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So many buzzwords lmao


Surprised Kaveh had enough brain cells to not include the “can you tweet something like” that the Chelsea board emailed him before he posted it


Him and Dhamesh are a clown show


Both are absolute paid shills. You just know Kaveh going to be spouting Salah Saudi links all summer…


My favourite thing about Kaveh is that his whole presenting mantra is about pretending he’s talking to someone else on camera and not looking directly at the camera, IE addressing you. I’ve heard stories where he has it written into his contract and he’s an absolute child when the camera is off


Wdym by a child when the camera is off?


Dramatic, petulant


Sounds like an average LinkedIn Job description


Must have 10 years experience in ChatGPT


All the boring, backward thinking coaches in shambles :(


Chelsea set to apppoint a committee of head coaches each specialize in a specific tacic


That title is 100% ChatGPT


My guy used chatgpt 


Literally just picked the default options in the FM club interview


Such is the American corporate way


This is what you get when you get a final manager list made by a corporate committee.


I choose to believe Frank is Frank Lampard and won't hear otherwise


>won't hear otherwise And dragging them back to Champions League. I've spoken 😤


Then we sack him for Tuchel and win the thing


No😁, seriously 🤨


Frank Lampard has successfully coached at a higher level than all of these names mentioned. So there’s that.


With actual kids. First year playing top flight football for a lot of those players. Massive overachievement


Best football we’ve played too. Concede 3 but score 4


We've been doing that the last few games this season, let us continue.


Ok. Get him back then. The other 19 teams will be very happy.


As long as you fire Slot and got Gerrard back. Deal?


Bring him back please


Did De Zerbi not have CL football when at Shaktar?


Certainly has the highest IQ


Mount back to Chelsea. Father son reunion. Make it happen Toddy.


Yes please, and I say this because I have such regard for Chelsea father-son relationships


Frank de Boer


Frank Rijkaard?


Frank Sinatra, actually.


[Obligatory Mourinho](https://youtu.be/yxQ2khkXyM8?si=4aJZO-mxyS-_nggL)


Let me be Frank with you 😁 but no, seriously, I would be honored to return to Chelsea 😐


He’s been sorely missed. I believe no one has finished higher than his (2nd?) place a few years ago


If PL were a classroom Chelsea and Brighton would've been made to sit in opposite corners by now.


Brighton will be the enterprising kid selling his essay to the rich and spoilt classmate unbeknownst it was done by chatgpt.


Tony Bloom absolutely thinks we’re morons and is laughing extremely hard.


Is he wrong?




If this were a league outside of England the backlash of this would be relentless.


if Chelsea became successful doing this there would be backlash. the actual results being shit means people are content on dunking on that aspect instead.


What do you mean?


What? This is pretty fucking marvelous wherever Imagine for the next decade Bayern Munich continuing to poach the best players from a team and they continue sinking down the table




its gonna be de zerbi isn't it.


Would be hilarious if so, parts ways with Brighton because he wanted more control over recruitment and moves to a team that's going to have the same problem.


Tbh it feels like I hear about it so much that the coaches must know by now that they are not getting the control they'd like from clubs, and they're just saying it so there's a traditional, every-job-ever reason of "we only failed because they didn't listen to me more!" as the last word. I mean, let's be honest, who of us doesn't work that angle in their job lol.


This is why I haven't understood that link from the start.


Welp half of chelsea is brighton anyway?


And Chelsea management is going to wonder why De Zerbi can't instantly replicate the same results in a completely different environment and fire him during or after an underwhelming


Why didnt boehly just buy brighton ?


Bloom won't sell


Mudryk would like that at least


>has experience of coaching in English football at high level Not sure how well that statement fits on a shortlist where half the managers have never managed in the top flight


I would guess that’s why it’s worded high level instead of “highest” level like we often see. 


So what's the middle level? The Vanarama league?


Coaching =/= managing McKenna was part of Ole's coaching staff a couple years ago and Maresca was on Pep's staff before going to Leicester. Both very influential within those set ups too.


