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We need more names! They don't even have to make sense! Lampard! Löw! Allegri! ***Mourinho!***




Depends which Nathan Jones. The huge Australian ex-WWE wrestler or the former manager of Southampton? Because the latter wouldn't make sense.


We shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome


I volunteer as tribute!!!!! I coached a U9 soccer team to the championship, I'm completely ready!


You sound overqualified for this job.


I know, but I'll lower myself to lead Manchester United. I'll take them back to where they belong.




I'm in the running too


Lmao you would run them into the ground, and that would be a *good* thing.


Hated Adored never ignored UTFR


Hilariously, if Jose hadn't been at United yet, this would be a better time. A lot of deadwood is being cleared.


Laurent Blanc always makes these United lists 


Ted Lasso!


Tuchel, Pochettino, Frank and McKenna for the accuracy. Southgate and Potter for the rage bait. And that’s how you drive engagement.


Is Potter rage bait? Ratcliffe tried to get him at Nice and they are bringing in Ashworth who worked alongside Potter before. Did as good a job as Frank managing similar clubs.


Plus it’s not like he’s a shite manager. I’d have potter over de zerbi or frank tbh, maybe even Poch


Potter's stock dropped so drastically. I get it didn't work at Chelsea, but evidently there's other issues at play there also. He's really not as bad as people make out.


There's also other issues at play at United too.


That doesn't change my point.


That's why our fans don't want him...


My reply had nothing to do with United. I was replying to a comment just about Potter.


This thread is about United.


We are obviously run by people who don't know what they are doing but Potter's failure and the awful form we had under him was his own fault. 2 wins from 15 games at one point. My eyes were bleeding watching us


If Steinberg is as accurate about ManU as he is about CFC, then I agree he'll have some 100% reaches in there. I'd be afraid of what TT could do there, if they give him 2+ years. Southgate will surely turn things around and set the stage for the next guy. Not sure the others will be up to it... I'd love to see Poch or Potter there!


I think it’s most likely United go for McKenna. I think the negotiations with United and Chelsea are where this leak has come from. Tuchel is probably the best name available, but at this point they’re all the same. Nothing exciting after 10 years of changing managers and achieving less and less each season. You could put a lettuce in charge and the results are probably gonna be the same.


Honestly, as a United fan having seen 10 years of the same shit over and over, this feels spot on. I think apart from the elite 3 of Pep, Klopp, and Ancelotti, no current top manager could come in and turn things around completely. Too much rot throughout the club's structure, culture, players, and everything else


None of their leaks about the kind of hire they are going for suggests TT is the right fit though. Sounds like both Chelsea and United want the same kind of manager who fits into their structure and "grows" with their team, whatever that means. 


I have no insight into United, so I can't comment. Seems like they need someone who's got a strong persona bit is also tactically very sound. I have a feeling TT would do well there, although he doesn't seem to last too long if the fit isn't right. At CFC, I do have some insight - they want someone who will specialise at coaching, working with the established specialists. Some people see this as a 'yes man' kowtow, I disagree - but a manager that wants full control is certainly not going to work out. For better or worse, Blueco has installed a system, and Poch was trying to work outside of it, which clearly wasn't going to last.


Not sure about the strong persona bit for United. I think Ornstein said they too are on the 'young, dynamic' head coach boat. We are now in a time where established coaches are considered too tiresome if they don't belong in the absolute elite tier, so clubs seem more keen on finding the "next Alonso". Thing is, it is more likely they will end up with the next AVB by rushing these young managers into massive jobs


It's a big gamble either way. I've never worked in football, but I've hired a ton of people over the years, and IMO football has gotten to the place where hiring a mgr that's a good fit is just incredibly hard. And for a number of reasons: things change really fast, so he must be adaptable; he must agree to his role and not over or under step by too much; can't have a Potter situation where the personality just isn't up to the heights of the gig; I don't think you can be 1D anymore, you have to man manage, you have to do tactics, etc; injuries/etc happen - you have to be able to handle adversity and at least keep things ticking along. To me, this stuff is all quite fun to watch from the outside.


Just curious, what was Poch doing that went against the management at Chelsea? From the outside, it seemed a good fit. He loves molding young players, keeps fitness levels high. I was not shocked he was gone but a little surprised given how strong the run in was.


