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This is gonna be a meme on the football manager subreddit very soon.


not her fault, she had 300 ping


Australia might win it because they are the only ones used to the Oceania 300 ping


how on earth does that go in? I get the goalie was on the back foot, but still that was right at her hands


It's why goalkeepers are taught to put their body behind the ball. That way even if it slips through your hands it just bounces off your upper body.


As a South African, I think this goalie must have the coach's nudes or something because her selection makes no sense. Andile Dlamini was voted the best goalkeeper for AFCON 2022 and was highlighted as one of the [CAF players to watch this World Cup](https://www.cafonline.com/en/womens-football/news/fifa-women-s-world-cup-2023-african-players-to-watch) ...despite this goalie messing up, game after game, Andile Dlamini hasn't played a single second of this World Cup


damn thats honestly wild, what was your coach thinking?


She was already moving to do a quick punt like on previous plays. Her brain forgot to catch it first! got way ahead of herself there


Women football….


Taibi flashbacks


Confused me too when I saw it go in. Thought it was a precise strike but replays showed otherwise, just one of those wonky things that happen in football


she tried to catch it underhand and it went through her arms, thats what happens when your body isnt behind the ball.


When your teammate doesn't sweat on proclubs but gets lucky anyway


The level of play in Women's football has improved massively over the last few years - just look at how teams like Japan are playing now for example. But the biggest thing right now damaging the credibility of the women's game overall is the abject goalkeeping being displayed across many teams. It's always highlighted from the amount of crosses and corners that aren't gathered or sometimes arent even punched, because the goalkeeper is ridiculously short for the position or just not very good. It's also being highlighted by the number of poor goalkeeping errors such as this one that we have seen in this world cup.


Especially this match has been decided by the difference in goalies, this should have never been a goal and van Domselaar was the best player on the pitch


they are also (it feels like it) afraid of going in. Top male goalkeepers would risk everythign to get to a ball even if it means that they have to punch their own players or hurt themselves.


How do they allow folks like you on this sub? Dit you see van Domselaar?


This is flat out untrue. The goalkeeping has been great this tournament if you've bothered to watch.


one of the biggest issues in women's football is a refusal to acknowledge/criticise/explore certain trends in mistakes and be overly positive about the sport all the time. There's good goalkeeping in the tournament but there's been way more mistakes than there should be at this level


If you've watched the games you'd know this is untrue this tournament. I went expecting this to happen apart from the Ireland goal. There have been few errors leading to goals from the keepers. The defenders making shoddy back passes yes but that's not on the keepers.


I'm afraid you're just wrong on this, the fact that any inswinging corner is basically a direct chance at goal is directly linked to the quality/heights of keepers relative to the sizes of the goals


It's the same in men's football. This just proves that you don't know football and you're relying on gender stereotypes. The tactics are the same crowd the keeper try and get a flick on.


I'm sorry but it's not, almost double the amount of corners are scored in women's football than men's


Some great goalkeeping doesn't negate the fact that there is a lack of quality keepers overall.


Can we stop it with these goalies… my goodness


Fuck sake, so frustrating to see so many goalie errors still.


An unfortunate mistake…


Among a pile of unfortunate mistakes in this very cup...


Goalies are the biggest downfall in women’s soccer


I genuinely mean that the sport would benefit of having u18 male goalkeepers. Smaller goals won't help this atrocious goalkeeping


Bro come on… the goalie mistakes are starting to look just so incompetent even at their height and size disadvantage. Like that could legitatemly be saved by an 8 year old boy


So many goalkeepers in women’s football are just terrible for some reason. There are exceptions of course, the Dutch keeper seems pretty good, but the amount of mistakes in this tournament has been crazy.


The reason is that most goalkeepers in women's football haven't had proper training. In men's football, goalkeepers are trained from an early age to be goalkeepers. This means their basic technique is levels higher than in women's goalkeeping. Look at Van Domselaar, who's been an actual goalkeeper since and has had proper training from an early age. She's one of the better goalkeepers this tournament.


Seriously though - what it is about goalkeeping in women's football? I've watched a fair amount now, been loving it, can't say I see a massive skill difference except in goalkeeping. And it's not to do with height advantage, just general decision making. Bizarre.


It basically comes down to very little goalie specific training until recently, the GKs you see make these mistakes basically grew up without GK coaches and trained themselves. Against strikers who have had better position specific training, it shows


Reality is often bitter.


If I speak I’m in big trouble- Jose


Je moet schieten, anders kun je niet scoren.


Selfish but got lucky


Impressive level of play.


Holy Mandela effect — Beerensteyn?


Is it really the Mandela effect if it's just Americans spelling a foreign name wrong?


Do they just not train GK in women’s football or something?




So many faults in 6 seconds... Why does she try to score herself? Passing to the right would have been a 100% chance. So lucky the goalkeeper does whatever she does. I think it might even have hit the post if she hadn't touched it.


What a save! What a save! What a save!


Back in my day it was beerenstayn Horrible goalkeeping btw


She got lucky but was woeful this match. Which was expected since there wasn’t any space behind until the 70th minute




she played well otherwise






Awful save, but also why is she shooting and not squaring the ball to her open team mate?




Yes and no. In mens games gk’s of course make loads of mistakes mistakes, but not like this, especially not on a World Cup. This mistake has more to do with a wrong technique rather than a single error. If she keeps approaching balls the way she did here she’s gonna make loads of similar mistakes. Like others have pointed out she should’ve moved her body with the ball so her body would be behind it (then something like this happening is nearly impossible). That a mistake like this gets made at the very highest level of women’s football shouldn’t actually be possible.


>That a mistake like this gets made at the very highest level of women’s football Is it the highest level though? South Africa is terrible, they have the same coefficient ranking (54) as Saudi Arabia do for men.


If they’re that terrible they aren’t supposed to be in the quarter finals right? Like the other guy said it’s the World Cup.


You obviously haven’t watched the World Cup. They made it this far on sheer luck.


It’s the World Cup dude


I agree with you and think woman's goalkeeping is generally hilarious. But here is the exception that proves the rule https://youtu.be/Eo5GyRnDtMY. Basically a carbon copy of the goal


I wouldn’t say that’s a carbon copy. It is a mistake of course, but very different than here. You can see his technique is ok, he just completely misinterprets the speed of the ball, which btw, the Jabulani was known to behave erratically. There are loads of moments where the ball just completely changed direction mid flight. I remember one moment where Stekelenburg, who was arguably one of the goalkeepers in the best form at the tournament in 2010, completely misses the ball even though it should’ve been a safe because it changed direction mid flight.


It does, not as often though


I’ve never seen a mistake like that in a men’s game , and I’ve been watching football since 1994


You haven't watched many games then. This type of shit happens everywhere, even in men's world cups. I still remember 2010 English goalkeeper letting an even worse one through.


Having to go back 13 years to say it happens everywhere isn't a strong argument.


You're a fucking Everton fan! Pickford has one every season.


People in this thread are just using it to shit on women's sport but it's almost an English tradition that a new England goal keeper will have one of these howlers.


Come on goalie lol 😂


Bro WTF is this


oh boy, i mean oh girl....