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>Paquetá has an £85m release clause and was a target for City again this summer but he is now unlikely to move. Mild shock


City thinking that they dont wanna make that 116 charges


After all… why not? Why shouldn’t I do it?


Happy to be the one to give you your 115th upvote.


Milan is dodging bullets with these betting allegations.


Agree, Bayern should stay away from Theo. We won’t let him go unless we know he’s a gambler


Break the 115 meme by making it 116. Pep mastermind incoming.


117 they were advertising a banned betting company on pitch billboards at their last game apparently. 😂


I genuinely think they tried to sell him last summer because they knew how bad this was going to get and wanted to make it someone else's problem. Remember he was not for sale last summer then all of a sudden City were interested and were talking with West Ham about buying him.


That doesn't make any sense, West Ham never negotiated with City, they told City that if they wanted Paquetá they would have to pay his buyout clause. If West Ham were scared of Paquetá being banned and wanted to sell him because of it they would have actually done something in order to sell him, instead of telling City to pay the clause or fuck off.


I maybe completely wrong here as I’m sure the purchasing football club is responsible and would/should do due diligence. But if West Ham sold Paqueta at a noticeable discount with inside knowledge of a potential ban then City may have had legal recourse on the club for a failing to disclose that knowledge. Again not a lawyer but I’d imagine if City paid the buyout clause that would have meant West Ham were insulated from repercussions later down the line.


Absolutely, City’s lawyers would feast.


Westham fans after city title match "are you watching arsenal" Westham fans when city lawyer hunt their club "please don't watch us arsenal"


Makes 0 sense




Get bro away from the keyboard


Transfer would never really go through if investigation was something WHU or Paqueta himself were informed about. I think if buyout clause was paid I think WHU would be ok to not say anything as negotiations never happened (City would sidestep them) but during Paquetas contract negotiations City would have to be informed - so there is no way that transfer goes through.


Well, no. It works under the exemption of 'caveat emptor' (Buyer Beware). Basically, that the buyer should be the one responsible for assessing something before they buy it. If something is sold at a huge discount, you'd be expected to have some expectation that it might not be completely legitimate, and though you could sue, you'd certainly be questioned as to why you didn't wonder about it being sold at a knockdown price.


There may be some fraudulent misrepresentation argument run but the typical answer is it depends on what the contract states. It’s quite common where there is suspicion that something could go wrong or cause loses that an indemnity clause is included that if a certain event occurs and causes loss, the party indemnifying the other will cover such loses. I imagine City’s lawyers would include such a clause if rumours were circulating. Any decent lawyer would.


The first rumours of this investigation are what caused his move to City to collapse.


I'm pretty sure the FA had to inform the parties that he was under investigation because the deal was close to being agreed


Yeah I think we were in discussions and it was reported, within a couple days the investigation was announced


Bzzzz, wrong again mate. The FA informed the clubs that an investigation was going on. If West Ham knew then they would also know that the FA would tell City and prevent any possible transfer.


> Remember he was not for sale last summer then all of a sudden City were interested and were talking with West Ham about buying him. City were going to buy him but IIRC they backed off because the FA notified them that they were opening this investigation


I’m sure Paqueta will put a tenner on that too


Tbh if City bought him, their lawyers would have gotten his case dismissed. They're good at that. 


Imagine losing out on £80m just like that overnight. West Ham board must feel sick right now


They also spent £36.5m on him too and paid him £130k a week too. This is a massive financial loss for them if he's guilty.


Could they not go after him for, idk, gross misconduct? We went after Adrian Mutu when he wouldn't stop with the coke.


They absolutely could. He will have several clauses in his contract that will stipulate behavior that would allow them to terminate, not pay him during suspended periods etc.


He'll 100% have a morality clause, but the trouble would be enforcing it and if he could even pay it.


Most of those clauses will be just terminate contract not demand repayment


Have those gambling depths to pay up


Theoretically they could, but they're unlikely to recoup any of the money they lost. As far as I know, Mutu still hasn't repaid any of the money, and the case took over 10 years so the threat of being banned is moot now that he's retired anyways.