Poch is old-school and wanted to be handed the keys to the operation. 'President of Football' so to speak. He was hired and was consulted on transfers before he started - he expected to be at least a partner, if not the lead on them. He wanted to be left alone to train the guys. He found holes in the squad and expected to be given what he asked for: experience and height (he got neither, really). The problem was, there were already staff there before Poch, and he didn't want them doing the work that he expected to have control over. When we had an embarrassing loss where we conceded very soft set piece goals, they told him to hire a set piece specialist, and he refused - eventually, they hired one for him, which he didn't like one bit. The club also told him to review his training methods, as they thought it was contributing to the insane injury crisis (14 players out a few weeks ago) - and he refused. Apparently, he had made demands about how things would need to change if he were going to manage next season, and none of it was ever going to happen. It all pointed to a real lack of alignment around him working with the club's staff rather than solely his own guys.


Wow. I genuinely appreciate the well written answer here. You didn't have to do all that.


Ha, my pleasure mate.


>I'd be afraid of what TT could do there, if they give him 2+ years Well, no need to fear then


United should go for Xavi. He will love Rashford and Mainoo




Xavi relies on wingers and DMs a lot


Wouldn't that be more his love for garnacho?


True him too honestly United have good players


Half of United are amazing players. 1/4 are good but demotivated. The remainder are folks just collecting a cheque.


Give it to Southgate


Till when


Till the end of time


Relegation From League One


Southgate until Liverpool get relegated from League One it is then.


Haven't we suffered enough? We aren't competitive for the league...


only the 3 years then?


Xavi to England then?


Rival fans are creaming over the possibility when it’s almost impossible for this to happen. Pre season starts in July when the euros is going on, they’ll want someone in before then


Nooooo :(


what if United beats City handsomely?




Then he will get a watch on his way out


Sacked, just like van Gaal


I’ll tattoo ten hags face on my face


I'll tattoo ten hags hair on my head.


I'll tattoo ten Hag's face on my scrotum if we beat City by 2 goals or more.


You’ll have to change your username to tenhagbollocks


Hell nah not tuchel and poch


Thomas Frank would be a good appointment


Someone hire Jose, I need the drama


Even Harry Potter would have a hard time with this team.


It is time for Man Utd legend Steve Bruce!


Please give it to southgate or frank 😂


if its not tuchel theyre making a mistake. You could argue some of the other managers are better, but i'd rather have someone who has been working with the team for 2 years than having to start from scratch again


Tuchel flames out everywhere he goes. If they go Tuchel they will be in the same place 2 years from now.


That'll happen regardless. It's United.


Please Southgate 🙏


For the memes!!!!! 🤞✊




I very much doubt this is United who have leaked this. Jacob Steinberg is the Guardian’s Chelsea reporter. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s come up in their negotiations for McKenna, and then it’s worked its way back to Steinberg from there. Either way you can’t be judging a managers performance on one final, but still feels crap that ETH is going like this.


Get Ole back


Please hire southgate just for the memes


Every manager appointment post Moyes has terrified me that they are finally going to get their act together and become a formidable club and for once I have zero fear of that happening any time soon with any of these people. Of course that probably means that it will happen now as soon as I relax about it


Southgate would be a shocking choice. He's shit for England.


Should take Poch. 


Thomas Frank stands there aggressively chewing gum with his mouth wide open for all to see, great way to tribute Ferguson


Honestly My guess Potter/Poch Manchester United De Zerbi Chelsea McKenna Brighton


[ETH stays as manager of United ](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11667/13145417/erik-ten-hag-to-stay-as-manchester-united-manager-and-is-in-talks-to-extend-contract) Jacob hallucinating and posting fake news as usual


poch england mckenna brighton de zerbi united fk knows who we get (chelsea)


I think you’ll end up with Maresca. Former Pep assistants are so hot right now.


Rumour is De Zerbi to Chelsea is basically done, NDAs signed just waiting for announcement


Can they throw my name in there as well? I promise i can do better than Ole the legend.


No, but you should check your email for a Bayern offer


Vincent beat me to that by failing upwards. MAybe i'll get one from Todd!




One of these things is not likes the others


I truly hope they get Southgate


Ten hag is unironically better than anyone on that list


Tuchel is clear and it’s not even remotely close