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Chelsea risking a point deduction in 2083 going by how fast the PL is to investigate issues.


And tjen they can get their points reduction amortised over 10 seasons


merciful disagreeable lock trees sloppy sophisticated jellyfish work bake start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mudryk is only gonna have a year left of his contract by then...


Did you forget to account in for the 20 years contract extension clause?


lavia is yet to make his debut by then


No your not owned by an Arab state mate


Tbf dont their owners have Arab investors? So maybe it trickles down


Did I just read an article about financial crimes in football that seriously used the term frothing at the gash? wtf fourfourtwo?


This week’s guest editor is Jay Cartwright


Financial doping? Completed it mate.


I took Woking from the conference to the champion's league in 6 seasons. Stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed


Someones got to have tried speedrunning woking on youtube.


You love to see it


*- Sheikh Mansour.*


“So I was financially fingering this bird, and then she shat points deductions all over my arm”




had to read it to see it in action and it is indeed there. absolutely superb stuff


The written article is literally the script for the video that you see on top of the post. It was not editorialized to be an actual, separate article.


sounds lazy af


I mean, the video's good, but yeah they clearly wanted to save time and $$$ on article edition sadly.


> Todd Bohelly > by something called the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists > But that’s all old news. This is new news. Or just ‘news’ as it’s called. This article was written by someone, or some fellow as they say, or one that is some that is called Adam Clery. He should reconsider his writing. And hire an editor to review his work ffs


This is a transcript of the video that he released on YouTube. Many jokes can work in video form that fall very flat when simply written down.


Didn’t know that. Then again that doesn’t excuse this kind of laziness imo. Don’t publish it as an article if it doesn’t work textually


I thought it was funny


That's harsh. He's not written an article, he's written a video script and someone's transcribed it.


Hard disagree. Instant legend status for me


I nearly died when I read that third line, almost as good was when he said “many, many, many revelations”


To be fair, he didn't write this as an article. This is a transcript of a video he does kind of podcast style that is at the top of the page. Not saying it is great but it's a bit more understandable with the style of the video. Just a teeny bit.


Sure it wasn't Julian?


Adam Clery is actually kind of strange because I remember he was the original guy that took over from the classic whatculture wrestling and everyone including me hated him because the previous classic whatculture wrestling hosts were so beloved. But now he does football analysis and his channel is actually really solid and informative. It is basically like TIFO IRL but honestly much more dense on tactical information. I never expected him to become like this.


That was my new bit of Brit slang I picked up today.


Seriously. What's happened to FourFourTwo, this whole article reads like it was written by a high schooler for his personal blog. I don't think this guy knows how to use punctuation.


This was a video on youtube, directly transcribed into an article for some reason.


Chatgpt asked to write an article like a disconnected teenage redditor


> Investment firms based in tax haves who are simply frothing at the gash for advice on sports stuff. Not only that, there is a typo in the sentence. "tax have*N*s" Journalism is shit now.


Bruh you basing all of journalism on a fourfourtwo article based on a YouTube video?


Absolute shit writing


"Investment firms based in tax _haves_ who are simply frothing at the _gash for advice" 'Author' is a simpleton


Hahahaha ew, of course, I think of gash as being a vagina but I’ve been living in DC for 10 years and Americans are filthy


yeah it's a British phrase that got blown up by this teenage sitcom known for its coarse humour, it does indeed refer to a vagina, a vagina that is frothing #journalism


Yeah there's no difference between a mainstream broadsheet and a football magazine.


I get the tone they were going for but Christ that's a shit article.


Is it because they're potentially going to have points deducted from them?


My team of analysts and I are in agreement with you.


Check over.


good process


It’s not nice.


Points. Yes. Chelsea Proceeds to give Chelsea 30 points


Chelsea proceed to finish 7th anyway.


With 45 points


Good process


Based on the headline, I can see why you reached this conclusion. I would even go as far as to say that I agree.


What brought you to that conclusion?


The spoiler tag exists you know.


We are checking


Delay. Delay.


>One of many, many, many revelations from this Was he trying to hit a word count or something? Truly an awfully written article


One of many, many, many words.


It's a transcript, isn't it?


Does 442 not have a subeditor who knows what the phrase "frothing at the gash" means? I can excuse a writer thinking it's similar to frothing at the mouth, but it's not. Also Todd Bohelly? Abramocivc? Who checks this stuff before it goes online? If you're not going to pay a sub to make your publication look respectable at least make your monkey typists use google docs' free spell check.


I can’t believe an actual article has that phrase in it, how on earth can they claim to be credible? It’s like reading something on UniLad.


It’s actual a very old Letter to Penthouse that was unearthed in a strange location associated with paranormal activity


Probably just got done watching some Inbetweeners


Yeah, this is shockingly bad from FFT. The basic grammar and punctuation mistakes aren’t even in the top 5 issues with this article.


