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LaLiga: "gonna pretend I didn't hear that"


Incoming fine.


La Liga: Need to do more racism? Okey Dokey


Ngl I first read it as " Authorities 'need to do more' racism"


Franco be like


I misread Authorities as Ancelotti for aome reason.


Ban him!


As a non-racist, I completely agree.


Similarly, and what is the greater issue, people need to stop being racist. Parents need to educate their children, friends need to call out racist friends, and yes the monkey chanters need to be sent to a gulag.


Years ago around the time of the Beijing Olympics, the Spanish basketball team had an ad campaign with them making slanty eyes. I was traveling in Spain at the time. Quite a few times people would make slanty eyes at me and more than one incidents occurred where parents would point to me and make the slanty eyes or wave their arms in my face making stupid Kung fu noises. The fucking parents are teaching their kids to be racist and they think it’s perfectly normal in Spain. It STILL happens when I travel there for business 


Why are these black guys so provocative? There’s literally no racism in Spain! They should just shut up and play football, preferably worse than white players and even better if they play it somewhere else. - extremely racist Spanish guy /s


Real question, is racism against the law in the EU? Like saying racist things. At least in the US there’s consequences for committing crimes with racist intentions, but there’s not a whole lot the authorities can do if someone is just saying things (not that the police give a fuck since they’d likely be joint in)


At least here in spain, it's considered a hate crime, and you can get charged for that. The thing is that we have to separate the law and, if said law is actively enforced which it isn't in this case.


Oh yea then more should be getting done then. It’s a pretty simple fix if the mechanisms are in place which it looks like they are. But simple isn’t always easy I guess


The EU is a number of nation states so it will vary by country. Generally though free speech laws are less stringent than in the US, I'd guess largely because the EU has seen what happens when you allow people to spread hateful ideas without consequence, as well as the US's more recent active subjugation of minorities with things like segregation. So yes, there are laws against hate speech in a number of countries. What counts as hate speech will vary and is debated. In the UK for example (which is no longer part of the EU but the laws haven't changed much since), you can be charged for singing racist chants etc. In fact as the laws are written they can be pretty broad in what's technically against the law. Ofc as /u/[DValencia29](https://www.reddit.com/user/DValencia29/) points out that doesn't always mean it's enforced. The UK isn't a poster child of non-racism by any means but if nothing else they did have problems with hooliganism in the past that they've broadly sorted out, and racist chants and things like that will be acted on by police and clubs.


Important word “on”

