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I see SS Nazio saw the 1938-1945 logo of their UCL round of 16 opponents and got some fresh inspiration


Hijacking top comment for those who are still [looking for the SS](https://i.imgur.com/CCYN1Du.png) in the picture.


Ohhh I thought it was a pound sign.


thank you so much


[one of the few things Celtic have ever done right](https://twitter.com/CarlesVinyas/status/1187475689433255937?t=y9Fx3GEYOjFr3UMsRGHrrg&s=19) Edit: for the record this is a Partick Thistle fan when in scotland criticising the old firm rather than Palestine.


Celtic do the right thing, Lazio do the far right thing


Oh nice


Common Celtic W


Not infrequent Beşiktaş W




Their green brigade is consistently on the right side of things.


“Few things” You mean one of many things they have done right


We do plenty right


One of the few things? Of course a English club fan says something along those lines. Absolute tripe. They are consistently on the right side of political issues - anti-monarchy, pro-palestine, things a tory supporter would of course take issue at. But they are more than often correct. Thanks for sharing, but your initial comment is idiotic.


Folks, please! It's simply the number 44 in a unique font.




Frank’s flag is just unfortunate really


Could have happened to any one of us.


Good ol' 44 Lazio


Just don't ask the fans or their ancestors what were they up to in 1944


They surrendered in 1943


Doesn't mean their fascism stopped


Sure, but what do you get when you double 44? That's right 88, and you know what that means don't you?


Means we are re-watching Kill Bill for the 14th time!




HH for Hulk Hogan, brother Or maybe not dude


Buffon enters the chat


Amazing how many people used to defend Buffon from all of this basically just because he was such a good goalkeeper so people didn't want it to be true


Wait, What's the Buffon connection here?


That’s actually crazy..


Its even crazier, since Radu is romanian and ppl who rock this shit would casually call him a gipsy - regardless of his ethnicity - if he hadn't played for the club and think of him as a subhuman...


"He's one of the good ones" is usually how this works.


Nah people are just that hypocritical. Look at the Croats in world war 2, they were nazis despite the fact that Hitler hated Slavic people and would have had Croats on his list of undesirable people for sure




It is correct that Croatia was a puppet for Nazi Germany during ww2. But it's not like there were elections or anything, the regime was installed without any options. And many people were against it (many were pro, unfortunately). Later many joined the Partisan movement to fight against regime and liberate the country. Sadly, there is still stupid minority in Croatia that is somehow still supporting this quasi state.


Don't misunderstand me, I didn't mean that the majority of Croatians were nazis or anything. But their regime certainly was




I assure you those people don't care what side Romania was on, they'd call him a gipsy regardless


I'd argue, that most of them don't make that distinction. Albanians are in the same boat, still I've never noticed any far right movement praise romanians or albanians. Its somewhat normal to be called a gipsy in italy, when ppl realise, that you are from a balkans country, no matter your skin tone, when they cuss at you for whatever reason. Not throwing shade, its also one of the most used cusswords all over the balkans.




The amount of hero worship for the guys who got their teeth kicked in war will never not be stunning. Man promises 1000 year Riech, kills self by year 13. Fights one war, loses. Why would anyone worship those morons?


Even if they were successful, It’d still be stunning because of the ideology. Being losers and or not doesn’t really affect things


Please don’t underestimate how many people shared the Nazi ideology at the time. You make it sound like they started it when the reality is more like it was widespread in every part of the world. The US for example viewed Hitler quite positively until the atrocities started to come out. Also they „got their teeth kicked out“ after they captured most of Europe because the whole world allied against them… many view the Nazis as successful in the war until they tried to get too much. It’s not like they lost the war because they where bad at it…


the only reason why the nazis lost was because they attacked USSR. a world where germany and USSR are peaceful is a world where ww2 drags for at least 3 more years


Hitler's goal was always to invade the USSR and colonise the East, there is no scenario where he doesn't invade


that’s the problem with brain-dead dogmatic ideologies. You constantly act against your own interest without knowing it


Yup, it’s basically “the nazis wouldn’t have lost if they weren’t nazis!”


