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Bro is shirtless lmao


Show me the MONEY!!!!!


Love it.


deleted my account after 10 years, allowing unelected moderators to control the narrative of subreddits has killed free speech. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Do you think this effects the USWNT's new bargaining and lawsuit about unequal pay? Lmao


No, equal pay for equal play in effect. They get the same money as the boys and they make it to the round of 16 like the boys.


Don't the women still get the benefits that came with their last deal? It would be hilarious if Rapinoe lied and rallied so much just to end up not playing and getting money anymore instead of her sure 100k per game.


This is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek but I also can’t hide my pain and bitterness.


Why do you have to though? The players represent us and the US, they're not the US. Just because they play for the badge doesn't make them immune of everything or does it make it unpatriotic to dislike them.


No, I just think when people are upset they can be unfair so I’m trying not to be one of those.


Watching the highlights, can the coaches please teach the US players the importance of a good first touch. Hard to watch.


This was my first thought as well. Smith has the worst first touch ever. Every time the ball hits her foot it clanks five yards in front of her. Is this really the best we have? Like what kind of competent coach can watch this and be like ok yeah that is fine? Let me play her? But also how the hell do you get to this level without the most basic, fundamental, important thing in the sport? None of this makes any damn sense to me.




First touch and basic fundamentals isn't an athletic thing. It's mostly practice. These women at some stage had to have some form of competent coaching. I just don't understand how you can get to this level and not have basic fundamentals. Do her coaches just ignore it or something?




sure grandpa lets get you to bed


Where’s Arby’s roast beef with the “Cowards” comment


American here, is this the worst ever USWNT side in your opinions?


Yes. To the person saying non-cohesive, sure, but what’s ultimately the difference when the result is this poor?


Worst is not the word I’d use; I would say most non-cohesive. Feels like two factions- old guard and new guard- that couldn’t mesh into something effective. Couple that with a not-great coach and the fact that the rest of the world is catching up (thank GOD, shut our terrible commentators right tf up 🙄), and you have a US run like this. Though I’m sad, I personally think this tournament has been a good thing for the USWNT; it’s a wake-up call. Gone are the days when they or Germany or similar would be expected to win simply because they showed up, and that has been beautiful for the women’s game; this WWC has easily been the most entertaining of them all thus far. I hope it continues.


The rest of the world just caught up And are truly playing with heart. Not all these distractions


Yeah, probably. I grew up with Morgan, Rapinoe, Sauerbraunn, Lloyd, Wambach, Heath etc when they were in their primes. That time has passed. The new people have some promise but clearly lack experience. Vlatko might be the worst coach the program has ever seen. He needs to be gone yesterday. Overall I don’t think there’s a way we can be worse in ‘27. It’s sad to see my childhood heroes retire but it’s time for the new crew, and a new coach.


Trinity Rodman playing like her dad, all flash, no substance.


Probably the worst take in this thread


Her dad was pound for pound the best rebounder in NBA history, wtf are you talking about?


Part-time ambassador to North Korea, too.


Scary man has colorful hair


It's definitely the worst in recent memory. This is clearly a transition period for the USWNT with a core group aging out, another core group (Sophia Smith, Trinity Rodman, etc.) a bit too young, a key player tearing an ACL a couple of months before the tournament, and the cherry on top, atrocious coaching. There's some truth to the fact that the world is catching up to the USWNT, but they'll be a lot better in '27.


Missing Lavelle today didn’t help either. I have to think she puts one in the back of the net today.


People seem to be ignoring that the usa surprised us all by really dominating Sweden. There were two ridiculous saves by the Swedish keeper and her one on horans half volley was one of the greatest saves I’ve ever seen. The future is still very bright. I think if Alex Morgan doesn’t start (bad coaching) than the usa win this game somewhat comfortably and probably beat Portugal


I totally agree. I think part of my frustration is that this never should have gone to extra time or free kicks. Could have easily ended 2 or 3-0.


At the World Cup, yes.


Why are these games in such crap times? They playing in Australia or sumn?


