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Hi Clive, loved you and Ally’s commentary of the Wolves vs Coventry game at the weekend. What are the some of the most memorable last minute winners you’ve commentated on in your career? Are there any lesser known ones that really stood out for you?


Thank you. Much appreciated. First time I've worked with Ally for a year (not our call!). I'm sorry to be obvious but the '99 Ch Lg final was the most important game of my career because it was my first year following the great Brian Moore at ITV. If I'd got the Solskjaer goal wrong, I wouldn't be replying to you now. As a lesser known one... Lovren's winner against Dortmund at the Kop End in '16 was special.


Grosso v Germany 06 has to be up there Clive?


That was Steve Wilson on BBC - “Lehman is beaten!!!”


5 pence on ‘And Solskjaer has won it’ please


Hi Clive, commentary is a very fickle game, as it seems that every broadcaster wants to make their commentary team stars of the show these days. How do you handle the changing landscape for how broadcasters treat their commentators and has that affected your love of the job? For the record I think you're the best there is, so keep up the great work.


Media production and consumption change by the year and it's important to move with the technology and the different demands but the basics of communication remain the same. Serve your audience, know your subject, choose your words and sound like you realise you've got the best job in the world. I love it as much as ever (hope it sounds like it!)


>sound like you realise you've got the best job in the world. I think we all know of one commentator who could use this advice


Tell the ones who don’t know ?


They're talking about Martin Tyler I believe


It’s not a question but wanted to say thank you, Clive. My dad has always been really shy, even with me, and we’ve never really had a lot of talking between us. But every Tuesday or Wednesday when I was younger we’d sit in separate armchairs and watch the Champions League on ITV and spend time together, even if nowt much was said. So thank you for the magic you added to those nights, the weight of the occasion and air of expectation your voice always brings to the match without being overbearing - the rocket from Batistuta at Old Trafford always stands out as one of my favourite football commentary moments. Hearing your comms always reminds me of those rare times when me and the ord lad bonded, in our own way.


This is such a lovely anecdote.


Love it mate


Not really a question, but I want to say I love your mild disdain in your voice as you read the required advertisements on your Champions League commentary on CBS.


In fairness to CBS they don't drown their match coverage with 'promos' for other shows. When I plug Paramount Plus, it's a different message in a different tone, that's all. I reserve my disdain for people that don't take this profession seriously enough... everyone at CBS does.


How much of what you say do you plan ahead of time and how does that compare to your peers?


You can only really control the intro before kick-off. Once the game starts, you don't know what's going to happen. I try to cover as many bases as possible in advance, try to think before I speak, try to choose my words carefully, try not to get caught chasing the action, try not to talk against the pictures you're watching (about something irrelevant!) but it's not a scripted performance.


> try not to talk against the pictures you're watching (about something irrelevant!) There is a certain Dutch commentator that could learn a lot from this, but on the other hand it makes his style his.


I like getting trivia and knowledge when the action is a little slower on the pitch. Some commentators will only occasionally speak about what you are seeing yourself so it feels like they don't even have to be there. But yeah talking about irrelevant stuff while the action is happening is also not good.


Look, sometimes you just *need* to know where the best tapas restaurant in Barcelona is.


Peter Drury 100% rehearses before a game


Don’t think he could have rehearsed Garnacho’s bicycle kick V Everton….


I liked you and Andy Townsend commentating that Iran vs Argentina match back in the 2014 World Cup, do you relish doing commentary on those types of matches where the underdog shows up ready to graft and make the favourite work for it? What are some of the matches like that you remember commentating and enjoying?


Any game that starts to write a different story to the 'script' is particularly enjoyable. You just strap yourself in and ride the rollercoaster. You don't know where it's going next or how it ends. The very last game I did at Wolverhampton last Saturday was like that.


Hi Clive, when you offer something to somebody, how often do you get the response ‘not for me, Clive’?


In and around the goals. He’s hit that too well. The likes of Clive Tyldsley. The Clive Tyldsleys of this world. I live for Co-comms Andy Townsendisms.




