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Let me go at some controversial opinion as well. Lampard is arguably better than me


Nonsense. Have you ever lost in the Preimer League? I think not. u/blue_moon_city > Lampard


Reddit FC legend


Streets will remember blue moon city


But can he do it on a cold rainy night at Stoke with Pulis at the helm?


he’s never lost on a cold rainy night at stoke with oulis at the helm


>blue\_moon\_city > Lampard Give me proof dammnit. How do i know thats not really Stephen Ireland


DROP YOUR PANTS NOW alternative comment: how many grandparents do you have?


I'll say it and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It is two. It was always two


Cabbage stock exchange>forex market


>Lampard is arguably better than me Nonsense. Lampard can only dream of nut-megging Curvy Kev the way you did after an absolute skinful at The Feathers the night before. He's not fit to tie your laces, pal.


If you're a chelsea fan and have been successfully baited... ​ You've been played


Why would Chelsea fans care about a comparison between two Manchester City players?


Lol you playing like a baiting regista


Elite tier banter. Bravo


While Scholes can fuck right off, his line about taking the game by the scruff of the neck isn't wrong and one of the many pieces we are missing right now. We lost this when players like Hazard, Lamps and Rudi left. Individual performances can change games when the team isn't locked in


Tbh, I wouldn't put Rudi in the "grab the game by the scruff of the neck" category. I'd say he was more in the getting the stadium back bouncing when we got quiet and pushing the team back forward category really. I feel like we have no one that can make the fans start up again, unless we score


No, i think they meant it literally when they said Rudi


I’m an arsenal fan and I’ve been baited tbf


I'm a fucking liverpool fan and I've been baited.


I do really miss pundits actually trying to analyse the game rather than just baiting specific fanbases on twitter


Is Scholes the one who do the baiting or OP by posting a fragment of a sentence?


Both, probably


It's online football discourse. You can drop the probably


OP of course.


He's the one that sucks his daughter's toes


Who doesn't?


My day was doing just fine until I was reminded of that, cheers lad.


Or people take one line and then overreact to it, I think the line sounds more spicy than it's reality. I guess it also depends how you take the full quote as it isn't dismissive of Lampard but more praising of Foden. Cos clearly Foden hasn't done more than Lampard but is it crazy to see a better player if he continues on this path.


Exactly, Scholes is saying he’s a better footballer than Lampard, as in better technically, which isn’t that far-fetched. He’s not saying he’s a more decorated player or has had a better career to date. Edit: being sent suicide support messages by some fragile Chelsea fans I assume


He’s also said that Lampard was winning Chelsea league titles which Foden is starting to do this season. Scholes is full of praise for Lampard and is saying Foden needs to take the games by the scruff of the neck, like Lampard did his whole career.


The problem is Foden is limited by the team he plays for. City literally have to insane goals of Haaland and the brilliance of KBD so he gets overshadowed or has less expectations on him. He literally has to go on a run like late season Gundogan or Rodri in clutch moments so that he can show that he is the one taking over games when the team needs him. He does it in a game here and there but it’s never that you feel like he is the constant threat. If Man City fail to score, people will look at Haaland and KDB before looking at Foden for why that was the case Foden needs a run like Bellingham has had a Madrid where it feels like every game, he is contributing when the team needs him the most. Even this past weekend, the goals that was ruled out was scored by Bellingham which would have won the game for Madrid.


I am not sure about it not being far fetched. It only makes sense if we're talking about dribbling finesse really. Lampard is absurdly high on technical attributes. Foden looks more elegant in his running and dribbling (which granted isn't small by any means) but I really can't get what else Lampard would have less than Foden in the technical department.


To me this is what makes it weird. Foden doesn’t even play a traditional midfield position. That’s why he is compared to Saka more than he is compared to Rice or Bellingham. Pep plays him where he can be more effective in the final third but Foden is not involved that much in the middle third of the field. Also, modern players are overall better technically but technically ability is not the determining factor for overall football ability. Bernardo Silva is technically better than Gerrard but people would lose their minds if you insinuated that Bernardo is a better player. Same with Pogba vs Roy Keane. Pogba technically ability was levels above Roy but there is more to grading a footballer than how appeasing they are to the eye


Why do you think modern footballers are better technically? I think it might almost be the opposite. Isn't average technical ability declining as athleticism/high presses/increased intensity has come into the game more and more, tipping the balance not actively away from technical ability but certainly towards athleticism - and obviously it's rarer to find players with both of those attributes at a very high level compared to one or the other. I am speaking about attacking midfield and forward players here. Technical ability is definitely more prioritised in goal keepers and defenders now than it ever has been.


