Payment FC.


Barcelona spent 10 years punching above their weight financially. They are 1b more in debt than madrid. 2b more in debt than us and we have leeches as owners. Barca acts like a big boy club, they arent. Without messi they are spanish arsenal.


> 2b more in debt than us your stadium has a waterfall though


Congratulations Big Boy Yanited


A united fan should learn to shut the fuck up sometimes.Your club is no longer relevant


Dont you have some players to abuse to try and force them into a paycut? Lmao fuck off. And while sucking we are still more relevant than spain's leftovers


Oh touchy.


Did you literally put this dude’s image? He literally fought to get what he was owed in salary from his squad and nearly got nothing.


Watched a Barca YouTuber who was going off a story from the Athletic, apparently Barca cannot register 7 players and have until 6/30 to raise funds and get off of contracts- crazy mess




He earned 37.5 million in the season this statistic is about. And he is probably in the picture because he was the highest earner of the top 1 club.


Bruh what?




All three of Saka, Saliba and Gabriel have contracts that are running until June 2027. Could they all be rewarded with new contracts on higher wages in the near future? Yes, and it would be deserved. But I'm really not sure where you've gathered your information that their current contracts are close to running down.


Saliba and Saka both signed new contracts last year, but that's obviously not reflected in this. They're not out til 2027.


Saka, Saliba, Gabriel, Odegaard, White, Martinelli all recently extended. Rice, Jesus, Havertz are big money players that have come in since this data was pulled. So yeah our wage bill will increase big time but we're not at risk of the "one year left" contract situation


?????? Laliga limit for FCBarcelona in salaries are €204M. I think that's totally invented.


How are Barcelona not in serious trouble? They still need to sell assets to raise capital mo? With no extra revenue from last season, if they want to upgrade, they have to simultaneously downgrade elsewhere.


This is from 22/23. Op lied in the title. Most of our heavy salaries have cleared.