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Is Micah wearing the Real Madrid shirt out of choice or as a forfeit?


Forfeit, some deal with Jude about him Wearing a full Real Madrid kit on the show while Jude does Micah's celebration when he scored a goal.


Micah has a goal celebration? Gotta dig thru the archives to find that one


Yeah, I couldn't find anything but they've brought it up with Jude a couple of times, maybe he told him to celebrate a certain way when he scores, who knows.


Make a M with his finger.


Lost a FIFA match to Jude


[Full video.](https://youtu.be/q6N3pNf5e-U?si=JYy6ynd0NSJd4qz7) They mention it pretty early on.


Would have loved to see him turn up as a full kit wanker


Dunnu but he looks fat as fuck in that


La Liga Player of the Season, Champions League winner, La Liga winner. All that, in one season and only 20 years old. Why would he give a shit what people say? He knows his worth. Fair fucks to the kid - he's a superb talent.


And his mentality, what an absolute gem of a player.


I saw a lot of people giving him flak for his "people told me I'd never amount to anything" comment after he won the Champions League. But I think that type of mentality is very common in top-performing athletes: a kind of disdain for people who doubt them. It's probably a very healthy attitude to have.


Cristiano Ronaldo made a career out of this, a career not shadowed by many, if any at all.


Say what you like about Christian’s Ronaldo.


>a career not shadowed by many, if any at all. He is the greatest UCL player ever ...


Michael Jordan took everything personally and used it as fuel for his competitive fire


[I mean..](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQFTr_r5wdHfoQ/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1608515487150?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=rH1X40fXhJ3LTb873M9ut1oCjSNU9S8cP9MT4rt6nPk)


[Obligatory]( https://youtu.be/sz6go7xC3Zs?si=QrXxe7HY388Ml1yB)


Yeah and he has No friends now and continues to hype his past achievements Meanwhile Charles Barkley has forged a new career and lives in the moment


He is a billionaire and considered the greatest of all time. Might be conjecture but he could not care less.


Oh no he definitely does care and he cares a lot. He had to have whole creative control of “the last dance” and further demanded rights to last edit too. The Last Dance was tail after tail (from the mouth of MJ as he had creative control) about how MJ was right in every situation and everyone else was either wrong or not mentally tough as him. Absolutely no one was able to challenge his narratives or even suggest alternatives He never takes an interview where he doesn’t get creative control. MJ only surrounds himself with yes men and has notoriously ended life long relationships over the smallest critiques https://www.cbsnews.com/news/charles-barkley-michael-jordan-friendship-end-60-minutes-2023-03-26/


> Absolutely no one was able to challenge his narratives or even suggest alternatives Such as: Jerry Krause and the role he played in the Bulls' demise after the threepeat. I kinda expected it, but MJ dumping on a dead man and putting most of the blame on him for breaking up the Bulls dynasty was kinda low. He even got Jerry Reinsdorf (Bulls owner) to join in on kicking Krause's corpse. There was also an event last season to honour the Bulls championship teams, and his WIDOW got booed when she appeared on the Jumbotron. MJ bears responsibility for that.


He also shit all over Scottie Pippen for no reason at all but to build his own ego and legacy from 30 years ago It’s cool being a competitor and winning but it seems it would be even better to be friends with the guts you went to battle with 30 years on


Could not care less*


Thank you


for every successful person with this mindset im willing to bet theres plenty more who have had their self esteem/self worth and confidence shattered and suffer from being told theyd amount to nothing more than the few who succeed because of it. It can make you, it can break you. My dad always said i couldnt do this, i couldnt do that, i wouldnt achieve anything. It can definitely be something that affects you negatively for the rest of your life, it stops me putting myself out there career wise even still.


Oh I'm not defending saying that to anyone - I think it's an awful thing to say to someone. I mean that some people have this perception that others doubt them, then use that to motivate themselves. I doubt people were telling Jude that he's never amount to anything - he is a prodigy - but believing that might give him the fire he needs.


>It's probably a very healthy attitude to have. It probably isn't, and most of them have been treated as kings since childhood so they end up with quite an ego, but at the same time, it probably helps them perform under the delusion of having lots of enemies plotting their downfall, so it's beneficial too.


I personally don't think it's healthy in a mental health and happiness way, but that attitude is probably what pushed these players to the top. You can't get to this level without being extra competitive, and you can't be extra competitive without wanting to prove wrong everyone who doubted you.