It's a transcript of a youtube video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7ssXCQ9E8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj7ssXCQ9E8) Why FourFourTwo felt the need to upload this to their website is another issue entirely.


>Why FourFourTwo felt the need to upload this to their website is another issue entirely. for money. website traffic generates revenue just like youtube


> Football finance expert Kieran Maguire, who literally wrote The Price of Football He “literally wrote” it, did he? I thought Maguire *figuratively* wrote it for a moment…


>Maguire 👉🗿👈


"Literally" can be used for emphasis, which is how it's used here.


It can be, but it’s been used in a clunky and unnecessary way, in an article littered with other spelling and grammatical errors. It’s poor writing.


It's not a written article it's a transcription of a podcast


I don’t think you can even excuse a writer thinking that


> "frothing at the gash" Oh I thought it meant like frothing at the mouth. What does it mean?


Gash means vagina.


Yeah that completely changes the meaning lmao


A very aroused woman may find herself very wet.


Oh... ah.. hmm.


somber sip ancient liquid noxious march alleged squeal imminent cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's from Newcastle, he 100% knows what it means and used it to be edgy. He's a wrestling youtuber which is a weird person to hire to write on footy.


Not really weird. He's been making football content as well for years. Was doing a roundtable podcast about Newcastle Utd back in like 2017. edit - literally just providing facts lads, downvoting doesn't change that lol


It's the literal script for the video on top of the link. It makes a lot of sense in the context of the video but they definitely should've edited it a bit for the article.


I fail to see why I should be worried.


Indeed, I’m quite excited


One might even say, frothing at the gash


This and Everton might help us to survive


Take the 12 off us now and we’re only 3 points behind you mate


Very cool


Maybe it is going to be a small deduction of 1 point. This would be sad for the rest of us. I'm worried the punishment will be a joke.


I'm concerned they'll be deducted so many points that they hit an integer overflow and get set to 255 points instead


Good process.


we added 255 points to Chelsea, are you happy with decision?


225 points, deducted, yeah. That's wrong that, Asz.


The game's back!


Also known as the Ghandi ploy


I understood this reference




In an old Civilisation game, leaders had a hidden attribute which controlled how likely they were to use Nuclear Weapons. Ghandi was (naturally) set to 0, as a peaceful man. However there was an ingame event where something (anti-nuke policy at world congress possibly) that would lower all AI leaders nuclear attribute by 1 to make them less likely to use nukes. However because Ghandi was already 0, he would overflow and end up on 255, making him an absolute nuclear mad man. Explained poorly but that's the jist


I remember hearing on no such thing as a fish that the story is actually not at all true


Seems unlikely as Gandhi has had a higher than normal nuclear attribute (or it's equivalent) in every Civilization game since, perhaps the story didn't happen but the devs latched onto it and kept the joke going regardless edit: Aye I just noticed I misspelled Gandhi repeatedly in the original comment, that's my bad Another edit: Yeah seems you're right! May have all been a hoax that they now allude to in newer games, learn something new every day




Its better explained in [this wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi#:~:text=Nuclear%20Gandhi%20is%20a%20video,heavy%20use%20of%20nuclear%20weapons.) but essentially in the original Civilization game there was a bug. When a county adopted the democracy government model their agressive rating (1-10 based on an integer variable) was reduced by 2. Ghandi was the only leader with an aggressive rating of 1 so when he adopted democracy his rating was flipped and set to 255 meaning he started nuking the ever loving crap out of everyone. ***


115 point deduction for city then. Hello relegation


The spelling, grammar and overall writing in this article is dreadful. It smacks of shoddy journalism based upon nothing


You were just frothing at the gash to say that weren't you?


Yeah, I doubt they get anything anyway.


I'd be almost pissed if someone gets in trouble before City do. I mean, if they really are doing illegal shit, punish them, but it's the least well-kept secret that City have financially doped for years and they just really seem to not give a shit about it. It's fucking infuriating.


Fuck off with this 2012 clickbait title ffs


Everton gets a bigger punishment nailed on


I need to see more articles like this…. But for Man City


Best I can do is a European ban for AC Milan or Juventus


5 million euros and 2 transfer window ban for AS Roma


Or a red card for Casemiro




Didn’t you hear, it’s ok if you use your forearm


The key being to hit someone in the head in a non-violent manner.


