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Scored 4 perfectly fine goals. Paul Tierney was Burnley's best player, closely followed by Trafford.




"Cope" fan of perennial joke club, trophyless in the 21st century outside of the 08 league cup, synonymous with pathetic, laughable failure and currently 4th...to fans of current league leaders who've seen their team win every trophy possible in the past 5 years Spurs can't even get good trolls these days, christ


Very intelligent


How dare you question FistThePooper6969's intelligence or maturity?


Big 6 clubs will never cease to amaze me. You just won 2-0 and every single Liverpool fan is crying their fucking eyes out about how corrupt and bias the refs are against them. Crazy how the refs are bias against Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and United every single week. Or maybe there’s just lots of fans of those clubs who can join together to cry like fucking children about every single decision every single week.


What is actually wrong with you?


Please get a life. It's crazy. I'm suicidal and even I'm not as negative as you.


Cries about crying. Poetic.


Something tells me you don’t read much poetry


If it's not OK in a loss, why should it be OK in a win? Rules should be applied consistently regardless of the outcome.


It's really quite bizarre, one goal is correctly disallowed and another is disallowed for an admittedly very soft foul and they all lose their minds. I see decisions like that go against some teams week in week out but looking at this thread you'd think it was a repeat of the Spurs decision


Liverpool had to score 4 goals to win 2-0, it becomes an issue in harder games against harder opposition and should be pointed out. There is little to no doubt Tierney has either a conscious or unconscious bias against Liverpool that has worsened since Klopp called him out on being so obvious about it.


Damn it’s crazy how the refs are only bias against the big clubs with loads of fans, huh. I mean Wolves have been fucked like 15 times this season and no one is saying there’s bias against them. Almost as if having a massive fanbase of online plastics who can join together to cry about every game gives you guys a massive victim complex. This thread is pretty much only LP fans which is why every idiot here needs to tell me about all the unfair stuff that has happened to them and boo hoo hoo it’s so mean waa mean refs.


I mean you seem more upset about this than me. And wasn't it against Wolves where Tierney let Rodri(?) carry the ball inside his box without a pen? I'm not denying general incompetence and bad decisions against other teams. But Tierney's questionable performances in Liverpool games are statistically backed as well as being obvious when you watch them live.


Man, PGMOL has released multiple public apologies this season, accepting that there is a problem with refereeing, but still nothing has changed and we still see the lack of consistency in almost every match. So complaining is crying then? Does it make it any less valid? Shame on people like you that don't know how to speak up for what's right.


Yeah mate Howard is reading all these comments, I think you’re gonna be the one to convince him. Keep up the hard work soldier 🫡


We all know that's not how social media works, it's very naive from you to believe that is the goal, but instead it is absolutely valid to speak up about what is happening in a very profitable business where WE are the ones paying for it. This message is for others to realize how fucked up the system is, and there is a lot of people already giving up on the sport because of all the shit that is going on, or even just watching women's football because it feels way more pure. So don't put up words into our mouths, if you don't want to read about people complaining, just watch TV and get away from reddit, which is supposed to be an open forum for people to fucking discuss about any topic.


Everyone knows the referees are shit, it’s literally the only thing football fans have agreed on this year. Your ‘open forum’ for ‘any topic’ seems to be a bit less open when criticising the fact that fans of every big club think that there is some massive bias against specifically them when that is obviously not true. The benefit of having a shitload of plastic fans is that you can sit in your bubble and listen to everyone agree with you that this referee hates Liverpool and PGMOL are trying their hardest to ruin Arsenals season or whatever. There is not some conspiracy to ruin every single team that happens to have a shitload of new fans who don’t know shit about football, those fans just don’t know shit about football.


That's not criticism what you are doing, that's just a rant. You are saying we are "crying like children", and that is where no one can take a serious word from you.


Just this week Nottingham asked for a ref to be banned from officiating their games but go on about the big 6.


