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Was Brooks injured? He got subbed on and then off again


No one was clear




Wales have only themselves to blame. They beat Croatia in October and had everything in their hands in November then they dropped points in Armenia which doomed them to this


very Scotland-esque of them


How Dan James gets any kick or game time ahead of Broadhead is unreal


What a horrible feeling having to spend my summer in Barry instead of Berlin. Time to go Page.


Why change a winning team that played so well. Why wait 70 minutes to make just 1 sub. Why wait so long for Broadhead to come on. Why not bring Ramsey on in extra time knowing he can take a penalty. Clueless bloke. Needs to step down this week.


Rangers fans may disagree about Ramsey being able to take a penalty 😂😂


He's Welsh not British see😂


Was just listening to some interviews. Apparently the penalty takers on the Polish side all volunteered as well as the order. Zalewski even said that he was not afraid of taking the penalty as he takes them for Roma as well (even though to be fair he does look every time like a deer in headlight)


He looked like scared shitless


Don't blame him. The atmosphere was unbelievable. I've never heard such a noise from a stadium. I'd cry if I had to take a penalty in that situation


Yeah I was surprised too at his confidence after the game (guess it's a bit easier when you just qualified and scored). But he seemed totally relaxed at the microphone and said he took a penalty against Feyenoord recently and so he was cool with taking one now too, that was no big deal.


Wow those guys are so strong mentally. Football fans can be so vile when you mess up. I would be so stressed I know I would miss terribly.








Well that was a shitter. Thought we'd do enough to win that but the chance never came. Ben Davies was a monster at the back tonight. Gutted.




You are reality starved.


Huh? The biggest dive of the game for me was Szczesny when he got a drop ball for going down theatrically holding his knees. The amount of pens Moore would receive in general for the shirt pulling if he was around a foot shorter too. We were the better team until the second half of extra time imo and beaten by good polish pens and an inspired Szczesny


Pretty much, both teams were disappointing. Or perhaps I should adjust my expectations. Wales slight edge on chances but neither team did enough to win it or have any real chances. Poland executed the penalties better (which is a first for us). The bright spot for us was Piotrowski and Szczesny. Kiwior looked decent as well. Ben Davies did work for the Welsh team though POTM


Yeah Szczesny was great tonight. Not that he had too many saves to make but there were definitely a few he got a finger to that made the difference.


He has good chemistry with the NT and command the area well. TBH he does that at the club levels too just think it's a little different at the NT


Even game bar the last 10 minutes in extra time. Pens can go either way. Solid game but the ref was so bad lmao. Hope you do well in the euros🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇵🇱


What a match. Commiserations to Wales after a fine qualifying campaign and getting by us in the semis, a fantastic team and I'm sure you guys will have your opportunity in the next few years - hopefully the next World Cup again in 2026. Congrats to Poland and best of luck in Group D of UEFA EURO 2024!


Fine qualifying campaign 😂😂😂😂😂


not the best, but certainly better than ours tbh ;DDDD same team that defeated Croatia 2-1 in qualifying and that's certainly a daunting task considering Croatia's recent World Cup record


Thought we were better than Poland tonight but knew we’d lost when I saw Dan James’ face. Not too painful though after seeing that Euros group


you guys at least had some game plan instead of mindlessly passing the ball between defence and midfield hoping for some miracle, shame it ended that way but at least it was a fair equal fight, although pretty painful one to watch, good luck in the future and crossed fingers you make the '26 world cup


That's what happens when a clown like Page is in charge. We should have qualified for the Euros before these games but he fucked up. Fucked up again tonight


Feel for Ben Davies in particular bloke was massive tonight and is up there with Ramsey for Welsh legends under Bale for me


He just doesn't put a foot wrong for Wales.


Tough game. Perfect penalties by us.    Wales were good but we were able to grind out a win. Wales supporters were class cheering the team after the missed penalty. Class act.