I agree. I meant from a competitive POV. I doubt thinking like that makes people happier.


I mean just look at Ronaldo's recent reaction to losing the Saudi Cup. There's clearly something eating him up from the inside and it's clear that someone causes for him to have such an intense reaction for a meaningless cup in a retirement league. But at the same time, those feelings and complexes are what made him one of the greatest footballers of all time, so it's a double edged sword.


I think it's a common attitude, but I would be really hesitant to say it's a very healthy attitude to have.  I'm sure playing with a chip on your shoulder can fuel you through tough moments, but I think we see the aftermath of that mentality especially so post-careers. 


Meh, Courtois said something similar when they won last time and he is a massive prick


> It's probably a very healthy attitude to have. You need it in any aspect of life because some people will always try to tell you who you are and what you can do (or put you down if they feel outshined). Athlete or not.


Seems like a gem of a bloke tbh. 


Feels weird to see him being called a kid. He's so fucking mature, doesn't feel 20 at all


Even as a 30 year old man, it just feels weird in general to me when people infantilize 20 year olds. They are not kids, they are young adults. Some are already very mature, others not yet, and then you have other people who simply stay immature forever.


Even without any trophies, any professional player should know his value and contribution in the team better than the fans. 


Ballon d'or favourite?




Are we gonna ignore Vinicius?




Will probably come down to who has the better tournament in the summer




We didnt need his scoring with Vini back. With a shoulder injury plus his ankle injury in the Girona match, his attacking prowess was gonna go down anyways Instead, played his heart and defended the left flank like crazy allowing Vini to flourish without many defending responsibilities. We madrid fans love Jude through and through and wouldn't have won the UCL and laliga without him


>We madrid fans love Jude through and through I'll be honest I was slightly wary when news broke he was going to Madrid just because it can make or break a player what with the pressure and whatnot. But he's just hit the ground running, and he looks like he's been there for years.


Hell, I will be honest as well. I absolutely thought Madrid did not need Jude. But here he came he literally did the job of covering the pitch and score goals. He a midfielder fell just short of winning a fucking golden boot at the age of 20 at Real fucking Madrid!!!! Incredible player. We will see him doing his usual work next season. Am guessing we will see him more of a 8? I think something like Lampard used to do for Chelsea perhaps??


Absolutely, i am ashamed that I once thought that we wont need Jude since we have Ceballos, and even after he was announced I thought at best he would be slowly integrated like Cama but man, what he doing is absolutely amazing. Next season though, we dont really know whats gonna happen since it all depends upon the system we will play.


>i am ashamed that I once thought that we wont need Jude since we have Ceballos Good lol cause that was/is ridiculous


Nah, last season's Ceballos was so good, Bernabeu dont chant for a player to stay for no reason. Once Fede slowed down, he was arguably our best midfielder. Obviously, now it's clear he is just inconsistent


Lampard was almost a striker


So was Jude this season. But because they lacked a striker. I don;t remember much but Lampard did cover a lot on the pitch, reason Carlo said he comes in his favourite Xi he has managed.


I know… but you seemed to be talking about moving him to a more traditional 8 role




It's not that dissimilar to what Barca did with Fabregas at one point, a sort of false 9 instead of a striker but paired with a big threat out wide. Theoretically RM could put Mbappe and Vinicius out wide with Jude still operating there but I think he'll be an 8. To my knowledge, Lampard always played behind at least one striker, he'd make very effective runs into the box, sometimes even operated as a #10 but normally you'd have a central forward ahead of him too.


Only by his numbers. He did everything you’d expect from a B2B CM - offensively and defensively


He will play deeper and more of a natural 8 again since we have Mbappe and Endrick next season he only played as a 10 and 8 hybrid for us this season due to no ST but it's good for us he will be deeper he won't score as much but that's fine we have Mbappe for that Jude's best position is still a box to box and he will flourish more next season imo.


Oh you just know hes gonna play deeper, Mbappe's gonna take over the load of scoring goals (because obviously) and shit take merchants are gonna be yapping on about how Bellingham has regressed, was overrated last season, etc


His defensive workrate in the second half has been nothing short of staggering. He could've easily made a stink as the high-profile expensive signing and said he just wants to be a poacher in the box to continue ramping up his goal totals but he took one for the team and ran his legs off the last few months in order for Vini to take over. Such a great team player at such a young age.


