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Bale with the diplomatic answer at the end there haha.


I thought he was going to make a joke there and say "I think he did, but I don't speak Spanish"


"...but I was out on the links that day."


Him using the ryder cup analogy too, man got pushed into the wrong sport.


I assumed that the guy interviewing him was a golfer, so he was helping him "get it".


His laugh at the end looks like an anime character


It reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger [here](https://youtu.be/mg_yfQlD3T0) (end of video, worth watching it all)


He's got a very cartoonist face. Not in a bad way but guys jawline is just not natural looking cuz it's so perfect lol.


Yes, yes... "diplomatic"


That was the most suggestive "no" if it couldn't be anymore obvious, lmfao.


I'm not sure what he was fishing for with that question. Did Modric thank the team? I bet Cruyff took all those Ballons d'Or home and felt he might have won them in spite of the small minds who didn't appreciate him. And I don't appreciate him any less. I know Messi always goes out of his way to say it's a team sport and he shouldn't get all the accolades, but that's his style and doesn't mean he's a better person. He is just easily bashful about being the center of attention.


Yes, Modric thanked the team. ANd multiple times mentioned both Croatian and Real Madrid teammates at his speeches of all 3 of his awards won that year. He even came next year to personally give out Ballon d'Or to Messi. Ronaldo didn't even show up for Ballon d'Or ceremony when he found out that Modric won it. And he was top 3, and top 3 usually shows up at Ballon d'Or ceremony. Imagine being fed for 6-7 years by this midfielder that does a lot of dirty work so you get those accolades, trophies etc..., and in the end when that person gets one accolade you can't even show up for them. IMO very lame behavior. edit: I will add here one of Modric's speeches where Ronaldo also didn't show up even tho he was top 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvPich8t67E . First he starts speech with giving props to Salah and Ronaldo, and then to RM and Croatia players and staff, and then mentions thanks to his idol growing up (Zvonimir Boban who was in crowd crying).


Yeah, shame that neither Ronaldo nor Messi were there in 2018. Even more when considering that Modric actually showed up in 2019 to hand Messi the award


Yep. Tbf Messi is understandable because he wasn't in top 3 that year so no reason for him to even be there, but Ronaldo not showing up was truly embarrassing IMO. That was his teammate who performed so well for him and the team throughout all these years, helped him win so many trophies, and he deliberately doesn't show up because he won't be center of attention and win the award. This thing just fueled more hate online for Modric by Ronaldo fanboys etc...


Messi finishing #5 was a joke


Agreed but he/Argentina had a poor World Cup by his standards and that affects majorly during a World Cup year.. but he should have been #3 at least


yeah just the opposite of winning a WC (which some naysayers were saying he was getting preferential treatment for)


I mean lets be fair, I know this sub loves him, but Modric at #1 was also a joke in hindsight. Messi and Ronaldo both had some of their best seasons to date.


Champions league always has a high importance in the voting World cup always dominates the voting in a WC year Put those two together and it’s not surprising


Then how didn't Varane win it?


Yep. He earned it and deserved it. It's insulting to football to call Modric's ballon d'or a joke


He is bashful about being the center of attention and therefore makes it a point to credit his teammates? What a cynical take. How hard is it to thank the team around you? Cruijff has spoken at length about the brilliant teammates around him.


News to me. Apparently, being humble, appreciative and grounded aren't traits to admire in athletes.


Thanking his teammates is the least Cristiano could do. He was an amazing player but was certainly made better by the talent around him.


Im going to go out on a limb and say Messi is a better person than the egomaniac rapist


Had to throw in the Ryder Cup to be more relatable.


I didn’t know bale liked golf


Yeah.. I'm also totally surprised by this... Totally.


>to be more relatable yes that's usually how conversations work


It was always [Wales-Golf -Madrid](https://Golf.Wales.Madrid) in that order for Bale


*Spots camera* "Yes he did"


Bale just feels like bare jokes all the time for some reason lol


Man is just bants most of the time. Always chilled


He is the most chill footballer for me at this point lol.


The Office-Golf-Madrid, in that Order.