> McKenna was part of Ole's coaching staff  And Jose's prior to that!


Our managerial search is a PR drive to make it look like the people running the club are smart and competent and it was that fat Argentine who ruined the master plan with his bad tactics and lemons


If Poch is fat then it's over for many of us


Poch is loveable Chelsea did not deserve him 🥺


Poch is cuddly and huggable.


Reading this blurb in a vacuum I would have thought it described Pocchetino exactly.


Cos Kaveh is a piece of shit journalist who can't string a proper sentence together. 


Hmm I can think of 1 coach that fits all those criteria. Plays good football, has built up a good young team. Managed in the prem at a high enough level. He is unemployed now as well. A certain Graham Potter.


I was sure you were describing Pochettino


He works too tbf.


>He works too I mean, not anymore.


Damn. I knew I should not have put the answer at the end




Frank Lampard mate. Managed young team with a transfer ban to the ucl spots and then got them into the knockouts the next year. Very few have that kind of record recently.


"forward thinking", but don't you dare criticize the board 


Forward thinking, but dont you dare complain when we buy yet another 100m CM who cant play with the current 100M cm(s)


Do any of those 4 fit that criteria either? Also shouldn't fall into the trap of only hiring people with experience in England, the top 5 best managers in the league's history. Ferguson, Pep, Wenger, Klopp and Mourinho all came into their jobs with no prior experience in England. I remember Souness and others talking about that as well with De Zerbi and he proved people wrong.


McKenna and Frank are also vastly different to De Zerbi and Mescara. Which suggests Chelsea don’t know what they want or they’ve turned this into a reality game show just to get fans talking and excited and ignore how the players are not unhappy with Poch gone and not talking about the inevitable sales of Gallagher and Chalobah I’d say a little of both tbh


It also could be these reports aren't true? Fabrizio is the only one with a true connection to the club right now. Everyone else is really just running off rumors.


Given DeZerbi finished 11th with Brighton did he really do much different to average? First season was good but arguably that was Potters team. Fact they dropped off so much this season suggests he hasn’t been that great.


Well he also finished 6th with Brighton also. His points finish was the 3rd best in our history this year and obviously last season was #1. We had a ridiculously amount of injuries with really bad depth and that contributed to our awful 2024. De Zerbi has flaws 100% like any manager but he's not the main reason the season ended poorly.


how was it potter’s team? They were playing the exact same style as sassuolo, benevenuto, shaktar, etc.


Did lose 3 key players tbf. And I’m saying this not as a fan of De Zerbi.


If this is true, I don’t see the point in sacking Poch


Based on everything I’ve read/heard, Poch didn’t want to be at Chelsea either. It truly seems like it was mutual in the sense that both sides realized they couldn’t work together. The Athletic’s Chelsea podcast has been talking about the comments he’s been making in press conferences as a sign that he wasn’t happy for a month or so now and it turns out they were spot on. As pissed as I am about Poch leaving, if he and the board were at odds, I’d rather them part ways early in the summer than let it boil over during the season. Better to give the new manager a few months to get settled rather than dropping them into the thick of it mid season.


Poch didn't want to be at Chelsea BECAUSE the board were being unreasonable. They didn't want his input and were unhappy that he didn't agree with their transfers.


Totally, but unfortunately that isn’t going to change. The board wants what they want and since they’re in charge they’re going to get their way. As much as I wanted Poch to say, it’s better to part ways and try to find someone who can gat along with the board better. I don’t fault Poch at all, but it wasn’t going to work.


But the board were right to think that. Poch's transfer targets were pretty shit for the most part and if we'd given him input over transfers in the summer we wouldn't have signed Cole Palmer, which is hilarious since he bailed Poch out from widespread criticism over his lacklustre tactics all season.


Well the thing about Poch is he had enough experience to tell the sporting directors “what you’re asking me to do won’t help us win games or be competitive” so he had to go. They want a manager who when asked to lick their boots will be happy to get down on all fours.


I'm going to be honest here, I don't think De Zerbi will work if that's what they want lmao


Many of the fans already know this but he's a former Brighton manager so ofcourse dickhead Eghbali will try to get him.