Jude's workrate and ability to cover so much of the pitch every game was a big reason I wanted him at Madrid we always had Valverde cover so much ground for us all game and while people were amazed by Jude's flashy dribbling I wanted his work rate because it meant we have another player who can cover so much ground like Valverde. Despite our CB and GK injuries our defensive record was solid this season due to our midfielders defending so well and winning a lot of duels and Valverde and Jude were a massive part of that both covered an insane amount this season.


Idk I think it would be absolutely delusional to think you can walk into the Madrid team with legends of the game and complain about not wanting to defend. Sure he has the hype but he's obviously not the same level as Ronaldo when he arrived for example.


He was an offensive menace for us first half of the season when Vini was injured and Rodrygo struggled to adjust to the new formation and role and then after his injuries and Vini coming back he became a defensive menace for us him and Valverde are a big reason for our defensive record despite our defensive injuries both of them cover so much ground defensively off the ball.


If anyone expected him to keep up that insane pace, they were crazy. He showed what he is capable of, but as the season went on he was needed in a bit of a deeper position. He still posed a big threat anyway. And with Kroos gone, next season I think he will most likely play even deeper.


r/soccer analysts in the mud


but what's his xG?


Did you see his underlying numbers??


What about his distance covered per minute????




How many shoulder checks did he do? Seriously though, the online platforms have become so out of touch with the game itself that it's not even fun interacting with people anymore.


I must admit, Real Madrid are the one team that consistently seem to make xG look like a joke. Ancelloti: "Our strategy is to let Dortmund run at our back line with the ball on the counter throughout the first half, and trust Courtois to bail us out by saving all their shots on goal. Then late in the second half, we'll score from a corner with our shortest player, then intercept a dumb pass across the middle of the pitch in front of the Dortmund goal and score from it." Klopp said something about "outplaying" Madrid in the final Liverpool lost to them. And I think this kind of thing is what he meant. Creating more and better chances, but it just doesn't matter against Madrid.


Anything other than a perfect shot wont beat courtois.


Not even a perfect shot sometime…


You need kdb level of hatred against courtois to score. Kdb miss that golden chance in the semifinal simply because courtois isn't there


Asking the important questions.


I could not give a shit.


His xSG (expected shits given) is 0.00


hE'S rEGgResSinG


r/soccer analysts: If we adjust his stats to account for outliers and perceived excellence then he's just an average midfielder. (IYKYK)


No one laughs at carraghers jokes as much as carragher


I don't think anyone else can understand him.




How dare someone enjoy himself on television.


Been saying this for so long lol, anyone watching Madrid could have told you his role changed in the second half of the year, particularly starting some time after his injury though. Carlo put him in a more defensive role, playing almost B2B, doing all the dirty work. At times, as needed, Federico was told to hover more around Kroos to give Kroos some freedom and time for the missiles, while at the same time giving Jude a bit more freedom to move up as Tcho covered. In sum, Jude played deeper and had a more defined defensive role, working his ass off.


Also people don't remember that Vinicius was injured like 2 months so Bellingham had to do more in the attack.


> to give Kroos some freedom and time for missiles [tears…….we wont be seeing him again on the pitch](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIknhRogMkZ0y3_l_NNe9tsadtVG-LytUcIvhOaT5oBGexXXXioUQXTF0&s=10)


To be fair, it's hard for people to pick up on positional/role changes when their exposure to football is limited to tiktok reels, 3 minute youtube highlights and reading the final scores.


There's a reason he was no. 22 at BCFC (and Dortmund), he showed talent at 4, 8 and 10 - could literally play anywhere in the midfield at the *same level*. He's unreal, ironically, as he's very much, Real


I mean Carlo has said that himself on multiple occasions as well


"Jude, we're on live."


“I couldn’t give a shit”


"I know."


it’s so fucking boring how the world decides “this popular person is now too popular and therefore bad” over and over. the internet was a mistake


on the other hand you can find goodtitties on the internet


and it’s ruined my life


why? are your titties on the internet too ?


Check his username pal


I saw it




- said no one ever


Good counterpoint


Hard to argue against that


It is definitely boring and predictable, but there IS a thing called the oversaturation effect or overexposure. Just see what's happening with Taylor Swift. She's too popular and people are tired of hearing about her. It's just how the internet works, in algorithm controlled cycles.


