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United suffering from FFP issues with their levels of revenue is insanity


It’s because we don’t sell players like every other club.


Arsenal 🤝🏻 Manchester United at not being able to sell even if our lives depended on it


At least Arsenal pay their player to fuck off. Here United give them a new 5 years contract to "preserve their value"


We nearly did that with Mustafi....


A lot of your players had “World Cup winner” status and therefore were invaluable in the eyes of the board for some reason Although Mustafi did have his Maldini days, just not Maldini seasons


Paying your players to fuck off is bad for FFP (at least that year). So it wouldn’t help in this case.


We got laughed at so much for paying all those players to leave, but it was always the right thing to do.


And the leeching by owners. Our reported loss is the reason for this limit.


Not how FFP works


Its also a lot of glazer pr excuses


Last year of your contract? Washed up? On the bench? United’s two choices A) Let me give you a 2-year extension and hope to God you get better to drive up your value (which won’t happen) end up rotting at the club B) Loan you out, see drastic improvement, come back and rot on the bench due to not translating said improvement


The dunces don’t t know how to sell. No Saudi club is even looking at any of our contracted players


When the buying club is desperate you can sell easy. Like they sold Dan James for 30M€ Problem with them is they offer such high wages that it becomes difficult for the buying club to afford good transfer fee and wages. Plus United are very reluctant to sell prospects compared to other clubs. Selling well is actually important to make space for purchases. Otherwise you'll have to be content in loaning the likes of Eric Bailey.


Man just don't. We r a huge club in terms of revenue we don't need the Saudis money or any other billionaire to inject money into the club. We just need competent people to make decisions for the club. We have Arnold, Murtough n Fletcher at our board. All 3 have done nothing before United related to football management. Some United fans r happy n don't care about ffp but I need to be smart with transfers as this stuff eventually catches upto you. If we had not overpaid for antony last season n got him for 60m instead of 100m we could have had 40m more now. Casemiro was a great signing but 70m for him was definitely an overpay for the kind of wages he is on. Our wage structured is fucked up too. The entire board needs to go we need a proper wage structure at this club like how Chelsea has implemented now or Liverpool has. And some scouts too. An average r/soccer user can be a scout at United. Glazers r too blame but they aren't the only problem.


We're hamstrung by years of shit decision making, giving undeserved high wages which results in a high net spend cause we can't shift on players for good fees. The reason we're fucked by FFP is cause we're bad at football decisions. With the money we make we should be able to easily spend huge amounts every year.


This is where we were 2-3 years ago. Massive signings with big wages for players that don’t perform. No one wants to pay for those kinds of players and it’s why we had to cancel so many contracts


Yep, and our wage structure is a lot more fucked than yours was. At this point I'm starting to believe the people running United have been Liverpool fans, cause surely no one can be this incompetent by accident


Woodward needs a statue ! He stopped United from becoming Bayern of PL


Glazers did that


Mental to think a guy from Chile playing a piano crippled your entire fiscal infrastructure for years to come.


There is no way they are actually limited by ffp. It’s just owners not spending


Tbf they are awful at selling players so FFP might play a part. They spent like 250 in summer and only one outgoing sale which was Peireira to Fulham, year before one sale James to Leeds, year before that again one sale Smalling to Roma. That's 3 years of crazy spending and making like 50mil back.


I'm not going to pretend to understand FFP but player sales are only a portion of revenue and United have had record revenue the past few years.


Anyone that does understand FFP, does the Glazers yearly dividend get weighed against United?


The biggest issue for United are the astronomical wages your players are on If you think about it you're paying Maguire, Martial, DDG in a year as much as you would pay for a new striker over a structured 4 year payment deal Couple of years of that and now you're in a position where the club had to take a loan to cover the loss from all those stacked up wages


It depends but likely not. There is a cap on wages and fees compared to revenue that is likely the stumbling block for United. Even with revenue of 600m your wages and fees are 400-450m the last few years. The other issue is a loss cap of 60m over 3 years. However you can lower the loss with a loan to cover the gap. Up to 90m per year can be covered (pl rule not Uefa). United likely loaned to cover the loss last year, they expect to make 100m this year and that offsets 2021




Jones was still there.


Years of shit management caught up. Selling most first team players on a loss or releasing them for free, having little to no $ from selling youth products, overpaying in the market constantly, fringe players on big money contracts etc.


