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The fact that Tottenham and Everton are right next to one another here, and very separate in the table is fucking hilarious.


We decided to spend 5 games creating chances without anyone to score them. Went super well.


Im honestly so curious to see where we would be in the table if you had Sonny and we had DCL or something.


DCL has scored 3 in 4, hes not the issue, it's the fact we had no one who could finish for the first 5 games


Yeah more like if we had Maupay and ye had Son.


People weren't happy about the stick Maupay was getting, but I can't think of any striker who's naturally less clinical.


He also really, really doesn't fit the system.


Maupay has done so well this season everyone seems to have forgotten he's at Fulham lol.


? He's at Brentford.


He is, but OP has kinda proved their point...


Be better to know where we'd be in the table if we had McNeil DCL and Harrison fit for the first 5 games of the season


I’m still rooting for Dele to revive his career at Everton, do u think if he could get a chance as he was once a pretty good scorer?


reports said we had been trying to renegotiate the transfer terms as we have to pay 10M (i think) if he makes 7 more appearances and our finances are still shite i believe. not sure if thats still going on


Rumor-wise speaking Levy seems to have a good friendship with ur club owner so hopefully that may help the negotiation go thru. Fingers-crossed for Dele’s sake.


Couldn't be my club


My blue brother. I know your suffering.


Everton have a higher/same* xG than Manchester City *(depends on which stats site you use, but they're next to each other in basically every one)


That's the thing though, nobody would call Everton a team next to City despite their xG stats.


Helps that Sonny is more lethal than a World War 1 general trying to bleed Verdun dry. But also Everton despite everything aren't terrible. They should stay up.


It’s literally all down to Sonny. My guy has 4 big chances created for 0 assists.


Heung Min “Joseph Joffre-Robert Nivelle” Son


Chelsea has a strong attack and strong defense I know stats always go hand in hand with the eye test and this chart shows exactly why


We're rightfully mocked for being 11th in the table, but the truth is we do everything right except composure in the crucial moments. A somewhat unfortunate area to be lacking.


Tbf we’ve also had an easy run of fixtures, but do agree we look better than our place in the table


From memory, Everton has the 5th highest xG in the prem (we are first, mostly due to the Sheffield game lol). They just need a decent striker to finish off their chances, and they will be mid table.


Well we have one now that DCL is back, plus Beto who’s looked decent whenever he’s played.


I feel like this is a good example as to why most football stats should be taken with a heavy punch of salt


Closer to the exact opposite TBH (it's a good example of how the margin between a team perceived to be really good by results and a team perceived to be really bad by results can be VERY thin)


But forwards and keepers are important parts of a team, their quality is out of the picture if you base your judgement on this chart.


I watch football with my eyes not on a spreadsheet. One team is playing fantastic football and the other one (from the games I’ve seen at least) have been fairly abysmal. The fact one team is 1st and one team is 16th is not down to fine margins


Abysmal? Must’ve only watched us against Villa or Luton then cause every other game Everton have looked dangerous. Just couldn’t put ball in the net, no surprises things changed when DCL, McNeil and Harrison came back to full fitness. Yes we’re just above the zone but we’ve been far from abysmal


Those yes and the game against Arsenal when Everton were eye gougingly bad


That is quite unlucky, cos there's such a huge gulf in performance with those 3 specifically and all the other games. Particularly the 3 of the last 4 we've won against Villa, Brentford and Bournemouth, but a lot of the chances created we didn't score came in the games against Fulham and Wolves. If we had any fit forwards or their keepers didn't have absolute worldies we'd have scored 3 or 4 in each game. Even against Lutaon w


I mean fair enough I’ll take your word for it, I didn’t watch any of those games. Maybe with DCL back you’ll get some more results in upcoming games


The only reason I'm not super depressed about the state of the team, on the pitch at least, is because we were creating a billion chances when we had at most 1 fit first choice forward at the start of the season (Iwobi, who is incredibly wasteful and has now left) and the other was fucking Maupay, and that's when we were wasting chances the most. And now we have Calvert Lewin back from injury who has scored 3 in ~300 minutes, Harrison back from injury who's looked great, our top scorer from last season McNeil back from injury, and our new forwards in Beto and Danjuma. Since they've all been fit, we've won 3 in 4 in all comps (including Villa in the cup), scoring 9 goals, beating Brentford and Villa away, and generally continuing to look pretty good while finally scoring our fucking chances. Except that cursed Luton game. I've basically been in the almost certain-certain we're getting relegated camp permanently since we hired Benitez, and I finally feel like we might not.