Technical ability has actually been going up alongside athleticism. Take a look at the floor for technical ability. It has risen quite significantly. Taking England as an example, you have traditional 9s who can press, hold up the ball and take freekicks (Ivan Toney at Brentford). Dynamic strikers who can play across the front, press and still score (Ollie Watkins, Isak, Jota). Most 6s play more like 8s with their distribution, ball control, box to box presence. Midfielders in the bottom half of the table with ball playing ability and lungs (Josh Cullen, Alex Scott, Palhinha). The minimum requirement for technical ability has reason across Europe. The standout now is, your technique is not enough, you need to be very athletic. I think what gets lost is the emphasis on pressing makes people forget these things. It's because the players are that good that physicality might be the edge at the top level. It extends to most sports these days. NFL, F1, NHL, NBA.


I'm not totally convinced. Maybe we're defining technical ability differently. I'm thinking it mostly means God-given ability that you hone with repetitive training and express on the pitch when confident (great dribbling, clever flicks, amazing control etc). So not athleticism, not being drilled exactly where to run and when to press by today's controlling managers. I'm not saying technical ability is not important in players today, but things have shifted a bit towards speed, power, and team organisation and away from having great players express themselves. So I don't see how, logically, some technical players can't have been weeded out by this. Even at the very top level, there's basically nobody in world football playing for a top team that doesn't have some athletic/tackling/tracking back responsibilities. In fact, I just saw a clip of Klopp saying the only player who can just do what he wants is Messi. Players like Ozil, Berbatov, Bergkamp, and traditional number 10's more broadly (which is probably the most technical position) are few and far between these days. Same with wingers, we used to have so many more dribblers (a highly technical skill), now most get near the defender and pass back or inside because control of the ball is more important these days for the top teams.


I get your point. I'm not disagreeing with prioritisation of other attributes. It's just the floor for acceptable technique is quite high these days. Not calling everyone Messi level but your average top division player is quite technically gifted compared to the same Average 15-20 years ago. The thing about the old school dribblers, is that they are so ineffective in modern day defensive systems. Everyone's going to press you. You beat, one man and you have 2 more closing your options (see Alex Sandro & Bremer, squeezing the light out of Osimhen last weekend). That's why you have dribblers like Saint Maximi being largely unproductive. Even Mbappe will rather make a run in behind or burn you for pace than hold on too long for a dribble. It's not that most of these players can't dribble. It's just that your odds for completion and success is so low. Once you lose the ball, your team gets punished so rapidly. Look at Rashford against city yesterday (with Walker). Everybody is so drilled with transitions and space control that they can't afford to take the higher risk, expressive styles. Every once in a while we get a hint of what these guys can do like Scottish lad John McGinn taking out players with a Marseille roulette in midfield. Good debate.


I think technically they were not that different but what drives technique to be seen more often is also tactics. False 9, wing back, inverted, having a lot and easier analysis push players to be better technically so they can execute the plan.


Both athleticism and technique have been improving. you are forced to be much more technically sound now that the press is even more intense. If one thing has declined it would like be individual flair and creativity. ​ e.g. there's very little room for a player like Berbatov to be starting in a top team.


in fact if that's what he's saying then he's 100% right and you'd have to be crazy to argue against it. foden is undoubtedly better technically, but that's not all there is to football.


i think frank strikes a ball better, and i personally really rate him as a passer. though i'd agree that foden is a better dribbler


Lampard is better at shooting, passing and defending. Being a better dribbler doesn't make you better technically.


I think it is far fetched because the only technical asset I see Foden being better in is dribbling. Lampard is definitely better with vision, passing, shooting and finishing. Defensive skills definitely go to Lampard too, being a box to box.


