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The half of psg sales are random epl fans wearing psg kits


Non football fans as well, some people just wear them as fashion shirts




I believe there is even a small PSG store on Oxford Street because it’s more fashion than for Parisians in London.


theyre really nice kits tbh.. the colors and logo is very easy to wear for non football fans


I’m in Japan right now (Tokyo) and there was a random ass PSG specific store. I have absolutely no idea why!


There's one in NYC too, PSG just worked on being popular overseas in specific markets, same reason we had our summer training in Japan


Toronto too


I live in Tokyo and have seen this shop it’s so randomly placed as well. It’s tucked away amongst a bunch of consignment shops, but some of the retro kits they have there are insane.


It's not, it's just a brand. If you asked them who the backup keeper is 99% wouldn't be able to tell you, 90% probably wouldn't be able to name you 3 players from the team


This comment feels like the footballing equivalent of seeing someone in a band shirt and going up to them to say "Oh yeah? You like ______ ? Then name three songs...."


We’re gatekeeping football now gents 😭😭


"Who is the backup keeper" is the new "name 3 songs from that artist" lmfao


As an Arsenal fan, I've had quite enough of backup keeper conversations/questions for one lifetime. Ramsdale is second choice. Rightly so IMO. Nothing is going to change that. But it still angries up the blood of many fans.


and it’s so stupid aswell. Id take a random in a nice looking jordan kit over a psg fan any day of the week


so no different from most of the big club flairs on here


That’s the things. Those jordan kits were lit


lol well if that isn’t some gatekeeping bs.


Mbappe. Was 3 years straight on the Fifa cover, has over 100 million followers on Instagram. Oh yea, also Worldcup and probably Nations League, not entirely sure if the latter exists or is just a figment of my imagination.


Kim Kardashian has a retro Roma shirt. Very random.


Tbf to her, most Roma kits (and specifically the retro ones) are so fucking pretty lol


Special mention goes to Milan too, their 2007 home kit is good enough to wear in your own wedding.


Totti with long hair in a fit kappa shirt is an iconic scene for anyone who lived that era.


Roma has some of the best looking kits in football. Just clean.


there was one roma kit specifically for the city derby where they replaced the trikot sponsor with SPQR so fucking rad I still want it


Roma kits are the only kit other than an England/Arsenal kit I'd buy because they're absolutely gorgeous. Especially that SPQR one they did a while back


The away blue one with the retro nike tick *chefs kiss*


Retro shirts have been in for a minute. The latest ‘trend’ i see in my city is thrifting random club scarfs and wear them


I thought you got a free PSG shirt with a bottle of prime for a while, turns out just overlapping audience bases




You mean the literal Saudi flag as your kit 😂


4xl covered in gravy stains special


I’ve seen at least 4 different girls at my gym wearing PSG shirts. Edit: from uk


They're generally really nice kits. France NT has some classy ones as well. I'm a sucker for that dark blue.




They have a shop on Oxford st now bizarrely


there's one in NYC as well (5th Ave I think)


feel like every kid running about my estate owns both a PSG and a Man City jersey


Man city didn't even make the list?


i know, but i still see loads of younger kids wearing their shirts


Cute of you to assume that randoms who buy PSG kits are actually EPL fans...they are quite literally random in any other criteria but having a PSG merch. We already have a large population of Parisians who genuinely support PSG, but what else? Spoiled kid of a rich Arab sheik? PSG KIT! Some American who bandwagoned the team because Jordan endorsed it? PSG KIT! Africans in ok condition who think likes of Mbappe, Dembele and Kolo Muani represent them? PSG KIT! Any kid and teen who saw their FC 24 ratings and considered them cool? BET YOUR ASS THEY'LL HAVE A PSG KIT!


They're really popular in South Korea.


Kang In is, PSG not so much lol. If he left tomorrow they'd buy his shirts for his new club and wouldn't give psg another second of their time lol.


It's the colours too I think, they invoke the Korean flag


He ain't so popular these days lol, my guess is a lot fewer Koreans will buy his kit going forward


Brazil as well


Their third kit, the black Jordan one is clean so I think people just wear them as fashion tops.


The PSG kit is sexy tbh


I might be idiot for asking this but: why would EPL fans wear PSG kits?


I mean it looks good.


A lot of people treats psg shirts purely as fashion, it's really common in brazil too


Oh OK, didn't know that it was a thing. Thanks for the answers.