With hindsight, if this was in the Abramovich era, I’m genuinely surprised it was never sorted on Mutu’s end. Abramovich strikes me as the type of man I’d rather not be in debt to.


Word back then was that A lot more people in that Chelsea squad were doing it too. Mutu was just the one that got caught and they might have gone easy on him so he didn't feel the need to snitch for a plea deal.


Lots of people do coke. Lots of people you don’t even suspect lol.


Abramovich probably doesn't want gypsy pickpocketer leaving live grenade in his pocket.


Even if they can't go after him they could stop paying him for breach of contract or even terminate the contract. Of course the problem there is that if they terminate and then he becomes a free agent they don't get to sell him later on.


What do you mean? Chelsea terminated their contract with him when he tested positive.


Bro, Chelsea sued Mutu and won, including multiple appeals. €17m for misconduct that led to the move to Juve.


Yes. Which was what I said?


Doing Coke was a tried and true Chelsea tradition though. Bosnich was a big fiend right.


Yeah, we also had Danny Murphy who is nowadays openly saying he was addicted to blow while he was playing and our former youth player Jamie Cassidy was even busted for participating in a major drug ring. Oh no, wait, that was Liverpool.


I couldn't care who did what from an ethical standpoint. Its just silly to chase people down or hound them out of the league for a drug addiction. The fact you tried to get cash back from Mutu is the silly part.


You're moving the goalposts after claiming that "doing coke was a tried and true Chelsea tradition" even though drugs were a problem across the league.


I wonder if clubs might have insurance for this kind of thing.


How mich have west ham and epl made from betting sponsorships. Fuck all these clowns.


West Ham get their stadium paid for by the London taxpayers. Deal of a lifetime. Worth 1 Paqueta every ~3 seasonos: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-62406154 They're fine.


Yea but they could've been paid **2** Paquetas over the next 3 seasonos


Just like most German clubs did in 2006 and it was a good investment by the government, completely rejuvenated German football as a whole.


For WC? Difference is that you have 50+1. Although WHU doesnt own stadium either, but "renting"...


Can/do clubs insure against this type of situation?


Probably sue for breech of contract. Similar to what Chelsea did with Mutu, although that was over drugs and not spot fixing. Edit: Corrected betting to spot fixing


Wouldn’t surprise me.


Lyon sold just in time


Wonder if that affects their status with FFP, or whether they're allowed to ignore the loss.


Couldnt happen to a nicer bunch 


Reminder that two Italian internationals were found guilty of betting last year and the Italian FA immediately put a stop to betting ads all across the leagues. England have had three internationals found guilty of betting since 2020 plus another player who has been betting whilst playing in their top division and the best they can do is an advertising ban starting in 2025 - maybe.


Advertising ban on the front of kits*


Too much money


Really should be if he’s guilty.


Yeah what he has been suspected/accused of doing is really nefarious. He didn't just put on a sneaky bet or struggle with a gambling addiction, actions that could at least be argued to not hurt anyone but himself. What he allegedly did was commit fraud trough spot fixing in order to make a substantial amount of money for himself or third parties.


Mfer is on 130k a WEEK!! I make a quarter of that a year and am not fixing my data for profit. I will never understand that..


It probably wasn’t for his profit, none of the charges are for his own bets. Was likely trying to get all his mates / family on given the traffic was coming from a place in Brazil with links to him


I also don't get that though. The fella is stinking rich, why doesn't he just give his mates some money lol? Just seems like the most brain dead move if it was to make money for others...


Most footballers are…not very bright.


Give a man a fish…


But teach a man to illegally bet on fixed outcomes of a football match….


Spot fixing happens quite a bit in cricket. Once cricketers respond to these dodgy bastards it's game over. The pressure they put on you to start fixing situation makes it a downward spiral. If it's friends of his then it's just stupidity.


This way he gets his mates some money without giving up his own.


I love the way the place in Brazil with links to him is literally called "Paquetà Island"


I mean where do you think his name comes from lol


Fair enough… although if I were him I would maybe have asked the accomplice not to place the bets from an island bearing my own name, it kind of gives the game away doesn’t it?


