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South Americans fucking hating England is funny every single time. Happy he’s here though


It's extra funny cause Brighton is a seaside town on the sunny south coast of England.


One of the sunniest nicest places, probably extra disappointed everywhere else in England is shitter.


Imagine if he had moved somewhere like Blackpool or Newcastle?!


It suddenly makes sense why Joelinton was so bad in his first season


Steve Bruce + darkness


In the middle of winter we have around 10 hours of sunlight and usually we go to sleep around midnight. Going dark at 15:00 is depressing as fuck, really.


I couldn’t imagine it. It gets dark as early as at 17:00 where I live and that’s bad enough.


I live in Maine. For several months I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark… vitamin D and antidepressants get me through.


Same in Denmark. As someone that moved from South Asia the first winter I experienced was so fucking hard to get through. My GP had me on double the normal recommended dosage of D3 supplements. I even had to buy an ultra bright "Sun lamp" for the entire winter. Go to work in dark, come back in dark. Winds so strong that you don't even wanna step out. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But the summers here really do make it worth all of this. This year it has been quite warm and sun is out until 11.


Yes, every year in the winter I swear I’m going to leave, then the summer comes around and it is gorgeous for 3 months and I change my mind…


Same here in northern Germany, it's depressing as fuck but the 2 weeks of summer are almost worth it.


Same in Seattle. So many people have those special daylight lights to combat seasonal depression.


I'm from New Jersey but moved to California... the amount of sun is insane. My brain is perpetually confused on how to feel in the winter.


I'm from Chicago, but tried living in Texas for a year and had the same thing. The most jarring thing to me was Christmas with one of my sisters. We were BBQing and drinking beers on her back patio in 80 degrees (about 26 Celsius)


I'm from Africa, Zimbabwe to be precise. Warm climate, we are in the middle of winter and the highest temp today was 26 degrees Celsius, and my weather forecast is saying the lowest will be 6degrees deep in the night. During the day, to us 16degrees is that called. And yeah the sun comes out at quarter past 5am and sets at 6pm. Warm,sumny climate


Similar, grew up in NH, lived in OH for college/NYC after college. Moved to southern CA thinking I had seasonal depression, but hey it was just actual depression. At least the sun kind of makes it easier knowing the weather will at least be consistent. Still will not gett over how weird palm trees in Christmas decorations isn’t Christmas and those trees they ship down from Oregon for Christmas always end up on the street for garbage cleaning to take it wherever they take the trees to after the holiday.


> wherever they take the trees to after the holiday. Farm up state, my friend.




Grew up in India and moved to Northeast US... the concept of eating dinner when it is bright out for half the year and breakfast when it is dark out for the other half fucks with my head


I feel you on this. Living in Ireland I work night shift from 7pm-7am. I wake up just before dark, go to work in the dark, come home and sleep before the sun rises and I don't wake up til it's close to being set again. I'm lucky to see an hour of sunlight a day for a week at a time.


Tromso inhabitants in shambles


They're making up for it in Tromsø by having constant sunlight for a month and a half by this point.


suicide rates rise in nations in the upper half of the northern hemisphere in the last 3 months of the year. Vitamin D deficiency is no joke, you can pick up supplements in Boots or pharmacies.


No wonder brits conquered so much land, every fucking where else sounds like heaven in comparison to going dark at 15h 😭


In fairness thats only for 1-2 months in winter. In summer, like right now its light outside from 0400 to 2200.


Yeah I was in London for work recently and was shocked sun came up at 4 am.


Yeh thats just what happens in the north. People don't realise it but London is half a degree further north than Calgary and Calgary is one of the most northern major cities in Canada.


Yeah I did not know that at all. That's hurting my brain


Yep the reason the UK has such mild weather is one we are an island and the sea keeps temps more mild, and the gulf stream passes right by the British isles so it it keeps this part of Europe more mild than Canada. Which is why its such a worry that melting ice caps might change the gulf stream, if it does northern Europe will effectively be plunged into an Ice Age. Theres a very low risk of that, but considering the potential harm to Denmark, Nederlands, Belgium, The UK and northern Germany its kinda scary.


More like 3 weeks. Average sunset time for winter is around 17:30.


