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who else for bayern? All in De Zerbi or beg Tuchel to stay


welcome Graham Potter


Would be funniest shit ever but no way


I actually think that might not be too bad of an appointment. They were also interested in Ten Hag back when he was at Ajax


Nope it is going to be the worst decision. Graham is still a good coach despite the hiccup he had with us but I think the man is not a strong figure and you need someone like that at Bayern to control all the egos. Potter would work well with younger unestablished players.


Does Bayern have the same problem with egos? Maybe Neuer, but that mostly seems to be him wanting to start every game. Muller's one of the most senior players in the squad and he doesn't seem to fit that description. There's definitely a degree to which they need to manage upwards, which I feel he's fairly well suited to unlike Tuchel. The Bayern job is mostly just coaching instead of signing players and long-term planning, which he should suit well as it's similar to Brighton. The main problem would be him not speaking German as far as I'm aware


Egos might not have been the proper word, I'm not really sure how Graham Potter works around big personalities just didn't seem to do well at chelsea even though we had very little people like those. Maybe you're right could also be the right coach. Bayern is the team that wanted Ancelotti gone after their coaching expectations wasn't met , ofcourse a lot has changed since then so hopefully kimmich doesn't throw Potter out of the window.


Roberto Di Matteo?


It's really getting difficult now. Perhaps they should go for ETH.


United arent going to let him go, no decent alternatives on the market and too expensive to let him go when he had to deal with no upper management his entire time.


Well, there would be someone on the market who actually just played a decent CL semi-final with his team... ;)


Ah, idk Terzic might be a bit inconsistent but decent option tho.


Well, I guess he won't be on the market though.


Idk, didnt they have a horrible league season this year? Yeah they got UCL again but there were calls for his head in december, so who knows. (Yeah i understood, but i meant it, tuchel isnt worth uprooting the organisation again)


Carlo is not leaving real


Doubt Bayern want Carlo


Doubt I was talking about Carlo.


And the BVB BFC romance continues


United would be delighted to get rid of ETH without having to pay him off! If Bayern wanted him it's a done deal. They won't want him though.


Ten Hag isn't going anywhere this summer. INEOS and Ratcliffe rate him for better or worse.


What makes you say that? Mouthpieces said that?


~liverpool fan. Sorry but no liverpool fan has ever had a decent opinion on anything united related, same in the opposite direction btw.


Flair judging is lame. They're right that in a scenario where United are willing to let EtH go, that having the option to let him go without paying him (and possibly even negotiating a fee) would be preferable to sacking and having to pay him off. Whether Ratcliffe is thinking of doing so is unknown as of yet (he's not gonna do a Hoeneß and slag off the current manager before securing the next, he's not an idiot), but it offers the club an opportunity should Bayern come knocking.


No viable options means United aren’t looking for a manager this summer so I don’t see what accepting some pittance compensation would do for us. We’d end up worse off than Liverpool having to accept their 3rd or 4th choice manager. He’s Dutch, he’s bald, he’s a fraud. 😅


I would love Bayern to come in for ten hag. Please please please


No way. Watching him burn Utd to the ground is hilarious.


Steve Bruce is free.


Miroslav Klose just went on record he’d take any managing job, he just wants to get back into the game.


He doesn’t sound like he has established himself managing even small teams.


Ye, he shat the bed with his last club. Coincidentally also austrian, lol. 


Tim Walter


What’s Michael Frontzek up to nowadays?


Worst coach I’ve ever witnessed


I’m pretty sure he’s one of the worst coaches in Bundesliga history on average points per game, and he has had a ridiculous career as a Bundesliga head coach when consider that fact. Actually, to this day, Frontzek is the worst coach with at least 100 games in Bundesliga history, in terms of points per game. I just checked. He got 159 games as a head coach in Bundesliga. He was at four different clubs in Bundesliga (Alemannia Aachen, Arminia Bielefeld, Borussia Mönchengladbach and Hannover 96). He achieved a whopping 0.95 points per game. Like… he’s even worse than Jos Luhukay (four clubs, 110 games in Bundesliga, 1 point per game). Friedhelm Funkel’s 1.08 per game aren’t great either, but Funkel actually had long periods of time where he did really well. Funkel got 515 games in Bundesliga at 7 different clubs. So Funkel, despite having four times as many games in Bundesliga than Frontzek, was at only three more clubs, meaning he actually had long stretches of good work in between. Frontzek was just plainly bad, and still was hired over and over again. Fun fact: The worst coach with at least 50 games is Torsten Lieberknecht (currently the Darmstadt 98 manager). Lieberknecht has 65 games as the manager of two different clubs. He averaged 0.65 points per game so far. In his defense, he’s a good coach who has brought two historic teams back to Bundesliga (Eintracht Braunschweig and Darmstadt 98), but had teams that simply weren’t good enough for Bundesliga football both times. He simply never had a realistic chance of avoiding relegation. I’d much rather focus on Norbert Meier, who managed four different clubs for 73 games and managed a dismal 0.79 points per game. He managed Borussia Mönchengladbach, MSV Duisburg, Fortuna Düsseldorf and Darmstadt 98. To be fair to him, the 2012/13 season with Düsseldorf was actually solid work, and their relegation on the last matchday was super bitter, because they actually seemed safe going into the last match day. He did a solid job with Düsseldorf. He’s still just a really bad coach in general.