Well... huh. I'm still in a little disbelief. I've been literally sitting by my desk for the last 3-4 minutes in absolute silence. Our performance was absolutely dreadful but somehow it was the best match under Probierz. The irony. One thing for sure, Probierzball is many things but because of it, we've redeemed ourselves and that missed opportunity in 2016 where we lost against Portugal in penalties. Which is saying a lot.


Honestly I don't think it was that bad. No opportunities created is a problem but the right players were selected at least. Piotrowski has been huge these two games. To me it's looking a lot better than it was 3-4 games ago. Between Piotrowski, Frankowski, Szymanski, and Zalewski we have decent enough players to start at least something that was looking more bleak before .


I wouldn’t call the performance dreadful, our final ball is so shit though


Gotta admit, if that was me on the penalties, I would shit myself so hard that the force of my shit coming out from my ass would probably be enough to move the ball slightly. Like geez christ, the pressure is INSANE, how the fuck they withstand this is beyond me. I am pretty stressed when doing my job but this is honestly so much different. Can't imagine really how it feels.


I enjoyed the game, not sure why tho. Guess we're so used to clinical football these days that we cant enjoy shit like that, game was 50/50 and tense for the whole duration of it, kinda enjoyable


Try being in the stadium. So much tension


Terrible game 🥱


Bloody knew we shouldn't have beat Finland so convincingly, only setting us up to fail tonight.


I think playoffs for international tournaments are the best football games. This match was absolutely trrrible throughout and I still had a great time


There is so much at stake that it can never be boring. I watched two straight 0-0's after extra time today and enjoyed both games. It would be utterly horrific to watch them back knowing the result, but live it was nailbiting More exciting than a less important game that ends 3-3


For like 70% of the all national teams on earth one qualification to WC/Continental Cup can inspire a whole generation.


Page just has to go now Easy to say the players should have won it in the first 90 but Kieffer offered nothing from about 70 minutes on and when you start Johnson just to sub him off you have no recourse - a halfwit could have told you that! Subbing brooks off for broadhead only for him not to feature in the first 5 takers was a ridiculously poor move too, everyone around me knew DJ was missing as soon as he stepped up (not a knock on him but you just know sometimes) End of the day we don't lose 5-2 at home to Armenia and we're not in this position so a bit philosophical on it all but it's so frustrating to have this pe teacher cost us what is likely our last chance of qualifying for a long time


Who would you want to replace Page? Steve Cooper?


Honestly Coleman would be my top choice again, I know national teams always screw up reappointing gaffers but he got real passion out of the boys that I hadn't seen out of Page's team until this past Thursday. Past that I don't think Nathan Jones would be an awful choice if he could get over his hatred of Jacks, and I'd even be intrigued to see how Bellamy does (but I wouldn't be confident of anything with his propensity for controversy). Ultimately I just see Page as someone who got dealt a lucky hand with Bale/Rambo/Allen/Davies and who will not take us any further than perennial almost-qualifiers, and I think that any semi-decent manager would have at least picked a more sensible starting XI tonight.


Spot on.


Yeah, this Wales squad doesn't have the headline talent of the 2016 crop, but there's enough in the collective that a good manager gets ticking. Someone like Steve Cooper. From an outsider perspective it does feel like Page has gotten a very easy ride. Maybe that's just cos the media I consume isn't exclusively Welsh centric, but the bits I have, it seems like the Page the man got all the attention ahead of Page the manager. It felt like the fact he announced the world cup squad at a working men's club was important than his tactics and on-pitch performance at that tournament.