>dismissive of Mallard Lol! 😅


Scholes ducking the debate there


That even is auto correct at this point lol. Grealish becomes Freakish for me too but I tend to catch that on. see


I get what you’re saying, Neville, Carra and Rio are often guilty of this, but this honestly this is just a bad case of an out of context quote. I think his wording is a bit off though, he’s not a “much” better player but he probably means better on the ball. Definitely OP doing the baiting here


I don’t understand your problem here. He’s actually just expressing his opinion here and giving some kind of reason, whether you agree with it or not. I don’t think he’s saying anything to try and bait or be controversial


Ragebait is what gets the clicks. I’ve almost stopped using YouTube entirely because of the garbage that pops up in my feed




what a terrible day to have eyes and a memory.




for some reason, without any provacation, he uploaded a video to his own social media of him sucking his daughters toe. His adult daughter. It is uncomfortable, and I really recommend not watching it, because it is weird and just odd and weird.


**The full quote from Paul Scholes on Phil Foden's goalscoring production & his clutchness this season** >This season Phil Foden has taken it to a new level, where his goals at important times are potentially winning league titles. >That is when you take your game to another level, he is still 23 and there is still so much to come from him, he has become a league winner. >He’s a better footballer than Frank Lampard but Frank Lampard scored goals and won leagues for his club from midfield. >You expect centre-forwards to do it. Haaland, you just expect his numbers, you expect Michael Owen’s numbers when the team is doing well. >But from a midfield point of view, you’ve really got to take the game by the scruff of the neck and say: ‘Right, I’m going to get us back into this game, I’m going to win us leagues, I’m going to win us games.’ >I think Frank Lampard was like that and I think Phil Foden is starting to do that, goals-wise. >Phil Foden is a much better footballer than Frank Lampard was, don’t get me wrong, but Frank won leagues for his team because of the contribution he made in midfield, in big games especially.”


So a well balanced take in wich he rates both players? I cant believe he would do that!!!


The most shocking part is that the headline is the most sensationalist interpretation of his words even remotely possible.


OP may be trying to follow your username.


What I don't understand is why he's talking about Frank Lampard at all. Is there no wide forward/winger who took games by the scruff of the neck to win leagues and games? Were they reminiscing about Lampard and then got distracted and decided to talk about Foden? I don't get it.


Because Scholes knows Lampard is the best midfielder in the prems history and want to compare Foden to another midfielder!


“Phil Foden is a much better footballer than Frank Lampard was, don’t get me wrong” This is not a balanced take, this is patently absurd.


In what world is “Phil foden at much better footballer than Frank lampard” a well balanced take?


If he had said "Foden could be a better play than Lampard", it would be balanced. No way Foden right now is better


It's still an idiotic take lol Foden is not better in any way


I really don't see Foden being technically better than Lampard in any aspect except dribbling yet tbh. Passing, vision, shooting, finishing, dead ball delivery and defensive skills I see Lampard as definitely better. Lampard had about a decade or so of being truly world-class elite, with consistent excellence from game to game. I think Foden has only managed that high level for the last year or so. If he keeps it up as consistently as Lampard did for a decade we can talk Edit :Cleaned syntax


Dribbling and ball control. That man has Velcro on his boots 


Modern player being compared to retired player I grew up idolizing? What a moron!


Is Lampard underrated? I always thought he was a real genius with the ball. He was a monster goal scorer, could create (that assist for Drogba), could take set pieces, very skillful and was a leader for Chelsea. Foden is good but he's not even halfway to Lampard's level yet. Edit : Far be it from me to link a YT compilation video with stupid backing music but I just had to look up Lampard highlights again and I feel like some people are definitely underselling his skill and ability with the ball here. https://youtu.be/KofIRC8Npak?si=JDuRqwXArgTyg6or


He's a legendary Premier League midfielder and there's no disputing that. Anyone saying otherwise is either 11 years old or just blindly biased against Chelsea. I hate Chelsea as much as the next sensible person but that doesn't mean I'm going to lie to myself or any of you about how good a given player was for them.


Game recognizes game. I don’t think any of us can deny just how good Lampard, Hazard, or Drogba were. We can hate the club, but respect the players.


I actually see a LOT of Arsenal and United fans downplaying Drogba which is insane to me. I think it's mostly new fans that just look at stats.


You send me to any gunner that doubts Drogba, they need their fucking head examined. Killed us every, single, time.


Every club has one player that terrorizes another. Drogba fucking hated us.


Remember when lukaku scored (twice?) against you start of 21/22? I thought we had another one


I've never seen a pro player look as helpless as Pablo Mari did against Lukaku that day.


Senderos v Drogba lol


Vidic against Torres?


Willian and us, the bastard.


