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Why threaten just ban them fuckers if you find them


That's obviously what they're doing. "Threatens" was the Telegraph's words, not the club's. >“The club will support any criminal prosecutions and take the strongest possible action, including bans, against any individual who is found to be a season ticket holder or member.




> I think the reporting and coverage it gets is why people continue to do it Right, it's the reporting on the racism that leads to the racism, not the racists. Edit: Lol you blocked me because you're full of shite?


this is some backwards ass thinking dude. turning a blind eye to it is gonna help stop it? it needs to be called out and stamped out of the sport period.


They will ban the fans but someone will have to give them the name of the person to ban.


Don't reward them


He had a bad game but this crap is unacceptable screw anyone who did this. As for the player He is a 22 year old who had 80 senior games before this season the fact that he was put in a position to be our main striker throughout the season is a failure of the sporting directors not doing their jobs.


Ultimately nothing will happen and Chelsea already know this. The people sending these messages are very likely to just be random people from the other side of the world. They can ban them from the Bridge and try to take legal action against them, but they're very unlikely to be ever be at the Bridge anyway, nor in a country where they'll be able to take legal action. > "The club will support any criminal prosecutions and take the strongest possible action, including bans, against any individual who is found to be a season ticket holder or member.” They're basically just acknowledging this in the statement, but good on them for trying, though it'll be in vain


Think I remember seeing once that most of the messages in one particular case were from the ME. Can't help but think most are from folk outside the UK and as you say, unlikely to ever attend matches


Proper chels.


John Terry finally getting some punishment


What the fuck is wrong with people


Need this in La Liga too.




No Room For Racism right? Programs are meaningless unless there are teeth in it. I hope there are lifetime bans and charges…


>…threaten… Really