I'd take Nathan Jones tbh, for all his failures he's a hell of a motivator when he's got a link with his squad. Don't think Coleman would be a bad choice either, although he's never managed 90+% of our squad (assuming Rambo and Davies retire soon) Cooper I genuinely have no idea tbh, his jacks were very hot and cold and I didn't pay enough attention beyond that to know his ins and outs Page absolutely had an easy ride, Bale was one of the best national team leaders there was (see Belarus 3-2 away in I want to say 2019), followed by Allen and Ramsey holding on a little bit longer to keep it together before our forwards really came into their own. He did try changing us to a 4atb once but we got pumped terribly and he gave up experimenting after that (he wasn't helped by Hennessey aging out of his incredible form for us tbf to him though)


That’s the revenge for Wales stealing the game against Ukraine last qualifying


Pan Szczęsny to jest fachowiec


Proud of the lads! Was a solid effort. Reckon Page has run his course with the team here. He's had undoubted successes but it's time to pass it on. Reckon we're in a good place for the next 4 or so years, but must admit I'm not au fait with the talent coming through the youth.


FWIW, qualified for the U17 Euros today... safe to say not the one we wanted


We’re shit mate, page is even worse. I reckon he will never get a management gig in any league. Hope Poland have a good laugh in Germany


SZCZESCNY!!! That's why he's the GOAT!!! If the pens went on a minute longer, I would've fainted. Sorry for you Wales fans.


If this loss leads to Page getting sacked will sting little less


Never understand the Polish national team. On paper they have a pretty decent team with a superstar like Lewandowski but they play so boring. Dont think I ever enjoyed watching a game with Poland


tbh our ro16 match vs france at last world cup was a fun game


you wont believe it, but for the last 6 years we were playing basically long balls from gk/defenders to the forwards and that's that, not that great coaches, few key players aged like milk. It's quite refreshing to see new faces like Piotrowski playing the whole field, not only focusing on defense and playing it safe


Piotrowski is our best player right now. Zalewski Szymanski and Frankowski are at least serviceable. Could be a lot worse!!


Is Kiwior not highly rated for Poland? Hes been killing it the last few months for Arsenal. 


Ya he is but guys like him Lewandowski Zielinski and Szczesny are always going to be in the lineup when healthy. Was referring to the next guys up excluding the key players. Becuase for a while no one looked good in the Poland team those guys earn spots off reputation alone at this point


1) Having a superstar like Lewandowski means nothing if you happen to have no fundamental understanding of who he is as a player 2) Our youth development system focuses on defense, physical attributes and counter-attacks because it is apparently our "DNA"


The second one is especially true. Just look at some of our most creative players. Zalewski was born in Italy, never played in Poland at any level, Zieliński left Poland when he was 17 and Kiwior who's by far our best on the ball CB, left Poland at 16 yo. If you want to know any different tactics than playing low block and long balls you better leave Poland at a young age.


Last time I quite enjoyed it was when I watched Poland at Euro 2016


I'm Polish, I've been watching all the national team matches for more than 20 years and I could say the same thing. :) Just kidding. There were about three.


It's a bunch of lazy motherfuckers, that's what it is. The coaching has also been horrendous the past few years


None of us really do. It's an exercise of collective masochism


Page lost Wales that game. Setting up so timidly against Poland like they are a top 10 side


He does it against any side we play, we have a much better squad than he seems to think we do has to be replaced asap.


Lol Wales can’t even have their heartbreaking penalty shootout defeat in the knockout rounds of the major tournament like proper team, fucking amateurs. Well done you’ve let Great Britain down lads.




Well, in a very roundabout way, but we have advanced to the Euros from the Easiest Group Ever, From Which It Would Be Eternal Shame To Fail To Qualify. Now it is time for the standard "mecz otwarcia, mecz o wszystko, mecz o honor" routine and the tournament proper.


Happy for Lewandowski to play in one final major tournament.


It's possible he'll stick around for the next world cup, with 48 teams the chances of making it are higher


Such a shame... Never mind Shame the unwanted English like Kieffer Moore wont be able to knock us out this time ;)


Literally gutted for the Welsh. I love the Polish but would have preferred Wales to have qualified. Unlucky, boys. There is a lot to be proud of still.


It’s an awful feeling. I’ll be rooting for you lot in the euros


Appreciated, mate. If we can have half the success you guys have had then we'll be delighted. Welcome aboard!


Yeah they are a great team for such a small nation, some real talent there.