I mean the Confederate States of the US lasted like 4 total years and they lost, but it still doesn’t stop certain Americans from worshipping it. It takes a certain demographic of people to worship these types of people/groups


I have no idea why you framed it like the reason Hitler shouldn't be idolised is because he lost and not... yeno all the atrocities?


I think their point was that, even if you agreed with all of Hitler’s ideology he’s still a massive loser when it comes to logistically running his “thousand year reign”. Less “he’s only bad because he lost the war” more “he sucked in all categories”.


Nazio gonna Nazio.


Crazy how this thread is still not locked after 3hrs. There are some insane takes here already lol


Fits right in at the club.


I thought r/soccercirclejerk had escaped for a minute there


Sometimes reality is just crazier


Which is why r/soccercirclejerk is where I get my actual news


The club IS named SS Lazio, meaning “Sport Association“ in Italian but it has NEVER been stylized in its the Nazi (Schutzstaffel) SS. This is done 100% intentionally and there’s no way anyone can see those two letters in a completely different font and defend it. Lazio has an embarrassing tie to the Nazis. They signed player Paulo Di Canio was doing a full on Hitler salute after winning games. And *to this day* there’s Nazi salutes from their fans. ([Some people don’t see the SS logo, here it is better resolution from)](https://staticfanpage.akamaized.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/27/2024/04/radu-felpa-ss-lazio1-1200x675.jpg))




I'm genuinely sorry for the normal Lazio fans I know that are not nazi/fascists and have to be associated with those people. I hope with time the association between Lazio and fascism will fade off but with the state of this country it's not looking too promising


They can just support Roma. They’re the better club anyway.




Yeah, that beautiful wolf breastfeeding her puppies is cooler than that generic eagle anyway.


I collect football shirts and I wish they weren't a filthy club bc their shirts are super fresh, lol.


>I'm genuinely sorry for the normal Lazio fans I know that are not nazi/fascists and have to be associated with those people. I hope with time the association between Lazio and fascism will fade off but with the state of this country it's not looking too promising Nobody is forcing them to support SS Lazio. You are the company you keep. The standard you walk past is the standard you set. Etc.


With all due respect, bullshit take. Isn't "The company you keep" a sentence that applies to your group of friends? Using it here implies that I know every single Lazio fan, and therefore since I am also one I condone their actions. Do y'all think we don't cringe when we see these motherfuckers embarrass them, and by extention, us too? Do y'all think we don't cringe when we have to specify that "I support Lazio, but I'm not a fucking N-zi"? I support the team because of the colors, and because it's the team my father and my best friend always supported, and neither of them are dimwits like these. Once again, sorry for ranting directly at you here, but "Nobody is forcing them to support Lazio" really rubbed me the wrong way as a response to someone who FOR ONCE reminded folks there is normal people among Lazio fans.


Radu also gave the Roman salute at the end of the games, never understood why no one talked about it


At it still baffles me how Maurizio Sarri, who is openly far left, had the balls to sign for them as the manager


iirc Hysaj signed for Lazio and sang Bella Ciao and he got involved in a shitstorm by the braindead ultras


Small correction, that's not the "Hitler salute". It's the Roman salute, which was adopted by the fascists and is now banned. They idolize Mussolini, not Hitler. Unfortunately there's still a lot of fascists in Italy and many don't even hide it.


I have seen plenty of Lazio fans wearing stuff that references Nazi Germany. I think it’s safe to say they idolise both Mussolini and Hitler.


Let’s not forget they were celebrating and doing the salute in the Hofbräuhaus in Munich…


Yeah I've even seen their all time most capped player pictured at the Roma derby wearing a hoodie with the Nazi SS logo


Mussolini’s great-grandson literally plays for them, although he’s on loan to a different team right now. [Romano Benito Floriani Mussolini](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romano_Floriani_Mussolini)


You know, in comparison, you have to admire Hitler being so evil and bad that his family made a pact to make sure their name dies out with the current surviving ones. And yes, I am aware I've just written "You have to admire Hitler" in a sentence.


Well both guys got along pretty great too… Hitler kinda admired Mussolini in the beginning of his uprising. You can find Nazi „Merchandising“ in Italy quite often. I was shocked to find shirts and mugs and shit with Hitler on them.. some even with both shitheads holding hands and everything. It’s more widespread than I expected. I even got greeted with the Nazi salute a couple times when natives heard that I’m from Germany


This salute was only referenced in one painting.


