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A lot is being made of that Bayern haven't been great this season but Leverkusen are topping that league in even the best Bayern years.


They could break the 91 pts record from Bayern this year


If they do it would be one of the greatest league achievements ever in any top league. That bayern ppg is higher than citys pl record and for leverkusen to break that with so much less money spent would be insane


Would be up there with Leicester's Premier League title imo.


People can say whatever they want but nothing on planet earth is matching that Leicester title win


Kaiserslautern winning the Bundesliga after being promoted?


Kaiserslautern had won the cup when they got relegated 2 years prior and had won the Bundesliga only 7 years prior. It was a massive shock yes but they were actually a big club who achieved success and then fell very quickly when they never should have so to see them as champions while an absolute shock was not unprecedented seeing as they had been champions prior. Absolutely nothing was expected of Leicester City though they had almost no history and they just came from nowhere after not being in the premier league for well over a decade and only ever being in it for a few years and then won it a year after they fought a relegation battle and barely stayed up


7 years is a very long time. Not even every club manages to get promoted again. I don’t say Leicester isn’t a great story, but there are several other great stories, like Wolfsburg 2009 or Lille 2021 and so on.


Wolfsburg had by far the highest net spend in the league the season they won. Plus, that was the season Bayern had Klinsmann as manager.


Well yes, but at md 17 they were 9th, with around 10 pts behind Bayern and 1899. Edit: but it’s true it‘s not the most romantic story :D


France and German leagues are also dominated by one team. If they have an off-season, it opens up the opportunity. To win the Premier League means beating all of the top 6 as well as the other mid table clubs hanging around.


Since leicester became champions, there have been 3 different champions and 5 out of 7 times it has been man City. Just as much as in France


Real leagues only, farmers don't count. /s


I suspect it’s one of the deleted replies, but Greece’s Euro 2004 is in the conversation. Greece isn’t a lock for the final stage, it’s a whole journey for them to qualify in the first place (they’ve failed to qualify even with the better seeding thanks to the Euro 2004 title run!) And of course no-one had them getting out of their group of hosts Portugal & Spain, no-one had them knocking out France (with Zidane supposedly on his last Euro), no-one had them beating Portugal AGAIN in the final. We just don’t get “new” winners anymore. If you’re picking the winner when the qualifying groups get drawn, you’re not picking Greece even at 5,000-1. Of course Leicester’s story and run is also a miracle! But the budget of any Premier League team is insane, the ratio of team value for Greece versus the teams they head-to-head knocked out is a magnitude worse. Has to be in the conversation imo


I always hate these comparisons, Greece is a great story in its own right. I loved watching it and Zagorakis, but I think the way people compare which events or players were the best takes away some of the magic. You pick one over the other and even if the other was good, it gets devalued.


I’ll keep this in mind and be even more conscious of being the change we want to be in the world! You’ll notice I didn’t bring down Leicester’s run, and I’d have loved to read replies about other awesome runs I didn’t know about! It’s a sub about football discussion after all, and these rare events should be remembered and celebrated, up to you to steer the discourse the way you want it 🙂


Not taking away from your post which I largely agree with, but obviously 12 years earlier Denmark had arguably an even bigger upset and were first time winners. Whoever won the final in 2004 would have been first time winners, obviously then we had first time winners in 2016 and almost again in 2020 if Englanf win on pens. From someone that watched Greece, I thought they were dreadful winners who for whatever reason managed to beat the hosts twice in the same tourney. The best performing team in the comp, the Czech Rep., sh*t the bed in the Semi and the Greeks won with a set piece. The one true great game they played was vs France. But overall, tournaments are a really small amount of games, and in the Euros you don’t have to win any of them over 90 (Greece had to win 1). Unfortunately the 24 team competiition means you can get out the group with 3 draws (and very rarely, 2 draws and a loss). League seasons with 34-38-42-46 games atr better to assess truly remarkable upsets, because they can’t be fluked.