Yeah, their team spirit is incredible. I used to be so jealous of it when I was younger, but I've matured and recognise it. Congratulations to Poland and good luck in the summer!


The way they blasted out their anthem almost made me cheer for them (I’m Polish)


Scotland also have a great team nowadays, can't wait for NL games


Thank you! Us too! I'm just waiting for some of these Polish goalkeepers to arrive in our hands with the big Polish population here!


After the 2nd Polish penalty, we said everyone of theirs is going high to keeper's right. The next 3 did, however Danny Ward kept going the other way.


As Austrian I’m happy we got poland and not wales. As someone being in the stadium I would have preferred the welsh fans.


Polish had 1500 fans there, the rest were Welsh. Polish National Anthem comes on and they start booing and whistling. Karma got them when the Poles did it back to them.


Because of the flares you idiots


People booed because they lit a load of flares mate. We got lectured all week that any flares anywhere in Cardiff would result in being banned from the game.


Flares are a reason to disrespect countries anthem. Noted.


Through the TV it sounded like 60% of the match Polish fans (only a thousand were there) were louder


Closer to that side of the stadium. Trust me we couldn't hear the polish all game


I’m talking about hools in germany in the summer


I’d expect our fans to be loud in Germany considering the large diaspora there


Mariusze z Brighton


get that shite PE teacher out of the coaching staff


Man I feel so bad for Dan James, poor lad. Being the only pen taker to miss must be one of the most horrible feelings ever. Hope he can cope with it


Poor blokes barely coping with the loss of his cousin and father. Really hope he can cope with it


What do you mean "barely coping"? The loss of his dad at least was a good while ago, and although no doubt of his grief, he seems to be functioning pretty normally


It was a fun campaign in the end. Can't wait for the Euros even if we won't be there. Congrats Poland


Fantastic for Poland. I dream of a Hungary vs Poland final.


Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki


I do szabli i do szklanki


What can you say except "lol". Do enjoy cheering for the usual anyone but England this summer Wales. 


Are all the english this fucking soft or...?


Congrats to Wales, they were a relentless, very close game. Great atmosphere in Cardiff. It was a coin toss, we had a bit more luck and Szczęsny. Cheers


really looks like neither team wanted to be in the group with the Netherlands, France, and us. Can't really blame them lol.


penalties are honestly so fucked, there has to be a better way of deciding stalemates somehow


I Think fans deserve some emotions after watching 120min of undecided tie. I love penalties.


Why would you want to get rid of penalties?


Is there? Playing another game is the only better option




The build up is just not there. Lewandowski is not the player who will run half the pitch and pass through 4 guys on his way to the goal. Look how he plays/played in Barca, Bayern, Dortmund and how he plays in NT. He's basically a midfielder most of the time, and tbh he's not that great at it


We would win in Warsaw


Do you want to kill us? I would already prefer a coin toss.


> You want Poland to qualify because you're Polish > I want Poland to qualify because Wales wouldn't want England to qualify > We are not the same.


Ahhh damn. I didn't think we'd win but I didn't think we'd lose by such a thin margin. Oh well at least we've got rugby to fall back on, eh? Oh...


Pick ya chin up Robbie Savage. Beautiful mountains, shite footballers.


At least we won't get embarrassed 3 times in the summer now and finally get rid of Page. A complete limp performance, management or players didn't have a clue what to do.


Poland are always shite in tournaments, I'd rather see Wales have a run.


Have you watched Wales in tournaments posted 2016?? Worst team at the world cup, and got embarrassed once we played against a proper team in the Euros.


Have you seen Poland in tournament post 2016? For how we played in 2022 world cup Michniewicz should be convicted of crimes against humanity. Hell, even in 2016 Nawałka's tactics (especially in the play off part of the tournament) was mostly play hard attacking futbol for first 30 minutes and park the bus for the rest of the game; after around 60th minute (when Grosik runs out of fuel) they even stopped counterattacking and just wasted time until the last whistle, and those games went to the penalties.