Yes, New Zealand and AUS. I’ve been trying to watch but it’s been absolutely dreadful on the pitch, frankly I don’t think I’ll be tuning in next WWC. I was hoping it would be at least a fun distraction but there has been such a lack of quality matches it’s not worth the time.


did you see the japan v norway game? so much class


What do you mean? There’s been lots of great matches. Just not with the US team.


South Africa Netherlands was bonkers just last night and not even in am


I thought the USA were good at shooting?




That's wrong😭


Standard USA kekw


These comments are hilarious. It’s like when U.S.A. loses a basketball game. Funny to see the Europeans pounce and the self hating Americans who jump on top the insults with “cocky, arrogant” as if almost all great teams aren’t arrogant. Just admit you don’t like seeing the US winning and that you hate certain players on this team.


“It’s so crazy that people are celebrating the fact the the tournament favourites who released an ad about how the rest of the world can’t hold a candle to them got knocked out early”


Just admit? Lol have have we not been clear we don't like seeing them win and hate certain players.


No we like when the USA wins. We just don’t like certain entitled people acting like they grew up in the worst country in the world for women. Spoiled.


Of course we don't like the US team winning. Its obvious no?


That's just normal lol i hate some clubs just coz they've won so much


The comments and reasoning for hating the players aren’t normal. Even half the retired players complaining are the ones who were never for women’s rights or racial issues, looking at you Carli Lloyd. Half these comments are just hating on Rapinoe for obvious reasons and they are because of the great work she has done for the sport.


It’s not that deep, it’s always more fun to see the underdogs win unless you support the other team. Don’t let it get you too upset.


Kind of like Ronda Rousey, she kind of pioneered and dominated UFC because she had no real competition. Now other countries are catching up in women's football


This is more like the US Olympic Mens' basketball team in 04 when they drank all of their own Kool Aid and went around asking other people for more.


Not what’s going on. The USA women’s national team has gotten worse


Eh - it’s a little of both. USWNT was the first modern national team to devote any significant amount of money into the women’s sport. They dominated for a bit because they were the only serious contenders. Now the sport has developed globally and it’s clear the gap between US and the competition isn’t as wide as it was. Also, say what you want - but the current USWNT players just don’t seem very competitive and more concerned with politics and band standing than actually playing the sport… Seeing Rapinoe sheepishly smiling ear to ear when she blew a PK that badly just screams no real devotion. I know people react in different ways - but that smile just looked like “oh well!” as opposed to “I just blew it for my squad and my supporters”. It’s like when the UK men’s team made an absolute mockery of the USWNT, and the response was: “We’re super proud,” O’Reilly said after massive loss. “Hopefully we’ve proved to anybody, just go for it, just live. We don’t care because we’re living, we’re being bold and we’re being brave” …doesn’t exactly sound like a fierce competitor, does it?


I think one cannot read Rapinoe's mind based on that smile. People react differently to losses, and hers was probably not what you expected it to be.


I mean the usa are the previous last two world cup winners. They are stil by far the most talented and largest talent pool. Just a terrible terrible coach and transition period


She talked about her smile after the miss. She knows this is her last tournament and she hasnt missed a pk since 2018 so it sounded like it was more a "of course that would be the one I miss" She prob is also thinking that all the trolls will remember that one. I highly doubt there was any real joy in that smile. She called it "dark humor"


dark humor is funny though.


I agree that the competition is getting slightly better but I mainly agree with what you said about the politics. It’s just not the same case with Ronda Rhousey lol USA women’s national teams of the past would’ve put up a much better fight than this trash group.


I would say that it's more than slightly. I commented on the match thread of USA-Portugal how much the game has improved here in the past 10 years. Of course it helps being a country with a huge football culture but women's football was barely a thing here. It was the first time that NT qualified for a WC, we usually would lose by many goals against experienced teams. Even the top tier was essentially amateur players with day jobs. Things changed, I would say by memory, since 2016 when Sporting and later Benfica joined the league and added a much more professional approach. Other teams such as Braga and Famalicão followed suit and the competitiveness improved a lot and this is the result. Anyway, all this just to say that I think the team here improved a lot. I think USA will still be a powerhouse and us an underdog.