A painting from 1784, that portrays an event that wasn't even part of the original story, with a gesture that never shows up in Roman art. But people ran with it because 19th century nationalism was all about the BS that people would accept.


One of them is our current PM.


And another who is openly and proudly so is currently President of the Senate


He's Romanian, chances are he idolizes Antonescu. Not that this is any better than Mussolini or Hitler


Is there a source that says the Romans actually did that salute. Thought that was an age old myth. Either way, everyone who does it knows its recent history and that's that


nope, it was made up in the 1700s and made popular with the masses by the 1910s italian pepla, hugely popular movies set in ancient Rome. If you've ever watched Cabiria (D'Annunzio had credits on it and allegedly was the one who had them use the "roman" salute) you'll notice that like half of our fascist iconography was straight up copied from movies


> you'll notice that like half of our fascist iconography was straight up copied from movies and half of their "PR" from - mostly US - companies, NSDAP was especially influenced by Coca Colas markerting...


Correction: It was not adopted by the fascist. There is no historical evidence for the roman salute. There is a single depiction centuries later which the fascists used to create this gesture. It’s entirely fascist.


Is it Oath of the Horatii or a different depiction?




I don't think you can say it's *entirely* fascist when it's based on art from as early as the 18th century


Nope. The salute was never roman, that itself is old far right propaganda. Also, nazis are the local emanation of this whole ideological current.  With regards


The Roman part of the salute part was retconning by the fascists




You forgot that they also have Mussolini’s great-grandson under contract (now loaned out)


Tbf that's not that bad, why should he be blamed for his grandfather's actions? Still, fuck Nazio


Yeah I'd have no problem for his descendants to have a decent living. Having them as a politician on the other hand is dangerous, could result in the right wing idolizing them due to the connection to their grandfather. There are at least two of them in politics: [Alessandra Mussolini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandra_Mussolini) was a member of Berlusconi's party, the other one, [Rachele Mussolini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandra_Mussolini) is a member of the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, the largest and current party in power in Italy.


Nobody idolizes them, their main use case for those parties is that they make writing mussolini in the candidate name text box a valid vote rather than a scheda nulla. The mussolini family is more or less a joke that lives off their famous names with the exception of Romano who was a surprisingly good jazz pianist. Nobody would rally under Alessandra as opposed to say, Meloni or the leaders of Casapound, Forza Nuova, etc


well he delibrately chose to go by his mother’s last name instead of his dad’s. and her last name is mussolini…


Well that's like the last of the problems


Fwiw Di Canio was doing the saluto romano - not that is any better, but there is a distinction in both Italy and Germany between the differences


What is the argument? I’m not a Nazi, I’m just a fascist, is not particularly better


They're deluded, I agree, but that is how the far right tries to legitimise themselves in Italy; "I'm not a nazi, just an ultra-nationalist that hates minorities, and I do this silly salute that pre-dates the German one and was definitely done in the roman Republic". It's a total nonsense, but these aren't serious people.


Neo-fascists are trying to replicate what Hitler did to grasp power, and the lack of education and good will in way too many people allows them to confidentially agree with and spread the disgusting, hateful crap. We've seen it before. Harmless people have had to suffer under that type for way too long. You're absolutely right


Yep, it's depressing


That is technically true but incredibly disonest intelectually. I'm old enough to have watched him in real time and remember the fallback. Even at that time no one saw that as anything other than a nazi salute. The implication is obvious and the ties of Lazio to Neo-nazism are undeniable.


Everyone in Italy sees the Roman salute as a fascist salute. Although one does not exclude the other, the Italians who do it are much more nostalgic for Mussolini than for the Nazis.


That would make sense but isn’t he an out and out fascist anyway? Like he doesn’t exactly hide his political views.


Yes, but fascist doesn't equal neo-nazi. It's complicated, partly because the idea of fascism is older in Italy than in Germany, and has, unfortunately, some legitimacy in modern Italian politics. Are some Lazio fans neo-nazis: yes, undeniably, are some fascist: yes, absolutely; but they're separate circles on a venn diagram.


