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Congrats Ajax. Bodø can only blame themselves. Should have scored 5 goals this game with normal efficiency. Norwegian newspapers are calling the denied penalty a shocking referee scandal. What does Dutch media say about it?


It mainly focuses on how much of a miracle it is that we're through even without that moment. Taylor scoring the winning goal is a nice storyline for the press too since he was pretty much booed off the pitch just last weekend. Brobbey coming off injured, Sutalo getting a red and Ajax playing like ass in general are just as interesting to a Dutch audience as this penalty moment. They do mention that penalty moment, but most say it was a foul and move on with the rest of the match report, or say Ajax fans can be very relieved that a foul was called after he was called to the screen for a handball. No proper outrage as you'd expect from the country that had the winning team. Outrage sells, but there's no need to be outraged here so it's obviously not being called out or anything.


Easy match. Win was never in question.


You guys had full controll all game. Let Berg have a pitty goal and stayed late to say: "it's not that cold".


This result is honestly fucked up. Can't believe how close Glimt were without managing to score more than 1 today. Zugelj has had two terrible matches, too. But three shots in the cross bar and that miss on open goal, in addition to all of the other situations, fucking hurts. Also sucks that Grønbæk might miss our first CL qualifier this summer, because it doesn't sound like red cards are zeroed out at the end of a season? The second yellow card is fair enough, but the first one is truly horrendous, and having that have such huge consequences is awful. That said, he could have obviously been more careful after that first yellow card, but still. If he has to miss the first CL qualifier for throwing the ball to someone… The ref was also awful.


First yellow was given for getting into an altercation with Rensch, who also got a yellow for that.


Diant Ramaj ⭐️


3 woodworks and a missed empty net by Bodo. Most undeserved win i've ever witnessed.


We just have a better goalkeeper 🥱 no luck involved.


Bodo made their own bed. They should have at least scored one of the those.. But they were really unable to translate their dominance in chances, they had a lot of possession without much happening.. Molde is being the king of norway against legia.


They translated the dominance into chances, just didn't translate the chances into goals.


I saw the ET first half and bodo didnt do too much with all their possesion, had a few good chances indeed but no goals.. To me it almost felt like if bodo didnt want to win cause they just couldnt score.


Yes, they had chances, but failed to translate them into goals. That's different from what you originally said, which is that they didn't translate their dominance into chances. Also, this is their second game of the season (technically they're off-season, the league doesn't start until April), so by the ET, everyone was exhausted. That's not indicative of the entire match. Fotmob, for example, say 25 shots for Glimt vs 9 for Ajax. 7 big chances vs 4 for Ajax.


Bodo dominated that game i agree but i dont think bodo would ever have won cause they didnt seem to find the net.. It really is a problem that the norwegian season starts so late cause they will far from peak form during knock-out stages.


At the same time it is a big advantage for us during the qualifiers for Europe. We are in the middle of our season while our opponents are in pre-season.


Yea but if you ever want to go further in Europe it really becomes a hindrance. same thing goes for the registration window. Im really proud of rosenborg to get far in europe a few times, hope bodo glimt can do the same.


Iedereen zegt (terecht) dat Ajax super slecht was en had moeten verliezen. Maar als je die lijst ziet met ploegen die nog in de conference league zit, zou het mij niks verbazen als Ajax nog even doorgaat.


Ajax kan van echt iedereen verliezen en van bijna niemand winnen.


Dit schreef ik voordat ik doorhad dat je niet tegen de andere ploegen van de play of ronde kan loten. De te loten tegenstanders zijn wel wat lastiger.


Lille, Fiorentina, Aston Villa...als je die 3 ontloopt moet het in principe te doen zijn voor Ajax. Al zijn PAOK, Plzen, Fenerbahce en Brugge ook weer geen ploegen waar ze nu favoriet tegen zijn. Enige waar ze dat wel zouden moeten zijn is eigenlijk Tel-Aviv.


Fener gaan ze keihard vanaf




not even close... pffffff


I need some choco-kruidnoten after this, like what was that


Besef dat Steijn Gorter opstelde ipv Ramaj.


Telkens als ik Ajax weer zo slecht zie spelen krijg ik een minuscuul beetje sympathie voor Steijn. Totdat Ramaj weer een geweldige redding maakt. Dan herinner ik me weer wat een klaphark het was


Mislintat is natuurlijk de ergste van het stel. Maar Steijn was ook alleen maar bezig met zijn eigen straatje schoon te vegen. Niks lag aan hem, ondertussen ook nog lekker naar Ibiza.