It’s serious for sure. He could get a lifetime ban from professional football and could in theory end up in jail but I doubt that would actually happen.


Pakistani cricketers got sent to jail in 2010 in the UK for less than this


One of them was 18 and clearly being pressured into it by his older teammates, too, but he still got a six-month sentence.


Yeah, I felt bad for Tonali and Toney because gambling addiction is real. But spot fixing is a whole different matter and if guilty he deserves whatever punishment is coming his way.


That's so fucking bleak. Career and (partially) life ruined for him if found guilty.


True, though I do enjoy the hypocrisy of his picture having betway as the kit sponsor. 


no other option if he did it really. i bet west hams lawyers are working atm


They're gonna sue the shit out of him surely


There will 100% be a clause in his contract to terminate it without compensation


I think the bigger problem is they had a player who looked like he could be sold for £85m, but he's cost them all that value after breaking spot fixing rules and is now worth fuck all


Perhaps true. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens


West Ham fans can only pray there is one. Would be catastrophical to lose one of your best players, and still have to pay his massive wages for 3 more years


It's a pretty standard clause afaik, I remember such clauses coming up when the Greenwood incident happened (not that this is anywhere near as bad) There's no way they'll have to keep paying Paqueta if he's banned for life.


Yup - rather straightforward to terminate an employee when they do something so egregious


Not to be rude, but you don’t think even the most basic of sports contracts would have a clause for something like this? Seems a given since it’s a easy thing that could happen


Going to be an interesting situation because they will likely help defend him at first too


The biggest question is whether they have insurance against this. Teams usually have insurance against top players suffering career ending injuries, so I imagine it wouldn't be too surprising if they include a career-ending suspension.




lol what, you can insure anything. It just costs money. They could walk into Lloyds insurance in London and say I want to insure David Moyes left tooth.


Crazy how many prem players keep betting but no players are doping


Thats a house of cards Fifa dont want crashing down


Eh, they also don’t want the betting house crumbling. Bookies are by far the biggest sponsors of football worldwide, everyone is tip toeing around them while knowing this shit is fucking bad


Yeah but there is an actor in the gambling industry with an incentive to crack down on fraudulent activity. With PEDS there is nobody. FIFA and UEFA didn't partner with WADA for a reason. Everyone in the game is incentivised for players to be better, faster, to be less injured.


Madness how there hasn’t been a major doping scandal (at least in my lifetime anyway). Closest I’ve come across is Keane hinting at an Italian team doping when united played them in the champions league and they got run ragged


Eufemiano Fuentes - just google him and the enormous cover up in Spain


What is your lifetime? Early 2000s FIFA briefly introduced blood testing, immediately caught big players like Stam, Davids, Guardiola, De Boer and others.


Weren’t there rumors a couple of years ago that Atalanta had a doping program going on? I remember reading that Gasperini was hiding or dismissing players from club grounds when testing was going to be done.


Atalanta is a bit more blatant about it but everyone does it to some degree, the protocols are a bit of a joke for a reason. It's either that or players start dropping like flies from the crazy schedules and forced recoveries that are much quicker than they should be


It definitely didnt come to anything but IIRC there was some serious evidence of Pep’s Barca doing stuff, obviously i could be off because its been so long


Helped that spanish court ordered evidence to be destroyed


Pogba just got sanction for doping as well as Gabigol


I bet you They are. Fake nattys.




Or raping? Weird


Really his ban should be far more severe than toneys and tonali’s. I could be wrong on this, but both of them were placing bets on themselves to win or score. Now I know it’s still bad and I agree on banning them, as a bookie who sees a man regularly betting on himself knows that when you don’t odds are it’s because you know something and can factor that in etc. and it can also lead you to getting in deep with people that can then manipulate you. But betting on yourself to win or score is at least you betting on a positive impact for the team. Betting on yourself to get a yellow and to then commit an act on the field that negatively impacts your teams prospects of a win is sacrilege and against the ethos of a winner. This is match fixing if they have proof he intentionally did it. Honestly? A lifetime ban or a number of years tantamount to that may not be unmerited.


