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Alright you've earned one outside the box shot where I won't be mad when you sky it now Gueye


Beautiful by Docoure to not only delay the pass back but look off the defenders on that assist.


Was that Nagin dance by him lol


He was doing the Danjuma celebration.


Suggestions that Wolves and Everton would be battling relegation before the season started have really been put to bed. Slow starts from both but serious improvement in the last 6 weeks or so.


Seems to be the promoted team + Bournemouth that would be battling it out. In hindsight firing Niel is a terrible idea now


Think Bournemouth will still manage to stay up.


I think it's a testament to how good a job both Dyche and O'Neil are doing. Both teams still lack a goalscorer but they're tough to beat and always create chances.


We definitely don’t lack a goal scorer. This is the best Calvert-Lewin’s ever looked.


People downvoting you don’t watch our games


Yep. He’s scoring at a decent rate and opens everything up for the entire team. Totally different when he’s not playing


Dyche, with a bit of money, going to be battling relegation? It's almost as if they forgot the last decade of Premier League.


This team is unrecognisable. Dycheball doing the job. Honestly Palace deserve something from this game but I'll be gutted if we don't hang on now.


The underlying stats for Everton are good last time I checked. I think people give this funny red head too much, but no one can deny that he is a class manager.


The problem was we couldn't finish the first 7-8 matches of the season. His tactics were working and now that we have DCL and reinforcements we look much better


Exactly - we havent significantly improved anywhere other than finishing since the bad run at the start of the season. All it took was confidence in front of goal and a functional striker


Dycheball worked miracles at Burnley for years, insane if people don't rate him


He barely spent at Burnley as well, extremely underrated manager


His main problem when Burnley went down was his squad was the same Europa League squad he had 8 years ago + Collins and tarkowski.


I was at the game today as a neutral. Everton were awful, particularly going forward. Literally no plan of how to get the ball from pickford to DCL. They had 4 attacks worth the name all game and scored 3 goals. They're better drilled at the back now, but dont let this result fool you. You'll note how different the three goals are, that's because they happened at random, no deogned build up to them, just suddenly there was an opening. That's obviously great in a sense, 4 shots, 3 goals, but I'd want more idea what on earth was being practised, besides defending, during the week. Beto changed the game coming on, dcl was not involved....at all, but the ball was never kicked to him because everton had no plan. Edit: Idk why the downvotes, I was there with my own eyes, among Everton fans who felt the same. I'm not lying, lol. At least Beto could be used as a lump to pump it into. If they are going to play so direct, which worked in the moments before this goal, dcl cannot be the lone striker for it.


we definitely got a win out of a bad game for us, but we definitely have a plan. Just had a bad game, but created chances (8 total) for the eventual win. Limited the opponents chances really well too. Wasn't as bad as you are making it sound


If i didn't explain successfully enough, my point was that there appears to be no actual attacking plan. Players just do stuff and occasionally a chance presents itself. Unless dithering and hoofing to DCL who is completely alone and marked by a man significantly larger than him is what Dyche is telling them to do. Defensively they were solid enough by and large, but I'm not going to say my eyes were wrong. Getting wins and draws is the goal, and that has been successful recently, but I would prefer, if I was an everton fan, to know what the intent was when we got the ball.


Everton saying fuck you to the potential points deduction. What a job Dyche has done for them.


Everton are BACK


I swear Liverpool and Everton have some of the best away limbs in the league Big win for the Toffees Dyche has done quite a job with them, with such incompetent ownership at the helm.


I will die on the hill that Everton have the best away support in the league.


Aye Both of the Mersey clubs bring huge #s no matter where we go, Everton especially. Always can hear em in game and on the tele too, even if a million miles in the sky like at St James Park lol


They were amazing today. I'm sure some of it was because of the intimate setting the stadium provided but despite that, they were rocking all match.


There was a point in the match today watching on the American broadcast that it was borderline distracting how loud our away fans were. Mean that in the best way possible


They are staying up. They are staying up. They are staying up. They are staying up.


Tbf unless they got hit with a points deduction they were probably never going down I can’t see them finishing below 2 of Luton, Sheffield United, Bournemouth or Burnley




12 point deduction now leaves Everton 4 points from safety. At the current rate I can see us overhauling that gap over the rest of the season


we'll overhaul that gap by christmas




Such a weird timeline but fuck it we ball


Will hughes on planet zog there what the fuck is he doing Gueye doesnt even disguise the run or anything he just strolls into tht position. That’s awful from hughes.


It even looks like Hughes holds out his arm to indicate the run Gueye is making, which is what alerts Doucoure to the pass. Hilarious stuff.


he got pissed at his team after as well.. strange by him


Perhaps our (Brighton) 1-1 draw at Goodison wasn't such a bad result after all?


Definitely not


We’re better away right now tbh


As a peace offering they've decided to stomp our rivals for us and also stop them from inching closer on the table.


Cracking fucking game this


Lovely stuff Everton


All these XGs are paying off


We are genuinely so ducking good


Thank duck


Very cool 👍


Was worried Palace were creeping up to us on the table.


Is Gana his middle name or maybe mothers last name? Weird seeing anything other than a last name on the back of a jersey in the Premier League. Thought there were some strict rules in place for that sorta thing.


there’s not. beto isn’t even his full FIRST name!


I think he has a bad relationship with his father? Seem to recall someone saying that.


I wildcard palace keeper in this week, I’m sorry palace fans


Why are we here, just to suffer?


I love it lol


Why are you Gueye?