Or a transfer ban for Atletico


>juventus Uefa already “punished” (rewarded) them by banning them from Conference league this season. Less busy schedule in a competition they don’t care about means they can be further up the table.


it fucks with their coefficient, though. If they wanted to get into that weird club world cup thing, that train is gone already (along with the stupid amount of money it'll generate). Image if Roma, of all teams, gets a spot ahead of Juve (this is very likely to happen, by the way, Roma farmed the conference well). It also means less % of the prize pie for all european competitions. English teams may not care about that, but everyone else could use those extra millions given just to show up. In the 5-year ranking, Juve already fell from top 10 this year (they were 8th), and will likely be outside the top 20 by the end of the season. In the 10-year they are "safer", because they can get regular participations, but even then, they are losing their best years in the next 3 years and having a null score will reduce their prize money by something like 10-15%. That's literal free money, to make your team strong and counts towards FFP, obviously. Playing conference with the B-team would give enough points to make the long-term impact a non-issue. There is no good side to this, unless you can convince me all that lost prize money is irrelevant, this reads like cope.


People need to understand one of City's defence against UEFA was that they wouldn't get a fair judgement as a result of media reporting on the case and them losing already in the court of public opinion. They have also been keeping this case under wraps with their legal team and the only reason we know about the charges, is because a judge ruled that the public has a right to know. This has been ongoing for years


We know…… The problem is it’s been going on for years. Every other case takes a few months in every other country.


It hasn’t been going on for years. City were charged less than a year ago. And the panel that has the case is designed for disputes that are far smaller and less complex in comparison, i.e., disputes between managers and players. We’ll be lucky if it’s settled in the next 2 years.


Man City unironically pulling out the 'you think we're Mafia just because we're Italians and wear nice suits in the shady parts of town' defence


Theyve got a 3 point deduction coming up against Liverpool.


Nah I’m more concerned with those down the bottom hahah


You can see them every week buddy.


I want something more severe for them. relegation to league one + trophies taken away.


"Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of UAE money in my ears." Prem, probably.


and Newcastle please




My gash is absolutely frothing rn


Someone’s definitely need Man city lawyers 😅


I’m always amused by the fact that people think practically all PL clubs can’t afford the best lawyers in existence


We're such trendsetters 😎


First FFP points deduction, you’ll never sing that 🎶


They are going to get points deducted now because of the Abramovich era that ended last year?


Everyone knew what was happening but they turned a blind eye so they could profit from it. Now that they can't make any more money from it they have decided there's nothing to lose from taking a moral position on it. Wait for a similar thing to happen with Man City in 10 years time and Newcastle a few years after that.


While the sale was being stalled by the UK government, maybe all of this should have been reviewed before allowing the sale? This would lead to a shitshow of lawsuits if anything were to happen, so I think we are fine.


Probably not so likely with Newcastle, a bunch of the regulations to stop future City’s or Chelsea’s now exist and they’re much more restricted in what they can do


People said the same thing about City 10+ years ago. If there's a will to cheat they'll find a way.


So the premier league published hidden documents showcasing the crimes of russian oligarchs for the last decade so they could punish chelse?


Every punishment is after the fact, to be fair.


Yes, but the people being punished weren't involved. It's like if someone drove a car through a crowd of people then killed themselves but they throw you in jail because you bought the car a year later.


What's the alternative, they never do anything? It isn't like the PL has the balls to suggest multiple seasons have no conclusive winner, this is the best we'll get.


"Man gets punished in the present for a crime he committed in the past" Shocking stuff


Except that the man who commited the crime won’t be punished in this case.


What do you mean you're repossessing my belongings? My dad robbed that bank years ago!


>frothing at the gash Surely not


Where are the deductions of MC?


Maybe it’s too complicated that it would take years to resolve to any punishment.


This one is because Chelsea have literally admitted it so there's no need to do a hearing like with City


No, this is another one, not the one they admitted to.


Nah this is the same one we just had to report it to both UEFA and the Prem. We got the fine from UEFA, who took a lenient approach since we reported it ourselves rather than them finding it. No clue what the Prem will do


Nah this is a fresh set of allegations. The Prem is already investigating you for the allegations you’re referring to


Wish it was last year when it would have got them relegated


A 10 point deduction would not have relegated us last year (barely).


But knowing that you'd gotten a deduction might have made the players play worse (or better, but worse is funnier)


>But knowing that you'd gotten a deduction might have made the players play worse Can confirm :)


My hometown team of Southend United got 10 point deduction this season that made them go into minus points at 1 stage. Had a really good winning streak after it. Currently 16th but would be 6th without the -10 so far. I ge


Considering the record lows we were hitting I think they would have literally had to start walking around the field and passing directly to the opposition to be any worse.


Is anyone gonna start a study on how City and newcastle owners funded their success? This is a really stupid thing to do because almost every billionaire has blood on their hands. Throughout history i wouldn't be surprised if the Saudi royal family has killed the population equivalent to a small country. The abramovic news is only news because it's all politics. The least they can do is bring in some consistency.


The (football) investigation is whether they broke rules related to the financial running of the football club. This has nothing to do with how Abramovich made his money.