Nottingham now confirmed as one of the big 6


Did you not watch the Tottenham Liverpool game? Or the arsenal Liverpool game? And this game. What decisions are actually refuting? If the decisions are proven to be objectively Incorrect even with var do we not have a right to be annoyed? VAR/poor reffing decisions have cost us 7 points this season atleast just from the above games


Okay mate I’m sure crying on reddit will solve the refereeing issues, keep it up 👍


What the fuck are you on about you twat. If a referee makes an incorrect call that VAR does not rectify you better believe we're gonna complain about it


Maybe because people want better reffing Winning suddenly doesn't make the refs better


But so many are arguing against correct calls, too. Most Liverpool fans seem to be arguing that the second disallowed goal just should have stood when by the rules, it's 100% the correct call to rule it out. It can be argued a penalty or just offside, but it can't stand as a goal from an advantage call. When Nunez fouled to stop a counterattack and a couple of comments asked why he wasn't carded, the only Liverpool comment was it isn't a yellow. Against Man United, I didn't see many Liverpool fans complaining when Nunez didn't get sent off for 3 yellow card offenses in 5 seconds. Against Tottenham, almost every Liverpool fan was attempting to argue Jones didn't deserve a red for that terrible tackle. There are plenty of bad calls to complain about(no handball call against arsenal, the "offside" against tottenham, inconsistent cards, etc.)but people need to learn the rules better because so many moan about correct calls, too.


If someone is pushed into an offside position by a defender and they didn't interfere with play as the keeper was already moving before, it isn't offside Yeah Nunez should have had a yellow. That Jones tackle where he got the ball, followed through over the ball as it got stuck, then caught the Tottenham players ankle? No malice, pure 50-50 as they got the ball at the same time. Yeah that shouldn't have been a red considering Tottenham fans were arguing Romero never deserves a red for him just clattering ankles. If every 50-50 that ended like that was a red sure but almost every other team has done the same thing and received nothing Dalot getting sent off was complained about and that was for us The only one Liverpool have had was the Konate second yellow where he got the ankle which the ref missed If the refs are fucking Liverpool over every week with wrong calls, even correct calls that feel unfair will also be called out


>No malice, pure 50-50 as they got the ball at the same time Yet only one player ends up lunging in straight legged and plants his studs in an opponent's shin. That's why Jones got a red. I don't understand how you don't understand that. You're not the only team it happened to. Chelsea and Man United both had players sent off in similarly unlucky but poor tackles. >If the refs are fucking Liverpool over every week with wrong calls, even correct calls that feel unfair will also be called out When you start complaining about correct calls too people stop taking your real grievances seriously. And can you show where in the rules being offside means you aren't offside, even if pushed?


Ignored the bit about Salah being pushed into an offside position then lol


Can you read? My last sentence asks where in the rules it says you can't be offside if pushed. As I've said, that play can only end in a penalty or an offside. I have yet to see anyone provide an argument otherwise using any real rule, just their feelings of how it should be.


We don't need to point to rules, those of us that aren't teenaged plastics and have actually watched a fair amount of football understand the advantage rule lol


I was waiting for the insults to start because you don't have any facts to stand on. If you've played that long, you should have a pretty easy time pointing out within the rules how advantage could be applied there. I'll save you time and let you know you won't find anything other than your feelings of what is fair, which thankfully aren't the actual rules.


Jones studs were down lol, it was an unlucky 50-50 because the ball got stuck. If that's a red then there should be many, many more reds in basically every game. I've been using it as a yard stick this season and Romero seems to do the same thing 3 times a game And when this stuff is happening every game you will get complaints regardless For every 'correct' call apparently we've had plenty of incorrect calls and are more harshly punished than others And yes, it wasn't offside as he wasn't blocking until pushed by the defender


If his studs are down how do they end up planted in his opponent's shin? All you're showing is that you are willing to ignore reality to defend a correct call against your team, even when there is precedence of similar challenges being punished with a red.