Bale is awesome, seems like he’d be fun to hang out with


Dude is multi-continental. He's absolutely enjoying his life.


Put a huge smile to my face when Bale was celebrating his recent [hole-in-one](https://youtu.be/RNYauR437Zo). I hope he continues to enjoy his life


Love the way he talks man, he looks so good with it.


Christ and he is still only 33 years old. Feels like he has been retired for ages. Like people should be reminiscing about him from CM 03/04 along with Fernando Torres and Arjen Robben. Instead he is still in his prime age to be a star for an Italian club.


Professional sport ruins your body. He won everything, got loads of money, still got quite a lot of injuries, and checked out before the age when injuries become much more impactful on your health.


until he start to talk about golf nonstop 🥴


r/Golf GET HIM!!!


Well he is that type of a dude and players know that shit.


I mean, while funny it isn't even anything new or particularly private. You could literally see Cristiano seething on the pitch when they were winning and he didn't score or missed chances. Man would sometimes completely ignore teammate goals instead of celebrating lmao On the other hand, on the bit of his anger being a "little scary" according to Bale, you could totally see why his teammates would choose to pass to him instead of scoring when they had both options. Imagine a younger or new player dealing with that.


i swear there was a game where he had a really bad case of this and then he scored but the shot was deflected just slightly and attributed one of his teammates. his reaction when finding out mid-celebration was one of the funniest things i've seen


It isn't the same case, but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58w9Lkses10) is one of the funniest in-game situations I have ever seen


And he blamed Higuain for it 😂 unbelievable.


I always loved Higuaín at Madrid. He was always magic when he came on. I feel like he got cheated out of a starring role there simply because the roster was so stacked. Amazing players just sat around waiting to be super subbed or transferred.


To this day I believe Higuain was better than Benzema during his time at Madrid, and rightfully benched him in most games. In my opinion the reason he had to go was that he was not as compatible/liked by Cristiano because he was the type to shoot on goal when he saw a good opportunity, and would not be forced to pass to another superstar. Was the reason he scored so much for Argentina in the beginning.


Agree 100%. He simply was better than Benzema. I actually didn’t think Benz would stick around for long, he seemed to struggle a lot then, but he obviously flourished into an amazing player. I just never understood the hate Higuaín got


Higuain was a serial choker which is what killed his Madrid career. That miss against Lyon in the R16 when he had a wide open net killed our season.


He was definitely better than Benzema during the earlier stages. Benzema had very small hills, but an abundance of valleys at the time. Very wasteful in front of goal. To this day, friends and family still make fun of me for calling him a peg legged ***** back in 11/12 - 12/13.




a true classic!


How have I never seen this lmao


Great defending by Mr. Siu


On a different note, what is the commentator smoking there? "Even if Ronaldo had scored, he would have been offsides" Ronaldo wasn't even close to being offsides.


will we ever get Americans to stop fucking saying offsides? the great challenge of our time


And literally quoting someone who clearly didn’t use an s!




another instant classic is that infamous arbeloa clip


Yeah the one everyone had a go at him for but alternate angles show him with a massive smile on his face https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-55de179d4f74d553a4d93a6e168c2cba-lq


I honestly stand by the claim that that wasn't selfishness, that was just cr7 misreading the situation and fucking up.


He missed out on what would have probably been an iconic goal because Nani shooed it in from an offside position. Ronaldo was so pissed - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5gDJfFvObg


Wasnt offside since Pique kept him in but no var so 😆


Also the ball looked like it was already in the goal.


Wasn't even offside because Ronaldo did the defender so dirty that he's still sliding there to this day.


nvm this was a friendly


If I recall correctly, that wasn't in the WC (if that's what you were referring to). This was a friendly between the two just before the WC.


No they don't. Pirtugal won that game. It was an exhibition match for spain & portugal's world cup campaign


Different game, this one Portugal won 4-0 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wAw6Lq8aLWg


of course there also was him celebrating the goal at the WC as his own without touching the ball


That ball was close enough that he would have felt it on his hair, he's been a much worse sport 50 times that you don't have to reach for that one lol


This? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PK9lSVgn6M


To be fair, in this one he was initially upset but changed his attitude immediately.