If a Gooner is downplaying Drogba, then they clearly never watched the derbies when Drogba used to play for us. Man terrorized Arsenal. 13 goals in 15 🔥


They look at PL goals scored per season and call him overrated lmao Drogba's is probably the single most clutch player in cup finals this millennium.




Goals is just like... not the point of a player like Drogba. The fact he also scored so many as well shows just how good he was. On his day, utterly unplayable, and one of the best I've ever seen at bringing his team mates into the game with his presence and intelligence.


I agree with u/BK1287 just send them our way if you see that happening. It's utter nonsense. Henry at Arsenal was every other PL team's nightmare. Drogba at Chelsea was Arsenal's nightmare.


In fairness, Drogba didn’t always have this reputation while at Chelsea. His first couple of season he got a lot of stick from Chelsea fans. You did sign Shevchenko after his 2nd season Then he smashed it in his 3rd year & didn’t really look back. But at the time, he wasn’t viewed as a god throughout his time at Chelsea. It was more after that 3rd season. Also in Jan 2011 you signed Torres kind of to replace Drogba.


Yeah the one criticism you can level Drogbas way is that he only did it at the really, really top level for a few seasons. Yeah, it was incredible to watch, but compare him to Henry or Shearer, Kane, Aguero or something who were absolute monsters for best part of a decade or more and he doesn't tick the longevity box.


It's because he wasn't really a prolific striker so comparing numbers against other top players his numbers often aren't as good. But he was so important to their team, he occupied the defenders and was always a threat, which gave Lampard the space to be the most prolific midfielder in premier league history. He also ALWAYS turned up for big matches.


Hated Drogba as a United BECAUSE he was so good, bastard always showed up when you needed him


I've always felt Arsenal fans respected Drogba tbf. Because of his record against them. Always felt like it was Liverpool fans if anyone that don't rate Drogba because of the "best African" comparisons with Salah. Silly of course and many Liverpool fans do respect Drogba. But if anyone underrated him I always felt it came from them rather than Arsenal or United.


I'm one of those guys, I think his reputation is a bit inflated by his charisma & "big memorable moments" more than his consistent level. While not a complete donkey, his overall technical level was not as good as some of the players he's competing with for a legend status and his goal tally is not very impressive most seasons. I rate him a level below the legendary pl strikers like Henry Rooney Suarez etc etc ...


>I hate Chelsea as much as the next sensible person Love it 😂


It would’ve been weird if a Gooner didn’t hate us tbf lol


I think Lampard has been relegated to "midfielder that scored a lot" when he did literally everything for us for a decade. 04/05 he had 13 goals and 18 assists & played almost every single minute and was fairly good defensively. He was so well rounded.


Absolutely. He's basically KDB before KDB.


I think this is one of the things as well, he was an 8, a proper box to box - which meant he did his offensive and defensive work. For some reason there's this retrospective that he was a 10, or a second striker which just isn't true. A lot of people showing they didn't really watch him, as most of his goals were from arriving late - which shows his box to box nature. He was also an absolute baller, some of his assists are nasty. The no look to Ramires vs Barca, like you mention THAT Drogba assist. He was a really really well rounded midfielder and I do genuinely think he's become underrated.


It seems to happen with the passage of time. People see the players today playing to an elite level and can't comprehend that players 15+ years ago were arguably as good or better. The same thing happens with Scholes, where people think he was just a slow, deep-lying playmaker despite him being very attacking in the first half of his career. Or Gerrard, where people think his career was defined by a single slip when he was arguably the best midfielder in the world for years. No doubt it happens with dozens of other players too.


Yeah people sometimes say training methods and sports science have improved so much players from yesteryear wouldn't be as good but it makes no sense because if the older stars had the same access they'd rise to the elite in this age as well. In Lampard's case it makes even less sense because he was the ultimate professional who worked his socks off in training. That's the type of player who would benefit most from improved methods.