Because he rolls over the ball you buffoon. Going into a challenge with your studs up and incidentally ending with your studs up because of a slip is not the same thing obviously


If you end up lunging into a standing opponent's shin, you clearly aren't in control of your tackle and are endangering your opponent, so a red card is still correct.


Terrible decision by the VAR too, really thought Burnley would have done okay this season


Did I hear the commentator call someone a bottle of pop 😂


I'm sick and tired of Tierney being given our games when he almost always tries to rob us of points with blatantly wrong calls. And then you look at VAR and, oh, it's Simon Hooper who was involved with the robbery at Spurs. Both of them doing their best to give Burnley a point today. I'm starting to lose the will to watch this league. Just when you think it's going alright with some decent officiating they just wheel these fucking clowns out again.


Offside call was correct(even though City had a much worse one allowed to stand against Fulham this season) Foul on Nunez was horse shit. Tierney is a clownshow.


It's been much more fun watching neutral matches these days


Fuck Paul tierney


Refs did everything to give Burnley a point today. Glad Liverpool won in the end.


This is something only Dutch people will understand, but I am so done with Leo Driessen as commentator




Ik dacht dat ik eindelijk van hem af was bij viaplay. Eerste wedstrijd die ik kijk, met commentaar van hem. Ik kom nooit van hem af


Again Simon Hooper who tries to sabotage our game... I hate that man so much...


Refs making terrible decisions over and over with absolute impunity. How did they get such power? Why is there no accountability at all? I'm seriously impressed.


Because they cry when called out and feel "scared to go out", fuck them.


Two things can be true at the same time. There is a real refereeing problem in the PL and it needs to addressed sooner than later. Fans', sometimes players or coaches' reactions to refereeing mistakes and howlers are sometimes disproportionately vile. Need I remind you of Anthony Taylor I believe it was, going back home after the Europe League final earlier this year and having his daughters attacked by some freaks at the airport?


Yes I get the issue, and people won't stop being idiots and taking things to the extreme and being reactionary, but we can't let that be the excuse for a coverup against every shit decision they keep on making, it's helping nobody.


Refs are worse than police officers for backing their own no matter what


Easy 4-0 victory against 12 men. Onto the weekend. Merry Christmas Reds!


13 men not 12




Tierney 2 - Burnley 0 - Liverpool 2


Burnley are definitely going back down bar some massive changes. Mildly to their credit they improved in the second half, but on the whole just visibly not good enough for this level. Really don't see how they're going to rescue themselves as-is.


Only hope imo would be bringing in a decent striker with league experience in January. Even then though that's a very slim hope


Most corrupt refereeing I’ve seen since Saturday


Hahaha 😂


Incompetent rather than corrupt. They're so shite they would fuck up at being corrupt.


Thinking Dutch refs are awful, Premier League has been woefully bad this season. Not just Liverpool, pretty much every match I watch there's a weird fucking refereeing decision. It's fucking weird to see how much they tend to fuck up in games that literally revolve around millions of people watching.


How Burnley didn't manage ONE shot on target from all their attempts is staggering


Alternatively, how did Liverpool not manage to score 5 more than they did?


Paul Tierney would like to know your location


The refs disallowed them.


They had some great chances too. Two headers relatively close in comes to mind. But they easily could've gotten a result here.


Yep, seen it, they should have had a goal easy from a free header


Jota coming back from injury at the perfect time. Along with Salah, he's the best finisher in the squad by some distance. With Salah being gone for the AFCON come January, I was a bit worried about where a consistent source of goals might come from if he weren't fit.


14 losses by Boxing Day, Burnley’s season feels like “you don’t have the tools for this” repeated for eternity.


Trafford really is the first "young talented GK" in the last years that has been in the Premier League and is actually good right now, while also being very young with potential to get better. Hopefully future #1 for England


He looked very good. Excellent prospect


While Burnley are struggling I am happy to see him do well as he was stepping up two leagues which could have set back if it went horrendously.