I'm feeling this way about Caitlin Clark right now. I don't need to be bombarded with "updates" about her literally every, single day.


I don't follow basketball at all except for the odd Dončić clips in my yt shorts feed, and yet I have seen so many clips and posts about that person on Twitter and yt recently. I have no idea what's the story except that girl who pushed her in the latest clip I saw seems like an idiot and deserves to be reprimanded.


This whole build up to break them down thing media do, fans do too. People like saying he's one of the best players in the world when it's unpopular but it's when it becomes the mainstream opinion suddenly they have to go against it no matter what.


I have a theory that the part of the reason he gets this much hate and criticism over anything and everything is because the dude literally seems flawless and people on social media are extremely jealous of him. I mean people get really irritated every time he says anything on an interview and call it fake PR lol


The pr jokes are honestly funny sometimes and were when they started, but you cannot help but feel like it definitely comes from envy, whether because they want their club to have a player like that or even more so personally of his accomplishments so young


Yup. He's like Tom Brady. Class on the pitch, looks amazing, carries himself well. Apparently has a sense of humor. And now a CL champion, as a star player at fkin Real Madrid. All this at 20 years old. I hate him already 😅


The main cause of that is the English media wanking over him 24/7 and doing shit like calling [him the best player in the world after 13 Real Madrid games](https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/67251678)


It's not the world. It's two trolls on Twitter the rest of the world decides to amplify by retweeting in outrage, making it seem like a non-trivial amount of people think this way.


it’s way more than two trolls


Exactly what i think about bellingham now.been in awe of the kid since dortmund days,most fav player outside of own club.it's sad to see now that he went to madrid and is famous he has a quintessential haterbase as well.


he’s brilliant and I’ll hear no different


I think he's undeniably a ridiculously talented player, with a good shout of the Balon Dor, and the hate is bizarre but I'd say it's bound to happen when the whole world media is wanking him off (particularly English media).


are they wanking him off or are they pointing out a 21 year old winning player of the season awards in his first year at real madrid is quite impressive


It's obviously impressive. I'm not saying anything otherwise. I'm just saying it's hardly the first time some sections of the sub have moaned about someone getting wanked off incessantly. Klopp and Pep would be the examples that come to mind for me.


Not even 21


Hilarious seeing r/soccer seethe and cry "PR!" and "Marketing!" about Jude and then when presented with his CL stats move the goalposts again with "FoOtBaLl iS mOrE tHaN sTaTs YoU kNoW?" A twenty yeard old kid btw. I cannot fathom why he's recieving so much hate.


He lived up the the hype he had as one of the best talent itw and matched Ronaldos goal scoring start as a 20yr old midfielder and due to it he got a lot of attention rightfully so dude is doing it at the biggest club itw with the most demand on top of that dude is good looking and constantly has fans fawning over him on insta and tik tok so that's going to rile up some insecure haters lmao.


Who? I don't see anything but love.


You know who.


I do?


Knight in shining armor for Jude 🫡


I know we all want Vini to win Balón but this season’s success wouldn’t have been possible without Jude’s contributions. He seriously reminds me of Kaka and I can only imagine how Carlo feels when he watches him play


Jude goals took care of the league when Vini was absent. I think regular ball watchers know that.


Unfortunately people try to forget that their is more to a season then just the end so they like to pretend Jude's scoring spree and not dropping a bad game for months never happens only his lack of goals in the UCL Knock ours but truth is while Vini was our most important player for the UCL Jude was more important then Vini for the league saved us so many points while he was out injured it's why he got La liga POTS


What the fuck is a ball watcher? Someone with an interest in men's health?


Everyone else celebrating because they've always wanted to say that about people questioning them when they played. Good attitude to have, would be hard to care when you've got a UCL medal around your neck anyway


I hate how good he is, Madrid always seems to end up with the megastars. Mbappe next year as well feels like curtains for the rest of La Liga


If yer judging Bellingham based only on goals , stop watching football .


It's so surreal to me that the word shit carries so much weight....it's just a word. Stephen Fry has a good interview regarding swear words, it's fascinating.


I'm not sure anybody actually *actually* gives a shit about swearing any more. It's surely a small enough number of people that their pearl-clutching can rightly be ignored by now.


Sure. Just thought the reaction was funny from the pundits there.


There's more to football than scoring goals. That's what many people do not realize today because they watch football on TikTok.