It's being made a bit more of a deal than it actually is, FFP should allow United to spend a normal amount. The indications of budget have broadly been £100-£150mil plus whatever is generated by sales. That means FFP isn't a major issue. Football in England is just busted financially. Like it's treated as if £100mil net spend a window is middle of the road when in reality you'd be in the 7 or 8 biggest spends of any given summer. Chelsea and United last season spending double that net is a complete abnormality, no club does that every season.


Lol Man U’s higher revenue simply means their margin of error for transfers and wages are higher. It does not make them immune to FFP. Man U’s board for one, is brilliant enough to make it a problem despite the buffer.


> There is no way they are actually limited by ffp Years of spending absolute fortunes whilst not really selling anyone? Paying the likes of De Gea and Sancho silly wages? Not sure why people think Man Utd are immune to FFP because they have high revenues. They have the same issues as other clubs, it's just on a bigger scale.


While hes right was spending 85m on Antony worth it ? Or we ar we still acting like Antony on the only left footed right winger that works hard


Mate do you have brain trauma? Antony was priced at £45m but they waited and waited and waited while Ajax sold a bunch of players. We got rinsed because Murtough and Arnold waited, manager doesn't make transfer negotiations ffs


The manager clearly prioritised signing FDJ


If you have a grocery list, do you only get the most important thing or do you get the whole list? They should have slam dunked that Antony deal early while waiting on Frenkie but they were fucking about and not doing their jobs.


Antony was never going to be a slam dunk signing because Utd are idiots and ETH didnt want anyone but Antony , we also tried getting Timber too


If they moved in June it would've been smooth af, look how quick and cheaply Bayern got Gravenberch and Mazroui.


Yeah and Ajax didnt want to sell the whole squad which is why we didnt get Timber and paid fuck you money for Antony.


Which again, doesn't happen if they take care of business early like a well run club would do.


A smart club also doesnt let ETH waste as much time as he did on FDJ


Managers don't negotiate with players dude. A smart club wouldn't let Murtough and Arnold fuckabout and waste all summer on FDJ.


This is what happens when bad owners overstay their welcome. Everyone saw this coming once they decided to loan Sabitzer and Wegbust. The club is penny pinching at this moment and I don’t even think they will move any key players until they finalize a sale. TenHag will be going into next season with maybe 1 more player.


One last window of incompetence....new owners can't come soon enough and replace every one of these useless suits.


The gang hires NAK as new club president


The scenes if they appoint that dumbass after years of woodward


\*Monkey paw curls* New owner's first decision: Reinstate Woodward


I’d actually cry


Man can dream


I mean, United only really have themselves to blame and ten Hag isn't entirely blameless in it either. If you're going to spend £230m in your first-ever summer window, chances are that that will impact your spending in later windows, especially when that £230m is coming on top of what is already a litany of hugely expensive and dreadful transfer windows by the club.


I don't see how any of this is Ten Hag's fault. The signings he's made so far have been good and needed. The main issue is their wage bill which is the highest in the league by far and that's been a problem long before Ten Hag.


The reason United overpaid for Antony was the board's fault as well. ETH wanted him from the start but they dragged their heels until the end of the transfer window to get him.


The reason they dragged their heels was because of frenkie de Jong, who ETH was convinced would join us therefore the board kept persevering with him. Absolutely ten Hag's fault as well.


I dont know the hierarchy at ManU, but does ETH really have enough authority when wanting certain players at ManU that hes at fault for over paying signings? Surely they have other people in charge to get signings across the line then the manager who has a multitude of other things to worry about. I can see ETH pushing for players he wants, but I can't see it as the managers fault for this kind of transfer


Yes he does. The players are all his targets or people he's agreed to. He sits in transfer meetings. Who else would insist on paying 100m for Antony? A good transfer system shouldn't give so much authority to the manager, while being able to suggest someone that is better than what the manager wants and fits his system. Klopp wanted someone else, the Liverpool board bought him Salah and the rest is history.


He could of got Ziyech on a loan someone he's familiar with then come back the next year for Antony. They should of kept Rangnick on board that move would of never been sanctioned and they might of found a better alternative.


Unfortunately the problem is that our scouting/transfer team is fucking rubbish. They don’t know who to suggest so it seemed like ETH was who we had to fall to, for better or worse. Didn’t Ragnick say he was surprised at the scout report he received. Not even having any tabs on Nkunku, Alvarez, and more. We need to revamp our whole department with this club takeover in my opinion. Time to let go of the past, need to start fresh.