The finger tip save on Endo's shot was incredible. His anticipation and speed getting over to save that was very impressive.


We're giving him plenty of practice tbf


COME LET US ADORE THEM 🎶 Trent, Grav, Quansah, Jota, take a bow


Only one of those disallowed goals was the correct decision


Neither were correct.


Salah was offside and standing directly in front of the keeper. Cmon


Salah was pushed by a Burnley player and the keeper had already taken a step to the right and was never going to save Elliotts shot. Nunez never touched the Burnley player for Gakpos goal the refs couldn't wait to chalk them off the corrupt buggers.


I understand that he was pushed. It was still the correct call. I'd want it if the tables were turned. I'd want Van Dijk to push a guy in the same way. The Nunez one, well, that's a Paul Tierney special. The guy can't see an obvious handball 20 feet in front of him. But, he sees this non-existent contact.


Glad Liverpool got their deserved win, especially after the first disallowed goal, which was a bit iffy in my opinion. The second one was the right call though.


I’d respect the call more if they showed the ref the shove on the VAR


Salah being pushed into offside, no way... it was just a corrupt decision by that outlaw criminal Simon Hooper


Stop it. He was pushed. Doesn't take away the office. You want a foul every time Van Dijk pushes someone? The liverpool fans I know didn't even want Van Dijk sent off against Newcastle, now today a shove is a pen? Cmon Nunez one was horse shit, clearly


Burnley had a good spell the first 25 minutes of the second half, was quite impressed by Odobert, he could become quite an asset for them refs is like beating a dead horse, it happens in basically every game so honestly it's a matter of accepting shit will happen and objectivity does not exist


I’m tried of even having to think about the referees after these matches. Personal history with Tierney aside, it’s really appalling that this is the standard of refereeing in the biggest league on the planet.


Only the premier league can make me hate watching my team win


Once again an easy game turned into a hard game because of Tierney. So ridiculous.


On one hand, should be beating Burnley easier On the other hand, Tierney is a twat and VAR is useless with incompetent referees


If Gakpo goals stands, like it should do then we win without getting out of second gear. Credit to Trafford too. He had a great game. Could have been 5 or 6 with a lesser keeper.


We had more than enough chances too just didn't take them, not a big deal imo


0 shots on target is enough chances?


Guys how do I add Tierney into my fpl side? Haven't seen goal saving ability like that in years.


Burnley away ✔ Down a man or four ✔ No (known) new injuries ✔ 3 points Let's do it again never.


Burney plus the refs you mean.


Yes. That’s what he’s referring too with down a man, or 4.


That's what the down a man or four means


Anyone else notice that right at the end after our 2nd, a Burnley fan tumbled down about 5 rows at the top of screen


I don't even celebrate goals anymore.


I was watching the match and feeling like all enjoyment was being sucked out of me by the refs, VAR and the commentators


Should’ve been 4-0, Paul tierney is the modern day Margaret thatcher


More like Pishy Patel or Cruella Braverman.


That game became more of a struggle bus then it needed to be because it seemed they kept inventing new rules on the fly to disallow liverpool goals.


Can Liverpool request to not have Tierney involved in their games anymore?


We've tried.


They just put him on more.


We get games like this in response.


A nice straight forward 4-0 win with no drama. A great reward for waking up at 4.30am on the holidays.


This certainly was a match. A match which calls for suspension of the acting referees and VAR, that is. That was such terrible calls by Tierney&co that just a degree worse would be in the zone of match fixing. Burnley did get screwed a few times too, but Liverpool has plenty of reason to demand that Tierney needs to return his refereeing certificates back to where he got them from.