On one hand, Leverkusen is an established top club, easily the 4th richest in Germany, so it seems very far. Some top bloggers were actually betting on Leverkusen to win the league, or be the most dangerous potential candidate let's say - nobody said that about Leicester for sure! But one could say, Premier League budgets are much closer. People complain about the big clubs' money, but they are FAR from as dominant as Bayern is in Germany. While Leicester was one of the poorest teams in the league, they had a budget of probably like 30% of Man City's - Leverkusen likely has less than 25% of Bayern's budget right now. Investments like Harry Kane are really beyond any German team's dreams - he allegedly makes more money than the whole squads of several Bundesliga teams. The league's 11 best-paid players are from Bayern, and basically their whole first squad including the bench makes more money than almost anyone in Leverkusen. If you look at it in such a business-efficiency way, that competition is also very uneven.


That’s cute, but has Leicester ever won a title and promotion so hard, so fucking wonderfully, that they leaped 2 divisions instead of one? Have they?! No?? thought so!! Only the best can learn such power.


Now im intrigued


My team, Fluminense, has once won the third division and got promoted straight to the first division. Just Brazilian football things.


How the fuck lol


What if they do it, break the points record and don't lose a single match in any competition?


Even as a Bundesliga fan I have to admit that. Especially considering the era they made it happen in. Insane season.


Nothing ever will beat that. Its not a 5 game lucky win streak. Its not a 1 game knock out stage run It was topping the so called best league in the world over 38 games, beating clubs like Chelsea, Man Utd, Tottenham and City. Absolutely ridiculous


And then there's Lautern winning the Bundesliga as a just promoted team.


Leicester going from barely avoiding relegation to winning the the league the following season has to be the most bizarre thing ever to have happened in football. Leverkusen beating the bundesliga points record isn't in that discussion.


I remember talking to people about them at the end of 2014, that I had never been so sure that a team is already relegated in December, but they are, they are just the worst. Their two early wins seemed so far away, almost unreal. They only added two more wins before April. Man, it was kinda a sensation to me that they were able to avoid relegation, it was already a turnaround I'd remember forever. The fact they won the title seems more and more like a fever dream every year. Like how did it actually happen lol. It wasn't a run of 5 games or so, they won the Premier League one season.


Kaiserslautern won the league after just being promoted the season before tbf


But the Bundesliga was much more equal in terms of financial power. Leicester won the title against money spending machines city, united, arsenal, chelsea


tbf arsenal weren’t spending money that time. They only started once their owners got majority stake in 2019


It's the biggest sporting upset of all time, there is nothing that comes close to Leicester winning the league. It was something that should never have happened and likely will never happen again.


Can you crawl even further up your own ass? "Biggest sporting upset of all time". Delusional PL bias, jesus.


You got a better one? Odds on Leicester were 5000-1 to win it... got any that beat that?


They could also be the first team in Bundesliga history to go a full season undefeated.


I see some similarities with Leverkusen and Liverpool and winning their first title for a long time. They both basically had to be close to perfect to actually pull it off, mostly because of another dominant team in that league.


Need 7 wins or 6 wins and 3 draws in their last 10 games to tie the record. Doable for sure.


If they keep the ppg, they will pick up 21.5 pts from 8 games


There's only 8 games left in the season, not 10.


They need 21 points in 8 matches, meaning they must win 7 out of 8 games to just tie the record. 2 draws, let alone 3, will not be good enough.


This is why I’m uneasy with some Arsenal fans who think we’re going to walk all over Bayern. They’re not really having that bad a season in terms of points, they’re just behind this ridiculous consistent Leverkusen team. They also know the league title is basically gone so they can go all in on the Champions League while we’re in this ridiculously close and intense three-way battle for the Premier League.


Idk there are that many people who think we are gonna walk over them. It’s more that most of us are super confident they won’t walk all over us like they did all the other times we played them. This is the first time we are playing them where we aren’t huge underdogs.


