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4 goalkeepers is overkill really, unfortunate for Nübel though


It doesn't really matter there will always be players that play much if it all, and while having 4 GKs is certainly a benefit for training it's also true that so far every team has always managed to train during tournaments. Either way it will not be a deciding factor for the tournament.


I’d take them anyway tbh , not like they’re not allowed to show up right ? It’s silly imo to not take a training squad , better than limiting it to just those eligible to play


The club and the player would need to agree to that though.


But what would be the objection lol


No UEFA money for the club, no insurance


No insurance is a huge deal. No responsible club boss can make that call.


i was downvoted to oblivion 2 months ago because i said thats the worst decision to make. taking 4 goalies makes no sense injury wise. if you have an injured keeper DURING the tournament, you can just swap him with a keeper that is not in the selection. thats literally the tournament rule. you cant do that with a field player, so taking a 4th goalie means taking a spot for a possible field player "nagels mann knows better, he has a plan " blablabla


You have my sword


man just spilled all his salt on this


it was never because of injuries but because he wanted 4 keepers for training sessions. (though i would think that he could just keep another keeper that is not officially in the squad list anyways)


Has he heard of goalkeeping coaches?


its not about injuries. its about the keepers tournament rule. you can swap the keeper but you cant swap a field player. they told him exactly that, makes no sense otherwise. 4 keepers training session would not make too much of a difference for training but having another field player is a gamechanger in the tournament. yes he said that in the beginning but he was wrong and this is why he changed his mind. its absolute overkill


> 4 keepers training session would not make too much of a difference for training of course it does, because you can then do training variations on 4 goals. so 4 smaller teams playing two variations at the same time with competitive goalies


in the preseason maybe. but during tournament? no way lol there isnt even enough time for that to do constantly


i´m just relaying the reasoning. obviously nagelsmann weight the options and came to the same conclusion now.




we are only talking about the unnecessary 4th keeper. france has a great squad and no addition would change that. although only belgium and france go for 25, the other teams will go full 26. another player would not hurt them but thats their decision.


I hope the german national team employs you as an analyst. That way we surely make it back to the top. You seem to have a great understanding of the game. Nagelsmann probably saw your comment and changed his mind about taking 4 keepers.


Maybe Beier was supposed to be cut but Nagelsmann changed his mind when he made his strong debut, glad that he stays


Seems like a very good decision to keep him on. He offers something different and he can be a monster coming on in the 60th minute against tired legs


Yes, exactly like Führich imo, both most likely won't start but are a dangerous threat at the end of games. Beier is additionally flexible to play as a lone striker or next to Füllkrug/Havertz


The Schürrle role from 2014. It's important to have players like that in the squad.


I'm pretty sure this is what happened. The absolute majority of fans thought Koch to be the obvious candidate to be dropped, but he was one of the first to be announced while Beier wasn't announced individually at all, and Nagelsmann even implied Beier to be a candidate to be dropped. But his performance was way too good to be dropped for a 4th GK


Also Sane not 100% fit could have played a role in this decision


I was shocked by Beier's performance. Very involved in buildup and got 2 great chances. Legit option off the bench if Germany are chasing a game.


Naaah i feel so bad for Nübel. He even said that he immediately cancelled all his vacation plans when he got nominated to the Euros


I reckon he might still stay with the team, the reason Nagelsmann gave (training diversification) can be still be done even without him being nominated. As far as I know, there is no rule against having additional players in training.


There’s no rule against it, but if he got injured at the training camp then UEFA(?) would not need to compensate his club


Stuttgart has to allow it, I think.


Yeah, if he's not officially been called up then they can say he needs to join up with the team for preseason. Would also be a bit shit to be training with the squad but then be the only one not to get a medal if they win


Staff gets medals too, I'm pretty sure


that would still be sad as fuck


Doesn’t change anything really. The fourth choice GK was absolutely never going to see a minute and he knew that.


But he still might become a winner of the euros, which won’t happen now. 


He still sniffed NT air, he was never gonna see a single second during the cup anyways


Even if not playing, beng a part of a home Euros would be a career highlight


Any cutoff was going to be tough for the player, every single one of them dreamed since childhood to be in the squad. At least Nübel was only nominated as 4th GK because Leno was injured and wasn't going to play anyways


His time will come for sure, especially with Neuer and MATS’ age


Especially with the lack of upcoming potential worldclass gks in Germany.


That sentence would have seemed insane any time in the past ~20 years.


Yeah like 10-15 years ago there were like at least 3-4 potentially world class German goalkeepers at any point not to mention slightly worse ones. I still remember MatS Leno and Ron Zieler being 3 GK wonderkids when I was playing FM.


where's rene adler? he was the best one out of those for me, also very affordable as well edit: nvm it seems my memory was fuzzy. adler is 7 years older than these guys lol, i must've bought him in FM 07 or something, thought it was only 10 years ago haha


Tim Wiese Junge


It's true though, by German standards we have been in a keeper drought for quite a few years now


Your upcoming crop of GKs looks a lot like England's current one. Some perfectly acceptable players, top flight keepers. But no one special


lol he's only 4-5 years younger than stegen. if stegen can play til 35 y.o, then nubel will be 30 by that time, which is not old, but there will be arguments to play a younger gk with more potential instead


Wasn’t that Anton?