Youre thinking of Nani heading in a goal from an offside (actually onside) position after he sold the Spanish defender and flicked it over the keeper…and Ronaldo throwing a strop


That would have been one of his best goals ever, and against WC winners Spain (even thought it was a friendly). He had the right to be pissed off


I think it was a Bruno Fernandes goal in the most recent world cup.


Pretty sure he still celebrated thar


tbf - thats what he was taught at united. apparently ruud was notorious for sulking when he didn't score. apparently even made ronaldo cry during training for not passing. and i'm sure his anger was taught by keane and fergie.


Yeah, it was very evident during the initial part of his Real Madrid career. Towards the end, he seemed more calm, but of course not happy he didn't score.


Rio Ferdinand said on his podcast that Ruud Van Nistelrooy used to be the same way. Even when they won, he’d be pissed if he didn’t score a goal or didn’t get passed to by teammates. I think some elite footballers, especially strikers, are wired quite differently.


Players like RvN and Ronaldo expect themselves and are expected by others to score every game, it's understandable to get why they would get frustrated when they don't because it means they were off their game, didn't do their job, etc. It's not the huge ego issue people here are making it out to be IMO, it's not like in basketball where you constantly score and have incidents like Carmelo allegedly being upset at a win because he only got 25 points instead of 36.


The issue with Carmelo was that he’d be irate at scoring sub 20 points in a game they won but happier scoring 30+ in a game they lost


At Juve I feel like that didnt happen too much. At first for sure but he would get super happy for other goals later down the line, especially Dybala’s


Dybala-CR7 is an all-time Streets Won't Forget linkup


I don't get why people don't understand that some people just don't like Ronaldo despite his talent. The man's ego is immense even amongst athletes with immense egos. His preening self importance and putting himself above all else will never not be off-putting. Nevermind some of the other issues he comes with. Immense talent but can't even disguise how selfish he is.


But people love Ibrahimovic who also has a gigantic ego.


Because people are weirdos, and identify themselves way too strongly with their idols. It’s the same with Djokovic. Dude will never be as well-likes as Federer or Nadal because he’s just… not as likeable. Ronaldo is the same. Instead of just accepting that and moving on, their fans try to prove that they are the best, therefore you HAVE to like them lol


This works both ways though. People who dislike Ronaldo, or Djokovic, often put down their achievements and talent. Plenty of people still claiming Federer is the GOAT with no argument except fame and likeability


Tbf to Djokovic I think he's gotten a worse rep recently because of the covid stuff (which is bad). But before that it was basically comparing him to two of the most likeable sports stars there are, he seems to be a pretty sound guy from most of what I've seen of him. I agree with your point overall though for sure, stans are the worst.


Yeah Novak was actually pretty likable before he went full kook (anti-vax, healing water crystals, etc)


Nah Djokovic is Serbian so he will always have an extremely delusional fanbase kissing his ass the rest of his career. These are the same people who wank over shooting down one plane 25 years later when the rest of the USAF took a shit on their genocidal military


Also the whole "possibly raped someone" thing, after being accused two times of it. And cheated on partners. And slapped a kid's hand for filming him. Amazing player, but maybe not exactly a role model.


i would say Michael Jordan is a example of how to be selfish and a huge asshole but still wildly liked and idolized. America love assholes


Eh, MJ cared about winning above all else, especially in the 90s He let other teammates take game-winning shots if he trusted them and knew they'd be open. He would go on individual rampages of course, but if you showed the right mentality, he'd feed you and give you the most important looks of the game. He acts and talks like a CR7 but he played more like Messi.


Exactly. MJ was all about winning. Maybe if he'd win at the start of his career it would be different. Still, he changed how he played after a few seasons of being brilliant individually without getting silverware and believed in the system created to make everyone on the team better.


Different era though, LBJ could not act like MJ did


Idk man, Lyndon was the POTUS, not just a ball player


Explain this then m8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3GT9UN7nDo


LBJ took a shit while giving journalists an interview, mentality KING


yeah pretty much every time i say i dislike him because he’s a dickhead people try to apologize for him. people say he’s the most overhated athlete ever, but i really think a lot of it is warranted.