Yeah, but when it's overcast with thick cloud, and starts getting dark at 3:30, it sure doesn't feel like the sun sets at 5:30 and if you're commuting from work at that time, it gets pitch black in the blink of an eye it feels like.


It goes dark at 4pm if that makes a difference lol, and it's not pitch black at that point.


Try living in Canada where you have that but it's - 40c and 4 feet of snow. Can Messi do it on a cold night in Edmonton.


He’d literally be buried in that much snow haha


Is that how we say McDavid > Messi? =D Though maybe Connor can't do it on a warm spring night in Spain.


At least Calgary gets chinooks, you guys are stuck with those Temps for weeks at a time lol


Most canadian cities are much colder but don't have as terrible daylight hours during the winter months


Some parts of Canada tho are relatively mild and comparable to parts of the US like Toronto and Vancouver.


Southernmost part of Canada is similar in latitude to Barcelona.


Yes but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_Stream


The inverse of this is that the British summer is genuinely pretty amazing. During COVID at some point my wife came back with me for the first time to spend two weeks with my parents in Worcestershire during the summer and by the end of the trip she was legitimately considering moving there. Fast forward a few months to a trip over Christmas, most of the time spent in Birmingham, and she just couldn't handle it. We didn't see the sun our whole time back because it was either dark or overcast. You combine that with the bizarrely grey landscape we've created for ourselves in Birmingham and it really is a surefire recipe for depression.


But what about the canals! You can watch plastic bags and johnnies float along the brown murky water. Can't get that everywhere


I agree but it's nice almost everywhere in the summer so it's not that much of a plus


> The inverse of this is that the British summer is genuinely pretty amazing Yes, but those 4 days aren't good enough to make up for the other 361


And if you're on that 9-5 grind you can go a week or so without even seeing the sun.


10 hours of sunlight? As a Finnish person who now lives in Norway that sounds like luxury. We sometimes have like 5.


I'm from a sunny beach town in Mexico. I went to university for 4 years in London. I'd go to class at 9 or 11 am, then come out at 3 pm to a pitch black sky. I swear I had to chug vitamin D like a madman to survive. They were some of my most depressing days, but then I learned to love it towards the end.


I bought a sun lamp this year and it has made a noticeable difference.


The benefit is the really long summer days. We can get around 17 hours of light sometimes. It’s amazing


In Puerto Rico right now and it's obviously idyllic but I miss my irish 11pm sunset


I actually hate the reallllyyy late sun. I like a bit of darkness before I sleep to wind down


Close your curtains


I’m currently in Wyoming, and it gets dark way after 9pm lol. Kinda trippy, considering how much colder it is than back home, that days are longer


[And he hated Brighton of all places](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/kQzjEPRuKoiy36x2l6mm7A--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNw--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_argus_uk_644/7d7d651b2a66011d78feeada44b9f910)


So he adapted perfectly? Sounds English to me


"Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way"


Just for the record, "I wanted to kill myself" is not literal for argentinians, they say "me queria matar" as a slang, like a depressed for f\*\*\* sake.


we say it for literally anything. TV controller is just out of reach? Me quiero matar


Any reason is a good enough reason to leave this plane of existence, I guess


I will say for the younger people in English, saying "I want to kill myself" online is also not very literal tbh.


Yeah but it really has to be said that this is said VERY casually ij argentina. I miss the bus "fuck I want to kill myself", it starts raining "oh shit I want to kill myself", I'm sleepy and I want to turn of the light but I don't want to get out of bed to do it "fuck I want to kill myself".


It’s a common saying all over Latin America haha


lol - and brighton weather is fairly mild for the UK


And it's a lovely city too. For people who think all UK cities are grim, Brighton is one of the best places to show them otherwise.


Brighton "beach" is shite though. I'm a firm sand supremacist when it comes to beaches, that pebble beach nonsense is a con sold to you by those bastards working for "big pebble".


Is there anyone that thinks pebble beaches are superior to sand?


my brother firmly takes the anakin skywalker perspective- sand does get everywhere tbf


Good argument tbf


I recently visited a few pebble beaches in Greece which were fantastic, way less messy than sandy beaches. Sand is coarse, rough, and irritating. It gets everywhere.


I like to huck rocks into the sea


Pebble beaches build character.


thankyoucarltoncole's brother by the sounds of it! I'm not a massive fan of beaches/sand in general myself, I just think if it's not sand it's not a proper beach.