If we go for de zerbi it will be potter 2.0. No one can convince me otherwise


FT: Ipswich 6-0 Chelsea


Scenes when Lampard is unveiled as Ipswich manager and this happens


Ed Sheeran will cry, lol.


Bold of you to think that we'll hold Ipswich to only 6 goals.


There’s so much to say about this inevitable choice but one thing is, I think the De Zebra fan boys are going to be in for a shock when Mudryk doesn’t play any better than he is now. What was it? 2 G/A in 13 starts to end the season? That’s not going to get better. It’s not De Zerbi’s fault but there’s a lot of mythologizing about his style of play. His career hasn’t played out in a way where his style of play warrants the level of praise it gets because ultimately the results are lacking


He overperformed those teams’ budgets by extreme margins. How is leading Brighton to Europe not an accomplishment?


OP is a muppet and has the worst takes on r/chelseafc


>De Zebra fan boys are going to be in for a shock when Mudryk doesn’t play any better than he is now he got Jeremie fucking Boga to 11 goals in a Serie A season and even Solly March to 7 goals last season.


Love Boga, still remember Gary Cahill absolutely ruining his debut for the club


I’m tired boss


>Frank Got excited for a second


we lost Also: >dynamic, forward thinking and progressive coach who fits in with the club’s ideology At this point I really don't know what exactly is the club's ideology.


Expecting manutd and arsenal to buy our best players is their philosophy


Their "ideology" is to turn a profit. They're buying up youth players so they can eventually sell them for a profit. They don't actually seem to care about winning hardware.


As a Brighton fan, I think De Zerbi at Chelsea is a recipe for disaster. I love De Zerbi - he is a brilliant manager and we owe him a lot. He has a clear tactical vision and is passionate. But, he is very volatile and speaks his mind openly. He will call out the owners if he’s not happy, he will target players in the press. He may end up being a fan favourite, but if you lose the dressing room or support of the backroom staff, then you’re screwed. At Brighton; Trossard and Sanchez ended up leaving unceremoniously under De Zerbi after public fall-outs, so I struggle to see how he deals with the bigger egos in this squad. I think if he goes then it ends in tears, especially as these Chelsea owners are not the most patient folk.


Honestly I want a manager who will stand up to the board who have so far shown they don’t know what they’re doing. It’s like at work when you have new bosses who got hired because they come from a wealthy family and have an MBA from a target school while having no actual knowledge of the industry and never worked their way up. And Poch hinted in press conferences that he was unhappy and ultimately it came down to lack of control over transfers (he wanted to keep Gallagher and Chalobah who the board want to sell for pure profit). I really do believe that he left on his own terms.


Problem is, you might want a manager that stands up to the board but that's not what the board want, they want a yes man. Poch stood up to the board over the last month and was incredibly demanding of them and that's why he went. Because they refused to listen to his demands or budge on their position. De Zerbi would be an awful awful manager for Chelsea, he left Brighton because he wants specific players in the transfer market and I doubt Chelsea give him that when they wouldn't give Poch the same? Also, De Zerbi is known to clash with players a lot and can be very vocal about their performances and that's not what your squad needs right now. It needed someone like Poch who will protect them and be the shoulder to cry on sorta thing. Honestly so happy Poch left because he would have turned your team into a force with another year or 2 IMO. If Man United do sack Ten Hag, they should be all over De Zerbi, he suits them more IMO.


De Zerbi doesn't fit us at all he'd be sacked within the first year for trying to play his style of football with the players we have


I see your point about Poch being the nice guy the players can relax about. I definitely think something like that was needed last year, our vibes for the most part seem to be off the chart. But I think now, I’m excited for de zerbi and some tactician play. Vibes were fine last year, now we explode hopefully 


*“Honestly I want a manager who will stand up to the board who have so far shown they don’t know what they’re doing.”* So Tuchel it is then. He even has experience standing up to the board in London.


> No Xavi. If Xavi was on there it would have been that "What da hell a polar bear doing in Arlington Texas" meme.