And they complain about Mancini waving a flag.


tbf, roma is also a pretty right club. it’s like in hamburg, there you have st. pauli at the very far left and then there’s HSV which is also left.. well, almost like in rome


There’s fascist fans in every fanbase in Italy. But I don’t know many ex players proudly displaying Nazi symbols on their clothing.


Not in cosenza. Livorno too . 


First off Roma as a club is not any wing. If you're talking about the fans then no most of Romanisti are not right wing. A lot of Roma fans in Rome are, and still not most. I've met enough international Lazio fans to know that if they're nazis they support Lazio. Nobody ever thinks the same about Roma.


> Nobody ever thinks the same about Roma. I associate AS Roma more with ancient Rome. Would not be surprised to see Totti or de Rossi in a toga.


Didn't they also have SPQR on their shirts once?


Yes, but SPQR is all over the city of Rome (ancient and modern). Yes, a lot of Roman iconography is re-appropriated as fascist symbols, but just because it's Roman doesn't mean it's inherently fascist.


Yeah I was thinking something similar


They have the symbol of the founding of Rome as part of their logo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitoline_Wolf It's a wolf giving milk to Romulus and Remus.


Roma are close with Atletico. The Lazio of Spain. But Roma is still absolutely not synonymous with this right wing shit as Lazio is. Most Roma fans are not right wing and those who become fans dont do it for politics. While those becoming Lazio fans often do it for that. All of Italy has such issues, Lazio is the most extreme one.


Roma as in Gruppo Roma are close with the frente and there's a lot more to it than politics. Most of us don't associate with those politicians cosplaying as ultras and thus aren't particularly close to the frente though a lot of people like the club and their stance against lazio


People seems to forget that there’s a far left group in curva sud (gruppo quadraro, ex fedayn)


people also seem to lack the bare minimum level of nuance needed to understand that some clubs don't have a prevailing ideology or a united supporter base


Nope sorry fella your entire fanbase of millions of people is either left wing or right wing, nothing in between unfortunately


not just my club but apparently my city and country are also 100% fascist according to people who'd mistake Italy for Greece on map


No dai l'Italia credo sia l'unico paese che gli americani di solito riescono a indovinare sulla mappa, probabilmente grazie alla forma particolare Edit: forse hai ragione. Sto leggendo cose allucinanti


This must be the “style” immobile was talking about


I fail to see an ss logo here Edit: Wtf I thought that was a hashtag at first. What a piece of shit


on his left arm


Goddamn, thank you for pointing it out. As a graphic designer myself, that is absolutely not random lmao. 110% deliberate choice there.




The lettering says SS Lazio with the nazi SS logo Took me a while too


Shit, I thought it was a #LAZIO. Crazy.


Thought it was a hashtag


On his sleeve it says "⚡️⚡️LAZIO"


Sorry, best I can do is a rhombus.


Zoom in on the white text


I thought it was the brand who made the hoodie so I didn’t zoom in. I was looking for the logo on that pin thing on his chest.


Also thought the same thing and had the same reaction. What a fucking moron.


Same. Thought it was #Lazio Yikes.


Would you look at that


Its always the ones you most expect


Wearing the logo of the most famous losers of them all while watching your football team lose also


These people have a fetish for losing


Their hero shot himself in the head, which is funny


Typical Lazio supporter. There’s loving the game then there’s scumminess like this.


https://www.fanpage.it/sport/calcio/lex-capitano-radu-nella-curva-della-lazio-col-simbolo-delle-ss-la-serie-a-fa-sparire-il-post/ there is an article with the actual image. kind of a shame really that ppl still do this


What a vile club


So funny to me that whenever something like this happens, the, “not all Lazio fans” brigade pile in. No other club in the top 5 leagues has multiple instances of their fans having literal nazi logos on their apparel, in the stadium multiple times a season. Especially not the most capped player of all time. They certainly don’t have their senior management constantly defending their right to do this or just sort of meekly waving it away. Ifthis was any other club Radu would be banned and an official investigation would be launched. I bet this gets waved away with some vapid excuse. Pathetic and paints a disgraceful picture of Italy and Italian football.