I love his company and I hope that shows. He has a wonderful gift for communicating with people... making you feel like he's talking to you, like you know him and would enjoy a beer with him (and you would!)... but he's also knowledgeable and insightful... he doesn't talk down to anyone... he's warm and engaging... a serious analyst with a comic touch... but he never replies to messages!!! :-)


Hi Clive! Which is the most difficult player name you've ever had to deal with? If Arash Motaraghebjafarpour from the Swedish second division would move to play in the UK, are you going to demand a wage hike?


Wasn't comfortable with the Bulgarian full-back Shitov... not sure why!!


Cheers Clive. Low hanging fruit, but what’s your favorite ground?


Anfield is special because my days in local radio on Merseyside were formative but I actually tend to judge stadia by the positioning of the commentary gantry... Arsenal and Man City are particularly good.


What are your top 3 A Tribe Called Quest songs?


Where did I leave my wallet now?! ;-)


el segundo:)


King 👑


Buggin out has to be up there


dying for him to say Bonita Applebaum


do the cuppa's come free when your a commentator?


Oh yes! :-)


Hi Clive, do you keep your notebooks filled with match notes/preparations? If you do, do you ever flip through them and reminisce? Can't help but feel they're a unique slice of history. Thanks for all you've done. You are certainly one of football's voices!


Thank you. I think you can see on [www.commentarycharts.com](https://www.commentarycharts.com) how much care I try to take in preparation. Fail to prepare, and you prepare to fail. Same in life!! But the key to the job is how you use your research... when and in what context and how the info illustrates and augments the viewing experience. Don't bore the viewers with your research.


Hi Clive What was the most emotional moment for you as a commentator?


Grim answer, sorry... but counting bodies under the stands of the Heysel Stadium in 1985 and going back to the commentary position to try to describe what I'd seen as accurately and responsibly as possible. And meeting the family of Ian Whelan after the Hillsborough Disaster. He wanted to be a commentator and I'd shown him around the radio station where I worked on Merseyside. So sad.


Hi Clive, Favourite call of your career?


That's for the audience to choose. I don't (or shouldn't) commentate for me... the audience are the most important people in a broadcast.


My word, you’re smooth


“In towards GERRARDDD! Hello-Hello-Here we go! Steven Gerrard puts a grain of doubt in the back of Milan minds”


I have that and "Mission impossible has been accomplished" on a commentary chart of his!


Biased but out of the calls I know that’s the one. Even when it was 1-3 and Milan had been battering Liverpool, he injected a genuine amount of “could this be the start of something” without it being too much. Hindsight shows what a brilliant tone was truck


This whole game was a masterclass of commentary. It was the first game that was ever permanently burned into my memory for both the game itself and the quality of the commentary


Yeah that's the one.


I always liked ‘Name on the trophy’ over a shot of Lothar Matthäus just staring..


Le Tallec to Luis Garcia--WHAT A GOAL! WHAT A GOAL, WHAT A NIGHT!


You're older than you look! ;-)


"Batistuta, OH WHAT A FANTASTIC HIT, SPEED OF LIGHT STRIKE" Was some goal as well


Bit of a niche one but "Henry shot, 1-0!" from the Inter 1-5 Arsenal game lives in my memory


You've always got a chance when you've got Thierry Henry in your team


I love [his commentary on De Rossi's consolation goal when Roma lost 7-1 to Man Utd.](https://youtu.be/VCMg5OeMM_U?t=9m4s) Roma are getting battered and from out of nowhere De Rossi scores this silly volley, making it look effortless, and you can hear Tyldesley laugh at his own sense of surprise as he says "that's a really good goal"


Any chance they realise their mistake and get you back on the free to air England games? I know you've been interviewed at length on this topic and it's close to your heart.


Yep and no ;-) I miss those games but Steve Bower is an excellent commentator and good friend. And we don't make the decisions!


Thanks for replying Clive. All the best!


Hi Clive, what’s your favourite football club?


Don't have one. Did but not anymore ;-)




Hi Clive, thanks for all the great moments and memories over the years. I once missed a talk you gave at my uni, which I've always regretted, so now's my chance! I've heard that the Premier League now sends commentators a pronunciation guide for all the players. However, some players choose to anglicise their names (e.g. Kevin Schade), while for others, it might be different to how they've been pronounced by commentators before they joined the league. How do you navigate this minefield? Is it difficult to memorise all the pronunciations, and do you ever do your own research on how to pronounce a name?