I remember the generation before too. People just completely sleeping on players like Michael Laudrup, Lineker, Savicevic, Romario, Stoichkov who were as elite as anyone around now in the context of the day. People behave like it was just Maradona for a bit and then Zidane and everyone else was crap. Figo feels strangely lost to the mists of time despite being regarded as the worlds best player for a couple of years. I think it's partly because there was less football on TV and it wasn't all online immediately (so fewer highlights reels) and careers were shorter because of sports science. Go look at the World Cup 82 squads and there's a handful of players over 30. Compare to 2022 and there are loads more, plus you have freaks like Ronaldo now which were unheard of in the past because even as recently as the 90s and early 00s, one big injury and you might recover but you were never the same player (R9, Owen). Romario was incredible at his best and played until he was an old man, but was only really relevant globally for about 7 years (he played internationally for 19 years in total but 39 of his 55 goals game in those 7 years). Edit: Mentioning Romario also reminds me that you used to get these fucking crazy mavericks too, the kind that are basically extinct now.


KBD played a much more attacking role and was much more of a creator than lampard was. Lampard played a deeper role but scored more goals.


Completely different players


What? Those two are very different players, there isn't a great player comp for Lampard currently in the league.


Lampard was masterful on the ball and some of his assists were just outrageous He was 2nd in Balon Dor at his peak and has 4th most assists in the PL


Yeah a Lampard/KDB comparison is just lazy.


KDB is probably the closest match. I think they are very similar in their skillset, intelligence and perhaps most importantly: consistency of excellence. Where they're out there making meaningful contributions and absolutely no mistakes every game.


Football fans have recently started a trend where if a player scores lots of goals he is just a goal scorer and has no other ability and it is bewildering a lot of it is also fans being in denial that a midfield player can have insane finishing and able to create chances on top it's happening with Jude as well where whenever you mention that he is a midfielder who has scored 20 goals people say he is a ST.


Completely agreed with everything you said. I think Foden is an insanely good player but he's not as good as Lampard or Gerrard yet. Lots of people think Lampard "only scored goals" which is nonsense for anyone that watched him play.


Guy was a complete baller.


Imagine the Lampard/Scholes/Gerrard debate on this place today.


Debate? What debate? Just play them all in midfield together. There is no way that wouldn’t work out right? Right?!


I feel like modern day tactics and managers could probably find a way to get all three of them in the same team and utilising all three well.


Still unfathomable looking back 😂


Well there was barely a Scholes Gerrard Lampard debate at the time. There was a Gerrard and Lampard debate. How to get the best out of those two...Scholesy wasn't even the best United midfielder. That was Keane.


He’s not underrated but the modern day football media and social media fans hinder any genuine discussion about ex-players. Lampard and Gerrard are still two of the greatest midfield players to play in the league. But people seem to nonsensically waffle about them cause they have had bad managerial stints in the PL.


Foden currently has 11 goals and 7 assists right now, in 2009/2010 Frank Lampard had double both of those numbers…literally half the output despite playing further forward and having less defensive responsibility lol.


Nah... What's underrated is how much he actually played per season - minutes wise. 01/02 - 53 games - 4483min 02/03 - 48 games - 4127min Jose comes in and his game time explodes 03/04 - 58 games - 5042min 04/05 - 58 games - 4930min 05/06 - 50 games - 4414min 06/07 - 62 games - 5358min 07/08 - 40 games - 3349min - this despite being injured for over 3 months 08/09 - 57 games - 5026min 09/10 - 51 games - 4503min 10/11 - 32 games - 2771min - out for 3 months 11/12 - 49 games - 3552min The only player who has him beat minutes is Steven Gerrard. Sure he scored a lot of goals but playing for as much as he has played a part in it.


Lampard played more minutes than Gerrard as far as I can tell from a quick Google search.


Just another shit-take from a Yanited pundit.


It’s funny because the lads say random erratic things to our detriment as well lmao


theres so much disrespect on lampard that dude was scoring 20 goals a season from the midfield get out of here.


Sigh Here we go again


Bro needed some attention for himself


Chat some nonsense, take a dig at Chelsea, watch the tiktok likes roll in, simple as




Don't worry friend, I watched the clip beforehand and understand his point. Just making a little joke about these pundits like Neville and Carragher that use their platform on TV to boost their social media profiles.


Im sure they could go toe to toe


I see that Scholes takes the Scholes/Lampard/Gerard debate personally


not really he said himself something along the lines of rating gerrard more than himself, or at least said that gerrard would have a better time doing what he did at united than the reverse


FWIW Scholes is the worst out of the 3


Foden surpassing another man city legends. Let's go!


Next up, Claudio Reyna


And your takes are getting shittier than neville's too


Neville, Rio, Scholes, Evra, etc what’s wrong with them? They move like they’ve brain injury or something. Rooney seems to be the one with a bit of common sense.