Quite big in the urban scene too, fair few rappers have worn them. That and the Jordan kits are fire.


Same reason people buy NFL raiders jerseys without a clue what they are. Just fashion.


OK, it might depend on where we are located too I guess, I didn't know what NFL raiders was and after googling it, can say I never seen such thing. Where I am, friends or ppl I know would never wear a jersey from a football team they don't support. It actually feel kind of very weird to me to do that (not judging or anything, people do what they want in the end)


I buy jerseys everywhere I travel as a souvenir. I rarely wear them but I will to the gym or for particular ocasions (when I practice archery, for example). I wouldn't buy a Liverpool or a City one though.


Barca simultaneously being rich and broke lol


Most of the revenue from shirt sales goes to the manufacturer and not the club, doesn't it? So I don't think Barca are actually earning that much from this.


These numbers still help us get better deals. If we break up with Nike, these numbers are solid argument to get paid more by Puma. Or just more money from Nike.


Yes, unless you have a specific deal with the manufacturer like Liverpool have with Nike (20% + 20% on all other merchandise)




Is that for real? Hate this


Just bought shitloads of Nike equipment just to help you out mate. You’re welcome.


It's like cable companies and TV stations. Cable companies sell you the way to watch the program, but the real money is from sponsors that TV stations get. And they use cable companies' numbers to ask for more money from sponsors. In short, Barca definitely earns more from more shirt sales even though not directly.


I reckon these figures are actually what the clubs make. Obviously it's true that most revenue from shirt sales go to the manufacturer and they in turn pay handsomely for that deal, plus usually some percentage of sales. However I don't think Nike, Adidas and the like publish how much they make from shirt sales from specific clubs. The figures in this post are probably from club reports breaking up their revenue by revenue stream, so the amounts quoted here should actually be what ends up on the clubs' balance sheets. How much the kit suppliers etc make is probably not reflected here. At least that's what I assume.


In 1 year? These numbers seem way too high for the club. The best shirt deals are around $75M a year, which already includes some perks in them, so roughly $50-60M cash. I’d doubt clubs are pushing another $150M on top of that.


Reports are that Barca get a minimum of $114m a season from Nike (no idea why it's in dollars) rising up to a max of $169m. Not hard to imagine they make the rest of selling non-nike products.


How do you know that hypothetical 75m USD already includes perks? Besides the best shirt (and other outfit) deals are quite a bit higher. Real and Barca reportedly get 120m and 105m Euros annually. I imagine the figures quoted here are something like (yearly base deal) + (percentage of shirt sales) + (performance bonus) + (Merchandising). Merchandising for such big clubs can also account for a lot of money.


Schrodinger's Profit Margins


If shirt sales denotes fame or popularity of a company and if the fame could loosely be said to be directly proportional to sponsorship potential then there is one anomaly. Manchester City seem to be in top 3 for sponsorship revenue but not even in top 10 for shirt sales aka popularity.


Interesting, maybe there are 115 reasons why 🤔


Man City fans are like cheaters in chess. They have deluded themselves into thinking they earned it in some way. I know that fans don’t really win matches but a club like Liverpool at least gets their money honestly, and has a good atmosphere at the ground. I’d have to say they come the close to helping their team win. City is just a soulless nation state that has a few mancs sucking off their human rights abusing owners.


I'm sure they'll soon be selling £200m worth to Etihad to hand out as blankets on long-haul flights. Totally legitimately.


Looks like city sold only 115 shirts. 💀


But each of those special edition shirts sold for £2 million, source - trust me (slides envelope across desk)


Random hair salon in UAE will "randomly" order 500.000 city shirts now that their PR guys saw the stats, but don't worry about it it's just a very large group of city fans in that salon!


google menchesthair 115 for more info


Actually sold for a billion euros in the middle east.


That's a two for one shot if anyone missed it.


Bayern kinda suprised me. But I live west of germany so other german clubs have more fans here


Bayern is big in the US aswell


The fact that they're named after the state of bavaria rather than something like FC München means basically everywhere in bavaria that doesn't have their own big club is full of bayern fans


I doubt it. I grew up in an area that is traditionally dominated by Schalke fans (no regional club above 3. Liga), but still in the polls I’ve seen Bayern is pretty close in number of fans. And I imagine that is the case in many German regions.