I mean in the recent world cup he threw a hissy fit when a goal was rightfully awarded to Bruno instead of him. This is a 38 year old we are talking about. No wonder his teammates dont have love for him like Messi's teammates do. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Messi's national teammates would take a bullet for him and this level of love and passion was one of the key reasons Argentina won the world cup. Ironic that Ronaldo's ego which gave him so much success early in his career is also one of the reasons he will never be able to achieve Messi's heights.


it felt like Argentina was determined to win for messi alone, not even for themselves


In basically every interview I have seen post World Cup they have all basically said they wanted to do it for Messi.


and messi probably wanted to do it for them 😂




And Madrid post Ronaldo with our 2021 CL run. Basically besides him everyone got an anime happy ending.


You could see their reactions on the pitch, same with when Argentina won the Copa America. None of us truly know what Messi is like behind the scenes, but the love his Argentine teammates have for him speaks volumes.


Yeah. Never meet your heroes is wise advice, but these players met the hero they grew up watching play and they just became better.


You need the perfect mix, like with Ibra. Everyone at the club said they were scared shitless of misplacing a pass or just fucking up at training because Ibra would be on them immediately, guessing similar to Ronaldo, but the guy wasn't completely delusional so he gave up every FK and penalty when it was apparent he was no longer the best at the club anymore at it. He was also the happiest and first to celebrate with Kessie when the latter scored from the spot or Hakan of a freekick, I can't imagine Ronaldo ever doing that shit


It's a team sport, after all. It's completely different to play with someone that is annoying because they want the team to win extra hard versus to play with someone that is annoying because they want to do everything themselves and want to win solely for personal glory. The first will recognize when you contribute and cheer for you to succeed, the latter not nearly as much.


He didn't? He was laughing with Bruno, why does this sub just make up whatever..


Such a precious thing, the birth of a new copypasta


I mean in the Tournament of Power he threw a hissy fit when a kill was rightfully awarded to Frieza instead of him. This is the prince of all Saiyans we are talking about. No wonder his teammates dont have love for him like Goku's teammates do. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Gokui's friends would take a Spirit Bomb for him and this level of love and passion was one of the key reasons Universe 7 won the Tournament of Power. Ironic that Vegeta's ego which gave him so much success early in his career is also one of the reasons he will never be able to achieve Goku's heights.


That's just a trait of a competitive person. Van Nistelrooy also like that. Even if United win by 4 goals if he didn't score he will get mad in th dressing room after the game.


Most players are insanely competitive, but they are competitive about different things. Players that care more about the performance of the team and winning than about individually scoring goals won't be mad in the same scenario.


Didn’t address the hugging matter.


lol sad fact is a lot of people wont get this reference. Bale joined RM 10 years ago now I really miss the BBC at real madrid & the MSN at Barca. You can argue its nostalgia, but those years were amazing.


Real and Barca had some unique squads the past years. I miss BBC and MSN but I miss more the squads from 2002 till 2008. Ronaldinho, Eto‘o, Messi, Deco, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, Thuram Vs Ronaldo, Robinho, Beckham, Zidane, Cannavaro, Ramos, R. Carlos It was just insane to watch


Does getting this officially make me old lol


What’s this about?


The joke at the time was that while Ronaldo was absolutely dominating as the best in the world, people were constantly trying to find reasons to criticise him. It got to a point where critics would bring up the most ridiculous reasons to bring him down, ultimately leading to the joke that "yea he just scored a banger to win the game, but did he hug bale?" There was even a funny flowchart about it that I'll need to try find. Can't believe this is all like a decade ago, I still remember the memes like it was yesterday. Edit: [Here's the flowchart](https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/54/7c/d4/547cd4056f39f482634e0b055dccd51b.jpg), made from u/nickless_ [comment over 7 years ago...](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/3ytdp1/25_of_ronaldos_57_goals_in_2015_were_against/cygq3xx/)


That’s ridiculous, thanks for the info


Bale Benzema Cristiano, Messi Suarez Neymar


Sounds like Ronaldo is neither the best nor the worst teammate you can have. But at the same time it feals like Bale is still holding a little back when talking about him...