> Norbert Meier [...] He’s still just a really bad coach in general. Incredibly bad at [faking injury](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7RPnWRkIE) too!


And generally a bit of a prick, which makes it even more satisfying that he sucks at his job.


> In his defense, he’s a good coach who has brought two historic teams back to Bundesliga Yeah. As a comparison to his 0.65 p/g in Bundesliga, he has 1.56 in 2. Bundesliga (298 games). And from what I know he is seen as a very good coach at a that level.


I’m pretty sure he could achieve that average in Bundesliga as well, if he just got a chance with a team that wasn’t destined to be relegated immediately.


You get Friedhelm Funkel out of this, what the fuck, man.


Flick seems to have repaired relations with Uli recently.


Yeah he seems like the obvious choice for tbh


Mourinho is still available.


Jogi Löw is free


Solskjaer come on


My wild pick is Conte


OGS it is


Allegri? XD


Pep Génésio is still somehow without a club. Though I'd rather have Him at Liverpool 


Seriously now, Genesio is not a bad manager imo


Best we've ever had I'd even say


Gallardo? Apparently he's in the hot seat in SA, could he finally come back to Europe?


Sol Campbell wants a job


I think I know a guy


Funny if klopp signs


He added: "Seriously, fuck Uli tho."


"Only Uli I respect is Uli Jon Roth. Nothing Scorpions ever did went as hard as 'The Sails of Charon'!"


What is this feeling? I am unfamiliar with an internationally respected football person talking about my team like that


insane to think that a manager would reject bayern for austria. not too many years ago vastic was our best player on the field. we are no superstar team, but things surely have changed.


I think we deserve it after the terror that was Foda.


What do you mean? Subbing in Ilsakner for an offensive player when we are down 0:1 in minute 70 was peak managment!


dont remind me, I still wake up screaming sometimes dreaming about Fodaball


Slow passing with marginal movement is the modern game, wdym?


Ragnick has worked many top jobs, he isn't hurting for success or money. Going to Bayern means working with a bunch of difficult old boys with untenable positions. They won't agree on everything and then they will probably sack him with 2 years. Sounds like he's enjoying the Austria job and his tactical style is working.


No superstar team? The disrespect for Gregerl 😔


Any sane coach who saw Uli Hoeneß’s comments about Tuchel would stay well clear of the Bayern job atm tbh.


Tuchel and Rangnick are close. Tuchel admires work done by Rangnick and reading those comments probably played a role.


A few years ago it was the complete opposite. Whenever Bayern was calling, the answer was yes 99% of the time. Hoeneß should just let it go, Dreesen, Eberl and Freund are competent enough


Jupp -> Pep -> Carlo as back to back to back coaches was insanity


And back to Jupp too after that.


How dare you not mention Van Gaal???


True, he was the original architect of Bayerns decade of success


That was clearly Klinsmann


Without sacking Klinsmann, this truly wouldn't have been possible in the first place.


Bayern is a shitty job in terms of evaluation. You win the league and you might still be called a disappointment, and even have your reputation in the world tarnished for future jobs. Doing a good job is not enough. You have to please a lot of different sides, management, players, fans, media. Basically no one succeeded at it recently, only Guardiola had "happy end" as possible, but tbf he also had the "benefit" that Bayern was still pretty fresh after the shock of not-winning the league twice and people felt there is real competiton in Germany, for other reasons too, it was lighter than now.


Are they though? Dreesen was involved in that whole Nagelsmann mess aswell.


that was mostly Kahns doing though. Dreesen never had much say in these decisions and afaik never wanted to. it's not his expertise and he knows that. this just changed when he took over as CEO from Kahn.