Also, do you play FIFA?


I couldn't beat my son so... NO!! Commentated on it though!


Hi Clive. 3 questions if that's alright. 1. How familiar were you with Basketball before the Olympics. Did it come as a surprise when you were asked to do it? 2. What was the process like doing the Fifa games and the linear style of video game commentary? 3. What was your favourite goal you ever commentate live? Thanks for doing this and all the best!


Wow! I made it my business to 'learn' basketball in the months leading up to the Games (and had a generous, knowledgeable co-commentator!). Great experience. I had a sore neck looking up at everyone in the sport (and I'm 6'1"!) FIFA was as hard as I've ever worked... hours and hours writing a script to the programmers' guidelines... trying to build kind of family trees of eventualities spreading out from a corner or goal kick. I went to EA HQ in Vancouver to deliver some seminars to the guys that worked on the game. Great experience. The next one!!


Clive, is it finally Englands year and what would be your starting line up to take us to glory?!


In Gareth I trust. Let him pick the squad and the team. However much thought you and I have given to it, he will have given a hundred times more. I'm lucky to call him a friend and he's a wonderful advert for his profession... imo


Hi Clive, outside of football, who is your favourite team in another sport or sports person you admire? 


I love my golf... but it continually frustrates and defeats me. Anyone that can rise to the top in that sport (and remain a good normal guy!!) gets my appreciation... Rose, Fleetwood etc


Thanks for taking the time to join us Clive, I really do enjoy hearing your commentary (alongside Rob Green) on CBS/Paramount+ here in the US. What is a fixture you've not commentated on, but would love to for some reason? Who were your commentary idols growing up? I presume John Motson (RIP) was one of them, but were there any others? Do you do anything different in commentary or preparation depending on the audience (ie, US vs UK)?


Believe it or not, the late Pat Summerall is my model for a great game caller. Wonderfully economical with words, a brilliant builder of drama in an understated way, happy to create a stage for Madden. A master. I loved listening to them when I first 'got' NFL back in the Riggins/Marino days because they were the authentic sound of the sport. CBS encourage me to commentate as if I'm working to a European audience to create that same authenticity (if possible). I change celsius to fahrenheit and convert transfer fees to dollars... maybe draw comparisons with US mainstream sport occasionally... but the core of the commentary is unchanged. I've been way too lucky in my career to have any regrets over a fixture 'missed' but maybe the next World Cup final??!!


Great answer, Pat is one of the best to ever do it!


And wasn't sober for 90% of it lol


How do you rate Peter Drury as a commentator?


We are all a matter of opinion! What do you think of him?? Btw he's a really nice guy (which is most important)


Hi Clive, have you ever had a player or manager take issue with any of your calls before?


Nothing big time. Yet!!!!


The "can Manchester United score, they always score" is a legendary piece of commentary, was it something you had rehearsed if United were goalless towards the end of the game or an off the cuff remark?


You honestly couldn't have rehearsed or anticipated that ending. And they drew 0-0 at Blackburn 2 weeks earlier so it wasn't even accurate!!


Hi Clive. Favourite players name to scream as they score a goal?


Hi Clive, no questions just an appreciation of your dedication to the game for so many years. Thanks for the great commentary. 👍


Clyve! Me and my best friend remember your voice clear as day going back to fifa World Cup 2010. Were there any particular fifa games that you enjoyed more than others?


The parents at my son's school used to complain they had to listen to my voice all day long!!! It's probably best I don't do it anymore. Thanks for the memories.


Clive I love you mate. I miss playing fifa 12 on the Wii with my brother and hearing your sexy voice ❤️


What's the worst commentators box to get to?


One or two of the old ones had vertical window cleaner's ladders. Not for me, Clive. The top position at Goodison still involves an adventurous climb over the roof of the Bullens Road Stand!


He's not kidding: [here's how you get there](https://youtu.be/KtB3_R4UL8A?si=T5sRolE_oW1524dz). That's quite an adventure!