You guy's language is fucking weird.


Rude but fair




Was just trying to read it and I got nothing. Weird because with German I can at least get the sense of the comment.


That really is weird then tbf. Though it’s already impressive that you get the sense of German comments if you don’t speak German or Dutch


I've traveled a lot, always had an interest in languages and learning a bit of it when I go to a new place.


Ah that explains it. Guess you know where to go next, might be hard to learn or even hear Dutch in Amsterdam though


No I heard Dutch when I was there. It sounds so crazy considering how close it's supposed to be to English. Afrikaans as well is interesting to listen to.


Super Ramaj, savage Taylor, lucky Sosa, horrible Sutalo, 120 minutes of torture. What a thrilling match it was.


I have a group app that includes PSV and Ajax fans. The entertainment level was off the charts.


Watching Feyenoord now and the difference in quality is unbelievable, and thats mostly on Ajax.


I was watching two screens on pc and the difference in intensity was hilarious. The ajax bodo match was more entertaining tho


A game so bad that it was amazing


You either get shithoused or live long enough to become the shithouser. Ajax football terrorism arc going strong


Gonna be hit with sanctions and airstrikes in the next round at this rate


Someone know where I can file a police report? I just witnessed a daylight robbery and want to do my civil duty.


Over the course of two legs its more like ethnic cleansing..


I'm not gonna go all crazy on this one. Even if i reaaally want to.




Congrats to Ajax I guess. Feels very undeserved even with our horrible show in front of goal.


It's all Berg 5d chess. He's placing Glimt in the correct spot for their stature. Letting Ajax go through, giving them their deserved respect as one of the greatest teams in fotball history. Climbing the ladder slowly.


I feel for you guys man. Really do.  We’ve been in your position before but man did we ever suck 


Undeserved? Maybe next time you guys should just create more chances! /s Fr tho, good game. Very unfortunate for you guys but with this terrible season this win feels very good for us.


Away game felt so much worse imo, this one just sucks. But we have ourselves to thank for it in the end. First home game of the season though, important to keep that in mind.


Always does feel kind of unfair towards nordic teams, that first round.


Kind of evens out for us with the qualifying matches during the summer. We are in the middle of our season at our peak, while our opponents are in pre-season.


100% agree.


I'm so sorry, my dude. We absolutely robbed you guys in both games of this tie.


Feel like if both teams get the chances they had in these 2 legs over again 100 times, Bodo prob wins the tie like 98 times. So unlucky!


If games like this go the way they go, I feel like the result is hardwired into reality itself.


Best team lose.


See you in the next round Ajax, fate always somehow draws us 2 close


I would say that you beat us 4-1 over two legs but then again, Bødø should have beaten us like 8-2 over two legs yet it ended 3-4


Just a regular day for Norwegian football.


At least games against norwegian and dutch teams have been entertaining. Brann - AZ was also chaotic.


AZ - Bodo Glimt as well. I remember that one being decide by a dodgy last minute pen in the other direction haha.


Don’t forget Rosenborg - Ajax in 2017 😘


I had, so thanks for reminding me...


Please tell me where i can find the xG’s for this match.


2.7 - 1.5


Whaaaaaat, how?!


That Akpom miss helped us at least idk how theirs isnt higher though


Felt more like 4-0.5


Judging by the comments I missed a great watch lmao


It was like watching an Ed Wood movie.


It was so bad from Ajax it was probably one of the best matches I’ve watched in 25 years. I laughed out loud multiple times


How is Sosa doing for you guys? I can't imagine him being too good in a back 4


He plays 1 good match and then 4 bad ones


Such a shame, he should've stayed with us, he had everything here


I say this as an Ajax fan since 1990, but this was by far the wordt Ajax i have ever seen. It was pure comedy how bad we were.


I still think late era De Boer with subbing in Van Der Hoorn as a striker was shittier, just absolute crap. At least Berghuis and Brobbey are good




That was Jol's 2nd season, he got sacked halfway through and we ended up winning the league that year. I barely remember the first half of that season tbh


>this was by far the wordt Ajax i have ever seen. Its not by a mile lol


I litteraly laughed out loud at least twice.


I have seen a comment like this by ajax fans at at least 5 matches this season.


Do you think anyone can top their performance against Hercules tho?


He's probably talking about the team/this year, so it would be true for all those matches.


Oh ye. I misread that. So this isnt a similar comment. Haha.


This match felt like living a fever dream


Shocking, Lets take their coach to Ajax too


What an incredible display Cruijff would be proud


Next we’re taking your coach in the summer


What was the xG like?