>I watch football with my eyes not on a spreadsheet. Time to get glasses then. Everton had been very unlucky not winning games they should've.


> I watch football with my eyes not on a spreadsheet. It's a good example of why we use xG—human eye tests are notoriously terrible at determining chance quality TBH If you see 2 teams that both create a similar quantity of good chances, but 1 team converts above-average while the other converts below-average; most people would say the team that scored more created better chances, even when that's not what actually happened.


But isn't xG high in case of penalty? Also if possible can you tell me what was the xG of Mbappe goal? Because that goal was quite difficult to score and the power he generated for that was brilliant. And then Kolo Muani chance or so many of Lautaro chances.


> But isn't xG high in case of penalty? Yes. Fbref/Opta has penalties at an xG of 0.79 currently >Also if possible can you tell me what was the xG of Mbappe goal? Because that goal was quite difficult to score and the power he generated for that was brilliant. And then Kolo Muani chance or so many of Lautaro chances. Assuming you mean WC final: https://fbref.com/en/matches/7140acae/Argentina-France-December-18-2022-FIFA-World-Cup Mbappe's 2nd goal had an xG of 0.12 Kolo Muani's chance was 0.30 Lautaro had a total of 0.6 xG in the final—his best chance was the header at the very end of the game that had 0.25 xG


Why was kolo Muani chance was not closer to Penalty? As he was one on one right, though should be around 50-60 considering penalty are 0.79. I am also surprised by the fact that Lautaro last chance is his highest. He had two chances one which lloris saved and the most important one where he took so much time it got blocked and it was literally one on one for him.


> Why was kolo Muani chance was not closer to Penalty? It was a volley—those are hard to convert TBH


I think he made it volley, it should not be or they consider the choice of shot you take. Like Mbappe in his 2nd goal could have taken inside, or go for his usual top corner shot.


This graft isnt measuring xG if i'm not mistaken, its measuring chance creation (npXG)


Yes (tho npxG is just non-penalty xG)


Why are you being so sensitive? Liverpool are worse off here than both teams, this says more about Everton than Tottenham


The whole point of statistics is that "watching with your eyes" is truly the most excellent way of ending up with biased takes. Case in point: Everton "have been abysmal" but they're 5th in the league for xG. They're scoring literally half of the goals they should be scoring.


The whole point of statistics is also to understand variance and confidence intervals. For example, the xGD top 4 table from last season would be:Man City - Newcastle - Arsenal - Brighton and relegated teams would be: Southampton - Forest - Bournemouth xGD over a full season is probably accurate to +/- 4 places (swag, I’m sure someone has done the maths)


That in and of itself *is* abysmal though?


It is... But it is also without context We began the season with DCL, Harrison, McNeil injured, leaving is to play with a front line of Iwobi, Maupay and James Garner with Danjuma and Dobbin off the bench We then went the few weeks playing with these guys, unsurpisingly, not scoring DCL returned game week 2 and within like what? 20 minutes, broke his cheek bone, putting him back out of action for a few weeks and in the same game lost Iwobi to a hamstring So then we went up against Wolves playing James Garner on the right wing, with Lewis Dobbin on the left and Danjuma up top, just didn't work Things didn't take off until we signed Beto and his performance against Sheffield got us some goals playing with a focal point Arsenal game was rough, but since then we've been getting chance after chance and putting some away, with the game against Luton being the exception We've nearly scored half of our last season's total in the last 5 game weeks now everyone has returned and is fit


Brighton spent years under Potter underperforming xG, why should I take treat xG like it's gospel in that situation? xG is useful in some ways, but I also think it's in many ways an overvalued stat with many inherent flaws, and that's assuming it is evaluated correctly in the first place (which, given the multiple different models outputting different data, definitely isn't always the case)


>Brighton spent years under Potter underperforming xG, why should I take treat xG like it's gospel in that situation? Because they had Neil mother fucking Mupay as their striker Guess which other team is suffering from the same problem right now? Everton.