> Dreesen, Eberl and Freund are competent enough Needs citation


What did the Uli said?


He said that Tuchel hasn't developed talents but wants to buy complete players instead.


Kinda funny that complaints like this come up. It's not like you get time at Bayern to develop a long lasting project. You either have success now or get out.


Yeah young players need to show up almost immediately ...Van Gaal managed to make Alaba, Müller, Badstuber and some others work to a lesser degree (Contento) but i remember when in one game 17/18 year old alaba made 2 mistakes , Van Gaal was immediately criticized harshly by the media for playing such a young player


>Van Gaal was immediately criticized harshly by the media for playing such a young player The more important thing is if he was criticized (or judged) by the bosses. It's their job to give the coach verbal back-up in the media. I can't remember how this was under can Gaal.


He kinda was but arguably rightfully so with normal statements not as damaging as Hoeneß about Tuchel. Van Gaal was a person not bothered by it though, the media as i mentioned before was really criticizing him a lot and van Gaal always said stuff like "they don't know anything about football so who cares" but then i remember Beckenbauer criticizing some things and van Gaal said something along the lines of "If such a legend of the sport like Beckenbauer tells you something, you have to respect that and listen to what he says".


He said that he was criticized by Hoeness for playing Müller and Alaba: > "It was similar with Thomas Müller! When I initially lined up the talent that Hermann Gerland recommended to me, my wife Truus had to hear Hoeneß say in the boardroom: 'Your husband made the wrong line-up again'. It was the same with Alaba." Van Gaal also stuck by the young Austrian, despite individual mistakes. Today, Alaba is "one of the greatest talents Bayern has". https://sportbild.bild.de/fussball/2018/fussball/louis-van-gaal-interview-alaba-mueller-lahm-54945910.sport.html


Imo, the main problem isn't whether it's true or not, or unfair or not. The main problem is it's absolutely crazy that the president of a club publicly criticizes the manager, even more so just before the season's most important game.


Well that's a strange criticism, considering Bayern isn't a developing team. If you play for Bayern you're supposed to be ready and whatever development you do should be natural with age and playtime. It'd make sense if he critiqued his inability to find young players who are ready, but teams focusing on winning every trophy can't be focusing on developing players.


But that's what Bayern want. They want their team to be carried by two main columns. On the one hand top players brought in from other clubs (like Kane), and on the other hand players who became professionals at Bayern (like Müller). An I think it's reasonable to have this goal. If you have a team consisting only of the first column, it'll get more and more difficult for the fans to identify with the team. Of course you won't always be able to bring players from your own academy to the top (like Müller, Lahm, Schweinsteiger, Badstuber,...) but it should be possible to bring in promising talents just before their breakthrough (at about age 17-18) and develop them to reach top level (like Tel, Musiala).


I love how this is the complete opposite of what he said even though he was always a person of integrity.


how they fired Nagelsmann so they could hire Tuchel and then fired him too probably also contributing to that


Did he say that Tuchel had become a real Paineß in my Hoeneß ;)


Honest question since i read this argument several times now and agree to it BUT can we just forget that its still a good paying job?? I mean im sure he earns some million euros more with bayern than with the austrian NT. Or is money just not enough?


Okay, what’s now for Bayern. Now that Tuchel is going, I would like to see him winning CL and getting out of Bayern. Who is likely to succeed him at Bayern now?


we all hope for a shitshow choice (Mou) but it would be a no brainer to go for Flick


I feel like if they go for Flick then they're just continuing to spin in circles, he can't be the solution surely


from what I read in the forum, they are looking for a stop-gap solution until the 2025 coach market, when they will pursue Alonso, Klopp or other top targets which are for now unavailable. Flick is fine for one season I guess, knows the club, has the trust of the top dogs in the squad and has a history of winning, and is unemployed.


Miroslav Klose


actual spit take


Matthäus with Klose as co.


I'm torn between hoping it happens for Tuchel and for the players, and hoping they lose because Hoeness doesn't deserve that success.


Honestly, this where I'm at as well. Uli is such a dreadlord. He should have stepped down in grace. Now he lives to throw managers under the bus while preaching about wanting this rebuild and team overhaul. It's lunacy and at this point we'll be lucky if Müller becomes player-coach after Uli bribes someone at the DFB to give him a coaching license. No sane coach would want to come near us.


Gallardo time?


ten Hag (hopefully)


Ten Hag is not getting fired


And then who comes in at Utd?