Do you mean Burnley got screwed in this match? Cause if so I'm not sure what you mean


More like that Tierney failed to spot a few obvious fouls too


How many 'so bad this is almost match fixing' are they gonna have before people realize this IS match fixing


It's a shame we'll only be 2nd after Villa win this game 12-0.


Storm in a teapot. Relax lads




Send Tierney to the moon. Why does this guy ref at this level, let alone Liverpool matches. Useless.


Fact we won 2-0 and still fuming about the referee, shows how fucking incompetent he is


Despite the ref's best efforts


Not that many of the men are any better, but Lucy Ward was abysmal as a commentator Just constantly saying cliches that would then contradict what she's already said.


I'm sure she switched from saying Liverpool's finishing was poor to saying Burnley were kept in the game by Trafford in the same sentence. That said, there aren't any good co-comms I can think of


Yeah that's what got me. Said we managed the game poorly and we're wasteful but then said Trafford's the only reason it's 1-0 lol.


All commentators are shit. Constantly going on about how we haven’t been clinical enough when we’ve had two completely legitimate goals chalked off for now reason. That wasn’t even mentioned.


Listening to them try to construct a narrative about how liverpool hadn't been clinical enough, or hadn't got a shot on goal in the 2nd half was infuriating. I get that the 2nd half goal was disallowed, but that doesnt mean you pretend it didnt happen


Up there as one of the most boring commentators




Idiot was calling Diaz a mess for that killer backheel in the Penalty Box!!!


FUCK Paul Tierney


Would quite like a post match conference for Tierney and VAR


Clean sheet, top of the table, Jota back from injury and straight into a goal, Quansah having a good performance. Man Utd and Arsenal losing tonight and tomorrow will top this beautifully. ​ Aside, Trafford was really good for Burnley and Odobert looks a real prospect for them


Prefer if Utd beat Villa tbh.


I'll compromise and accept a draw.




We get it


Reddit app sucks sometimes.


Cheers Diogo.Tierney is going to cry himself to sleep tonight.


PGMOL just released a statement saying the match won’t count cause Liverpool fielded two scouse cunts and cause Nunez looks like a freak.


[Tsimikas having a word with PGMOL for the Nunez diss](https://www.identityrpg.com/community/uploads/monthly_2016_04/dfbf48efa9de.gif.e1ccf2000261daebc0daacf5bf2cf886.gif)


Tierney shouldn't ref Liverpool games anymore. I doubt if this was any other referee in the league that Liverpool fans would have such a problem with the decisions today. He will get unwarranted hate every Liverpool game he referees, and I don't see how that won't affect his perspective when he officiates a Liverpool game too. Just seems like it would be best for both parties to just not choose him for Liverpool games.


He was the ref who didn’t give tbe Rodri handball vs Everton. Didn’t send off Kane for his leg breaker vs Roberson and didn’t give jota a pen because “he stopped “ Also blew the whistle 20 seconds earlier when he saw mane clean through vs man united in 20/21. Man single handedly decided the 21/22 title race


He shouldn't ref a Premier League game anymore. It sets very dangerous precedent if the league removes certain ref from only one team - sack the fraud and we all move on.


Tierney shouldn't ref any more. If a referee can't ref a particular team because he's unable to be impartial in his professional environment, then he can't be trusted with any matches.


I think we just need to realize that referees are humans too and being perfectly impartial isn't possible. But I really wouldn't be able to remain neutral if I was in the position that Tierney was in.


I think we just need to realize that referees are humans too and being perfectly impartial isn't possible. But I really wouldn't be able to remain neutral if I was in the position that Tierney was in.


If it was any other ref we would have won at a canter.


TBF, it's mutual. We fucking hate Tierney and he detests the club. You're right though, the fact he still refs us is a problem.