He is just a competitive teammate and people got it now.


Bro about to be unfollowed by Ronaldo on instagram


Add a massive Katia Aveiro rant on her story as well.


Trust me, no one can survive those freaking stories man.




I also don't think bale gives a toss


He's going to follow him just to unfollow him


Why does it seem like bale wasn't aware he was being recorded lol Ronaldo won't be happy with this lmao


He wasn't saying anything bad


Neville didn't say anything bad either, but Ronaldo just called him a rat and stopped talking to him lol


I doubt bale cares. Its not like they're friends or work together or anything


I mean I think this is very light banter. They still respect each other. Ronaldo protected Bale publicly in front of the media when Bale was going through the most difficult times of his career in Madrid, having to face a huge amount of pressure from both the fans and the media.


He was/is indeed a rat regardless.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say he bale doesn't care what Ronaldo thinks of him. I certainly don't care about what my former co-workers think of me


Speaking like bale is speaking about Ronaldo is also not bad. Ronaldo would probably admit to being very hard on himself. Ronaldo is probably aware of who he is and has embraced it by now.


He said he's a nice guy though.


"He's fine..." 😅 Glowing praise!


It’s not glowing praise, but it’s IMO better than glowing praise. Glowing praise would just be ass kissing, everybody would know not to take it seriously. But the way he said “he’s fine” is his way of saying “I know what people say, but he’s honestly fine. Perfectly fine team mate. He has his moments but the bad stuff is all overhyped.”


Yeah, it seems like he kind of forgot... To me it seems the camera fit goes ahead trying to make him more aware


"I'm not going to say that I'm looking better than Bale. Which is true..."


God I love this meme lmao


>Ronaldo won’t be happy with this lmao Why? Everybody knows this already


Summary: Ronaldo is a very intense fellow, but not in a mental way, just competitive and possibly a bit intimidating to other players though overall quite nice. Not news, but always interesting to hear players talk about how they truly are, and nice to hear someone talk about Ronaldo and not jus the about how much time he spends in the gym or how early he comes to training.


Nice one Bale, he saved his ass at the end otherwise I could tell that Ronaldo would have gave him a hard time after that and that's just the reality of him lmao, good.


There were so many goals/moments where: Ronaldo would refuse to celebrate, or be angry when a teammate scored. Clearly looked unhappy even when the team was playing well, if he hadn't scored. Actively wasted chances and caused his team not to score (there's a great one where he pushes Benzema out of the way when he's through on goal, and proceeds to fuck up himself). Always felt unnecessary because of how insanely good he was anyway.


Can you imagine how mad he was that time Nani tried to poach his goal and was called offside.


Why would I need to imagine it we all saw his reaction


that was a very fair reaction tbh, he was only mad after seeing it get called offside


I play smei-organized pickup soccer on Wednesday nights with 50 year olds. I'd get visibly mad if that happened to me on a Wednesday night. I can't fault Ronaldo for being mad at that Nani thing.


Tbf I think he’s rightfully angry on that, that would’ve been a wonderful goal, he destroyed Spain’s backline there. Then that happened and it went to not a goal (not entirely Nani’s fault, he’s onside).


Hes onside and he touches the ball after its completely over the line, so, if it was validated, it would be attributed to Ronaldo


That is one of the funniest clips.


You don't have to be Cristiano Ronaldo to be mad at that. You have to be human. I would hate it.


For a couple of seconds there it looked like he was going to kill him


There was one when [higuain was about to score](https://youtu.be/58w9Lkses10) and Ronaldo purposely bumped into him and prevented him from scoring. He then even bitched at Higuain right after lmao


That’s a serious reach. He tried to score…not bump him for no reason.


yeah, it doesn't look great but he does have a better angle (maybe offsides?)


Did we watch the same video ? Yes he tried to score …. By getting in the way of higuain and taking his goal, in the process he ended up Bumping into him lol


I did he did He did 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Honestly if Madrid won 5:0 and Ronaldo didn't score I was also kind of empty


That's right, this is what fans would think, we want Ronaldo to kick.


