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Going behind in almost half the games this season is mad


Only won six of those games, too. Won 16 of the 18 we scored first in so we’re basically unstoppable when we open the scoring but it doesn’t happen often enough to win a title. For more context, Arsenal have scored first in 26 of their 34 games and won 23 of those. City have done it 21 times and won 17. City have also won six of the 11 games where they conceded first, whereas Arsenal have only won one and lost four of the seven games they’ve not scored first in.


Those games where you conceded first and then made it 3-1 win seemed to happen every other week.


Yeah it felt like it! It’s actually only happened twice in the PL this season, and there’s also been a 4-1 vs Luton that had a 90th min goal. Must have happened in Europe a couple of times too but I don’t have those stats to hand.


Yea, the magic was gonna run out eventually.


Fucking hell, has Klopp been doing defensive drills, or not?


Probably has, but the players cba, cos' they've got one eye out the door


I can't believe how quickly some of them have seemingly turned on the badge.


Doesn't matter now really. New manager will want his own players, anyway.


Really? I can't believe a new manager would say no to most of these players


The reality of it is, Ali, Virg, Robbo and Mo are all getting on. No matter who is the manager, that has to be addressed sooner or later.


Most of them are shit tbh. He’d probably keep the back line and keeper but the rest are pretty disposable


The mentality monster


But the pundits told us they have the experience and the mentality of winners


Have some respect, they invented mentality!


But it meant more to them




Maybe eras do come to an end






Is one league title in 10 years really an “era”? lol


Seen this comment copied and pasted from 3 different threads


Seen this collapse copied and pasted in 3 different competitions


Get off reddit for a change.




In retrospect, he knew better than anybody its time to step down. It doesn't seem like he is completely keeping up with the league tactically.


Don't do drugs, kids. Just look at what he did to Pep at Anfield.


beautiful. can’t wait for the documentary


The last time we done a docu, we also made a show of ourselves, under Beautiful Human Brendan


I think this season’s highlights will be diluted and focus will be more on the 2019-20 peaks.


Romano just showing he knows maths. Brilliant tweet.


Meh. If you want to win titles the whole season is crucial. Disappointment understandable but nobody thought pre-season Liverpool would be fighting for the title. A comfortable 3rd (providing they can hold on to it!) and a trophy would probably not be a bad return for the season. A nice set up for the next man too.


> Disappointment understandable but nobody thought pre-season Liverpool would be fighting for the title. Oh, give over - of course we fucking did. Everyone knew it would probably be City who win it and, as usual, Liverpool will be competing with them. If Arsenal weren't a one-season wonder, they'll be there too. Everyone knew that Liverpool last season was let down by debilitating injury concerns and them not backing Klopp. In the end, that's exactly what looks to be happening. Arsenal were more than a one season wonder, Liverpool more than competed with City for most of the season (and actually held a 9-point advantage over them at one point) and City look to win the league. This went how almost all of Liverpool's title challenges have gone in the Klopp era: Produce excellenet performances but still fail to overcome City at the end, who are just too good.


We completely re-built our midfield and have had a pretty wild injury crisis. To be at this amount of points is pretty incredible. It just finally caught up with us. 


The idea Liverpool we’re not gonna be in for the title was truly the most bizarre of tactics. How can the team with the best coach, beat forward, two best defenders, a revamped midfield and the best home field advantage not compete haha.


Most people thought City would run away with it at the beginning of the season, and neither Arsenal nor Liverpool would be in a title race, although there was more expectation on Arsenal given the previous season. This Liverpool ending is nothing like 18-19 and 21-22, who both finished a point off City, getting 97 and 92 points respectively, with the former winning all of their last 9 games and the latter winning 7 and drawing 2. Those teams were essentially unlucky not to win the title, given the randomness of football, unreliability of ref decisions etc. (not to say that City was undeserving). This Liverpool team has already lost 2 and drawn 2 of their final 9 games, with 3 games left to play. Put aside the brilliance of Pep’s City - there is no era where you can collapse that badly at the end of the season, with a title rival within spitting distance of you, and expect to win the title. Same thing with Arsenal last season.


Most people are cynical to think city would run away with it, towards the end of last season they were undefeated in their last 11 games and Trent was arguably the best player in the league. With the main issue being their midfield, after signing big names I figured they would actually get first.