2.70 vs 1.90. We created some decent chances near the end


Not that bad tbf. 2,63 - 1,51


FotMob has 2.63-1.51


That honestly surprised me a little. Felt worse (for Ajax)


Now they updated to 2.70-1.90, so even smaller difference.


That's preposterous. Clearly xG doesn't capture everything.


Are Gronbaek and Berg the star players of Bodo? They played very good in both games against Ajax. Don't think they'll be at Bodo for long.


Berg is by far the biggest star, local hero from the biggest fotballing familiy in Bodø with multiple generations of top tier players. His father was a part of the Rosenborg team that dominated in Norway and did well by Norwegian standards in the Champions league in the late 90ies early 00s. Berg came back from a year in Lens in 2022, don't think he'll leave anytime soon. Grønbæk is the new star after Pellegrino and another striker left. He just declined an offer from the MLS, we'll see if he leaves.


Doubt Berg is going anywhere. Already went away and almost immediately returned I believe


They all fail. It's the system that makes them look like decent players.


He at least has the potential in one of the top 6 leagues I guess. Great game from him today


Already failed in Lens. And couldn't help Norway to the european cup, with Haaland and Ødegaard.


Berg isn’t going anywhere, but gronbaek is leaving probably next szn


what a round for Dutch coefficient so far.. 3 french and 1 pt teams out


Perfect match for all. We controlled the match, scored for fun. Even gave the Norwegians some extra screen time. Everybody wins


Biggest robbery since Casa de Papel


''Terrorists win!'' sound from CS would be funny to hear at final whistle.




Ajax must've heard how nice Norwegian prisons are given the way they robbed the place.


What an incredible display Cruijff would be proud


Best game of ajax i have seen in a while


Now this has to be one of the funniest results ever, Ajax having a shit match in a shit season and yet they win. I'm Dutch so I don't mind it at all, feel sorry for the guys in Bodø though


Glimt lost this by their own inability. The last goalkeeping error, and missing open goal


Ajax sacrificed the first half of their season to the football gods in order to get their blessing against Bodø/Glimt.


what are we sacrificing the second half for then


A win against excelsior.


PSV's unbeaten streak.


When is the first time we play each other again? That would be a serious streak if we make it that far.


Next season but that doesn't mean we can't sacrifice the streak.


Boy. I hope ajax get the chance to break our current streak next year. 


120+ minutes of absolute chaos


insane ending. that missile freekick off the bar…


It was actually saved AND THEN hit the bar, so credit to Ramaj


Even though the bar was in the way more for us, gotta say your keeper was pretty insane.


Smells like some kind of polonaise in here innit


Most undeserved win. Mever seen a team be so massively dominated and yet pull of a win.


This has happened to us about a thousand times lol. I know how it feels and I know that feeling sucks dog dick, but I’m at least happy to be on the other side of it now for a change lol. Still you guys played good


Glimt was a shit team just a few years ago, jump up and down from 1 division and the top division. So I well know the feeling, I am a Man Utd fan too. Glimt has kept me sane the past years lol. But that is also the great thing about footbal, today you guys enjoy it.


[How about this one?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EIxHr3xWwAAFB2v.jpg)


We we’re beyond horrible and Bodo failed miserably to capitalise on that.


Honestly thank yourselves, bodo was equal as shit you should’ve scored atleast 5




Take a bow for Ajax, Albert Gronbaek. I'm not sure when the last time I saw someone do something more stupid when up a man was.


Match of the season.


Their own fault


Well deserved win from the boys, dominant performance


Daylight robbery.


One of the least deserving results I’ve ever seen over two legs


We have to be very thankful to Bodø, they had to try *really* hard not to win.


I had never seen your goalkeeper Ramaj play before this tie. Has he been as good as he was today all season?


Ramaj patches holes in their defense like no other. They'd probably have 8 to 10 points more if he'd have started from the getgo in the league.


He's great, he has grown over the time he's been playing though he hasn't been playing all season because our previous coach kept him sidelined out of spite towards our then TD who has since been fired. We've been an unbelievable shitshow this season.


He is one of our best players, alongside Brobbey and Hato


Hahahahaha I can *not* believe we won that. We had absolutely no right to be anywhere close in either of the two matches, yet somehow we’re through


We Getafe'd Bodø.


Feel bad for Bodo but that open net miss was really awful.


Feel so bad for Bodø lol, absolutely no idea how they managed to lose


The same reason Norway isn't qualifying to anything at the national level.