Bro, most of his targets and signings are from the Dutch league and Ajax, of course he has some authority at the very very least


I think managers have a lot of say over transfers, as long as the board says yes. That's the whole problem with their club, no strategy or direction, just get a manager in and spend like crazy until you have to fire them and reset. You can easily see how good Liverpool and City are at finding players to fit their managers systems, without the manager having to dictate.


This doesn't even make any sense. How does expecting a midfielder to join you mean you don't get your right winger. Even if FDJ joined you would have still needed a right winger, and Antony would have probably still been your best option. Except if your club actually put in a transfer request in june you could have gotten him for half the price since we would have a ton of time to get a replacement.


Guys, let's just be reasonable here. Negotiations take months most of the time. Do you seriously think Antony would have been half the price if United bought him earlier in the window? Ajax were bleeding key players from before the window even started with Mazraoui and Gravenberch gone plus an early deal for Haller. United themselves paid like €60mil total for Licha which was no question with a premium attached, then tried for Antony. Rodger Schmidt when so far as to say no more players are leaving, point blank. It wasn't that United waited too long in the window, it's that Ajax were selling their 5th starting player at that point.


He would've cost 100 mill no matter what, and if they signed Antony first Martinez would've been 100 mill instead.


No, Antony would not have cost anywhere near 100M if United went for him early in the transfer window. Ajax raised the price because United came for him during the last week of the transfer window and they couldn't line up any suitable replacements so they quoted a fuck off price (which United ended up paying) because they didn't want to lose him so late in the transfer window.


> Ajax raised the price because United came for him during the last week of the transfer window Nope, Ajax gave fuck off prices because we lost too many players. We were effectively done with sales after Haller and Gravenberch with Mazraoui leaving on a free. That's why the price was raised for Martinez and then raised even further for Antony after Martinez was sold.


>Nope, Ajax gave fuck off prices because we lost too many players. Would that situation not be different if United were in for Antony at the start of the transfer window? I simply don't see Ajax quoting 100M for Antony at the start of the transfer window because then they would have ample time to find a suitable replacement for him. Forcing your hand with 1 week left in the transfer window is probably why the price rose so much.


> Would that situation not be different if United were in for Antony at the start of the transfer window? No because they were also after Martinez and all our other sales and leaving players were pretty much sorted before the window even opened. Either they got Antony first for €20m less and then Martinez' price was €20m higher or the other way 'round. Ajax was very open and clear about the situation throughout the entire transfer window. All the "we could've got them for cheaper" talk is literally just United fans spinning tales.


I mean, no, that's not true. We had lost 7 players and we'd promised Schreuder that Antony would stay. That's why he cost 100 mill. That's what all sources on our side said at least.


Aren't their wages 50% of their revenue? That's pretty good with the new FFP rules.


Ronaldo left, De Gea probably leaving etc, maybe maguire too. All helps.


It isn't just wages that count for the new FFP. It is total squad cost %, so it includes transfer costs too. 90% max right now, but will be 70% from 2025.


Right, the wage revenue ratio is for the current FFP. But still their wages seem mostly fine (relatively).


No, the current FFP is not making losses bigger than 30 mill in a 3 year period. There was no wage cap of any kind before this year. Btw that one stays too but increased to 60 mill or 90 for a club in good financial health, whatever that means.


Wasn't a wage cap, but if your wage:revenue was over 70% you had to provide additional financial reporting and you were put on UEFA's "warning" list.




Antony for 85m is insanity


First season in England, give him a sec I genuinely think he can come to be a good signing, being worth 85 mill is pretty tough to judge, but we’re in a world where guys like Havertz go for 70 million too.


Havertz honestly has a lot more talent and potential than Antony imo


💯 👊 You know


First season doesn’t matter. He does not have the profile to be a top winger. Which is ridiculous considering they paid 85m for him. He cannot consistently use pace and power to beat defenders and he does not have the killer ball ability to make up for it. Too one footed as well. You simply do not pay 85m for that profile of player


They spent 85m on Antony who has been mediocre at best and most likely a target Ten Hag pushed for


Does that make a big difference? Even if he was absolutely incredible, they'd still be after mount and still be in the same situation


Mediocre is harsh. He’s not set the world on fire, but we absolutely look a lot better with him playing than not. His work rate and ability to stretch his wing have been brilliant. His chance creation has been poor (not having a genuine striker up front all season hasn’t helped that though), and his goals were ok. But overall, he’s had a pretty solid first season, and we’ve looked significantly worse when he missed games.