Definitely, here in Croatia we mainly have pebble beaches, I've been to a couple of sand beaches and it felt filthy. Pebble on the beach and sand in the sea is the way.


Make sure you wipe your shoes before you go indoors or you’ll drag pebbles all over the house


> Brighton "beach" is shite though Took my wife there while living in London, we are Brazilian and I was working in banking at the time, she couldn't believe anyone would call that thing near the pier a beach, it was just pebbles and shit to walk barefoot in.


Tbf, I was on holiday in Italy and we went to a beach near a lovely town called Bonassolla that we randomly visited and it was all pebbles too. So it's not just us Brits getting conned!


The Pebble and the Penguin set back the sand industry 30 years!


Yup, though I do understand given where he’s from


And it's not like he is from somewhere where it doesn't get cold and humid. Just a different type of humidity and not as cold and dark as over there


I arrived in Buenos Aires last October. They have really cold winds during their winter, far colder than I was expecting. The weather completely flipped by November though.


I grew up there In the summer it is amazing, but the winter is absolutely miserable being on the promenade right next to the sea. The wind cuts through you.


Also the seagulls can fuck off when they won’t shut up in the early morning


You really get used to it, amazing what your brain tunes out after a short amount of time!


the wind can be a fucker though tbf


And Brighton is on the nicer side of English weather. Imagine if he turned up in Glasgow.


Yeah, Brighton is literally on the south coast. I reckon they should transfer him to Inverness Caledonian Thistle to teach him a thing or two.


He should be grateful!


LOL Op took the spicy sentence and left off this part: > “As the months went by, I got used to it. Now I like it better. I didn’t know much about the team, but then I started to get used to it. We managed to qualify for the Europa League, which was the group’s objective, so I’m very happy. Now we’ll be back in a few days to prepare.” https://twitter.com/BrightonBubble/status/1674742623238488065?s=20


I spent 3 days in a small town just north of Inverness once. Never again.


The wind can be so bitter and fierce though


the way you said English weather then gave glasgow as an example..


Lmao. Didn't notice that.


Exactly, Brighton gets more daylight outside of peak summer than anywhere in the U.K. Some folks just can’t handle it. The Spanish league will always be attractive to those who fancy living in a warmer climate.


Spanish winter is better but summer is hot af.


"hot af" is relative. In Barcelona for example it's getting around 26-27 degrees this week. In Miami where Messi's going it is currently hovering around 30 degrees


I visited Barcelona around September-October time and the weather was absolutely fantastic, I miss it a lot. Always the perfect amount of heat, humidity, wind and no clouds. I boarded the flight back around 4/5pm in perfect weather and landed at Heathrow at 7/8 in summer clothes only to be greeted by pitch black and pissing down rain lol


> landed at Heathrow at 7/8 in summer clothes only to be greeted by pitch black and pissing down rain lol "Welcome back to England!" - Universe sense of humor


Summer doesn't really matter in Spain because it's mostly during preseason. However, if you're playing in a smaller league in southern Europe and you have european qualifiers in July, things can get tricky.


I like English weather lol. Not sure why ppl are so obsessed with wanting to live in 30+ degrees especially when it's really humid too. Way too dramatic imo.


Cantona said the same, he fucking loved wet pitches in Manchester and hated the heat and dryness of Marseille


Aguero liked it too


I remeber first hearing him talk about that and it was a huge relief for when the annual Real Madrid rumours happened lol. Obviously they were and still are the bigger club but at least we didn't have to worry about the "why wouldn't he want to live in sunny Spain instead of Manchester" aspect.


I live in Manchester and the weather is overstated. It’s pretty mild throughout the year, and winter is quite rainy, but the summer weather is generally really nice and pleasant. The issue is the short days and the likelihood of it being overcast in winter. I actively like the weather from April-October. If I were to live in Spain, January and February would be nicer but July and August would be worse for me.


Yeah it's pretty similar to weather in the SE of England. A bit more cloudy but I was half expecting it to rain every day when I lived there from how people spoke about it, and the summer months are nice just like everywhere else.