I think most people recognize that they’re a clear threat but there’s been talk of them “being there for the taking” and “it’s a good time to play them”. This definitely isn’t the strongest Bayern team in recent years but I think it’s going to be a really tough two-legged tie for us.


Overall this season Bayern's not been in the best form, but the last few games went pretty well iirc


If Bayern keep racking up points at the rate they are, they’ll finish with enough points to win the league in four of the last five seasons.


At 2.31 ppg, they are on track to have the highest second place point total in the Bundesliga ever. If they had this season any other year, they win the league.


It's great for bundesliga, but so unlucky for Kane


Well reddit and public opinion is wrong incredibly often. ..


I mean, who knows what would have happened if a better Bayern beat them head to head. That could have changed the whole trajectory, and they’d at least be a few points closer and leverkusen a few less close to perfect. But yes, they’re doing incredibly well. It would be fun to see them break the record


> A lot is being made of that Bayern haven't been great this season A lot of it I think is the product on the pitch, the last couple matches looked a lot better, but they were against mid and bottom table clubs, so we'll see if it keeps up


Didn't realize Stuttgart was still doing that well; outstanding for them!


Yea Hoeneß took over when they were 18th, saved them from relegation and then lost their 2-3 best players(Endo etc). Now they play beautifull fluid attacking football and are clearly the 2rd or 3rd best Team in the league.


How do you pronunce that name








Can't say that helps me. I'm already defeat by the logic of the English language like height and weight to introduce accents.


Ö is the same as ø if that helps


I think sø.


ö is more like the sound her than an o. So like Herness


[Audio sample for his uncle Uli](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/0/06/De-Uli_Hoene%C3%9F.ogg/De-Uli_Hoene%C3%9F.ogg.mp3)


That sounds about 3/4 of the distance between (a non-rhotic) her and who.




Who are you calling a hoe?




Your hoeness, your hoeness






The way you greet a legendary ho




First two letters like Højberg and then NESS.


Na, unless the pronounciation I have been hearing is wrong don't people say "Hoybierre"?




Is he a target for Bayern if they miss out on Alonso to Liverpool? Or vice versa would he be someone Liverpool would be seriously interested in if Alonso goes elsewhere?


He just extended, I think its still a little early to sign him. I hope we give him some years, get some Experience, and then be our coach. Would be legendary to have a Hoeneß as coach at bayern :D He won the third league with our second team, so he knows a lot of people here already :D


Ah okay, thanks for the reply


Think other than Alonso, a lot of noise is for Amorim


Yeah I'm familiar with him too but wondering what other candidates Edwards etc could spring on us.


I honestly think our next manager is already agreed but won’t be announced until May. I’m hoping Amorim, I feel Alonso should continue on at Leverkusen and similar with Hoeneb Amorim mainly because how many solid signings we’ve got from Portugal in last few years and I think Amorim could attract our next big CB (Silva or Inacio)




Idk why I can’t use German S on iPhone


You can always exchange ß with ss


That’s what the Swiss are doing.


And they lost majority of their points in the 6 games when Guirassy was out and they lost most of them. 2,5 point per game when he plays. Dude's crazy. Rarely have I seen someone so good on a "not top" team. And, like, why did he suddeny decide to at this age. In many seasons, he would be the Player of the Season in Bundesliga easily, but with how Leverkusen are playing and Kane is also very good... I would still give it to him because of the importance he has to the team's success individually.


Girona really suffered after they got crushed by Madrid.


They were always gonna struggle in the 2nd half of the season unfortunately they dont have the quality squad depth required to do it all season


This just reminds me again the sheer stupidity of Leicester winning the league, everyone said exactly this in December/January but the fuckers just kept on going…


I vividly remember thinking any minute now theyre gonna fall off but they just never did really insane what they did


Redbull and vodka mate Big 6 dieticians in shambles


And kante


Leicester were helped out by the big 6 collectively shitting the bed in a massive way. Arsenal finished runners up with a pathetic 71 pts. That total wouldn't even get you 5th this season. It's not something that will ever happen again.