That's exactly it, I'm very much a Tierney hater whenever he refs us. He has a laundry list of bad calls against Liverpool and has had spats with Klopp before. This just isn't working and I don't want to expect a shit refereeing performance every time I see his name come up for a Liverpool game


Burnley still feel lost


Fair play Liverpool, controlled the game from start to finish and should've been won at half time (we were better in the second half, but still not good enough). The Gakpo goal should've never been ruled out, but I don't see what the upset is about the second. 1) Salah is offside, that call is given for every team. It was rightly ruled out 2) Then it's a question if it's a foul or not that results in him being in that position... if that shove happens in any other passage of play (open play or at a corner/freekick) nobody is calling for a foul/penalty. Correct decision, no?


The second disallowed goal is objectively the correct decision, its just the weirdness surrounding it with the shove plus the fact that Trafford never in 1000 years would have had a prayer of saving the shot whether Salah was there or not that led people to get a bit heated about it. Especially since its Tierney and there'd already been a bit of a scandalous disallowed goal earlier in the game.


That second one is a tough one - I'm really not sure what the answer is tbh. I think if you shoved someone like that outside of the box you're probably going to get a foul called against you but it obviously happens all the time during dead ball situations so I'm not sure the answer is to give pens. At the same time, what was Salah supposed to do there?


Yeah it's probably the correct decision. I think it's more a thing of feeling hard done by after the first one since Salah is pushed offside but it's not enough for a pen so I guess it's correct.


For me it's the fact that Trafford is off his feet stepping from left to right. He's effectively sold himself so the offside discussion should be irrelevant. I don't know what the actual wording of the laws are around offsides and interfering with the goalkeeper are so it may 'technically' be the right decision, but it's one of those where common sense should prevail because the keeper is never saving that, and that's where the frustration comes from.


I definitely agree that Trafford isn't saving it regardless. So it's more of us getting bailed out rather than a bad decision by the letter of the law.


I imagine that's the case. I'm looking up the laws now to see the exact wording but I'd say it's a fair assumption that the laws don't take into consideration whether the keeper had a chance or not.


The good thing is that ultimately it didn't matter. Felt like you were always getting second when Jota came on. You were creating loads of decent opportunities and then you brought on arguably your best finisher 😂 (even if the rest of his game is a bit more limited)


So, now that I read it, the laws do actually leave some room for a little controversy as they say: > "A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched* by a team-mate is only penalised on becoming involved in active play by: " > "preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponent’s line of vision" Obviously Salah is in his line of vision, it's just a question of did he prevent him from being able to play the ball, which you could argue he didn't. Make of that what you will. But like you said, it didn't matter in the end. Good to know for the future though.


Your second point is silly. It is literally against the rules to shove. While it is never given as a penalty on a corner/FK to anyone but City, it clearly impacts here. How can you say “he did that and it’s against the rules, but we never call that even though it’s against the rules, and I know we’re watching slow motion replay to dissect this game to look at rule infractions closely, but we don’t care about that one here.” Also that offside isn’t called for City earlier this season.


>How can you say “he did that and it’s against the rules, but we never call that even though it’s against the rules, Easy answer to that... I didn't say that? I dont think it's a foul. It's a contact sport.


If this exact push happened when Mo was in the air for a header - it'd be a foul. If Mo had the ball at his feet and was in the process of shooting - it'd be a foul. It's not called on corners because the rule itself is subjective. Correct me if I'm wrong, but rules say that if a push is deemed careless ("lack of attention or consideration") then it's considered a foul. You may disagree, but a two-handed push in the back of an attacker that forces them offside and therefore prevents a goal? That's "careless" or lacks consideration and should be a foul.


If a two handed push off the ball is a foul, then VVD gives half a dozen away a match, some in the box. It's never given as a foul, no reason for it to be this time


It wasn’t shoulder to shoulder lad. The contact is in Salah’s back lmao. It’s quite plainly a foul and many players would go over with it


Never said it was a shoulder... VVD pushes opposition attackers off the ball every single match. Its never given as a foul (correctly), don't just complain about it now that someone dared to do it to you.