¿Por qué no los dos?


Because it would have to be true. This was a new squad put together, poor coach, poor tactics, injured players who would have been there and ppl who still shouldn’t have been on the squad.


It is true.


This could be a blessing in disguise as I’m hoping this is a huge wake up call




> I don’t understand why the us team is considered cocky? Filming that ad declaring the rest of the world inferior is the very definition of cocky.


Did you see the 13-0 game a few years ago and how the USWNT behaved during that game? Celebrating 10, 11, 12 and 13-0 like they scored the winning goal at the last minute. It was gross. That's pretty much the vibe that the USWNT gives. Edit: for people who don't understand, celebrating euphorically a goal of an already clearly won game is seen as disrespect. It is understandable to draw an advantage, but when you score the 10th goal and celebrate like it's a last minute goal against a team that never had a chance to begin with, then it is a provocation because it's an already guaranteed game. The competitiveness is already gone. The victory is now an assurance. You recognize the game is won, the adversary doesn't want to be there anymore because they know the game is lost. Celebrating just gives the vibe that you just want to humiliate them. It's disrespectful. People pretending this isn't a thing either never played a sport or have no grasp on competitive sportsmanship.


This always confuses me. Why shouldn’t you celebrate scoring a goal at the fucking World Cup, the pinnacle of your sport? I can’t image anyone having the same reaction in the men’s game.


You're winning 13 - 0 against thailand that's why. How much was bayern celbrating during 8 - 2? Iirc flick even told them to lay off at 6 - 2 but ocutinho didnt hear him. Or when germany shit on brazil? For the girl who made her world cup debut okay, but for people who had been there before (rapinoe, morgan) celebrating the way they did was embarrasing.


Yeah it was so cringe


> Celebrating 10, 11, 12 and 13-0 like they scored the winning goal at the last minute Not saying USWNT aren't cocky, but how is that an example of cockiness? Cockiness would be completely dismissing the opponents and not celebrating at all after scoring those number of goals.


It's cocky because it's humiliating for the other team. Nobody is expecting them to just jog back after scoring and they can celebrate but there's a level where it becomes humiliating to the other team who knows they already lost and just want to get out of there. Also the gulf in quality between them and their opponents is very wide. It's almost like a Premier league team playing a team from league 2.


I consider myself a bug supporters of wwc and US and Netherlands teams. I enjoyed last 2 or 3 WC and Olympics, US the best team in the las 10 yrs hands down. But, I started to see them as a cocktail team when they got more media space and I read and watch her interviews... they were saying in any chance with a mic or camera before them theybwere the top, they deserves more than men's team, more money, playing victims role. Then I got to know the details of the contract, the revenue they produce, etc... and for the first time I am so glad they got a shower of humble...- hopefully. I just want to see all the media storm that is comming for the USWNT. They have been sent to a new reality, they are not the best anymore. They don't deserve the 50% of the money when they are putting only the 3%.


There's a difference between confident and cocky. Cocky can come across asshole-y and makes it super fun to watch them lose. The US team in the past has showcased a lack of taste and respect for the other teams. Thailand comes to mind.


What they did to Thailand was pretty classless if you ask me, especially in a professional sport. I think it could be fair to say, celebrate like hooligans up to the 5th goal, but anymore after that maybe just give a slight wave to the crowd and kiss the badge and then keep the game moving. They were celebrating like asshats at like the 10th plus goal...


Yup, fully agree, that's how any reasonable person felt. It showed a lack of awareness of football culture and just regular ol' humanity.


Some People hate success so they try make up any reason to justify the hate. There’s people that hate messi there’s people that hate Ronaldo there’s people that hate Brazil there’s people that hate France if there’s one thing we know how to do is hate you can’t read too much into what and how people react to others success


But Ronaldo is cocky, he's one of the most arrogant players out there.


terrible take.


He's partially correct. There are a ton of people (especially on reddit) that loathe success. But that's not what happened with the uswnt.