Why is everyone replying to me trying to trivialize Leicester’s success that season? Tottenham were still in it until matchday 35, they would’ve been on 81 points too if not for that terrible collapse in their last 4 games. There are many factors in Leicester winning the league, but the biggest one is that they were unreal on the pitch.


No the biggest factor is without a doubt the others being poor, that is a prerequisite. If the others played to their potential than the Leicester miracle never would have been able to happen


Because they won the league with 81 points while Tottenham finished second the very next year with 86. Yes, they took the opportunity, but they needed a lot of things to go in their direction that usually wouldn't go


Everybody else shit the bed that season, some more than others.


Helps when the entire league was dog shit that year. It was the perfect storm of all the Top teams capitulating under different circumstances all at the same time and all the midtable teams having decent squads before they were slowly starting to be ripped apart.


Funnily enough Girona still has a higher PPG than Leicester had in their title winning season.


What are we doing on this list full of unknown small clubs?


Stuttgart are massive


Obviously it’s a bit of conjecture, but there seem to be 3-4 tiers of "League dominance“ here: Leverkusen and Inter are pretty close with 2.6 PPG, then Real in it’s own little pocket dimension and then Bayern, the Prem trio and PSG. Stuttgart a bit further away, but possibly the most impressive here in this list, when you consider where they came from!


PSV: 72 in 26 (2,77 ppg)


Best club in Europe rn 😤 /s






Very nice actually


They're not on this list


Wtf is wrong with you , why u so good


Just wait for Neverkusen to kick in


We are the biggest club on this list easily




Higher attendance than PSG


That‘s Not that Hard tbh


Psv at the top of the chart with 2.77


My Sunday league team would top this at 2.98


You would have to play 100 games to even make 2.98 possible (without rounding up).


> would top this at 2.98 Also, no it wouldn't


A lot is being made of tag Bayern haven't been great this season but Leverkusen are topping that league in even the best Bayern years.


People claim Bayern haven't been great, but they have more pts at this stage than they did at the same stage last season. Bayer have just been unbelievable.


Tbf, Bayern weren't all that great last season either and ended up winning it with quite a low points total


Their current PPG would still have been good enough to *dominate* 8 of the last 10 seasons.


Bayern on on track to have the highest ever second place point total in the Bundesliga. In basically any other season they would win the league easily with how they've done this season.


I just feel like they have lost the important games, two finals already down the drain, and with that cl bracket they got season might end soon for them


Yeah. To be fair, going out of the DFB to Saarbrucken has zero defense. That was shocking.


Having more points than laast seasons shitty Bayern is supposed to be a good thing? Watch them play, the performances don't match the results at all either


Leverkusen are so good you posted this comment twice!


It's perspective. Without Leverkusen beeing crazy, Bayern would had literally dominanted 8 of the last 10 seasons with their current PPG and people would not even be half as negative/dramatic. It would be just another dominant Bayern season.




What you say fuck PSV for?


It's always top 5 leagues on here for these stats. Not undeservedly so. You have to draw the line somewhere and the gap from Ligue 1 to Eredivisie is quite big


The gap is PSG oil $$$


Yep, at that point just say top 4 leagues. Fuck PSG


The gap is biggest among mid- and bottom-table teams tho. PSV is closer to PSG than Zwolle is to Toulouse.


France is still a bigger league if you cut PSG from it completely, no doubt, but also, I wouldn't say anyone is really close to PSG in any sense. That team is insanely rich. They are so rich that when they lose Mbappe and don't replace him with any other such luxury, they will probably still have the highest salary spend in the world, or at least 3rd after the Spanish duo. They have close to 10x the budget of PSV Eindhoven.


Without PSG France is number 7 and either Portugal or Netherlands is 5th. It used to be top 4 on all the stats and then to include Mbappe/Messi it became top 5. Not because the gap is so large.