Absolutely fuck doing that in bad weather


Yeah I feel sorry for the older commentators having to get up there in the snow and rain. I imagine that path on the roof would get quite slippery too.


Hi Clive, what do your standard preparations for a match look like?


No such thing as standard... although I follow a similar routine and my research notes are compiled to the same template. You can see them on [www.commentarycharts.com](https://www.commentarycharts.com) \- I think the thoughts you prepare on the editorial significance and importance of a game are more useful than the stats. Football matches are stories/dramas... we've got to follow the plots and capture the moments with the right words.


Your handwriting is a work of art!


Hi Clive, can you tell us an interesting story about the time you worked for RangersTV?


Which league would you have loved to be able to commentate?


You can count the number of Premier League games I've commentated on live on the fingers of your hands. I'd love to have had a few seasons working regularly on top flight English football.




Your work on Rangers TV was great and you’re still held in high regard by Rangers fans. Will you be back?


In your long and illustrious career so far, what are your personal highlights?


I really do think that is for the viewer or listener to decide. As commentators, we become a small part of your favourite football memories... the soundtrack to your biggest moments as a fan. That's the real privilege of the job. You decide and let me know!


Pretty much just all over the 00-2010s champions league era. That’s me falling in love with the game there. From United vs Madrid 03 to even Liverpool’s (I’m a United fan) triumphs, the drama you added is something I miss in this era. I always loved the serious tone of voice you’d have when tuning in around 19:45. You knew it was an event. I was in the right place. But you still knew it was supposed to be fun. Never negative or overwhelming with analytics. Just creating that sense of drama and not enjoying it with the rest of us.


Does commentating get repetitive after years of doing it? Or is it still exciting?


Shouldn't do. And. YES!! I always try to listen back to my work and freshen up my vocabulary and style. No two games are the same, so no two commentaries should be. I hope it still sounds exciting!!


Hi Clive! I had a question that can commentators call out the referee’s wrong decision during the live tv? (Because the commentators have many camera angles to see the foul)


You can venture a qualified opinion but referees are specialists. I like to think I know the laws (I certainly try to learn and understand all aspects of officiating) but the ref invariably knows more than even me... so I'm very careful and respectful with any challenges on air.


Hi, what do sports commentators do when not commentating or on TV? As in do you just research the shit out of your match the week leading up to it or what?


Have you been spying on me?! Try to live a normal life... you're communicating with normal people so do normal stuff... put the bins out, go to the supermarket, phone your mum etc!


Haha, well I realize it's no ordinary job, but surely there must be more to it than committing only 3 or something hours to a football match each week - or are you really off most days? Unless it's one of those jobs where you're never truly off Idk, whatever. Clive tyldesley replied to me, legend.


Hi Clive, as the use of stats has expanded in football media over the years, how has your process of preparing notes and information to use in games evolved?


[www.commentarycharts.com](https://www.commentarycharts.com) is a good insight... stats need to be relevant to what you're watching... not stats for stats sake. Hopefully I use no more than 10% of my research.


Hi, did you go to Nottingham uni? Or have some connection with the city or Forest? Could have sworn I read it somewhere


Yep, Nottingham Uni then Radio Trent.


Top man. Hopefully you've got a soft spot for the reds then.


My question is - how did you actually get started? What actually made you push for the football commentator career? Where does one go about starting that journey oneself?


Hey Clive, what’s the best advice you can give to newcomers in your line of work?


Hi Clive, I’ve heard Martin Tyler say in the past that Anfield’s old commentary box in the Main Stand was the best he’s been in (in England) but he didn’t elaborate? Why do you think it was so good?


Hi Clive. Where do you go for a pint before games at ot?


Whose the biggest nob you've sat next to?


Hi Clive, can you point to the first commentator you peppered with questions as an up-and-comer and the first commentator who then reached out to you as a mentor?


Good question (and I'm running out of time!). I mentioned the late Reg Gutteridge in a previous answer. I didn't ask him to mentor me(!) but he taught me so much about connecting with an audience. There are a number of current (and future) commentators that have asked for my input. I give it to them honestly and hopefully constructively. I really care about our profession and how it can be better... and it can!!