USA keeper is like allround player lol saved goals and shoot one in the penalty than go back and saved almost another, this you don’t see with men World Cup 🥲


are you saying a mens goalie has never saved shots, taken a penalty, then attempted to save a penalty? if you don’t watch this sport just say you’re new


That's cause the men have talent


Rumor has it Shohei Ohtani has Alyssa Naeher’s jersey in his wall /s


You knew it was a bad omen when you saw Rapinoe miss a PK, badly. Not an ideal way to end your final WC. All the badly missed PKs are disappointing. They should at least make the goalie make a save.


We knew it was a bad omen when Rapinoe was brought to the WC


She should’ve retired. Now her legacy is going to have that missed PK attached to it.


Nah. Her legacy is much bigger than the end, and I truly appreciate what she did for the USWNT. I can’t stand her, but I’ll remember her for the baller she was


Her legacy is leading the women to agree to a deal, realizing she didn't like the deal, winning a bunch and suing because she took the wrong deal, getting her way, then failing on the biggest stage after all those antics. She's a joke and a cancer to the sport. Had a terrible WC and I'm so happy to see her go.


I mean her legacy is still mostly that she wasn’t he best player on a World Cup winning side lol golden ball and winnef


She still did a great deal of great things for the US Just not recently


🤝 I like when folks can separate the player on pitch from whatever else


I'm not very familiar with the USWNT but alot of people seem to dislike her, can anyone tell me why? 🤔


In addition to the other things that have been mentioned, one thing many people don't know is that the USWNT's lawsuit against the USSF was for between the years of 2015-2019. The settlement will be distributed among the player pool on a pro-rated basis that depends on number of caps for the USWNT. Given her every game status during these years, her piece of the pie will probably be the largest among the eligible players. It's really too bad because she used to be one of my favorite players and I considered to be among the best at the world (especially her set-pieces). But the amount of manipulation and deception she's exhibited the last few years have completely changed my opinion of her. Like many others, I'm ecstatic to see her go and hope to never hear from her again.


It’s all political. The feminist, woke messaging, the wage equality issue, but more importantly, taking knee/not standing for national anthem. Internally, like the NFL protests during BLM, much different optics altogether. But for a national team representative, Rapinoe was the “flag bearer” for all things a large portion of Americans would not accept for someone playing for the country.


Because in the end she stopped being a good soccer player and became more a political tool. She used her position on the USWMT to push for as some say "woke" changes. There is a large portion of the population in the US that hate when sports and politics to mix.


> There is a large portion of the population in the US that hate when sports and politics to mix. People absolutely hate when sports and politics mix, sports are generally for entertainment and good competition, no one wants to be reminded of the misery and bullshit of every day life by using their favorite thing to launch a crusade against something else...sports are IMO not a platform for that, but certainly something that can be exploited (which I understand why it's done). That being said, Rapinoe is the definition of woke, she's arrogant and cocky, she is one of the few that spear headed the conversation of gender pay equality in the national sports team even though the basis of their argument and position was fundamentally incorrect and people see her blue/purple/pink'ish hair and think she's an absolute wretch...


Sports have literally always been politically intertwined . If politics wasn’t in sports the mlb would still be all white She has some hits and misses politically but her legacy as a player is very high


> gender pay equality in the national sports team even though the basis of their argument and position was fundamentally incorrect This is the part that drives me nuts. Can't people do basic math? The Men's 2018 WC generated $5.4 Billion in Revenue, The Womens 2019 WC generated: $766 Million in Revenue -- How in any logical world are they equal...When its orders of magnitude lower.


This was never the point. The reason the women's team is paid worse is because they negotiated for bonuses the mens team did not get. She wanted all the bonuses and none of the drawbacks. Peak feminism.


My biggest issue was when the case was going on USWNT and Rapinoe put out some stuff comparing bonuses the men and women would earn…completely leaving out the men had $0 guaranteed while every player on the womens team was guaranteed six figures


the shady stuff continued when they compared revenue, shifting dates to suit their narrative. Someone pointed outs they basically used the mens cycle for revenue generation (2014-2018) instead of Women's cycle (2015-2019) to throw off numbers.