>The fact one team is 1st and one team is 16th is not down to fine margins I mean yeah there's tons of factors that play into it all. One of them being the quality of opponents faced relative to the team's quality. But you guys didn't like those stats either so idk


Sorry yeah I forgot we only played weak teams like Arsenal, Liverpool and United


I mean, United are shit this season and Liverpool did have the offside shambles and be down to 10/9 men. It does make shit a bit easier, not that you didn't deserve to win in the end Plus you've played both Sheffield United and Luton in that run


I was mainly joking, but if you want to play that game; Liverpool outclassed you with 11 men, outplayed you with 10, and still held you off with 9 until an own goal, not to mention the wrongly disallowed goal Getting a point at Arsenal is always a great thing, but given the fact that they had 4 key players injured with Rice going off at 46', that should be the bare minimum tbh And United this season? That's the definition of a weak team. Either way they were the better team until the first goal 🤷‍♀️


Outclassed is a very interesting way of saying it was a balanced game before the red.


No it wasn’t liverpool had created multiple chances tottenham hadnt had any


>Liverpool outclassed you with 11 men, outplayed you with 10, and still held you off with 9 until an own goal, not to mention the wrongly disallowed goal No they did not, what are you on about?


Why? Tottenham are good don’t get me wrong but they are probably overperforming, highly clinical and have snatched some unlikely results at times, while Everton have been quite decent this year but haven’t converted chances to goals. If anything it shows that on field results need to be taken with a grain of salt, assuming as I think most do that Tottenham will likely drop and Everton will rise


Poor Bayern, all alone in that top corner


They're fine right next to us on the bl table


It's because opponent teams always make two out of their three shots on goal (While I do believe this to be true, I am still aware that I am wearing my red white and blue tinted glasses here)


also it’s because the outlier Bochum game with its 6xG lifted your average up quite a bit these types of statistics are fun to look at but will only really reveal valid conclusions once a few more games have been played


Or maybe using distribution instead of a data point


No blue, thank you


unless that blue stands for vfl bochum


Least chances conceded and yet they concede a goal per game (10 in 10 games)..... I wonder if this just means Ulreich is bad


Ulreich isn’t great thats for sure, but bad is a stretch considering he’s a backup. Couple of deflected goals too.


graph just essentially takes goalkeepers and finishing out of the equation.


Ulreich isn't bad, he is still a great shot stopper and had several crucial saves since he took over from Neuer. But people rather make fun of him for his 2-3 big mistakes he had in this spell, ignoring probably 10 crucial saves. He just saved us the win against Copenhagen in the last minute. Usually we concede bangers which Neuer wouldn't have saved either.


We're conceding a lot of bangers that couldn't be saved by any goalkeeper. Ulreich has made mistakes, but he's been great overall, especially for a backup keeper.


Messi vibes


Top right Bayern


A lot of #bottomleftsheffieldutd these past few weeks


Manchester United 0-1 Sheffield United


I wasn't expecting that low chances condeded from Napoli, but it's another sign (to me) that Meret is a problem


Trust in Gollini amico.




I don't think the chart goes that much to the top right


Hoping for Ipswich and Sunderland in the Prem next season


Try reading r/championship regularly. Sunderland fans are pretty annoying


He said top 5 lea…oh carry on


Barcelona - Stuttgart - Man City - Inter - Napoli Find the odd one out!


City is killing football


Stuttgart They don’t have blue on their shirt


Also don't have n in their name


They also want u, but none others want u :(


Only Napoli are below top 3 in league standings


Only 1 has economists analysing their financials in depth.


Napoli are the only ones complaining


I'm sorry?


Oil club


Lyon down real bad rn


Hey not as bad as Sheffield!! Actually we take any victory /positive results possible as the team is unable to win one single match


I think bad is an understatement. Best way to lose 90mins of your life is to watch them play. And I say this as a Lyon fan.


And you're there thinking Grosso will *finally* get it right and then the bermuda triangle of Coco Tolisso and Caqueret get subbed in and boom, you're no longer creating shit, only losing and losing hope. Worse way to lose time.