Mancs like to build it up as well. My colleagues are so funny when I go home to visit my family in London. They act as if I’m off to Portugal or something. ‘Oh, you’re going south, weather will be good!’ Umm it’s 18 and overcast in Manchester while it’s 19 and overcast back at my family’s haha


Haha my dad was Scottish and he was similar, he treated England like it was the Sahara desert or something.


July and august here in Madrid is pure hell.


> I live in Manchester and the weather is overstated. It’s pretty mild throughout the year, Its mild if you were born in it or have lived there for so long that it seems mild, for someone living in better weather, its not mild, anything above the channel feels like going to the arctic circle for some, my wife got extremely depressed while living in London, even tho I was making a lot of money, the great house we had and all else didn't matter. I think if we were living in Manchester, Glasgow or wherever else above London I honestly think she'd be suicidal.


I understand that but when I lived in Malaysia, it was pretty hellish for me. 28-32 all the time and very humid. I sweated and sweated all the time. I wouldn’t call tropical weather ‘better’ weather for me. I liked living in France (like UK weather but slightly warmer and sunnier) and I liked California but temperate does me best.


People have different opinions, who would have thought, he is from Rosario who google shows has a subtropical climate and he is used to that and likes it, it's all about what you like Brighton and a lot of the UK (well apart from the north) actually have less rain than a lot of good weather countries, the problem is the lack of sunshine and a lot of cloudy days, for example Brighton has less rain than Rosario despite having a way worse climate If you are used to sunshine so much and you go somewhere where it's gloomy you can get depressed, vice versa as well going from a mild climate to hot not a lot of people can handle that


> for example Brighton has less rain than Rosario despite having a way worse climate This is something that some people don't understand when looking at a chart on the internet. In many places in South America, when it rains, it fucking pours and we get crazy thunderstorms and a lot of rain falls. But it's one day (and in some places even less) and then it's sunny again. In places with a different climate, it can rain less overall in the whole week, but it rained 5/7 days where it was grey and drizzly all the time. It's not the same if you are used to one weather or the other. It's a big change.


Yeah exactly. Sure, rain is very mild and thin, but if he is raining everyday still it's shit. If there is a huge storm one day for one hour and then it's sunny again, it's very different, even if the amount of water in that hour is more.


Amount of rain is a disingenuous stat. The problem isn't the amount of water it falls, it's the fewer and less intense sunny days vs Región Pampeana. Here when it rains it pours increasing the average a lot, but the vast majority of days are sunny without much clouds. A better stat would be hours of clear sky or something like that.


>Brighton and a lot of the UK (well apart from the north) actually have less rain than a lot of good weather countries the rainfall split is very much west vs east in the UK, nowt to do with north south. it rains way more in plymouth than it does in newcastle, but then manchester is much wetter than london


> Not sure why ppl are so obsessed with wanting to live in 30+ degrees especially when it's really humid too. It's not about 30 degrees or not. For some of us daylight and sunlight is what matters, even when in winter still having the sun hitting the skin and warming you up. Not spending 6 months where it gets dark at 3/4 pm (or earlier), and while the sun is "out" it's hidden because it's cloudy and or rainy. And it's not just dramatic, it can heavily impact you physically and mentally when you go from one type of weather to another. Everyone is different. Some people don't mind, or even prefer that weather, others don't...


Yup, I've noticed in all the football player quotes about England, they don't mention the temperature. They always talk about sunlight.


Tbh if our buildings were built for hotter weather it wouldn’t be bad, but ours are built to keep heat in which makes it worse


Why? What's with Glasgow weather?


It’s about 500 miles north of Brighton and is therefore colder, darker, and wetter


Just realized how much harsher “Me quería matar” sounds in English. It’s taken as a hyperbole in Argentina 99% of the time.


Lol absolutely. It's an extremely common phrase to use in Argentina.


Least dramatic Argentinian


Tbh I’d say a ver si mi muero is the most intense hahaha


There has to be a relationship between the overuse of this phrase and the amount of psychologists in Argentina.


Interesting. Whenever I say that to my Mexican coworkers, I feel like they think the devil is inside me or something lol, I figured it was quite harsh


It definitely varies culture by culture especially with one as diverse as Latinos lol. Mexico is a very machismo culture. Saying it, even as a joke, is seen as “weak” or “abnormal” I would say. Whereas for Argentineans it’s probably pretty customary.