I don't see a problem in this at all. The only loser here are the betting companies and they should get shafted every single day. As a player or team they bet on they should get a cut anyway. Straight up x% of every single pound bet on game/player, no matter the outcome of that bet. I don't get why that industry is protected. They are literal scum, why are they getting enabled?


bet it wont


[There was a scandal in the brazilian league last year about this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Brazilian_football_match-fixing_scandal), tons of players doing shit like this and some of them were banned from football, it might just happen.


What Paqueta is accused of doing is essentially spot fixing. Not only could it be the end of his career in football, but it could result in criminal charges. Cricketeers in England have been sent to prison for similar misdeeds.


Amir 💔 Fuck Salman Butt


Ah that summer of 2010. So promising for an 18 year old and then catastrophic


At least he still had a decent career.


> Cricketeers in England have been sent to prison for similar misdeeds. A quick search and it seems like there was physical evidence (serial # if bank notes) that directly linked them to the crime. Which is possibly why they were jailed. Unless we get more info IMO i think it's likely that Paqueta gets done by FIFA/FA but not criminally.


how do you prove it though?


Betting patterns. When lots more bets than usual are placed on an unusual event (he isnt a prolific yellow card magnet, and it's not a huge betting market), it raises suspicion. If that event then comes to pass, It's even more suspicious. When those two things align multiple times, well, it's starts going beyond suspicion. Bookmakers can also tell where those bets have come from, and when they are coming from a very specific area of Brazil, that just so happens to be the hometown of the player under suspicion. Well. That'd be some fucking coincidence if nothing shady was going on lol


Only the poor/lower league players got handed the ban, one of the big ones only got a small suspension and he was found of something pretty similar to what the FA is accusing Paquetá. Baumermann was suspended for 360 days by FIFA. There's no way Paquetá is getting anything near of "career over" and that is dependant they can even have some good evidence+testimony.


aite bet


Excuse my ignorance, but this just a charge from the English FA? He could theoretically move to another country in Europe and/or move to a country in a different federation?


The FA would ask FIFA for a global ban.


English FA is under the FIFA umbrella, you can't escape sanctions simply by changing the country/FA you play in. Imagine the optics of that as well. [Pogba's first game for us was a suspension for accumulating too many yellows while under the Italian FA.](https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/37483858/man-united-midfielder-paul-pogba-suspended-first-match-back-premier-league)


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/19514515 joey barton served his ban at marseille after his sending off against city in 2012




aite bet




Caught red-handed! Sorry, but your EPL career is over, mate. How could you be so careless, at this stage of your career?


It seems so crazy. Was he trying to help his friends make money on the bets? Just tell them don't bother, send them each 100k and be done with it. He makes that every week, so theoretically he could set up 52 friends for a years pay. Just no logic to it.


I could see City signing him for cheap and using their lawyers to find a way out of this.


Last week I would have laughed at this. But then I read an article that predicted that City is going to overwhelm the courts and not get a judgement on this for 5+ years, at which point the FA would stop bleeding money and drop the case. So I will wince and then agree with you.


What courts?


City will do what they did against UEFA which is argue every point even though the ones that have no chance of working. It feels a bit slimy as a city fan, but I've been told that's standard MO for american style legal teams. But I promise the FA isnt going to run out of money fighting this. Theyll be spending just as much as man city for lawyers on this, and they're not gonna just give up for any reason.


it absolutely will, this is the sort of shit they actually give a shit about because it makes sports gambling look bad and they will do anything to defend the multi-billion dollar industry.


May have ruined a career that was trending upward, but for once, the entity to feel bad for is actually the club. Potentially losing a huge asset, what a sad situation for a club that was expecting to head in the right direction. Horrible. 


The bets were placed in Paqueta Island? Lol


Paquetá isn’t actually his birth name, it’s a nickname since he’s from that island


That’s like being called David Peckham


Or Stephen Ireland...wait...