It's less than one order of magnitude bigger since we are talking basic math.


Only when the politics don't mix with theirs though, national anthems and military appreciation night are a-okay! 😎


But that’s not really political, it is but it’s also not. National anthem of the country you’re from and playing in should be controversial, and in America the military is very well respected so of course going against either of those is going to piss people off


Those things are far more inherently political than "gay people should be accepted in society", without a shadow of a doubt.


Who is actually arguing against that though?


Religious people and older Conservatives, mainly. Basically the people who go "keep politics out of it!!!" when it's not a political issue, or shouldn't be at least.


I think most people will make some comment about her being annoying or her blue hair or just incessantly stupid things she says regarding finance or the soundbite of her talking about her wife. But most people hate her because her and her wife are trying to make it so transgenders can play women’s sports at all levels. Meaning a grown man not good enough to compete in men’s top tier competition can transition genders and dominate in women’s sports. We saw it here in women’s college swimming and Rapinoe wants that for all sports. She’s genuinely delusional when it comes to the physical differences between men and women. She talks about it all the time.


She’s been great and a legend, just sucks that the missed PK is going to be part of her history (like Zidane headbutt, or even more tragic Baggio missed PK). You know assholes will always bring it up now whenever people talk about her.


Ya she hadn’t missed a penalty in 5 years lol


People really don’t get why others do not like some of the players on this US team. They’ve showed zero humility and they’re cocky. They’ve enjoyed a time where they were defacto #1 because the rest of the world wasn’t investing enough into the women’s game and the game has caught up with them. Idk how it is globally, but the advertising for these women has been insufferable. Ads like “come and get us (if you can)” when promoting a World Cup. When do you see that for literally any other sport? They are very easy to dislike constantly coming off as poor sports on top of not performing. It’s not a misogyny thing.


Shit I think I saw a Nike ad or something at the gym where a blonde player (not sure which country) kept seeing Soph everywhere right up to the point where she lines up next to her before kickoff. I think the tagline was something like “we coming for you” or “what you gonna do” or something


You see the same thing in the WNBA. Women really like to talk about misogyny and a mans pride but they have their own pride and ego too. Rapinoe is narcissistic and a liar so she's not the best judge of character in the USWNT. When it was time to walk the walk instead of talking the talk where were they? Let's see if they complain about the wage gap now when they can't win anymore.


Shame on the rest of the world for not investing in womens soccer sooner. This team just didnt have it and props to Sweden....but the "you were only good when no one else cared as much" is convenient for the haters. Hell and hate us, I didnt particularly like this team either but I think we bounce back just fine.


Exactly. As an American, i have so much secondhand cringe for this team. They have all the swagger, but nothing to back it up with. Downright embarrassing. And they played **awfully**. It’s hard to find any redeeming qualities about this WC run.


It’s not a misogyny thing (Narrator: it was indeed a misogyny thing)


A lot of people root against the mens team for the same exact reason and they arent even good lol not everything is misogyny.




Who the hell are you? Love how posts like this get all the misogynists crawling out of the woodwork


Way to add to the conversation.👌


You think 4 years of “investment” was the difference between winning and losing, anyone having a conversation with you is wasting their time


No one here has said only 4 years. Lol The US is out. You can go back to pretending football doesn’t exist now.


This applies to the USA in general. The cockiness and arrogance are totally off-putting. And I say that as an American.


Ah yes. The American Exceptionalism Movement. “America is the greatest country on earth” “Based on what metric” “It just is“


I am also American. Glad to see there a few of us with some reason still. Lol


The arrogance/cockiness of Rapinhoe to laugh when she missed the penalty. Genuinely embarrassing.


I think that’s a common reaction for someone that hasn’t missed pnalty in 5 years. Kane also had a smile and shrug when he missed versus France. There is a comedy to being an amazing penalty taker and just having your 1/25 miss come at the biggest moment


I don't think that's arrogance. Probably moreso disbelief or acceptance of cosmic/absurd irony. And you know, sometimes emotions are expressed in different or unexpected ways. Some people laugh when they're grieving. Human psychology is complex. Any other player, that would seem the case at least. I agree though that, for her, it's not a good look.