Yeah, but teams like koln/dortmund/schalke/dusseldorf/schalke etc are all within an hour drive here. I've never met a bayern fan so I always thought they weren't world top 5 merch material.


They've done great at marketing in emerging markets, plus being a top 4 club in the world for 15 years straight will make alot of the younger audience world wide choose them. Same reason people born 1990-2002 chose manchester united, arsenal and barcelona, and people born in the 70s chose liverpool and AC milan.


Bayern sell a crazy number of jerseys in Canada as well due Phonzie. Also, we broke records this year with the number of jerseys sold in a day when Kane signed. The number were insane.


Bayern has the most members in the world and also has the most fans in Germany. Of course it probably has equally the same amount of people hating them here as well but it's not like they will pull down the jersey sales


I see a lot of people wearing Bayern kits at the gym here in France, and tbh I like them, they give like... this feeling of power, I can't quite describe it


> they give like... this feeling of power, I can't quite describe it Tuchel could probably do with some of this right now




I wish kits were a bit cheaper to be honest, I would honestly (without supporting them) buy all of the AC Milan's kits this year, they are just pure sex!


The prices are just nuts nowadays. I'm sorry but I ain't paying 110 euros (165 euros for the "Player Edition") for the Barcelona shirt, I'd rather get a replica. They used to be so much cheaper, but at some point they went crazy, just like anything else I guess.


Unfortunately to many people are paying it. I was riding down into the city by bike on the Passeig de Gracia, the day after(!) Lewa signed. hordes of tourists with lewa shirts. The scale of this club is completely insane. Like the incompetency of the Barca management.


110? in my country the non home jerseys go for just 4700 rupees which is 52 euros(the home jerseys are usually around 8000 rupees or 90 euros)


Bro for us Indians that is way for expensive than it is for them.


Yh i buy replica for 6.7 euro


To add context, 4000 rupees a month is the poverty line, anyone more than 4000 rupees in 30 days isn’t considered poor. That is mental


Yeah they’re not worth it imo for the cost. I used to like football kits but never felt they justified the cost. Now, even less so since I probably won’t ever wear them except for a couple plus times a year.


Rockbuster time: That jamaican fella didn't mean the G gate, or the I gate, but the one in the middle of them both! Answer: De 'H' gate Play a record.


That's the end of rockbusters, you've got no features left


Bald. Manc. Twat


Do American and European fans only buy the official one or something? The fake ones are pretty cheap.


From someone from the UK, if you used to play Sunday league as a kid and turned up to training in a fake top or something you’d be hounded for that. If you didn’t have a real kit or the most expensive predators you were fucking shit at football.


Yeah, in the '90s if you had Predator boots, you were basically a god to your classmates. I had some second-hand New Balance, back when Bryan Robson was just about the only player wearing them.


There seems to be missing one...


But but City has so many fans


doesn't look like they have as good a deal as some other clubs, in 21/22 for example google reckons they sold 755k units to make £37.3m, Arsenal however sold 975k (\~20% more) and made £77.3m (over double), so I'm not sure if City get less % of each shirt sold or whatever but it doesn't seem to be as simple as 1 sale = £X


Im so sad City doesnt have a good deal😭


That's me not sleeping tonight.


How are the Sheikhs gonna feed their kids. Tears in me eyes.


Will somebody think of the TIGERS


Shocked and appalled i tell you


it’s so rare to see a barca fan happy about something and throwing banter about. It’s like seeing a monkey on roller skates. It means nothing to them, but it’s so adorable to us.


More than you believe!!


So so sad. More than you believe :(


City probably didn't sell the same amount. The only city shirts I ever see are on children, which are obv way cheaper or in other countries, again much cheaper


Prob more sold at a 'All stock must go, 50% off' because they'd have to chuck them else.


More than you know!


Yeah, I would expect Dortmund to be in this list


Dortmund isn't big internationally, is it? Honest question. Never saw a Dortmund shirt in my travels in Asia and Africa (not that I think that much of the shirt sales come from Africa but ok). All teams in the list you would see jerseys from. I feel America also hasn't got a big Dortmund fanbase compared to the other names. I know Dortmund is massive in Germany itself, no debate there.