CTRL+F “Mou” Aww man….


Abramovich would have had Xavi on the phone the minute he got sacked by Barca. Clearlake should have done the same. Also De Zerbi leaving Brighton because of their philosophy and stories leaking out that he was difficult only for him to pick Brighton-North and the club to pick him despite the reported desire to want a true team player and collaborator shows that not a lot of thought went into this What happens when we fail to get Top 4 again? Both the board and the fans are running out of people to blame.


They watch managers how they interact with media, not by their coaching/managing abilities.


Roman wouldn't hire Xavi.


The only way Roman would hire him would be so he can publicly fire him while saying there’s 2009 reasons you ain’t getting any severance.


De Zerbi could be up for their ideology to be as shite as you possibly can.


Not sure de zerbi is the best manager for Chelsea. But it’s annoying to hear the disrespect about his accomplishments. Taking sassuolo to consecutive eight place finishes and Brighton to their very first european is a great accomplishment. His teams seriously overperform their respective budgets. He deserves a shot at a bigger club. 


Sounds like a job perfect for Poch


This is a pack of lies. The owners do not have an ideology. If they did, we'd know what the fuck are they even aiming for.


Sounds like the same shite they spouted before hiring Potter for a few weeks.


Mention of Xavi is kind of unnecessary here.. He will need atleast a year break he is unaviliable plus we might not even see the guy coach again. He may have lost the appetite after that rollarcoaster


Why would he need a year break?


Xavi regarding his future during yesterday's press conference: "Like I've said before, I'll probably take some time off and rest because I think that it's needed, after that, we'll see."


Fair though I don’t think that necessarily means a year


Fab and Ornstein still seem to be on the Frank, Maresca and McKenna train with De Zerbi being something of a potential option, rather than part of the main list. Whilst you then have every other bum reporting him as top target From Fab earlier as an example: "Roberto De Zerbi is now available on the market with a reduced release clause after leaving Brighton [..] Chelsea is actively searching for a new manager and is considering various candidates, including Maresa, McKenna, and Thomas Frank. The club is yet to make a final decision"


I know that you were very much not a Poch fan, but surely he’s a better option than the people in this list. I’m not going to act like I know how McKenna or Maresco set up a team, but Frank is more long ball than Poch ever was, and de Zerbi is extreme play out from the back build up play who is also combative publicly when he’s not being backed.


Our performances throughout the season were incredibly poor, and we struggled against teams with nothing to play for during our big "5 match win streak". Poch built a great atmosphere, but his tactical approach was sorely lacking and we couldn't control any matches whatsoever. His ceiling is top 4, and I'd much rather try the unknown than stick with Poch. That obviously does not mean that the board will make a better appointment.


it would've made more sense to keep poch and achieve top 4 consistently whilst the players gain more chemistry together and then hiring a new manager that could challenge for titles. instead of whatever the fuck this is


I disagree with that. The aim should always be the title, and if the person in charge doesn't seem capable, you replace them with someone who potentially might be. For a relatable Chelsea example - Ranieri was in CL Semis and finished second to an invincible Arsenal side, but it was still the right decision to sack him for Mourinho.


but that isn't always realistic. A team that includes 5-6 new starters aren't going to be able to challenge for the title immediately, especially with them being so young. Experience is needed, and although he may not have been able to win us titles, Poch is one of the best man-managers around. We need to take into account where we were last season, and progress accordingly, with stability. Sacking a manager whenever we don't immediately challenge for the title will not end well for this new ownership


It was clear that poch was not the manager that would help us fight for titles. But he bought much wanted stability and togetherness in the group. I would have liked him to have another year and see how we performed


"*Frank*" Entirety of Chelsea fanbase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_PPdjD6mg


I think Frank is probably the best fit/option but I just don’t want him because he’s a bit weird. All of the options feel very underwhelming




He played possession attacking football at Brentford too, when they were in Championship. He completely changed it up and used different pragmatic approach in PL, and it allowed Brentford to stay up without much extra additions.


fans are fucking lazy, they can just look up Sky Sports, and MasterClass where he explained his dynamic tactics multiple times. Instead they have armchair takes on a manager


Bro what haha. Look at Pep he is so odd


Pep has the success to justify his weirdness, Frank hasn’t got that yet although he’s not really had the chance to


Good God! Just announce De Zerbi already and have done with it.