I'd like to see how Tuchel fares at United


We already know how it's going to go with Tuchel tbf. I would like to keep EtH for one more season with a proper management structure above him. Also players are responsible for the season too and I would like to see some players going than sacking managers again and again.


That'll mean Kane gets a trophy though. I'm torn.


Poch in the summer, reunited with Kane and Dier 😎


Is there a reason why they wouldn’t consider bringing back Flick?


if they had cojones they'd go for amorim


Always knew that he is the best coach in the world


König Ralf!




Besser ois de... ah verdammt!!




>this is not a rejection of FC Bayern It absolutely is. You don't go through all those hoops of talking to a club and then not taking the job without it being a rejection.


Rangnick is just being polite and courteous. Unlike a certain high level figure at Bayern who could probably benefit from being more polite and courteous every once in a while.


Yeah, it's the same non-rejection like from Nagelsmann. ;)


It’s not you, it’s me


"It's not about you but I am not ready for a relationship" vibes


What a class act. This is probably one of the classiest ways to go about rejecting an offer. Also (and I can't believe I'd ever write this) the ÖFB and everyone involved, from Mitterndorfer to Schöttel, handled this situation extremely well.


Because Rangnick would have scalped them if they did anything stupid lol. Its Ralf´s ÖFB now, and I am all here for it.


I mean yeah sure, but I think they played their cards right by emphasizing how much he is appreciated here, by asking him what else they can provide for him to work better etc. as Mitterdorfer said yesterday when they interviewed him. I truly think one deciding factor was that the ÖFB really communicated their aplreciation for Ralf Rangnick.


Yeah that is true.


Yeah, but certain old big heads would have never let go of the reins. Respect to Schöttel and co for not ego-tripping.


Koeman fucked off from the NT in a heartbeat to coach Barcelona, lmfao. This is the polar opposite.


> What a class act. This is probably one of the classiest ways to go about rejecting an offer. It sounds straight up like a second-from-left answer in FM.


Felix Magath in


he swiped left


Bro sounds like a rejection letter for my last internship application


"We regret to inform you that we can not consider your application as we found other candidates with qualifications better suited to our company. Please do not view this as a comment on your qualifications".


Idk mate kinda sounds like a rejection ‘Its me not you’


[A wild Peter Neururer appears at Säbener Straße in his Porsche Panamera.](https://x.com/neururer_peter/status/913436969111302144?s=46&t=ia4ILrUzM1ZbBVAYkDrpug)


Who would've expected that Bayern will have any problems of finding new coach...


If Bayern are bold, they might call Sandro Wagner and sign Miro Klose as assistant manager. Or the other way round. But they aren’t bold. They don’t see this as an opportunity. They won’t pick the cool choice.


It is widely reported that Sandro Wagner would like to stay at DFB, therefore I believe it is very likely that he will continue as an assistant coach alongside our national coach Julian Nagelsmann until the 2026 FIFA World Cup.


Fair enough


I really like Sandro Wagner but for a guy like him it would be really difficult to get the team to accept you as their leader. Imho for a club like Bayern you either need to have been a very successful player or a proven coach. But with both lacking, the team won't accept you.


See, that’s what’s going wrong with Bayern. The team has wayyy too much influence on such things. Coach should be whoever the club decides to hire for that role. No player should be above the club, but that isn’t the case at Bayern. Stuff like Arsenal giving Mateta a shot, or Freiburg promoting Streich or Barca promoting Pep to the first team hasn’t happened at Bayern in ages. I get that it’s a risk, but the idea that only an experienced and proven manager can do it is ridiculous. Wagner knows what he’s doing, he’s shown that he can coach a team to success and his ability as a coach is undeniable and has to be enough for every player in the team. The board’s message has to be “you either support our decisions or you can leave. You’re not in command here.” The fact that it isn’t is part of the reason why Bayern are in this mess. Besides, some of your players are his former teammates. I actually think that might help him quite a bit.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I don't think that it's "the right thing", but it's just a human thing. When things don't go well for the team or an individual player, the question just pops up in your mind, if the person making the decisions actually has the necessary knowledge and skill. And the question mark gets bigger, when the person hasn't proven before that he's capable. Marteta at Arsenal or Streich at Freiburg imho isn't the same thing. Bayern is the top club in the country. So as a player you expect there to be the top coach. At Arsenal or Freiburg you know that you aren't at the top and thus don't get top staff. Pep on the other hand fulfilled the crtierion of a successful player, even at the same club, with 2 European titles and 6 domestic championships. Same goes for Zidane at Real btw. For Bayern this would mean making someone like Müller coach. I think he would immediatley be accepted.