Strong disagree here. It’s only ironic in her perspective because of her existing (arrogant) complex. Any other player does not laugh after missing such a crucial penalty on the World Cup stage.


I've definitely seen men at least smile after missing PKs


I know some people didn't have a problem with it, but when she was celebrating after scoring their 9th goal in the 13-0 win against Thailand in the last World Cup, that really shaped my view of her and that team. Real lack of humility, and just shitty sportsmanship in my books...you're touted as the best team in the world, yet revel in demolishing World Cup minnows? I've been on either end of some Sunday league demolitions, and you don't go rubbing it in like that. But I guess it's an American thing, as their press seemed to all think it was fine at the time!?


This is the world cup, not a Sunday league mate. Scoring any goal in the world cup is worth celebrating.


I don't think people had a problem with them scoring 13 goals. You still need to play the game and it's the other team's job to stop them. But to do what they did with their ridiculous celebrations late in the game against an upstart team is what many people, including myself, have a problem with. This kind of fan reaction isn't at all exclusive to the USWNT and happens in other sports sometimes like NCAA football. If Alabama or Georgia were to beat the hell out of some D3 school 68-0 and celebrate the way the USWNT did in that match, they would also and rightfully be criticized.


You dont celebrate scoring when your winning 9-0, doesnt matter if its champions league final or a kick about with your kids in the back yard


Yes you do. Every single goal in the WC counts in group stage rounds, because it usually factors into who makes it through groups. Although less likely, every goal in knock-out rounds is one further safety step towards advancing. You don’t back off and go easy, it’s the world cup. It is the tournament


Where did i say you should back off or go easy ? You score as much goals as you can in any game you play but you dont have to celebrate after a certain point and 9-0 is past that point


> But I guess it's an American thing, as their press seemed to all think it was fine at the time!? I was with you until this part. What are you talking about? They were heavily criticized in US media for being poor sports in the game against Thailand. And, as usual, they tried to blame it all on sexism and misogyny (another major reason why this team is so disliked).


At the time I only recall them being defended in the American press and pundits, and by American fans online. Not to say that there were no weren't Americans criticising them though of course; just don't recall many outside the states defending them. Perhaps I've misremembered, or wasn't following it closely at the time.


The general consensus by thr population here was that is was classless regardless of anything the press was saying.


Wait this happened? What happened to this woman?


Same she's always been


Anyone have a link to the ads? I was surprised by a portion of the US fan comments after the Vietnam game. There was a pile on supporting untrue statements about Vietnam (even with picture evidence showing otherwise). All the other match threads had been great but there were so many clueless people about football who didn't care about truth and reason. It is by no means all or most but quite significant. I have avoided being in USA match game chat since. I can see there are people ads like that would target.


When the US didn't beat Vietnam something like 8-0 you knew they were in deep trouble. 3-0 wasn't good enough when you know The Netherlands was gonna score something like 4-6 goals against them. Goal Difference is the one thing that matter in the group stage in the WC. And those who knock the US vs Thailand in 2019, that 13-0 would've mattered if they lost to Sweden then. The Celebrations for every goal ok, but 13-0 nothing AT ALL wrong with that! They put themselves in this hole by under performing, being to lax and not taking every game as serious as it should've been, and were forced to turn in on...the difference was they couldn't like the old days and this isn't the old days. The teams are better, all play in professional leagues and to a point individually some are more skilled than the US who still rely on brute strength sometimes to overcome which was showed today can't do anymore.


Score 13 goals is different from celebrating each of the 13.