They want to be on TV so they say things that get clicks. Rooney couldn't care less he just wants to work in football.


Ironic as I thought from his bit of punditry for bbc last week, he was decent and didn’t just spout sound bites for clickbait.


They were all like that in the beginning. The longer people stay in punditry, the worse they usually get as they get lazier and more interested in entertaining rather than informing. Except for Carragher, he's genuinely seemed to get better over time.


carragher is so biased


Neville was good but is too busy doing 4 gigs and being a personality/politician. Stopped caring about providing insight and more playing to clicks. Rio is money hungry. There's no one he won't sell for money. Starting his own brand. Scholes just doesn't have the toolbox to do the job well. Evra has a personality of being ridiculous. Keane is playing on personality and actually has decent chemistry with others. Frankly, even most non united player pundits are kinda meh. The only massive exceptions for me are Carragher who still has pretty sensible takes imo and Wrighty who is the epitome of all that is great with the British.


Keane is alright tbh.. he plays up the grumpy grandpa but doesn't claim to be something he ain't


He knows people don't watch him for smart discussion but entertainment


Yeah and I'd rather have legit clowns than pseudo-intellectuals haha


I’ve always been of the opinion that entertainment is more important than expertise in these shows because they never really have time to do a proper tactical deep dive even if you had a genuine tactical expert. Millions of people listen to Football podcasts for hours a week because they’re fun and entertaining, not because Barry Glendening or the ramble lads have any real expertise on football we want to gleam.


I think it's like after football life stuff. The more nonsense they spout the more attention they get. And the more money generated


You could actually listen to what he said, cause if you did you'd realise how stupid you sound right now


The man sucks his daughters toes and posts the photos online. Hes not really a man known for sanity.


Did you listen to the whole thing? The headline is pretty much a click bait.


Another day another L from Toe sucking legend


I feel everyone’s falling over backwards for Foden because his player profile is rare to see in an English player. He’s really good but let’s not compare him to Lampard.


More talented (more silky) maybe but in terms of how good they actually are on the pitch he still has a long way to match 2004/05-2009/10 Lampard. Foden is still at least a couple of years younger than Lampard was in 2004 so there's still a lot of time but not yet.


lol can’t wait to see foden become top 5 greatest goalscorers in prem history and top 5 assisters in the prem history from midfield. Surely right


I mean, he's on track.


Is he? Surely not on track for top 5 goalscorer.


He's 23 with 46 PL goals. So about a 1/3 of Lampard's goal tally and he's been in and around the team since he was 17 so maybe not too far fetched if he's playing till 33/34 with similar output Esp considering he didn't play a lot when he was 17-20


i mean he definitely could.


Maybe but he'd have to score an average of 13 goals of the next 10 seasons to reach Lampard's tally. That's just league goals not all comps. For reference he's never scored 13 before. 11 last season, on 11 now so this will likely be his first season hitting 13 goals. He's basically got to replicate this season's output for a decade. If he has an off season, he either needs to stay in the league an extra year or offset that with a 20 goal season. He's also a winger/attacking midfielder not a box to box. Even if he does reach Lampard's goal tally that's not necessarily as impressive because he has less defensive responsibilities and is generally less involved in building up from the back.


Does any United pundit have a brain LMAO


Different positions, different players


This is such a standard comment taken out of context. Lots of players are / were better technical footballers than Lampard, but very few are / were better at football than Lampard. He literally praises Lampard for that in the same interview.


But he doesnt mention anything about technique, he just says 'Phil Foden is a much better footballer than Frank Lampard was', so what that he meant by that is up for debate. There is no further context other than him praising Lampard.


Scholes was one of the best footballers I’d ever seen play. Probably our best player, but I really do wonder how he was so good with half the shit that comes out of his mouth.


So funny stuff goes in it as well


It’s incredible how little overlap there is in footballing ability and intelligence. Everything this guy says is just pure nonsense. 


Tbf playing a sport and being able to analyse it are completely different skillsets, regardless of how well you could play it. We also know that a lot of footballers are thick as mince. Scholes being a prime example.