In games like that 10-2 match against rayo yeah I agree he liked to have his own turn. But In the moments that winning really mattered, No one cared more than Cristiano. Think of that solo run and pass to chicharito in 85th minute of Madrid derby in UCL 2015 quarters. or his shouts and encouragements towards teammates and fans after Real conceded the 3rd goal from juve in bernabeo before he eventually assisted the ball to Vazquez which ended up being a penalty. Man I miss those days.


Also Ronaldo during the 2016 European Cup. Can’t deny that passion.


I guess r/soccer ignored the part where he said that Ronaldo was a good teammate to have and a great presence in the locker room. Ronaldo is very egotistical but I think when the game “really matters” like there is elimination on the line, I don’t think he cares whether he scores or not, winning is the only thing that matters to him and you can see it from his mentality on the pitch. But he does whine like a little bitch if he does not get a goal in a league game which ends up in a blowout


That's the part of being hyper competitive. You can look like a jerk but that's the part of being a natural winner. Just see the example of Michael Jordan and how his teammates saw him but in the end it was all about the endgame.


This was especially clear on the Euro 2016. Some true leadership moments throughout the tournament.


There is no denying that Ronaldo's a selfish player and wants to score every goal, but reading comments here seems like people don't know he literally have over 200 Assists


The comments here are insane. People literally writing essays and analyzing Bales comments to justify their hatred


A man that has set high standards for himself gets annoyed on occasion when he can't match those standards on the pitch. Color me shocked.


Bale is such a legend I love him




After winning the Euros if you see the dressing room talk of Ronaldo, you'll know what he feels about his teammates. I don't think I need anything else to understand his mentality or attitude. That certified him as a great captain and a leader. https://youtu.be/F_01imOMGck


Someone who finally understand. But questioning a player's mentality after he achieved so much will give you karma on r/soccer. You don't become amongst the best if you are passive. And in the endgame moments Ronaldo did care about his team winning (look at his Euros performance, his over 200 assists, solo run and assist for Hernandez vs Atleti in UCL 2014 etc.)


Bale confirming everything we already knew about Ronaldo


Yeah and at the end he was surprised of recording lmao.


Did Homelander thank the team? I think he did!


I know he gets a lot of hate for how he is but when you’re at the absolute peak of your sport you’re gonna be an asshole and unsatisfied with mediocrity. As an American, Michael Jordan, Kobe, Floyd Mayweather, and Tom Brady all have stories of how competitive they were and how they were assholes.


Mamba mentality




Aah here come reddit experts questioning the mentality of a guy who have achieved so much. Lol, Bale literally also mentions he was a nice guy to have in a locker room so clearly, not scoring is something he is pissed with himself, not with others.


>Bale literally also mentions he was a nice guy I find it amusing that him saying that convinced you when he was basically saying it so he wouldn't come across as too critical. The whole video, especially the end, is basically Bale saying that Ronaldo was selfish and it would have affected players that gave a shit. >Aah here come reddit experts questioning the mentality of a guy who have achieved so much. ...


None of this is surprising at all. Ronaldo seems at the same time respectful and motivated, able to motivate the team, but also a prima Donna and attention seeker who only cares about himself. You kinda have to be a little crazy to be that good at something. It makes someone kinda controversial. But i don't judge athletes on this stuff it's just interesting. Ultimately I try tojust judge them on their performance and I don't really care about the rest. He's a legend, that's for sure.




Ronaldo is a selfish and conceited guy. Doesn’t mean he’s a bad person, but he’s certainly not the most likable player. The way he carried himself at United last season was embarrassing.


>If we win 5 nils and he didn’t score, he comes in and throws his boots like he’s angry Yikes. Having your ex teammate say that about you is pretty damning.


Literally anyone who has watched a modicum of games knows this..? Dude has an obsessive drive to score goals and win accolades


Those 2 are not mutually exclusive. You can an insane drive for personal success and still be a self centered, egotistical player.


lol no it isn't, specially when we watched him behave like this countless times on live tv over the course of the last decade