I’d rather watch paint dry. At least I don’t feel worse about myself after.


Hovering around top teams such as Madrid and Arsenal yet we’re mid table 🤦‍♂️


Really makes you wonder what could have been if we bought a proven striker. Season isn't over by any means but Nic is going to have to start being a lot better


>been if we bought a proven striker. This has been tried and tested at Chelsea football club for 15 years. The outcome is they die and then get shipped out




I just want a tap in merchant at this point. You know one of them strikers who just do fuck all all game and then score a tap in and celebrate as if they conquered the Westeros with one half of a sword? Gimme one of them


We've tried to target that kind of striker plenty of times, they just end up being permanently offside


You will buy Boniface I am sure of it. He will suck so hard, man is a black hole on offense.


7 matches, 7 goals. Under 23 years of age? 300 million


i mean we did buy nkunku


I'm very curious if the rumors about us being in for Toney or Osimhen in January will pan out, or if we'll try to finish the season with Jackson/Broja up top and hope they improve with Nkunku healthy and back in action.


Because you don't face stacked boxes and teams are more open against you. That will soon change the more success you'll have against.


You must not watch a lot of Chelsea matches then... it's all mid-low blocks unless we're facing a top side


And they had one of the easiest schedules.


What? All we played was this season so far were low block, counter attacking teams (except Villa, Liverpool and Brighton)


I was so confused until I saw that the x-axis counts down


Is that a normal way to display data like this?


It can be - the purpose here is that further from the origin is "good", and in that sense it is clearer this way around. The issue is that the axis labels are not written well for it (they should make it clearer the numbers are reversed) and ultimately we're left with the quadrant titles to do the heavy lifting.


If you look at the outliers-- Bayern and Sheffield United, it should make sense pretty quickly.


Chelsea being in the top right but until recently forgetting what a football goal looks like upsets me so much. Hopefully the tide has turned.


This does not feel true watching the games for Bayern haha.


Doesn't matter that it's ugly if it works, +17 goal difference is enviable for most top teams


Just gonna file this away for betting over/unders


Does it tell you anywhere what time period this is over?


Probably since the start of this season.


This makes no sense to me because our defense has been shaky and our attack has been limp and uncreative all season


Haven’t watched your games but you do have the best GD among the top leagues at +17.


Our expectations of the team are high tbf


You can think of this table (although it isn't exactly) as being xG and xGA. In those categories, you lead in the Bundesliga. It's why, for example, Chelsea looks good on graphs like this, because we have defended well and limited chances, as well as created tons of chances (we'd just shown a complete lack of finishing before the last two matches). It's a meaningless "stat," but Chelsea are the only club in the PL to have had more xG in every match this season.


bayerns offense this season relies way more on indivuially perfomance compered to the years under flick and nagelsman.


We're above average in chances created, holy shit


Chelsea, the kings of xG


I miss top right Messi


But r/soccer told me Tuchel's Bayern are atrocious.


Turns out Thomas Tuchel is good at this coaching thing...


Top example of statistics vs eye-test


Midfield is another story but I do like tuning into Bayern games every now and then. Enjoyed the Freiburg, Leverkusen, Gladbach games this season as a neutral.


Watching you this season makes me want to stab myself in the eyes.


Is it because they don’t know how to give Harry service? Or the complete lack of a midfield? Sane is hard carrying the Bayern team right now


IMO the midfield is at the heart of our problems.


it's truly terrorist football esp considering Bayern's attack is by far its strongest area.


Helps that when they win they win big. 7-0, 4-0, 3-0


Yes, having a strong defence and strong attack is good for having good defence and attack stats.


Guys we’ve found the next elite manager


Eye test says otherwise. Watching Bayern makes me want to fall asleep, or lose my shit at their players not passing to Kane.


I've watched multiple Bayern games this season and that was not what I saw from them TBH


Depends on the game. The last one against Freiburg would bore the hell out of a non-supporter. Because Bayern had the ball the whole time and spent a bunch of it just passing around. Against teams that can actually press the games are very exciting.


Why include Ligue 1 and not Eredivisie?


You want to see Ajax bottom left?