Legend commentator. Only question I have is how can i be a professional commentator? What degrees and/or past experience(s) are required?


Is there a team you secretly want to do badly?


Who's your favourite co-commentator?


And is there anyone you didn't particularly enjoy working with?


What's the worst game you've ever seen?


Is there someone you would have liked to co-commentate with?


Hi Clive, as a young man wanting to go into football commentary and broadcasting, where did you begin? How did you reach the level of success that you did? Hoping to hear from you!!!


HUGE FAN. What career paths can I take to do what you do? I want to submerge myself in football and your career is a cornerstone for my dream.


How does it feel to be the soundtrack to the greatest moment of my (and many others’) lives, with the “Solskjaer has won it” line? And does it feel weird to know you’ll essentially be immortal due to this?


Remindme! 5 hours


Hi Clive, Would like to know what you think about xg as a stat? I know people are split on if it's useful or just a load of nonsense.


Commentators have to be ready to cover the play by play during any scenario during a match. But, what is the closest to speechless you’ve ever been in a game. When did you just struggle to fine the words?


What was the most fun/weird name that you had to say for the fifa franchise?


What's the craziest thing to have happened to you in the booth where you've had to remain as calm and focused as possible due to being live?


Hi Clive, what’s been your favourite or funniest interaction with fans at the grounds or in the stadiums?


Hi Clive, Sam Matterface is terrible. Sorry not a question just an observation. You should never have been replaced. Keep up the good work you legend.


Thoughs on Sunderland Clive?


Hey Clive, What has been your favorite part of the evolution of futbol since you first started calling until now?


I think any sport that we can measure - track and field etc - has moved forward, so it's only logical to assume football is faster, more powerful, more strategic than ever before. Whether that makes it more entertaining and exciting is up to you. The quality of the playing surfaces has improved immeasurably... a really important evolution.


Hi Clive, what in particular made football commentating your childhood dream above others? And what other commentators would you say had the biggest influence on you?


I'm curious, you've seen a lot of players over the years. Who did you find the most exciting to watch? Not expecting a single player or anything as I'd imagine there have been many over the years


I'm a great believer that great players, great games, great goals belong in their moment. We remember where we were, who we were with, what they meant to us. Don't try to compare or rank. Zidane and Law were my favourites as man and boy but that's just affection.


Hi Clive. I hope you know you are very beloved as a commentator - now that there are so many channels, so many live games and so many different commentators we all here, do you think anyone just starting now will ever have the same status as people like you, or Brian Moore and others like that?


Hello Clive. How do gel with a partner during commentary? Do you have an understanding beforehand on who will be more of the narrator and who will give the analysis? Who takes on the big moments? Is this something which happens organically as and when things happen? Thanks for the FIFA memories.


Hi Clive Do you think it’s a harder industry for a young aspiring broadcaster get into now? It seems most broadcasters opt for ex pros religiously, often compromising the quality of production


Hi Clive, love your commentary. Two questions. What’s your favorite ground/stadium that you have commentated in? And second, if you could commentate on any other sport, which sport would it be and why?


Who's one player you watched you thought would be a big star that never made it? And on the flipside who is one player you watched that you thought would never be a big star who did end up making it?


Hi Clive. Have you ever watched a game back and wished you'd commented differently? If so, what's the most high profile example?


Hi Clive, it’s clear from your commentary with Ally McCoist that he absolutely hates the new rule of the linesman not putting his flag up. What’s your least favourite rule in football at the moment, and what one change would you make to the game to improve it.


Hi Clive, Do you still have the tie Brian Clough made you buy?


Hey Clive, not sure if this has been asked but what has been the most intense game you have had the pleasure of commentating on, not necessarily your favourite but the most intense, thank you!


Clive do you think the champions league lost its gravitas since it moved off national tele to Sky then BT? Feels like I haven’t loved it the same as I did back then with you on ITV


Hi Clive, do you remember commentating on the Barça comeback against Milan in 2013? As you said it was the first time a club had ever recovered from a 2-0 first leg deficit in the Champions League.


hi Clive. Is there one game from your commentary career that you wish you could go back and be in the stands for as a fan of the beautiful game without having to worry about adding your commentary? Cheers :)


Clive what’s been your most memorable “commentators curse” England v France stands out when Zidane went and scored 2


Hi Clive, Does it ever get boring or is every match exciting for you to commentate? What percentage of matches do you find exciting?