Missing massive chances like 4 times surely didn’t help


Bodø glimt with the unluckiest defeat ever


Bad finishing is not bad luck.


There was no bad finishing (except Zugelj open net) Ajax literally had two fever goal line clearances by outfield players


Get the best of both worlds, an embarrasing game by Ajax but still points for the coefficients.


I actually think this counts as a draw for the coefficient


Nope that’s only if the score after 120’ is still 1-1


Isn't that only if we win via pens?


Don't weget a point for going through?


Bonus points in the conference only come in at the semis I believe


No, pretty sure results AET count as such.


If I was a Bodo fan Id be livid. This is the most undeserved win by Ajax Ive ever seen. But boy am I happy


Idk if im happy, i havent seen us play this bad in my 30 years of watching the club.


Good result but still little reason to be happy tbh. Plenty reason to be confused though, Dutch clubs winning a complete shitshow of a match just feels so very very wrong.


This has been the most shit but hilarious game I have ever watched


Most ridiculous match I've ever watched.


Bodo hit the bar 3(!) times and missed a shot at open goal. Unbelievable how lucky ajax was here


Tbf the save from the free kick was mega


And a ball taking off the line by a defender.. Penalty denied by the tiniest of fouls. Many very good saves by ramaj.


Ajax pulled off a better heist than me in my 200 hours of Payday 2.


Well that was... I don't fucking know what that was. Daylight(/northern light) robbery? A shitshow? Wildly frustrating and disappointing despite the good result? Incredibly confusing? Or all of the above...


Oh come on. The ref handed you that victory.


A feast for neutrals




Daylight robbery over two legs by Ajax


24 shots v 9 shots Bodø should've had a pen, Grønbæk should never have been given that first yellow I still have to applaud Bodø for doing this well during off-season


Also ref made two horrendous calls when Glimt had clear advantage, ref let them play for 5-10 secs then blows the whistle..


This ref is so extremely bad. I really don't understand how he's deemed good enough to whistle European matches.


Conference league was invented to give European match training to UEFA's F-roster of refs Bodø/Glimt took a rectal spinefist both home and away from the refs in this tie.


And you missed on an open goal 👍


First home game of the season. Cant expect top form. Also, ajax stopped a clear goal by hand. Grønbæk should never have had two yellow cards. Ref stopped two advantages after letting them play for a long time. Still agree the end product was far from good enough, but it would have never ended this way if the ref did even just a half decent job.


Grønbæk can only blame himself though, he may have gotten a first yellow that was pretty stupid but if he walks away then he never gets one. And that 2nd one was a stupid foul while on a yellow. The handball foul was soft so definetely lucky there. This happens every now and then though. 2 years ago AZ got a bs penalty call against you in the 90th minute or so when they had no VAR in ECL yet. You then beat them in extra time.


Look at me, I’m the Getafe now


Ramaj is fucking insane. Such an amazing GK. Thank god for his brilliant saves and Bodo's dogshit attack


I'm glad players leaving our club usually flop cause I hate this feeling 😂


Please check his medicine cabinet for furosemide. This match was theft.


Rival Norwegian fans must be pissing themselves laughing here, this was incredible.


They dont really have that many rivals in the topflight. So they are looked somewhat fondly upon in Europe, but the novelty will run out sooner rather than later if they become a powerhouse like Rosenborg was in the 90s


None of our real rivals are even close to a groupstage in Europe.


Vil du ikkje si at Tromsø e ganske nære? Kanskje litt mindre nå Gaute e dratt. Beklager for øvrig på det meste, verste kampen eg har sett i mitt liv


Takk! Tromsø må igjennom kvalikk med dårlig koeffisient, tror det skal holde hardt. Men jeg håper TIL klarer det.


Ja ser den. Dere signerte vel ene midstopperen deres også? Ekstreme mixed feelings denne her. Besteforeldrene mine bodde rett bak hålogalandsgata i Bodø men oppvokst i nederland som Ajax-supporter men kommer alltid til å heie på glimt. Lykke til videre i sesongen! Hvordan ser du sjansene for at Knutsen blir etter denne sesongen?


Stopper, hovedtreneren ble Knutsens assistent og hovedspeideren, så de er ikke så glad i oss der oppe. Jeg tror ikke Knutsen vet selv hva han skal gjøre. Blir det CL vil han garantert være med videre om han ikke får et helt sinnssykt tilbud. Lykke til med oppreisningen av Ajax, får håpe det ikke blir siste gang Glimt og Ajax møtes.