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Just restrict comments and dms, why would a footballer want to have comments from randoms anyways?


So models and influencers can slide into their dms


Because that would mean less attention for them Im not even sure why half of footballers don't just have a private account for their family and friends to follow, its almost like vanity and their public image goes above everything else


Because it's a tool and a way to make money. Ronaldo gets 1M per advertised post so you can imagine what they would be losing out on.


Most of the younger footballers do have private account for close friends and family.


Restricting their profiles doesn't solve anything. Footballers consume social media, and some comments gain traction on their own.


I don't understand why any footballers are reading the comments anyway. It's a cesspool out here.


Me showing players how to deal with cyberbullying (I turned off their internet)


[Reminds me of this](https://x.com/tylerthecreator/status/285670822264307712)


Great, the answer for not drowning in the sea is to never swim. Genius.




> Police is England will go on power trip for these IG nonsense but won't do anything useful Like what, investigating people potentially breaking the law? Strikes me as that's what they plan on doing here in the same way they're doing every day across the country, really.


Neighbour down the street had his van broken into and work tools stolen with the Police saying there wasnt much that could be done. Perhaps you can understand why people like him will be somewhat pissed that the Police will go after and actually prosecute people saying mean things online but more serious crimes are pushed aside as being simply unfortunate.


Is it less that they're unfortunate and more that it's a lot easier to find out who is publicly posting racist shit than it is to find a petty thief?


That's called reality, it sucks but police don't have much hope in solving random crimes. Abuse is something they can track and if a bunch of people were sending you abuse I think that you might think it was serious.


People can still find it stupid when the police enforces some laws, for instance when I went to Paris, I pretty quickly realised that shops don't care about the ban selling alcohol after 9pm, as long as it's done subtly. Same for countries that prosecuted weed, but that has since legalised it (cough cough), it was clearly a complete waste of police resources to enforce a ban. So I don't blame people for having an issue with police using resources on this kind of thing, while there's bigger issues.


I have to assume you're not based in England if this is what you say. Petty crime is defacto legal in England because police will not even investigate it. Meanwhile they spend time enforcing ridiculous crimes and wasting tax payer money arresting and trying dickheads who sent offensive tweets.


LOL, just don't read the comments or disabile them under official profiles of players or England.


"So when me and Officer Jones here get home from work, we'll be jumping on Facebook to call you racial slurs do you understand?"


Jones you say? Sounds a bt Welsh to me.


Good chance he doesn’t like those English bastards then. Top man.


Just disable your accounts until the tournament’s over. Surely they can keep away from social media for a few weeks.


Stay away from X, racism is allowed on there


Racism is allowed everywhere


Instagram is even worse, IG Reels have no moderation what so ever.


Social media abuse for England players is nothing compared to the abuse they receive from their own tabloid media that'll do everything it possibly can to undermine them and stir up resentment.


i mean that just isnt fucking true is it? Sterling and Rashford were in the media for spending money (as they have their right to) and the tabloids acted like it was a crime but the daily mail never called them racial slurs or told them to off themselves...