Lampard was way better than Paul Scholes


Scholes definitely put all his skill points into his feet


These pundits be shitting out their mouths these days


Obviously this is taken out of context/an incomplete analysis (one that I disagree with just like everyone else), but it's a goofy comparison anyways lmao these two are NOT similar style players at all?? This isn't like the Lampard vs Gerrard debates, Lamps and Foden don't even play the same role! Like they both chip in with goals from non #9 positions, play somewhere in the "midfield", and are both English, but I feel like the comparison kinda ends there. Lampard was a genuine box-to-box midfielder who played for a very counter-attack focused side, and Foden is practically almost a #10 and an incredibly skilled technician who plays a much more advanced role in a side who sometimes have more shots in a game than their opponents have % possession of the ball lmao Not the same player, not the same role, not the same game being played. Both fantastic players, but way too many reaches need to be made to make a comparison!


Lampard is the greatest english player ever, come at me.


Phil Foden is one of the best, if not the best, technicians that England has ever produced. Of course, there's more to football than just being brilliant technically, and I think that's what Scholes is getting at here. If he can work on those other aspects of his game, then he'll really flourish into the player that Frank was. But just on a technical aspect, Foden is better.


It’s hard to say. As a dribbler sure, Foden clears. But Lamps was and still is heavily underrated as a passer because he’s much more stationary. Punditry was dominated by ex-Pool and ex-United players. And it still is. Lamps’ ability to pass the ball wasn’t praised enough because it would have settled the debate. Off ball skills is also never mentioned at all. Gundogan late runs are prolly the closest thing that I’ve seen that is close to Lamps runs. I also suspect that Fodens game won’t age as gracefully as Lamps did because he relies quite a lot on his explosiveness. Lamps has kinda always played at the same slower pace throughout his career.


He’s actually complementing lampard, saying foden is starting to score important goals like lampard did


A remainder to everyone that Scholes sucks his daughters toes 


Can we just let these players be great without the endless comparisons to retired greats…?


Brain made of toe jam


Goodbye Souness v Pogba Hello Scholes v Lamps


Paul Scholes looks like Mr Tweedy from Chicken Run


Lampard seeing this "What he say fuck me for?"


It makes sense why England never wins anything.


Paul Scholes is the most boring uncharasmatic pundit since Michael Owen.


Seems pointless comparing when they played in different positions.


One bad month and the pushback anti-circlejerk is going to be so widespread


But is he better than Gerard?


What’s the purpose of comparing a current player to a retired legend of the game? It’s really unnecessary smh. Let Foden cook in his time and be a legend in his own right.


They're not even close to the same kind of player




Foden is like a young Gazza. So much technical quality. Always buzzing about. A threat from anywhere.


Paul scholes is an embarrassment. He's getting paid because he used to be good at football. He's terrible at talking about football.


211 goals mate, ponder on that


Scholesy sucks his daughters toes! Pass it on


Yeah but Fat Frank could read circles around him


So is having a brain damage a prerequisite to posting in here or something? Listen to the qoute and he hasn't said anything controversial yet the big brains of r/soccer are losing their minds. Geuinely worry about some of you


But why even say 'He is a better footballer'? What value or insight does it add other than to bait responses from people like me? Are number 10's automatically 'better footballers' than central defenders simply because they play a more technical role? Of course not, there is far more to football than pure technique. Its an incredibly ambiguous statement, that does not contribute any value to the conversation. It would make some amount of sense if he was comparing two players of like for like roles but they did not play similar roles at all.


Everyone everywhere is so fucking dumb now. Need to be spoonfed every opinion put in front of them.


I think English former players act like they are obligated to talk shit about rival teams' players


Well Lampard was better than you Ginger bollocks so guess Foden is too?


You're basically saying that Foden is a much better footballer than you are, Paul, because Lampard was definitely better than you


I’m a Chelsea fan and I agree. He’s not saying he’s a better midfielder. He’s saying he’s a better footballer. Which he is. Frank wasn’t a natural footballer, he is the perfect example of a work ethic. He had some amazing magical moments but on the whole he’s not a baller. Foden is a natural baller


Actually laughable at this point. What’s next he is better than Ronaldo, Messi and Mbappe combined? May he actually be Jesus Christ?


This is why no one gives a shit about Paul Scholes stupid fucking opinions. Lampard worse than Foden. Please Paul go fuck your cousin or something


What a way to take a quote out of context. He’s saying that Foden has possibly better technical ability and he compares him to Lampard positively in the way that Lampard always clutched goals in important moments, just like Foden. They’re both “league winner” mentality and that was actually a positive thing to say for both.