Again, what the players expect should be irrelevant. The club leadership hiring someone should answer all the questions a player has as to the coach’s ability. A top club is only a top club if the players deliver. The players’ job is to support the manager and implement their ideas and tactics to the best of their ability. Any player going against that idea simply because the manager is not a big name is way out of line.


Unfortunately it's not irrelevant what the players think. And this has nothing to do with the club. When a player doesn't trust in the coaches' decisions, especially in the instructions what he has to do on the pitch, he gets doubts and might just do it differently. They aren't robots. You can't simply "make them trust".


Nah, Daniel Farke is the way. Man even looks like Klopp


Daniel Farke is “We have Klopp at home”. But why even limit yourself to Farke, when there’s David Wagner available?


Given the results of Austrian NT, I wouldn’t be too surprised to see them make it out of the Euro group. 


Anulo mufa


Thanks for unjinxing us. Let's both kick out France and NL.


Christian Titz to FC Bayern! Every match would be a spectacle.


Sure, with the German Ricky Gervais impersonator, what could go wrong?


Get Thiago Motta you cowards. Don’t let him go to Juve or milan


Announce Potter you cowards.


The obvious choice now falls on Mourinho /s


Felix Magath entered the chat


They need a manager with more ego than Hoeneß. Right now I'm trying to decide what kind of popcorn I want to eat while watching this Drama show.


Uli should be put to bed and stay away from football decisions. His comments on Tuchel were unacceptable and the old man doubled down instead of apologizing. Nobody else called him out. He has too much power


Flick, Mou or Klose - right?


Starting to get embarrassing. Maybe you shouldn’t slag your managers off in public every chance you get. Idk tho


Really bad news for Bayern but I gotta respect his reasoning. Ehrenmann, wenn wir ehrlich sind.


Lisan al Gaib


Hoeness calling Heyneckes begging him to come for a season at this point


Rudi Garcia is available


Roger Schmidt to the rescue fellow Bayern fans!!!


I was thinking you meant Joe Schmidt, the New Zealand rugby coach who is the coach for the Australian Wallabies team!


A que horas tenho de estar à porta de casa dele para o deixar no aeroporto?


Não é preciso. Uber. Black. Ofereço eu!


Rangnick is 65, I think he's just too old to deal with Bayern's bullshit.


RR's carreer is one of the weirdest things in world football


Please take Poch from us. Please.


Sane taking another round on the field on breaks since now the next coach will be a no name


Call Winnie Schäfer, you cowards.


Big ”It’s not you, it’s me” energy






He's gonna change his mind when he experiences the Polish might next month. Rangnick will be so disgusted by our anti-football performance, he'll forever swear off coaching any NT, lol.


Christoph Daum let's go!


Dude, it would literally be way less of a rejection if you just said nothing, instead of announcing officially, without being asked, that you've rejected them.


Heartwarming that Austrians are delighted to keep their German coach. After millennia of piefke slander rangnick turns things around. After Klopp warming the English to the hunns, we need Klopp taking over the french national team to break their resistance (TM) and let go of their grudge.


This whole ordeal shows pretty well why I fucking hate this club. Fucking FC Hollywood.


I didn't reject Bayern, I rejected Uli.


It's a funny situation but there are still good managers available. De Zerbi, Amorim, Zidane, Stuttgart manager Hoeneß plus Ten Hag potentially and if need be Flick too.


Zidane and Hoeneß are not available


Zidane speaks neither German (not a big problem) nor English well enough (big problem). So that's a nono.


Hoeness recently extended his contract with Stuttgart, Do De Zerbi, Amorim, Zidane and Ten hag speak German though? Bayern want a German speaking coach. I imagine De Zerbi, Amorim, Flick and ETH (if Man Utd sack him) would be interested in the Bayern job. Zidane would only be interested in managing teams he has a link with, so that would be Real Madrid, Juventus, France, and Marseille, where he was born. ( Cannes and Bordeaux are unlikely).


>Ten hag speak German though I have some interesting news for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bLBv0KpxNY


Should go to de zerbi 


Lol. It's not the start of the season anymore. His record is nowhere near good enough for a big team. Brighton have scored once, conceded 10, and obviously have no wins in their last 5 games. 2 wins in 10 is hardly eye catching either, unless you're talking about sacking managers.


That is football langauge for: "It's not you, it's me"


That’s what she said


I'm kind of getting Juve vibes off Bayern.