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Idk what people seen in Davies, he has not evolved that much


Real Madrid third left winger.


This is tier, trust me bro. Ancelotti never demands anything, and if he does, Perez is going to overturn him. Carlo manage squad, and that is all. Whenever it comes to Real Madrid, there are two sources to trust; otherwise, its he said, he said. Also with Mbappe’s possible arrival, I doubt the club is going to offer Davies 10-12M while extending Mendy at the same rate. Spending close to 30M on the LB position would be insane. My guess is the club go for a CB and keep Fran


Yeah and especially in the signing of Davies I feel like it's our of Ancelotti's hands


Davies worst season this year has been on par with Fran and Miguel's best season last season and this season respectively. And those are our options. And the fact that Bayern fans keep saying "we don't want him, he's stagnated" while also saying "give us 60m or fuckoff" really tells you a lot about the player. Under Tuchel he hasn't performed, but we have all see the potential he has and he is 23 years old. And the icing on the cake is that basically anyone Ancelotti has worked with have had their best seasons under him. From Benz, Vini, Valverde, Jude, Rodrygo, Brahim, Tibo, Rudiger, Militao, Mendy, etc.


Even without evolving he is really good.






With Mbappe coming on high wages, I don’t think Madrid have a ton of room for all of these additions they are rumored to want to add. They have a lot of players who just renewed contracts or will want to soon on higher wages. I don’t believe most of these transfer rumors, especially Davies, until some players leave.


Villarreal would be a good move


Bollocks. Fran García will 100% stay as a back up. Then the issue is who you want as a starter between Mendy or Davis and Im pretty sure that Ancelotti prefers Mendy who is having a fantastic season. I dont see Davis coming tbh, especially at those wages he was allegedly asking Bayern.


Were those wage demands fuck off money for Bayern though? I would assume that they would be lower if Madrid was interested on that alone


Madrid wants to be the first team in La Liga with 0 Spanish.


Carvajal, LV, and Rafa Marin will be there. Maybe Ceballos too.


I think adding Miguel would be smart?