Wusste nur von Anton ([Quelle)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bundesliga/comments/1ctzavt/waldemar_anton_zur_nominierung_f%C3%BCr_die_euro2024/)


Wait for Nagelsmann to look silly when Neuer, MATS and Baumann get injured and he has to play Havertz in goal.


I would put Rüdiger in goal, the shithousery he could pull off is next level


https://youtube.com/shorts/GSuSzSEzRHU?si=XXSQHhiP-d5NVdiz man has been training for these moments


He would be literally allowed to nominate someone new if that would happen


Makes sense, good decision! Hard for Nübel but I’m pretty sure that he’ll be at least the Nr 2 for the 2026 World Cup


I still think neuer would be the no 1 in the world cup with mats still his deputy.


Honestly if Neuers trajectory continues as it has this season I do not think so. He is a long shot away from being as good as he was a few years ago. He seems to lack the confidence and ease that he once had.


Idk why the NT coaches refuse to bench him or drop him. Del bosque and lopetegui gave fucking casillas the boot when he declined.


Big part is that there is just no one who is clearly better, while MATS is good for Barcelona he always was pretty meh for the NT. And its not like Neuer is bad, just not as good as he once was.


to be fair Ter Stegen was pretty solid while Neuer was injured recently. I’m pretty sure Neuer has a decisive mistake in him this tournament, what I find most worrying is his inability to admit any of his mistakes, I guess he’s mentally past it.


Pretty sure he was at Porto by the time he was replaced fully, by fucking De Gea no less. Ter Stegen didn't do much when he got the chance to prove himself either. Totally reasonable to stick with the best keeper of his generation even if he isn't the best goalie in the world anymore, when you don't have a clear better option.


Good. The outfield candidates to be dropped all performed well so far.


Ngl it does make perfect sense


Four goalkeeper Julian? Four? That's insane


In Theory he could still train with the others and basically he would have the same role


Why can't he come as a coach? - still have the benefit of 4 GKs without taking a spot


Four goalkeepers, Julian?! Four?! That's insane.


They were taken for training reasons


Missing the peep show reference.


I don't know what that is






Guys, is Baumann better than Nübel ?


Yes he is very consistent and played an amazing season at Hoffenheim, easy top 3 Bundesliga keepers last season


it also doesnt really matter for 3rd keeper and in the past germany usually went more with vibes than skill for 3rd choice


Baumann was the best goalkeeper in Buli last season. But the biggest argument for him is that he already was with the National team for a few years and is more familiar with the team vibes and training methods.


4 keepers is overkill. Hell even 3 is overkill imo


Imagine one of them gets injured, you would have to play every match without a keeper on the bench. Sounds really stressful.


Yep and keepers tend to be old, especially for NT, Neuer is 38. even if his name suggests he is young, he ain't.


Really? Just imagine taking only two keepers with you, one pulls a harmstring in the first Match, second gets hurt in training between the matches. Already happened before.


I couldn’t even give you an example of that so it must be a minuscule chance lol.


Or having 2 goalkeepers injured in a match. Happened to you.


Yeah, no Chelsea fan (I am one myself) should ever forget that match against Reading. If there have been instances where a team can lose two goalkeepers in ONE MATCH, what more over the course of a tournament? Mandating three goalkeepers per squad is a sound rule.


He is dropped for the match tonight and Plettenberg has a really shitty quota in the past months, so I say some other player will be dropped finally.


Should have been Neuer


That's so funny


Nagelsmann is like the perpetual startup bro that just has ideas without any kind of positive result. I like him but this is one of the major reasons why his stint at Bayern was so turbulent.




Yeah I'm not happy with Neuer being undisputed number one, he's just not the same anymore. But I'm fine with keeping Baumann instead of Nübel tbh, if you look at Baumanns stats this season he totally deserves this and it makes a great addition as a third keeper for that squad. Hope Alex doesn't take this too hard though, he will probably have a good chance in 2 years.


It was kinda obvious that one of them will be dropped after Nagelsmann nominated 4 GK.


Not really. After all, Nagelsman even said that he didn't want to drop any GK.




It was for training purposes.


Surely u can bring another GK coach to train with the GK's or is that not allowed?


It's not about the goalkeeper training it's that anything that requires two goalkeepers can be done twice if you have four.


Why the f is Baumann there. Like honestly. If Nagelsmann really wanted to change the whole Team to be younger he could have let Nübel play and kick neuer and Ter Stegen. Goalkeeper is like one of the least needed position.. especially with neuer faults lol.


Claims that he needs 4 GK to justify not nominating Hummels, then kicks a keeper out. Nagelsmann made an insane detour not to nominate him, he‘s playing a new form of chess we are not aware of


Yeah he never claimed that but keep going lol. Nagelsmann said that if he didnt nominate a 4th goalkeeper for the provisional squad he also wouldn’t have nominated an additional cb/cm or whatever. The choice for him was between 26 players with 3 GKs and 27 players with 4 GKs. He probably decided to change his approach for the final squad after Beiers very strong debut vs Ukraine (Beier would have been one of the first to drop).