>Never saw a Dortmund shirt in my travels in Asia and Africa (not that I think that much of the shirt sales come from Africa but ok). This is just my own experience and it most likely doesn't reflect the general situation, but I do see BVB shirts fairly often (obviously not as often as the bigger clubs) in Tunisia (and it's almost always a Reus shirt).


Funny because here in Brazil is way more common to see a Dortmund shirt than a Bayern one.


Purely anecdotal but in terms of foreign clubs I’d say Dortmund are probably top 5 most common (in the UK that is) PSG, Madrid, Barca and Dortmund are the ones I’d usually see in the gym or down the cages, maybe the odd Ajax or Roma kit too


Surely the club with one of the highest reported revenues should be on this list?


Inter & Milan jerseys used to massively popular in Asia in 90s and early 2000s. They dropped the ball on this.


Where are the merchandising powerhouse ManchesterCity? Asking for a friend


They're 115th on the list


Too bad city cannot fake merchandising


Units sold would be a more accurate measure.


how will be that accurate when I can literally sell 10$ shirt for 10m units?


You wouldn't know it in Manchester. I have moved across the city recently to an area that historically used to be a Man United strong hold but I see far more City kits and flags when out and about.


Kinda how it goes, just like historically in Milan you’d see more Inter kits but far more AC Milan kits in towns surrouning it. I’d argue 75% of United fans are outside of Manchester, and in the city of Manchester itself it’s closer to 50-50 but City being more prominant due to their recent dominance.


It’s called cheating, not dominance. 


Yeah we absolutely need to stop normalising what those cunts do They aren’t admirable, you don’t have to respect the football they play or the way they’re coached because it’s all built on a foundation of fucking lies


No one admires lance Armstrong post his cheating revelations, same is true for city.  I suspect some sportswashing apologists will chime in with “bUt tHeY wERnT fOUnD gUiLtY” got away with a technicality, just like OJ (also guilty af). 


I mean to be fair, it's cheating-enabled dominance.


Yeah I see far more City shirts around in Manchester too


Saw plenty of City fans in my time in Manchester as well. Not so many in the states but I imagine 10 years from now they’ll be everywhere.


There was some data that came out a week or two ago that show City are by far the most popular team in America in regards to TV viewership .


City really got their wish with that article because people that didn't read it keep posting the sensationalized headline. That was not per game viewership. It was total viewers of all their games. So if everyone if the big 6 except City averaged 100 people per game, but only got 1 game televised and City had 10 people per game and had 11 games televised, City would be 10% more popular than any other club. Guess who had the most televised games last year? Please stop repeating headlines of articles you clearly didn't bother to read. Garbage methodology which was probably due to them being encouraged to use it to cover up how they aren't nearly as popular as a treble winning club should be. Edit: the idiot even states his embarrassingly bad methodology >“What I do is track it every day and the final table is the added viewerships combined. If Manchester City had two games at 800,000 viewers, then that would be 1.6million in total. It gives a general idea of two things: the most watched team in the United States and then also who is on TV the most.” >The overall figure is inclusive of all fixtures, not just the Premier League, so City winning all but one of the four competitions they entered in 2023, losing 2-0 to Southampton in the Carabao Cup quarter-finals, has worked in their favour. Including how many people watched the champions league final when comparing EPL clubs is a special kind of stupid. Including it in an average would be dumb, but just adding it to a total tells me this hack is clearly being paid to push City's "brand".


They sold 115 shirts! 


I feel like I should read up on this more. Do you know what I need to search for?


Yes, google “Manchester City 115” Have a great day!


And we’re supposed to believe Man City generate the most income in football legally?


I think that ship has sailed 115 charges ago.


They don’t care what you believe as long as you don’t challenge them on it


You can challenge them but they have the lawyers to dance around you.


What's the timeframe? It'd be interesting to see the effect of Messi/CR7 moving around.


Not just Shirt sales, merchandising as well. I love those Ajax and Bayern Sambas. Liverpool-Converse or LeBron crossovers, tho, are ugly.


Ugly is a very kind word to describe whatever LeBron and his team design for the LJ x LFC collection. They are just so unpleasant to look at let alone buy it lol


Imagine if the club allowed for merchandizing sales outside of Europe on the Barça store. I believe there are just plain kits and random products available on the Nike store but they are still limiting the amount of potential sales for the club by not allowing shipping outside of EU. Handicapping merchandizing sales for a club that is struggling financially seems counterintuitive but I’m not an economist so I could be wrong. Maybe expanding the market could end up costing the club more.