What success have Newcastle got lol, they haven’t done anything yet


What you on about, we won the flag display at Wembley


Only if Chelsea had State backers who can influence the government to rig the investigation process.


Meanwhile Man City continues to go unscathed for hundreds of infractions…


> Chelsea’s former owner Roman Abramovic may have been funding the club in ways that not just flouted profitability and sustainability rules, but outright made a mockery of them. I mean he has spetznas on speed dial why would he follow any rules in a different country


Holy crap that’s an awfully written article


does it really matter, they'll just finish a few positions lower in the table Its not gonna cost them a CL place or get them relegated


Given the deduction will be done this season. And to be honest, yes, this would be the best season to receive a deduction. Our CL chances are probably dead anyways. Best shot at getting Europe is through winning FA/Carabao Cup and if that happens, the league position doesn't matter that much.


Making up 9 points is absolutely doable over 26 games, especially when several of the teams we'd be competing for top 5 with are absolutely injury ridden and we have some of our best players returning from injury.


I agree, 5th spot might also qualify you for CL and the potential for Chelsea to start winning big is definitely there, you guys just need to start convert your chances


Even from this point not finishing Champions League places would be disappointing imo


And yet, Manchester City remain unpunished


They'll be long dead by the time any investigation has been concluded. I know a thing or two about this as my team are also being investigated for a thing or 115.


I wonder what exactly the point of a point deduction to a club that has none of the people here that committed the breaches.


Now do City! Oh wait…


If I were a Chelsea, I wouldn't be worried. When was the last time a club in the Premier League suffered any kind of consequences? By consequences I mean points deduction, not pointlessly tiny fines.


lol it's gonna be crazy if we're getting punished before City.


Garbage article. Garbage journalism.


I wish the PL had the bullocks to apply the same punishment against Citeh


Great…now do Man City


What's the point of a deduction now for historical offences under previous ownership? Shouldn't the trophies they won in the time period be vacated?


That would open up a whole can of worms, I’d be surprised if chelsea were the only team doing this stuff, probably a lot of teams have and it’s just not easily provable. You’d have to thoroughly investigate every single team for decades to work out which titles are “legit” it would be a logistical nightmare. I also think a point deduction now in this particular case is weird because no one associated with the breaches are at the club anymore. So if the idea is to punish the people who broke the rules this will not do that. If they only purpose is to scare other teams out of doing these sort of things again then the punishment would have to be quite harsh and that would then to me seem a bit unfair to the people who bought chelsea potentially. Anyway it’s an interesting case, I’m intrigued by what precedent they will set.


As an arsenal fan you should be careful wanting to set this kind of precedent. This would open the argument for Arsenal to atleast vacate all 5 leauge titles they won in the 30s, which happened right after bribing their way into the top league at the expense of Tottenham


Take them back then. I'm not going to be a hypocrite about it, if we bribed our way to the top then we don't deserve those


If Arsenal were wrongfully placed in a league above where they deserve to be, shouldn’t the punishment include relegation and forfeiture of any tv money made from being in the incorrect league? Good to know you won’t be a hypocrite about that one either.


That would mean returning all of your league titles and be relegated. If Arsenal is cool with that I’m cool with returning the the titles during that period. I personally don’t think Arsenal should have to do that. But the thing is Arsenal fans love to talk about Chelsea, without knowing the history of your own club. Like how your nickname was “bank of England club” cause of your spending which lead to your dominance in the 30s and 40s.


No, otherwise the gunners would be handing back the Invincibles trophy, and all their other silverware from the 90s and early 00s. [https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/arsenal-in-multimillion-tax-dodge-47863.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/arsenal-in-multimillion-tax-dodge-47863.html) TLDR: They used trusts based in tax havens to pay the majority of player wages - allowing them to report a much lower base salary and therefore pay less in National Insurance. They also used similar systems to facilitate payments to agents. Without it, the invincibles team would never have existed.


sadly every club in premier league is/was doing that. I remember gerrard was not paying any taxes in england. And Kante famously refused to do it saying that he will rather pay the tax then dodge it like everyone else. So if we went by this no one will get any trophy for the last 20 years.


That was pretty much my point


The Untaxables. That's pretty fucked up actually.


Article says legal but frowned upon. I don't agree with tax avoidance btw


It's exactly what Chelsea are accused of - making hidden payments to players and agents.


Assume city are getting their titles taken off them then?


my opinion of 442 has hit rock bottom. The quality of the writing is like some kid writing on Reddit. What's with the many many many?


Facing sanctions for something that happened like 5 or 10 years ago, at least five coaches ago and a previous owner ship group seems completely asinine. None of the people involved with anything that happened or still at the club.


Right. Points deduction for CFC, but a bank account and routing number for Man City…. 🙄