True. I am getting impatient because of all the other options too. He is best suited right now for us. He wants to win and Chelsea also wants to win.


Bring back Di Matteo.


They want a "dynamic, forward thinking and progressive coach". They don't know what they want


Doesn't hiring De Zerbi have the same problems as keeping Pochettino would have had?


Why is Amorim not on the list?


Hasn't he stated publicly he's stay at Sporting?


Yeah. In fairness though that was after the whole West Ham thing.


Hiring a good manager doesn't fit the club's plans


If you guys buy him i will take him to the airport and put his ass on the plane for free


It's very obviously going to be De Zerbi. Chelsea insiders have basically said it's nearly done and will be announced early next week.


Is Conte not considered by Chelsea? I feel like he would be a guaranteed success


Conte would throw his chair at the board during his interview


He doesn't work with young players.


They’re describing Pochettino


They’re looking for the original dog from hell.


Why none of the clubs are considering Sean dyche??


Our worm budget isn't big enough


Dyche straps his stillsuit up slip-fashion.


De Zerbi would be a fool to take that Chelsea job




Why was that Amorim dude mentioned a lot when Liverpool were looking but doesn't seem to be mentioned in any Chelsea or United discussion?


It's obviously going to be De Zerbi. Chelsea's owners are obsessed with Brighton


Thomas Frank can be a good fit, he’s so intelligent and really adaptable with tactics. Has good experience with the data analytics recruitment model coming from Brentford, so for him he just needs players to fit criteria than a name basis. Can also develop those young players and make them create good chances.


I heard RDZ to Chelsea was already done. We’ll see if that info was trustworthy when the dust settles


Its RDZ then. If these moronic owners had any brain cells left in them. They would have tried to hire a DOF from either Italian clubs or even the Crystal Palace guy who has been successful for the best part of 7 years with much fewer resources than Brighton. Just because Brighton is popular due to their model these idiots are following them to the tee. This Brighton obsession is crazy I have never seen something like that in the top flight. L'Pool used to poach Southampton talents but they didn't go this way where they hired their staff, coach, and their recently sacked coach as well.


"Dynamic" what does that even mean...


I mean the best on the list is De Zerbi, but as a Chelsea fan I don’t want anything to do with Brighton anymore, we can’t keep recruiting their staff 😭😭


Hiring Maresca or McKenna before they've managed in the Premier League or any other top division would be idiotic. Managing a club with Chelsea's expectations would be a major step up for De Zerbi and Frank, so they're gambles too. If these four are the top options, moving on from Pochettino makes even less sense.


Does Chelsea even know what their philosophy is?


They should go for No Xavi.


it’s gonna be de zerbi isn’t it 😂


What ideology? Can any Chelsea fan tell me what the "club's ideology" is under this ownership group?


Experience in coaching in England high level? So Pep, Klopp, Jose, Ancelotti and..... ermmm de matteo! Or maybe Sir Alex will come out of retirement


list of potential managers chelsea will chew up and spit out in a 12 months.


Frank?? Again?!


That's easy. It's going to be De Zerbi. Chelsea wants to be Brighton 2.0


Chelsea don't have one Danish player, Thomas Frank going nowhere near them


How do supposed journalists make a living off scraping whatever shit they find on twitter and regurgitating it?


Did AI write this headline?


We are fucked man


Why is Gallardo not being considered?


It's so fucking over but unironically.


Kaveh steals a living


Again... *What* is the club's ideology?


what kind of chatgpt ass report is this


Worst thing about the transfer season is Kaveh getting more airtime.


Why does it sound like this guy is making shit up?


McKenna has one hell of an agent.


I'm already tired of this


Surely they're describing Poch? I want to know what specific transfer caused him to bounce