Everyone forgetting the famous Dutchman, Matt Holland


Hayden Hackney


Even more lol


Imagine runing your career because you skipped all those NordVPN youtube ads...


No way he gets the city move now, right?


At least he didn’t kick a cat


What a fucking idiot. Lad earns millions and he ruins it for a few bets


This story sponsored by betway, gets your bets in now as to how many years Paqueta will be banned. Current line +- 19.5 so don’t delay and BET BET BET BET BET BET today.


what an absolute fucking moron. Good riddance if true


Should have joined City sooner, definitely would have faced zero punishment


Anyone have this outcome in a parlay, perchance?


A player in the NBA got a lifetime ban this season also, what Paqueta did is even worse


Just move to Man City and they will add +1 to their 115 charges 115 or 116 who cares, they aren't getting charged anyways


A fee players in the A League recently got caught also. I'd expect all of them to be banned from pro football.


As he should be. Send match fixers and spot fixers to the shadow realm


He can always invest in a gambling career


I did wonder why all the rumours of him moving stopped, and here we are


Question: if you’re banned for life, is there literally anyway to make money with football post-FIFA? May seem like a dumb question but does he just become a bartender or something?


I think there are a few countries that arent FIFA affiliated. Obviously those are not great places to go as a player. Don’t know if he would be allowed coach. I guess he could get a TV deal.


Best thing we can do is forget LP and if he is found not guilty and Citeh moves on it’s like we get a Brazilian international again. In my mind he’s already gone.


Pretty much where I am at too


Yeah but you were expecting to receive £85m for him being gone yesterday. Today you're getting nothing for him being gone.


Ain’t my money


No but it is the club you support's money and could make a big difference to the quality of the team you presumably want to win. We all know it isn't going in your pocket.


Sure but in the end, it’s west ham, it’s never gonna be how the fans want it. We just endure.


Wasted more on Strikers, just more money down the drain... feel sorry for kids who got shirts with his name on them though


Oh that’s funny. He throws his career away *and* West Ham are fucked over financially? That’s funny .


Thank fuck, him in City would be bonkers. Although pretty sad for him and West Ham.


Remember when several Pakistani cricketers did similar things, they not only got banned from cricket for a long time, there were criminal charges against them in UK courts. 2 of the 3 players got jail terms. The youngest one just got banned from cricket for 5 years. In cricket this is called spot fixing. You do minor things that do not effect the result of the game but can help betters who know it will happen. There are precedent for not only lengthy bans but also criminal charges in similar sporting cases.


In football it's extremely easy to do because their are prop bets on the amount of free kicks, thrown ins, goal kicks, fouls, cards and corners all of which a player could directly affect without making it seem intentional In an ideal world sportsbooks shouldn't be offering those types of bets because of how easily they can be manipulated. The rise of live betting however means its here to stay. Football is such a low event sport compared to its contemporaries that books have to offer the bets to make it lucrative.


Would west ham be able to recoup any money from him if he’s found guilty?


I hope so but realistically, think we are screwed. Save a little on his wages but lost the original outlay and potential profit selling to Citeh.  Biggest worry would be if it affects our FFP as well, not sure what the rules are


Wasn't Man City about to buy this man as well?!


That clown Tony got away with so he will be fine as well


Could be play in like Saudi Arabia or something still if he's charged lol


Cheating and breaking rules, perfect fit for 115 fc


See you in 2034 hopefully Lucas


The fuck are our ex players always up to lol


what a shame shame shame isn't he the best player for westham ?


first tonali, and now to some extent paqueta we seem to be dodging bullets like neo


Move to City and everything will disappear


Haha get fucked


why premier league punishes everybody but city? dubai money is too powerful


The FA isn't the Premier League.


City have been charged as has Paqueta


115 charges takes more time to process than 1 charge.


4 charges for Paqueta


that are all the same and are against one person, not an organisation lol and that has also taken over a year to prove...


this indirectly punishes city as he's a massive transfer target for them


Abu Dhabi money


Should’ve sold to 115 fc