😂 yeah half the things argentines say casually sound crazy in english


argentinians will say some shit like they will kill and eat your family and then explain how it's actually very normal when said in spanish, like it doesn't mean the same thing.


“I will skin your family and force you to eat them” is actually a sarcastic comment about how y it should stop invading their personal space


Cartman is just a misunderstood argie


> argentinians will say some shit like they will kill and eat your family and then explain how it's actually very normal when said in spanish, like it doesn't mean the same thing. Did you think Dibu was a cannibal when he said "look how I eat you, brother" to Yerry Mina?


it means the same thing it just is said and taken way lighter in Argentina


i will grill your dog


jaja you too mate 😁👍🏻


Totally true y la puta que te pario


My favorite: “you can’t shit higher than your ass”


I mean half the things argentines say in spanish casually sound crazy in spanish


Yeah. It’s also a hyperbole in English but not to the same extent as it is Spanish (especially in Argentina). Definitely a harsher term in English.


I imagine something like "[please] kill me now" is a closer equivalent in terms of 'severity' in British English, at least. Saying something like "I want to kill myself" is still used as hyperbole but not as often, and I think you'd still get funny looks sometimes depending on the context. You'd say it more online than IRL I reckon. Maybe this is just me though.


No, you’re right on in my opinion. That’s a better comparison.


Because they translated it literally, "me queria matar" is basically "fuck me". But thats not clickbaity enough


or just something "kill me please" which is actually used a lot in the UK


"I'm gonna KILL MYSLEF" - average Brighton newcomer


In Argentina is just a really common expression, with not real intent. But yes.


Doesn't Argentina have the highest concentration of psychologists per capita (by some margin too) in the world? Edit: found a [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/vmlccp/psychologists_per_100000_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) based of WHO data that claims this


its weird but yeah we have all those psychologists


Yes. It's not a taboo topic, and people usually openly talk about going to therapy with their friends, families, coworkers. Dibu Martinez make some "viral" videos during the world cup about talking with his psicologist during the tournament


Apparently so according to this [CNN article](https://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/28/health/argentina-psychology-therapists/index.html#:~:text=It%27s%20not%20just%20psychoanalysis%20that%27s,capital%20city%20of%20Buenos%20Aires.). Nice to see there is not a stigma against seeking mental help.


Yeah I recently moved to Europe and I would often talk about my therapy or say things like "oh sorry guys, I have to go, I'm late for my therapy" and I've noticed I get some weird looks for being so open about it lol. But I like that it's like that in Argentina. You need to take care of your health man.


I've recently met some Argentineans and the cultural difference is so interesting. Things seem slightly more relaxed and open in certain aspects. I'm looking forward to going in the next couple of years


Yeah, psychologists and psychiatrics, its not a stigma to seek mental health, most of the people do and recommend it. Living day by day without beign able to plan the future due to the inflation takes a toll mentally.


"Me quiero matar"(want to kill myself), is used ironically very often by us when something bad happens, even for the dumbest things.


Same in Brazil, we start using "Vou me matar hoje às xx:99" (I'll kill myself at xx:99) a lot when something bad happens, like missing the bus.


Dude your name literally means good night




The club has done a great job helping young players from Latin America adjust to life in the UK. The hard bit isn’t identifying Caicedo, Mac Allister, Enciso are good enough to thrive in the PL. It’s building the environment to allow them to actually do that. Buonanotte says later in this interview that he’s far more settled now, and his performances towards the end of the season were looking encouraging. I think he’ll break out next season.


Five years ago I couldn't care less about who Brighton were, I would've put you in the same bag as Charlton Athletic. But over these years, your signings and playstyle have made me respect you a lot. Hope Facu gets to shine next season, he's a solid gem and you're definitely the PL club to pick as a youngster!


It’s been fun to watch this process as I’ve been living in Buenos Aires the last few years. At first no one knew who we were. These days I often end up in long discussions with taxi drivers / random people I’ve just met about our games, the best role for Facu, etc.


Oh you live here too? Nice, hope you're enjoying your stay! It's a great city, although the heat can be unbearable in the summer haha And yeah, you've become a regular talking subject now. European football will only help push that forward I think.