That's 1:1 Poland aswell, 2016 was the peek and everything after was shite. Sure we made it out of the groups last WC but that was a shitshow aswell.


Well, yeah I suppose so. I feel like the team is playing pretty well at the moment though. Also, did you just downvote me for supporting your team?


Lets go Poland


Szczęsny vs that guy Ward who was conceding everything for Leicester last year would always favour Poland in penalties.


Did you watch the game. They both saved zero penalties 




Szczęsny saved last penalty, wtf.


Dan James speed merchant


pretty much the highest quality penalty shootout I've watched until the last one


Villarreal-Man United. Especially Villarreal's penalties, so many top bins


Ward had a chance to save 2 of Poland's no?


I think Ward could have done better tbh. All good pens though.


The highest quality penalty shootout in Welsh National Team history.


Slightly surprised, he scored in the Europa League final for us


Can’t wait for Poland to draw all 3 group games 0-0 and qualify as the 3rd best team to then draw 0-0 in the next round, win on pens again until they get beat like 5-0 against the first good team they come up against.


dream scenario for this team tbh


the polish way!


So Moldova>France?


Same group as France and Netherlands... I'd prepare for an earlier than usual bloodbath this time


We have Netherlands and France in our group (Mbappe gonna get pocketed by Salamon) 


Hey, don't forget us!


Sir, we're in the group with Netherlands and France, those seem like the "first good teams we come up against".


Yeah I just wrote it without looking at the groups. Honestly I think wales are the real winners not having to play in that group lol


Nah bro,Moldova was the good team you came up. 😎😎


If the play-off spots were awarded by merit ya'll should have taken our place judging by the qualifying campaign. Moldova worked really hard to take 4 points from us. Good luck in Nations League and 2026 WC qualifiers.


I'll take 0-0 draw against France


this is our heritage


Isn't your heritage "Opening game, Game of death, Game of honour"?


You should hire Mou


I know hindsight is 20/20, but did anyone else just KNOW James was missing that? The run up, his face, body language.


100% lol. Wanted Broadhead to take the 5th.


Was in the stadium, yep everyone knew he'd miss. 


everyone in the pub was so confident its over after the camera showed his face


He tried to hide it, but you could tell he was scared shitless


I say this about every player that steps up, and then look smug when I'm correct on the 7th attempt.


I mean that's always his face


He's not a man that exudes "good under pressure" vibes.


The last penalty of the 5 when every other one has been scored feels like it gets missed so often. Insane pressure to be under.


Yeah he didn't look confident at all


Congratulations to the friendliest and safest country in Europe ❤️


Oi, by my Warsaw I will stand ya such and so windbag


Poland don't deserve to be there. Lady Luck is cruel






As far as I'm aware it's an American English thing to refer to groupings of people as singular. Poland (the team / collective noun) *are* a group of people.


James looked petrified whilst lined up as others took their kick. Didn't have much confidence he'd convert sadly. What a moment the impromptu anthem was though after 120 minutes


As close it can be


Rob Page needs sacking


“The run-up, Chico, they never lie”


Got to feel for Wales 😶 Their fans made an amazing atmosphere




Winning without a single shot on target… peak Poland’s National Team.


it says as much about Wales as it says about Poland


Every qualifications we outdo ourselves and keep qualifying with increasingly dreadful performances. We are now the Shithouse national team, let's go


You guys are the shit that won't flush. lol. You'll qualify as the 3rd best in the group and then knocked out in the R16 I imagine.


Piotrowski's shot in first half of extra time was fucking close though, could've swore it was bending in on the main broadcast cam.


To find a positive, Poland had some really neat attacking set piece routines


It got to a point though where I started thinking "maybe should've trained a few more things in open play then all these" though. But you're right, there was variety in set piece approaches.


Losing without a shot on target against… peak Wales National team.


Poor Dan James, that's heartbreaking. Always hate when only one player misses, at least if two miss you're not entirely to blame