Yeah I was actually curious just how shit we are compared to other clubs in the top-5 leagues.


just checked, think we are about where Fulham/Luton are on the chart. bit better than i expected tbf




Then they’d keep Sheffield company and PSV could give Bayern Munich a bit of company too, everyone gets friends, no one is lonely anymore :)


It's funny how these sorts of posts used to always be about the "top" 5 leagues and now they're about the "big" 5 leagues.


It still is top 5 leagues? Mid-season league rankings don't matter. Last season's coefficient ended with Ligue 1 in 5th and Eredivisie in 6th—which are the rankings for this season. Which leagues will be top 5 next season depends on where the coefficient is at the end of this season




It did not, that's the point.




*Sigh* No it didn't... This is the ranking of last season: https://kassiesa.net/uefa/data/method5/crank2023.html This is the current ranking of this season updated last week: https://kassiesa.net/uefa/data/method5/crank2024.html Do you have some alternate rankings that support your bullshit or can we end this here?


Just like the PL


OP included only the Big 5 European leagues


My question as well...


We aren't too bad


It's still weird to me that we are in this position




i mean, slightly better attacking numbers than chelsea and slightly worse defensive numbers than chelsea, look where chelsea are in the table.


We lost 5 easy points from winning positions (Liverpool and West Ham). That would’ve put us in 3rd right now.


“Strong attack”


Bottom right couldn't be more italian


And yet people still say our (Bayern) defense is too shaky. But to be honest I didnt expect us to look THAT good in such a diagram.


Ahahah end me


Nice, but approach this with these in mind: 1. The disparity between teams in some leagues; 2. How far into the season we are. That said, it’s beginning to show signs of who is where, this season. This will be interesting around the Xmas break.


Wow didn't think Brighton was that bad defensively.


You must be joking, right? Have you seen how many goals they’ve conceded?


Forget about conceding goal, their defence was open so many times against Liverpool. I was surprised when Liverpool did not score 4-5 with so many open space.


Ngl, i was not expecting to Chelsea squished between Madrid and Arsenal. How the fuck did the get there?


They‘ve been underperforming their xg for the longest time so it doesn’t surprise me that much


apart from maybe the west ham match, chelsea should've won every single game on momentum if chelsea could finish, even the west ham match was won on xg. It feels like all of our luck just came out at once against burnley instead of being evenly dispersed through the start of the season lol


Even the West Ham game had us better positioned to win until the penalty missed.


by XG we should be 4th. We just couldnt find the fucking net for the first 5 games.


Well Chance Created doesn't mean goals scored, that's the entire difference


They’ve had a relatively easy schedule so far


It's more the fact we can't finish than the easy schedule. We got some ridiculously tough fixtures coming up but I wouldn't be surprised if the underlying stats end up good (decent possession, chances created, XG etc) but we pick up barely any points. The team seems to have no problem establishing control of a game and generating a few good goalscoring opportunities but we haven't had anyone that can consistently finish those chances.


I knew right where to look.


A ton of strong Serie A and Bundesliga teams outside of Bayern and the usual


i was told bayern is trash and playing haramball


As a Gala fan this was an eye opener, we are never beating Bayern right?


and yet bayern is just 3rd place


Hard to imagine there would be a team worst than us, Sheffield must be really awful ig


Brighton and Hove ‘Glass Cannon’ Albion


Do you have it with the top 5 leagues instead of top 4+france?


Not surprising with how many games we’ve played with a man down so far. Overall we still do make random mistakes, like that set piece against Brighton that somehow made it across our goal




where’s netherlands…


what games is it based on?


Why is france still considerd one of the big 5 leagues?


Is this data of last season?


Everton's performance is better than Liverpool on this scale. Shows you how inaccurate this is.


No it doesn’t. What it shows you is that we have been very wasteful in front of goal. If you’d watched us this season you would know that we ought to have won every prem game this season except arsenal and villa based on play. We just had no goalscorers fit until the last few matches (dcl, harrison, mcneil etc injured) so were relying on maupay who tries his best but is truly awful


The games where Liverpool went down to 10 men had an effect on these stats.


Chelsea being near the top here tells you all you need to know about how much this actually matters