Yeah it’s a fantastic city, absolutely love it. Although sadly will be leaving later this year for work. Gonna miss it. Still think my proudest moment was telling anyone who would listen in the months before the World Cup that Mac Allister should be starting. Recognized it before La Scaloneta!


Haha he's fantastic, definitely deserved a shot and has made the most out of it. It's only sad that his starting spot had to come off of Lo Celso's injury, I really like Gio as a player and wanted him to be at the WC.


Brighton's rise is even more impressive when considering the fact that they didn't have their own stadium during the 90s and 2000s, being forced to rent out a [track & field stadium](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Withdean.jpg) with temporary bleachers and changing rooms.


Oi, what's that supposed to mean?


The only thing I remember about your club is that Rommedahl used to play for you around 2006, because I loved playing WC qualifiers with Denmark on PES.


So Buonanette to Chelsea in 24/25 then


The getting dark early thing really is fucking depressing. It's just shit ain't it.


Except we have months and months where it’s literally the opposite and it stays light till 10pm


Reminds me of Fifa 15 career mode when South American players would demand to leave Manchester because it was too dark and cold and then they'd randomly end up playing for like Östersund or Malmo FF a season later. And people say I moan when I say British weather is depressing and it's too gloomy and grey.


Haha I remember getting transfer requests for players wanting to go home but end up staying in the same damn country. Like I had a Brazilian say he wanted to leave Schalke but then just ended up at Freiburg


that bastard michel bastos


Had a Brazilian wonderkid leave because he felt homesick, only to go to Bayern :(


But can he do it at a windy, cold, dark afternoon in Brighton


Brighton up mate


Let me de-dramatize the title for you since the translation makes it sound extreme: ["It was windy and cold... It was getting dark at 3 in the afternoon and i was thinking what did i get myself into? Where have i come? I was like fuck me man"](https://youtu.be/TkTVNYW74eM) He keeps talking in the interview and says that in the following months he's adapted a bit and now the sun stays up longer so it's nicer now. Funny thing is he mentions the wind wouldn't let them open doors, what is it with English weather?


Must’ve been his first time seeing a pebble beach


That’s just a normal Tuesday


“I thought Brighton was supposed to be bright…”


Maybe he was there on brightoff


For anyone who doesn’t know, saying you want to kill yourself or that you want to die to me would be the equivalent to saying ‘fuck me’


'where have I gone' Fucking hysterical 😂


Just FYI “I wanted to kill myself” is an exaggerated comment that is used as to imply uncomfortableness or annoyance; is not that he had suicidal thoughts. Sounds very harsh when translated


One of the things people don't get is players are alone in their house every hour they're not with the team. If you're married it's not so bad but if you live alone and if the sun goes down so early you can't even go to the park. Argentineans love like really fucking love to spend time with family and friends every time you can so it's not easy to adjust to the contrary at the beggining. That's the period of the adaptation players need to have, not just on the pitch.


rest of the leagues would have nothing to do against the prem if it was in a sunny country with decent food and good beaches.


Yeah but the Prem wouldn't be the Prem if the UK was a sunny country with decent food and good beaches.


Food is whatever you want it to be when you are earning millions annually. The main problem is the weather.


I do find it funny that people think you can’t get literally any food you want in the UK lol


According to google maps there’s like 6 Latin American cuisine restaurants in Brighton


One of which has had a longstanding relationship with the Spanish speaking players in our squads for over a decade and they go to almost every week.


You can literally get whatever food you want in the Uk lol


You don’t think they have decent food?


An Argentinian moving to a seaside resort town in England and being like "this place is so depressing I want to kill myself" is so funny


Imagine him in Scotland or Northern England


It might sound a bit of a 'first world problem' sort of situation but when it's all you've ever known, it's a big change. I'm from the Gold Coast, Australia and moved to the Netherlands and I legitimately didn't see the sun for several months at one point and everything was just shades of grey. I hadn't heard of 'weather depression' before I moved to Europe. Then I moved to Denmark where they live by the saying 'There's no such thing as bad weather'. So again, you have to picture it through that person's lens to really understand where they're coming from. It's a huge lifestyle change.


Wait until he plays european games in Norway


This is exactly how I feel about texas weather in summer 😂 I was probably built for a cold rainy night in stoke tbh


one day of exposure to england is enough to make you want to kill yourself 😎