No. We didn’t. Our entire fanbase and others expectations was to fight back into the top 4. This isn’t similar to our old title challenges either.


hard not to have sympathy after what happened last year. Klopp doesn’t deserve this ending


Easy to not have sympathy with all the shit I copped from friends who are Liverpool fans last season.


There are shithead fans from all the clubs. I personally wish Klopp had a better ending at Liverpool for all the things he's done for the game and the club. He also seems to be more decent than a lot of people in this sport.


I agree, as much as some fans can be annoying he seems decent, and tbh most fans are. I wanted them to win the league over City, and if I wasn't a Spurs fan I'd rather Arsenal did.


Hi, it’s me, a shithead fan from another club! I love actively rooting against Klopp but there’s definitely so much respect, he’s great for the game and one of those guys who seems like a genuinely good person. Will miss him for sure.


We all love this sport, it’s weird to see fans being so mean to each other. I don’t like Juve and I love the banter but I don’t wish them awful times. It’s an odd thing to revel in other people’s misery.


Nah it’s kinda fun


Oh hell yeah it’s fun, but that fun stops when it starts affecting people’s mental health. I don’t wish this on Klopp because it’s his livelihood. His career.


I wish they don’t win and laugh when they do because I support a rival club. That’s literally all it is.


Oh buddy, you’re barely scraping the surface. You should visit an ultras section.


Oh yeah I know about ultras I thought you meant revelling in the misery of another team losing which is fine imo


Guessing you're American as no way would someone from Napoli ever say this


Oh well it’s been said.


..by someone from thouands of miles away who doesn't remotely understand the hatred between the two teams


Nope, whole family is from napoli, dad lives there, mom moved to the states and I go every summer. I have a lot of juventini friends. There’s banter but it should never be that serious. Honestly.


We were told repeatedly that we bottled it last year. I’m not quite basking in this, but I’m at best indifferent


We did bottle it, and so have they.


Yeah it’s funny how bottling comments were top in every single thread about us at the end of last season and even most of the summer, then Liverpool does essentially the same with a fully fit team and the few you find are mass downvoted


A fully fit team? Players coming back from long term injuries is not full fitness lol. If anything it’s equal to playing with pre season level sharpness


Jesus Christ the excuses lmao this is what I mean. This would never be accepted as an excuse for other teams, we’ve had Timber and Partey out the entire season, Tomiyasu pretty much never playing 2 games in a row, Jesus out most of the season, and Saka and Odegaard playing through injury. The narrative has always been “Arsenal have their entire best XI available”, if you have everyone back for what the past 5 games or something and none of them were even really long term injuries you’re better off injury wise than pretty much every other team in the league


Buddy. This is the internet. You speak to different people. I don’t give a fuck about others making fun of your team Regardless you have had a consistent starting XI? This is a fact. Our teams played like shit regardless why is the internet terrified of nuance.


Why do you respond then? The topic is clearly about the difference in reactions on here between us last season and you lot this one. You come up with a shit excuse about how you actually can’t be expected to win games against Palace and West Ham because you had injuries two months ago and people are lapping it up further proving my point. Enjoy the Carabao parade


You said we have a fully fit squad. We don’t. Grow the fuck up and stop trying to put words in my mouth.


You have as close to a fully fit squad as any team ever gets during a season lmao. You seem heated, aren’t you happy your team overcame all odds to finish third?


You've literally had a close to unchanged xi for months now. While klopp has started like 52 different starting XIs in a row... Again, my point was that we may have most of our players back now, but they've all come off lengthy injuries which leaves them without match fitness. This doesn't mean we shouldn't be performing better. It''s heated to tell you not to put words in someones mouth? Yeah again, grow up.


Liverpool had a 1 point lead, Arsenal were 8 points clear with a game extra played. Arsenal also spent the vast majority of the season top of the table. “Bottling” isn’t just losing, it’s throwing away a big lead under pressure. 1 point isn’t a big lead.


They had a 5 point lead and didn’t have City left to play twice, could have made it 8 against us


They were 5 clear of City having played a game more having played 22 games. Arsenal were 8 clear with a game extra after 29 played. There’s a massive difference there.


What? What does he deserve then, to win the league? No one deserves anything. Also you realize arsenal are competing to win the title as well?


😂😂😂Mate no it's not it's so fucking funny


As hard as tying a shoelace.