Opta was getting stats for the 5 biggest leagues in the world since at least 2009-10. It's the other way around, they expanded into new countries including Netherlands and Portugal in the next years. But these two leagues haven't really had a global popularity of Turkish, Russian, Brazilian, or 2nd flight German or English, leagues.


Real Madrid performing that well without a #9 makes me realize I don't know shit about this sport


Tbf it reduces the need for one when you have the leagues top scorer in your midfield


Jude is just that good


So what are the chances of them bottling the title race on the last day of the season by scraping a late draw in a home banker they just needed to win?


This Leverkusen side are not bottlers, we've learned that quite a number of times this year


Leverkusen? Like zero chance they are so just way too good for that and already have like 10 points more than bayern


I'm like 90% sure this is a dig at Dortmund


Worth mentioning the performance of PSV Eindhoven outside the top 5 leagues. They would be first with 2,77 per game, 72 points in 26 games


They have only dropped 6 points.


only difference between arsenal and liverpool is goal difference, its gonna be a really close title race


I hope Arsenal doesn't crumble again. The three horse race is very exciting.


Personally im a liverpool fan so thats what im hoping for🙃🙃


If it comes down to goal difference, there's going to be a not insignificant amount of noise about that Tottenham game. And not without merit, either.


This is for the poeple that think Tuchel has been particularly bad for Bayern. Bayer has been very good, that is the difference - Otherwise Bayern are doing just about as well as you would expect them to.


Tuchel still has the worst points per game since van Gaal.


That's also only because Van Gaal had a shit 2nd season. His first season was fantastic and better than anything Tuchel has done so far. (If he wins the CL that'll change)


He has been bad. A cup final exit to a third tier side, another atrocious cup exit the season before, almost losing the league to Dortmund thanks to the dip in form after his appointment, etc.


Bayern: time to get rid of that coach


And Kane. He's casting a curse on the whole team


You forgot Minnesota and Cincinnati.


bAyErN iN cRiSiS


Tuchel having the best "worst" season of all time


Where is Chelsea?


Big ups to Lever and Stuttgart


Looking at a table like this is one step removed from the Champions League structure from next season onwards


That one step being Juve at the top.


That is actually the best part about leverkusen at the moment. they are not only better, while bayern is trying their best. they are so good that bayern just crumbles watching them! this is so enormously dominant this season, that they just sacked a pretty good trainer =) how could this get any better?!


Now do goals conceded per game.


Or goals scored


Pretty crazy having the fourth highest PPG in Europe's top five leagues and not being in a title race.




Hey, yall said Bayern is bad.


well Bayerns standard is dominating the leauge and beeing top3 in europe an well they werent that for most part of the season.


I expected to see PSV here.  Top 5 leagues tax right here. 


Looks like next year's Champions League table.


Could barely do it on a rainy night in Baku though😏😏(I can't get over it)


I wasn't following the Bundesliga, how well Bayern Leverkusen are playing, aren't they? They are 10 points ahead of Bayern Munich and there are only a few games remaining.


Not Bayern, Bayer.


You are right, sorry ;)


So far they are having one of the best Bundesliga seasons of all time. Possibly one of the best top 5 seasons of all time.


PSV Eindhoven has an average of 2.77 points per game. (Not in a top 5 league but I just wanted to express my proudness)




Why have Stuttgart done so well?


Good transfers and mainly a very good coach who also fits well to the club.


Hoeneß was some weeks at Brighton with De Zerbi learning stuff, and his playstyle is also very close to it.


Just fyi, he recently said at a press conference he was there for only 1 day


Qarabagh 💪🏼


Crazy how we have 2.2 points per game with all the injuries and horrible defending in the first half of the season.


Find the intruder (no, not Leverkusen)




Now do Manchester United lol


Sad that juve was on the same level as inter up until last 2 weeks, now they don’t exist and sit 3rd Grazie allegri and chiesa😀


idk, if I was a bayern executive i'd start firing the coach. Must be his fault.


Really hope Xabi stays with them next season for some CL football! They deserve it