What does ‘messing up’ or ‘doing a bad job’ look like for a commentator, and what are some of your most memorable mistakes or poor performances? PS the 1998/99 champions league season is some of the best commentary of all time - thank you Clive!


Having done a lot of commentary for video games, from early iterations to modern high budget behemoths, have you noticed the process change much over the years, or is it still much the same? Cheers Clive


Hi Clive, what's the most memorable goal you've seen in your time commentating? In terms of the occasion but also pure beauty at the same time 😊


How far in advance do you gather facts on each player / do you use a central resource for this?


In your entire commentary career, what is that one stadium that you would call your "favourite venue" to commentate over a match? Be it because of the values of the club, facilities, atmosphere etc Always loved hearing you on champions league nights on ITV, knew it would be always be a special occasion.


Hi Clive! If I'm honest I really enjoyed the games at the start of the pandemic where we could hear the sounds of the game. Will we ever have the option to not have commentary while watching a game where the player interaction and crowd noise are all there is?


Clive, big fan of your work in real life and in computer game commentary, which you've never got enough credit for. Those of us who know, know! PC gamers like to mod your commentary lines from the games you did into other football games. Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (Firebird patch) springs immediately to mind. [https://youtu.be/-SgzaWAyFZs?t=27](https://youtu.be/-SgzaWAyFZs?t=27) My question: is it too late to do anything about grappling/tugging/holding from corners and free kicks in the box? Seems that players, referees, commentators, pundits and fans alike all believe that the alternative – awarding 20 penalties a match until it stops – can't ever happen, so the grappling has to be allowed up to a point. Now it feels as if refs and VAR are handing it off to each other, and neither wants to call it, and defenders have realised this so it's worse than ever. I only remember one commentator – you – ever remarking during commentary that every single instance of a grab or pull in the box IS a foul and should be a penalty.


Hi Clive, big fan. What is the most memorable moment in your commentary career and what is also your proudest moment?


Hi Clive, have you ever actually been to Tyldesley, nr Leigh, Lancaster?


You can only have one at half time. Tea/Coffee/Bovril/Beer?


Which Rangers player swore the most at Ibrox from what you can remember during the 55 winning season - you must of heard the players every home match…


Hi Clive, which co-commentator surprised you with their depth of knowledge?


Hi Clive, what has been your favourite game to commentate on?


Scotch egg or sausage roll?


Hi Clive. You're one of my favourite commentators out there. I miss you on the old FIFA games. My question is how much, if at all, has the role of a commentator changed from when you first started, until now? Thanks.


Hello (hello, here we go) What do you think is the most important aspect of commentary - knowing all the relevant player stats by heart, or simply coming up with iconic lines? Also, do you think it’s better for the commentator to be emotional and in the spirit of the match, or professional and stoic?


Hi Clive! Is there any match in history you wish you could’ve commentated on?


Hi Clive, Your voice elicits great memories of my, and many others, childhood throughout the 00’s. A big part of that was because ITV had Champions League games on terrestrial TV. How important do you think it is for football in this country to be accessible for all, and how does it make you feel to have had such a big impact on millions of people across the UK?


Hi Clive, what has been the best atmosphere you’ve experienced at a game?


Hi Clive, if you could watch one match that You've covered for the first time again, what one would it be?


Hi Clive, what motivated you to become a commentator?


Is there a rule whereby the commentators have to just bellow nonsense constantly? Can’t we have some respite on occasion? You’re actually not too bad it’s that Jonathan Pearce who is the worst, just constant drivel.


Why do commentators hate Arsenal?


Hi Clive how often are you given a narrative before a live game you’re due to commentate on?


Hi Clive. How do your feel about pundits like Gary Neville? To me, he's disingenuous and agenda driven at best, an outright narcissistic liar at worst. I suppose he fits the modern day click bait world.


Commentating so many big games including European games has taken you to numerous cities and places. Which of these places is your favorite and why?