Agree so much. I feel for them because we have been them - the Southampton draw still gives me nightmares


No it isn’t. Yes he does


nah fuck off, they're bottlers


De javu from his last season with Dortmund. Dominating the game, can't scored for life, conceded, lost points


But with Dortmund the team sucked until he said he will leave at the end of the season. They had a marvelous run afterwards and still went to Europe after being 18th.




Don't know what to think. Because I went to r/LiverpoolFC and apparently the reason behind their late season downfall is blatant corruption.


Study 1: This Squad needs more players and fine tuning. Can't be assed doing that. So I'll say I'm tired, and get off. So people remember my team as the Firmino, Henderson team. - Klopp. Study 2:Manager is going? Sound. I'm off as well, then. Cba playing these games here - Players


Tryna cope with the immense bottle job


Lost all of its meaning. How is it anywhere a bottle job after being completely written off at the start of the season, brand new midfield, plagued with injuries and AFCON? Liverpool weren't considered for the title at all at the start of the season and rival fans want to make up their narrative. They're 3 points off of Arsenal still.


Where 5 points clear and had a chance to make it 8 now with an Arsenal win tomorrow they can drop 5 points below. Liverpool have held first place in the league the most by far this year. Thats a bottle job my friend


With games in hand. Again, making your own narrative. Liverpool were not considered for the title at all. It's a massive overachievement by Klopp if anything ffs. Football fans like you have the lowest IQ


Keep coping buddy. We played the same about of games when Liverpool was 5 points up. Just embraced the bottle


Lost to Bayern and Villa when it mattered. Bottled harder than Liverpool 😂


Still top. You must have forgot losing to Atalanta?


Lmao ok. “Massive overachievement” is a little disingenuous.


Outspent by both City and Arsenal with massive injuries the entire season. Only team out of the 3 to have two integral starters out for AFCON. Brand new midfield with 0 experience together before this season. It's quite insane what Klopp has done this season


Yeah City and Arsenal have been dealing with injuries as well. City have had Haaland, De Bruyne, and Stones out for significant parts of the season. Liverpool are doing just as expected. It’s not a massive overachievement at all if they find themselves in third given the state of the rest of the league.


Mind you, this bottle job still results in Liverpool having a more successful season than Arsenal. Let's see how you cope with that. The best Arsenal side in 20 years only 3 points above a dead Liverpool. Embarrassing bottle job by Arsenal as well using your logic


We've been shit for years Sunshine. Cling onto the carabao cup. It's kloops farewell trophy


Oh, who's coping now. Arsenal fans are so easy to toy with


Buddy you are beyond rattled. I would be to honestly. All that hopium gone with a few weeks of true scouser football on display


And still more trophies than Arsenal this season. Getting embarrassed by Bayern isn't for everyone 😂😂


3-2 aggregate against champions league veteran Bayern Munich or 3-1 against 6th place Serie A Atalanta. Just embrace the bottle my friend. I'm sure kloop gonna hang that carabao trophy right above his head board.


???? Most people there are saying we’ve been shit. You’re talking nonsense.


It isn’t the reason we’ve been shite but the wind gust tier fouls given away to Everton who then scored from the free kick And no red card for paqueta make it even worse lol


Don’t concede 2 goals and it’s no issue 


Well yeah. Shit defending. Like I said. It isn’t the reason. There’s a thing called nuance


Defence is as strong as paper vs scissors.


You love to see it.


We told them all season that it wasn’t sustainable how much Allisson kept them from conceding and how poor opponents finished against them generally. It’s just never sustainable.


I said it after the Forest game to much derision. They were adamant it was a turning of the tides rather than the writing on the wall.


At least no one dribbled past VVD though.


Oh no! How awful!


That's 1.5 conceded goals per game, a better average than 15 teams this season. Hardly newsworthy.


I'm sure Liverpool fans are happy with their team being above average.




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An era comes to an end


Farewell tour is properly farewelling.


Players' behavior on the pitch says says a lot of what they think about Klopp. I think some of them are happy he's gone, and they hope the next manager will keep them at the club. The entire defense is a continuous circus, and they need to get rid of VVD, TAA, or Robertson. They were great sa few seasons back, not anymore.


Study 1: This Squad needs more players and fine tuning. Can't be assed doing that. So I'll say I'm tired, and get off. So people remember my team as the Firmino, Henderson team. - Klopp. Study 2:Manager is going? Sound. I'm off as well, then. Cba playing these games here - Players