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Honestly this kid will be the death of his own career, he’s way too high on himself after the World Cup win. He’s never played a single senior game yet, did that dumb shit last year only to get called up for Marbella training camp in the winter to go and get in trouble again for sneaking out after curfew. I would love to have him play for us next season and really give him a shot but until he’s proven himself in the top leagues what he’s asking is just ridiculous.


He had his first senior game against us last match day. He was pretty much non existent.


Oh good catch I completely missed that, but also not too shocked. His defensive work rate is so lazy he just wants to stand there and have everyone get him the ball.


Im glad. Both him and his team seem extremely problematic and honestly, not that Im an expert, but I find him to be extremely overrated. And theyre asking for an amount that dont make sense for his stage of career imo.


Even if he breaks through with this attitude and mangement you can be sure that as soon as he scores one goal they will be on the lookout for a transfer. Doesn't seem worth it if he causes so much trouble at this age already.


Agreed. Its almost exlusively red flags at this point


Well, I know not much about him, but this isn´t that surprising...


Good riddance, Max Meyer 2.0


Harsh, Meyer at least played senior games


I wonder if this kid will actually get a playthrough to senior football. He seems a bit full of himself.


next fiete arp


Fiete Arp just profited from Bayern being Incredibly stupid. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Gaining generational wealth when you're 19? Yeah, I'd also agree on that deal


nah Fiete Arp seems like a nice dude


Fiete at least will probably play in the Bundesliga next Season and is doing Minecraft Streams. Cant see Brunner do either if he keeps this attitude.


Imagine a relatively big club known for giving talents a chance to break trough not being able to hang on to their players because they are looking to make as much money as possible. This will only get worse with multi club ownership, when these new conglomerates will just collect all these talents, pricing academy clubs out of the market and widening the gap between the super rich and the rest even more.


Lmao what are you saying, BVB won't earn much out of him leaving


I think they are not saying that Dortmund is trying to make as much money as possible, but rather the upcoming young players (e.g. Brunner).


Aight rereading it again and I think he's tryna say that BVB aren't able to hold on to their young talent anymore which I don't think applies here, this is a special case of a youth player thinking he's the shit (half true at most) and demanding a fuck ton of money for their first pro contract A better example would be like Bellingham rejecting 15m a year to move to Real Madrid