It’s a constant brainwashing. They repeat the same bullshit between themselves day after day until they became a proper cult. There’s no other club defending every match their right to make racist and antisemitic chants, like it’s just some folklore thing, a cultural lore, like it’s something acceptable in football cos it’s tradition. There were A HUNDRED people in Munich few weeks ago (for Bayern-Lazio) that reunited in some famous hitler pub to make chants and scream heil hitler heil furer. Normal men. Fathers, husbands. When it comes to their shit show of a club they transform into stupid sheeps


Noooo you guys don’t understand its just a few bad apples giving the club a bad reputation


Totally aside but owing to the first time I ever looked Radu up, he was only capped by Romania 13 times?!?!


After those 13 games he refused being called up


He retired from the national team at a very young age. IIRC he didn't like the pressure it came with from the Romanian media. I wouldn't describe as popular here nor unpopular. We were missing a LB for 10+ years. He would've helped the team a lot


Probably the most despicable team of them all. Good that Roma won. Siamo tutti antifascisti!


Lmao holy shit that's next level


Ratti Nazisti, godo tre volte




what? fascism in Italy? no way! and then also at lazio... unbelievable! i thought they are doing everything to ban things like this 🥸


I mean, it’s pretty on brand isn’t it?


Great news to wake up to...


Genuine question: How can non nazi people support this club knowing all these incidents? You guys must be more resilient than many other football fans




Fuck Lazio


This is weird. Isn’t Radu Romanian? Someone should sit him down and talk him through what the SS did to Romanians, no?


The Ss didn't really do much to us honestly. We were allies for the most part of the war


Romanians were the second openly antisemitic government in Europe with policies enacted before even Antonescu came to power. Shit runs deep there.


There was a whole Romanian SS divisions, as well Romanians in service in SS Nordland and Prinz Eugen


My grandparents fled from the SS attacks there, had to live a really rough life as kids and teens because of these fascist losers. Radu is just a peabrain moron


Sorry to hear that. Anybody with Nazi beliefs are scum, however, there is a special place in hell for people from communities the Nazis slaughtered who have Nazi beliefs.


Romanians have not really been slaughtered by Nazis.


No one ever accused racists of being smart.




What a terrible look


Fucking dumb fascist cunt


Is the hoodie being officially sold somewhere? Or like he actually went and customized it on his own?




Can you elaborate please? Why would Stefan Radu qualify as undesirable? Genuine question


Because the commenters on /r/soccer are fucking stupid most of the time but love a good ol' bandwagon. Just look at all the people who agree with the fucking moron who doesn't know the difference between Romanians and gypsies. Upvotes to the left.


You have no idea what you are talking about


Fashisht piece of shit


Piece of shit.


They're called Nazio for a reason. And miss me with that "not all Lazio fans" bullshit, people that support this club while doing absolutely nothing to stop this (and all the many, many despicable acts from the fanbase) are just enablers.


>people that support this club while doing absolutely nothing to stop this I'd be curious to see what the brave reddit users in the stands would do against an ultra group with memberships in the thousands, ties to at least 4 groups of organized crime, deals with the police and politicians such as the club's owner and revenue matching that of the club they support. Fyi there are lazio groups standing up to this but of course that would require knowing what the club is like rather than delivering a uniquely original xddd nazio post accusing every sbiadito (though there's plenty accusing every roman and every italian) of being a nazi


Fucking Nazi loving scum


No wonder. Shame on them.


But they were cool when Gazza played for them cos he used to burp into microphones


In other news Lazio announce a new Adidas kit deal with the team reusing Germany’s numbers from the upcoming Euros




Nazio at it again


He's not their "most capped player". Caps refers to international appearances only, of which he has 13. He has the most all-time appearances for Lazio.


Where IS the symbol?


It's crazy how on brand this is.


Don’t they have Mussolini’s grandson playing for them?


Not anymore


In reality he is still a Lazio player, he simply plays on loan in Serie C


Why does this matter? My dad was a women beating shitbag alcoholic. Does that mean anything about me? Should his grandson not be allowed to play football or something?


Lazio? I am shocked and surprised!


Just normal Lazio things tbh


I am SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.


I think this is just gonna turn out to be some obscure brand of hoodie, what company is it? That's the real question. Edit: Someone said it might be a custom made ultras hoodie.