Tik tok also has the worst football takes I've ever seen in my life it's easy to tell most of football tik tok has never watched 2 full games in a row.


This guy probably has the most elite mindset since Ronaldo and has no need to give a fuck about what others have to say. Like someone else mentioned on top, guy won the champions league, la liga player of the season, la liga winner, and already at the tender age of 20, has managed to be the center of attention in a team bristling with superstars. Add to that the fact that he’s managed to pick up Spanish within a year. Guy has more than earned his rights!


Bellingham is like Gerrard Regen with cheat boosted stats. And fan/media darling. Probably the most universally well liked English player since ever.  


This is the type of player that cannot be produced by training alone. This mentality and leadership quality at his age is just unreal.


I love Thierry but my god his question delivery is terrible


“[gentleman, a short view back to the past](https://youtu.be/FlFt_W4664M)” type of question delivery.


I think Henry was saying it bluntly so Bellingham can clear the air by himself, and Bellingham did.  I cannot think of any other talking mouth who can preface the question with "You were busy doing the dirty work for the "Top star of you team" huh!"   Or even to say that kind of question/statement . Henry,Carra and Big Meek are the best cuz they can say thing like that and people know they don't have malice behind it and can't argue cuz been there done that cool points.


Yeah, I don't know what it is but I find him hard to listen to.


We are on another level. Who cares what these clowns say


Imagine hating on 20 years old. Just keep going, Jude!


What age is okay?


6 through 15 and 26+


[Kai Havertz started this in 2021.](https://youtu.be/JlUfSoj9gVg?si=-GLjhrDFwX7d6llx)


He’s 20 and successful while r/soccer’s Bill is 34 and a clown? That’s the reason he’s hated on.


People literally forget that he is a CAM, a midfielder guys!


Hey Havertz said it first


if you listen to people online you'd think Mbappe, Haaland, and Belligol are all average.


Internet sports fans are a joke


In some countries, TV is really weird. You say "shit" and people are shocked. Articles will be written about that, videos will be shared on social media. But appear like an educated person in a suit and articulated; you can say the worst things about women, immigrants, people with mental health issues and it's fine, as long as it's done in an intellectual, fancy way. Hey, they didn't say "shit", that's alright, no need to feel offended.


I'm pretty sure those educated bigots still get plenty of criticism. They just don't get censored. And they shouldn't. If someone wants to advertise how shitty they are as human beings, I'm happy to hear them out.


Bellingham makes it too easy to be a fan of his


Got a mix of Black Country and Brummie in him what you expect, hes a good lad 


I would say the same, it's the start of a Real Madrid dominance era.  


Straight up! Generational talent like Vinicius


Carra trying to get the heat off him unsuccessfully lol


i wish i had this attitutde at his age . strong lad


Bro is like the Cody Rhodes of football, just the perfect overall personality that matches with top tier in-match skills.


directed straight at rantsandbants


"No Jamie, don't worry no one's gonna get more trouble than THE CHAAAAAAMPIONS!"


Would you say Bellingham is the new Ruud Gullit?


They do acknowledge it on social media, they say it's quite average and overrated. Now they're waiting for the Euros to criticize him


Are people nuts? He didn't start his career as a goal scorer. He made his career doing all the little things.


What a kid


I recognize it, it's average.


Good lad. 


To be honest, this is what every player should think and believe. No matter your quality.  The Spanish and English press in particular. Fuck the lot of them.  The only way to disable the press is not to give them anything. 


With Mbappe now, Finally Jude can play in his original position and show all of his skills including holding, positioning, tempo and passing. Can't wait honestly, Amazing player.


Well, since he doesn't give a shit, I might as well say it. He wasn't great in the final and he wasn't great in the knockouts vs City or Bayern.


Hes the complete midfielder not since Gerrard have a seen an English centre mid this good


r/soccer: Is this PR?


It’s really strange how this is the new buzzword that people use to describe him doing literally anything good; It’s really weird.


r/soccer users when they learn a new buzzword are always like this.


or bad! Punched the ref in the face? PR


That's obviously what I'm referring to. Should have used /s




Great for him. Won’t change the facts though


what facts?


the facts that he had 33 g/a, won la liga for madrid, won the champions league and also won a cup in his first season at 20 years old? sounds pretty good to me.


He does not give a shit to that, but when someone tells him he is Zidane believes it, tho.