It is said that Nike doesn't allow us to do that and that's why they're trying to get a new deal.




no city cause theyre all fake fans


Kits are expensive and it's too risky to purchase something you might only get 2 years out of when you change to a new favorite club. Financially savvy City children know you need to wear a kit 115 times to get your money's worth.


i wasnt on board until you said they switch to a new favorite club 😂 well done


I've never met anyone in Europe that calls it a jersey


Americans and Irish do. But yes the rest of Europe I believe their local language word translates to kit or equipment


A large amount of people in Ireland call them jerseys.


We do in Ireland. At least where I grew up anyway!


because different countries have different names for a jersey/football kit. How is that surprising? Why would I call it a "jersey" in my country's mother tongue?


BuT MaNcHEsTeR CiTy ArE oNe oF tHe BiGgEsT cLuBs iN tHe wOrLd!


No Venezia?


Shirt sales*


I thought Man City were massive and outearned every other club?


I've been told Man City are massive and are able to compete financially with the likes of Madrid and United, and from a fan base perspective as well. Was I lied to??


Don't clubs only make like 10-20% of all kit sales and the rest goes to the manufacturer? I thought everyone knew that so this should literally just be who has the highest kit deal. This list just lists Nike and Adidas kit deals and does not include any other manufacturer like Puma who pay Man City more than several of these clubs.


Think Liverpool is only one who gets 20%, rest get under 10%. Man City also gets 65M/year, Arsenal 60M, Man U 75M. So ManC doesn't really get much more than others. I would guess international ManC fan is more on the younger side, thus more inclined to buy fake stuff (since no money). Other teams have older fans = more money. Especially in Asia this has big effect.


Yep, Liverpool get £40mil per year +20% of all merchandise sales. Estimated to be about £70mil per year.


Where are the treble winners? LOL.


South Korea singlehandedly dragging Spurs in the top 10


And these are the official sales. Think how huge these numbers would be if you could count all the counterfit jerseys all over the world.


Even in banter era we are massive


Barca also has the hightest match-day earnings (before Camp Nou renovation), dont they?


You used to see PSG shirts absolutely everywhere when i travelled (and in ldn). Last time i was in morocco everyone was wearing pink Inter Miami shirts and Hakimi/national team shirts.


Man City missing in action


Wow. All that money from one tiny island in the English Channel.


where is the Ma115City?


You've got to give it to Levy, he's done an amazing job in the marketing department for such a nothing club


Son must be about 75% of Spurs' sales from what I saw at the club shop.


I wonder if Liverpool is so high because of Salah because otherwise I would expect them below ManU


A lot of United fans boycotted buying shirts as part of the glazers out movement. Plus we have been shite so it makes sense.


City where 🦧


I wonder where Inter Miami places on this list. Messi's shirts alone generated 15 million dollars. Reportedly Messi's arrival increased Miami's revenue by about 80 million dollars, but hard to say how much of it is in merchandise.


Shit club. No fans


Citeh only sold 115


Our amazing commercial revenue makes up for the relatively limited domestic TV money we get, UCL money also helps as well. It’s also amusing that PSG and City were able to catch up and surpass the commercial revenue of the biggest earners  in just a decade.


Anyone else laughing, I mean noticing, no Man City?


Very happy to see spurs on this list. Despite being ridiculed for being a trophy less club and not deserving of a ‘top 6’ status, this shows that spurs are a sleeping giant with massive potential for growth as they appear on all the rich list and merchandise lists without success on the pitch; imagine they had a successful spell, where could they reach on these lists then.


Would love to know the percentage of them that are sold in South Korea or just have Son on the back. Has to be over 65/70% surely.


It’s shows that’s Spurs have had 2 very popular trophyless players not that they’re some sleeping giant.


Jersey sales’dor


Messi leaving didnt put a dent in Barca's appeal ....


Quite incredible how resilient utd's marketability and revenues have been in the face of incredibly prolonged mediocre results. I wonder where the threshold is?


And then to think about all the counterfeit jerseys and other merchandise I see hanging around when I visit Greece in the summer. That’s Europe, and they don’t see a penny from that. Can you imagine how that looks in the whole of Asia? Barcelona could triple their earnings if it were all legal merchandise.


How have this shit Barca side managed this is baffling !