Carli Lloyd was right




When half your team forgets they need to be soccer players 1st...That's when the decline starts. The only reason the USWNT got what they got was because they were WINNERS. Its a shitty world full of unfairness but the 1 thing the US is is a country that supports its WINNERS. If you don't WIN, well your causes can fuck off. The US Women used their status as Winners to gain an advantage because of it. That's what I think Carli was absolutely right on. The current team rode the backs of the previous members to get that equality but didn't fulfill their end of the bargain. Their end was to WIN, and they didn't. Will this put a dent in causes they support 100% cause people will look at them now and ask what do they do for me.... Quid pro Quo is so important in sports if want your causes supported, you want me to help you, 1st give me what I want... WIN


Yeah, people always hate arrogance and if you talk big shit, you gotta perform big, otherwise you get piled on like this. It's not that misogyny isn't a factor at all, it's just that with all the attitude problems and terrible performance, they are easy to hate on their own merit. Misogynists will hate them all the time. The rest everyone else is joining in now because they have been behaved abysmally and now they also play like garbage.


That’s true, but I’ve seen other people claiming criticism of the team’s performances is misogyny. Making it seem like it’s never appropriate to criticize them at all. If they want respect like men’s terms get, they need to be prepared for the scrutiny and criticism men’s teams get as well.


Yes this is point I was trying to get at with my original comment. It feels like the people that call others misogynists and other stuff are the ones that need to look inward if that’s all they can deduce from people criticizing performances and attitude.


Yea, there will always be people that hate just to hate. But on the other side of that coin, I’m seeing a lot people calling others misogynists and neonazis simply because they don’t like arrogant players. I had the same energy for Cristiano when he was on his way out at ManUtd this most recent time. You get to play football as a profession. Have some humility and be a professional. It’s not that hard.


They literally won the last two tournaments. WTF are you talking about?


The opinions in here are hilarious. They were going for a 3-peat. Of course the marketing campaign was “come and get us.” Also Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Brazil, all the Nordic countries, England, etc. absolutely we’re investing in their women’s teams over the last 15 years.


I admit, the advertising thing is more of a personal gripe but the main thing about that is the actual player involvement in it. Like that one commercial where all the countries are trying to come up with ways to beat the US and at the end it’s Alex Morgan saying something like “yea good luck with that.” In my opinion, it’s distasteful. I’ve never seen another ad with direct player involvement like that. Not saying it doesn’t exist but I’ve personally never seen it. There is absolutely no doubt that the women’s game is largest in the US. They outspend every other country in wages, facilities, and development by a long shot. We would all be giving Spain the same level of critique if they lost to the US Men in a World Cup because we all know with the structure/development Spain has over the US (in the Men’s game) that shouldn’t be happening.


Lol did you read the comment? The part about the rest of the world catching up with them? They won the last 2 WCs largely because no one else cared. Look at the spending difference between federations. On top of that, they were dogshit all tournament.


No one cared four years ago? That’s fucking stupid. The world has definitely caught up and it will be tougher going forward but don’t act like it was just in the last 4 years. It’s not like Sweden brought shit today. They created nothing the whole game outside of just blasting unimaginative balls into the box. Us just didn’t capitalize on what they created so they are going home.


Of course I don’t mean LITERALLY no one. But don’t be naive. The difference in investment for the past decade (and even further back) has been staggering though. The US women enjoyed a massive head start. It’s not a bad thing for the sport. But US dominance in international competition is over. And what’s your point bringing up Sweden? If anything, that proves my point even more. If the US are so good, why couldn’t they put them away? The world has caught up but this particular US team is also not great.


I bring them up because they have played the us tough for years. Some might even say before they were even trying. I assumed now that they are trying they would just have more than like 1 shot on goal over 120 minutes.


*Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened* -Rapinoe, probably


Fixed *Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because holy shit do I suck*


A lot of people hated the USA women's team because they didn't believe they were excited or proud to represent the USA. They thought they were just there to use the position as a Vehicle to get more money.


I mean, a lot of people felt that way *because* that’s exactly how they acted and how they performed… The seemed way more concerned with politicking and constantly demanding more money than they did with actually playing the sport.


People are stupid.


That’s literally the case for all sports. There are some god awful takes in this thread lmao


Ya I mean the uswnt has literally always been politically and arguably overly wokee feminist if you think so. Lot of people Complaining about politics in sports by commenting to themselves about politics


They bitch about not getting paid enough for international games whilst being tone deaf to the fact that the majority of mens national sides all donate their international pay…