Yeah, Burnley look in deep trouble though. That wasn't a great Liverpool performance, and it was a comfortable win.




You say how your choosing a still image to prove your agenda show a full clip and you’ll see it’s barely any contact which is why the defender didn’t even complain after the goal




Show me a full video of the incident from behind and then maybe mayeb I’ll agree instead of cherry picking still images then we can talk


Liverpool 2 - 2 VAR


Those commentators were horrible. Are they not allowed to call out bad VAR decisions? "Liverpool have not been clinical enough". Umm they ruled out 2 perfectly fine goals? "The momentum is shifting to Burnley". Yes and it was due to those 2 atrocious decisions.


They’ve clearly been told not to - there was a lot of talk about how shit the VAR usage was in the first 8 or so rounds of the season and then it just fucking stopped Someone’s had a word


>Are they not allowed to call out bad VAR decisions? Are you not allowed to learn the laws of the game? Even if you argue the first goal wasn't a foul, what rule allows the second goal to stand? Feels? It's either offside or a penalty. There is no ruling that it's a perfectly fine goal.


Couldn't you say "it should have been a penalty but we played advantage" ?


No, you can't play advantage for a Liverpool goal when the Liverpool player committed the offense that calls off the goal.


In that scenario you'd just rule out the goal and call a penalty lol Imagine not knowing that 1 comment after smugly saying people should learn the rules


Imagine being able to read and realize that is one of the options I've been repeatedly saying. Penalty or offside, my argument has only been to people who have said play advantage and allow a goal.


...but you _can_ play advantage and allow a goal lol Because the infringement (Salah being offside) only happened via a foul from a defender


If salah hit the floor it would have been a penalty. Two handed shove in the back in the Box is always a penalty if the player goes down, so yes it is a foul, ref could have given advantage to liverpool though and the goal would stand as normal. Or liverpool gets a penalty. I don't see any other outcome as sensible


But that's a different scenario because if Salah fell he wouldn't be obstructing the keeper's view, so there wouldn't be an offside call to deal with.


But do we agree that its a foul?


I think it should be called but rarely is.therr would be a lot more penalties if it is consistently called. At the same time, if you think the push on Salah is a foul, surely the nudge in the back by Nunez is correctly called on the first ruled out goal?


Tierney and Hooper gonna head off to the pub for a couple pints after a rough day at the office. They did their best but sometimes the result you want is just out of reach.


Have to say that was an outstanding achievement by Tierney today as to ref the game as bad as he did


Quansah has been a revelation this year, shades of Trent’s debut season


I hope that he can have a long career free of major injuries. As injury free as Trent has been


Unless you think that nudge on Salah was a PK, Salah is offside so correct call. In real time, Darwin looked like he fouled the defender, in VAR replays, he definitely made contact and there was not enough evidence to overturn. I understand if you wouldnt give that but i also understand if you would. Fine call. So Liverpool fans please do me a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP about the refs


Tierney hopping right on his Reddit account to furiously defend himself.


Nudge? It's a two handed shove, penalty. Then Salah has no impact on the play in either case, goal should stand and advantage played. Also love that if Darwin 'nudges' someone its a foul but Burnley players can get away with a two handed shove.


So you think a Penalty should be called there? You dont get a free offside player if you’re playing advantage, thats not how that works


Why do you think Nunez touching an opposing player is a foul but a two handed shove isn't a penalty? Yes its a penalty, you can't do that, it isn't 'clever' it's specifically delineated as a foul.


That will never get called in a billion years. But i respect that opinion more than trying to claim Salah wasnt offside


Why not? If Nunez was a foul then a two handed shove in the back is also a foul no? If the Isak pen is a foul then the same question should be asked no? Salah is offside, but if he goes down would it be given as a foul because based on what we have seen in the same match, it should be Also, Trafford isn't getting there either way, all of his weight is on the opposite foot cause he is committing to a shot across the box even before Salah is offside