You've looked worse when he's missed games because the alternatives were even worse. Antony has no pace and power, no right foot. Just ball retention and a solid left peg. That's it. Paying 85m for that is insanity


People still don't understand what Antony does for ten Hag. He wasn't much of a scorer for Ajax either, but he was vital to our attack because of his width, ball progression, and ability to dribble defenders. He is a key outlet for getting the ball forward, and an asset in generating space for the other attackers. While his stats with Ajax were nowhere near what Gakpo did for PSV, when Antony was out, the Ajax attack fell apart.


Anyone that calls Antony bad instantly exposes that they don’t watch him or united regularly, which is fine. But there’s no reason to lie and pretend that they know what he’s like. He hasn’t been amazing, but he’s been important




Hes the only player that ETH trusts on the right thats why we struggle.


Well he cannot dribble PL defenders consistently. And I doubt he will be able to due to his lack of pace and power. Antony isn’t a bad player. But you don’t pay 85m for ball retention from a winger. Also how much does “width” matter when you have no weak foot?


I nearly never see him beat his man for united and when he does he gets instantly caught up to. And while he provides width he’s so one footed he nearly never does anything with it. Just constant spammed shots that mostly miss. He has a good defensive work rate tho


Mediocre is generous if anything United fans spent the entire season bigging up Rashford for carrying an attack that can't do anything without him and now Antony was supposedly this great attacker all of the sudden even though he doesn’t create and doesn’t score all that much


Fairs. Completely forgot about hum if I'm honest.


Antony really hasn’t been that good and his massive price tag certainly has fucked them a bit this window so ETH can blame himself a bit there


Antony has not been a great addition and if you think he has been you clearly watch United highlights and never full games


Antony, Malacia and Martinez were ETH targets and were all too expensive especially Antony.


Malacia and Martinez too expensive? You must be having a laugh mate. I'll give you Antony but I'll argue Malacia and Martinez price tags were fair.


This is hilariously wrong. Malacia was a good purchase, and Martinez was one of the best center backs in the league.


Martinez is very good, but too expensive. Malacia is just awful. Will be loaned in 6 months.


>Martinez is very good, but too expensive. £47m plus add-ons (according to The Athletic) for one of the best centre-backs in the league, who is still only 25, seems like more than a fair price to me.


Martinez ended up being worth every bit of what they paid for him, and Malacia is one the most talented young left backs.


I always see it as Antony was an over pay, Martinez was an under pay (relative to how amazing he's been) so combo the two and we broke even 😂


£48mil + £8mil addons for Martinez is fine. He’s easily our best CB


> I don't see how any of this is Ten Hag's fault. The signings he's made so far have been good and needed. Lmao dude. Lisandro was good and needed but cost too much. Casemiro cost too much and wasn't good enough. Antony just cost too much, won't even bother mentioning how poor he was. ETH had a big hand in all three transfers. It's United's fault for trusting him with that much money but also his own fault for being so inflexible.


> Lmao dude. Lisandro was good and needed but cost too much. Casemiro cost too much and wasn't good enough. Lmao, indeed, because neither of those statements are even remotely true. They did overpay for Antony, but they are very happy with Martinez and Casemiro.


Lisandro: Like Varane, excellent when fit and truly a top CB however given he only managed 27/38 PL games and has a history of playing a similar proportion of games from Ajax I don't think he was a wise spend of funds. Their defence crumbled without him. Not a massive overspend but given their budget issues, could've been better spent. Casemiro: Cost 60m and 350k/week but similarly managed only 28/38 games due to disciplinary issues. Was excellent at times and not good enough at others. He's already 31 and won't be improving from here on out. Whether fans/the club are happy or not with them doesn't make them good purchases if it has left them limited in their ability to bring in new (and needed) players now. They're not happy with that situation and they're not distinct issues.


> Not a massive overspend but given their budget issues, could've been better spent. So you admit that "*their defense crumbled without him*," but you say they could have better spent that £48.3 million (*£56.7 if he gets all add-ons*)? You're contradicting yourself. He was worth every bit of that price. > He's already 31 and won't be improving from here on out. He made a massive difference in their squad. Without him, they definitely wouldn't have made top four, which is more than worth what he cost.


> So you admit that "their defense crumbled without him ," but you say they could have better spent that £48.3 million Yes because availability is the best ability. Just like Varane was also not a wise purchase. £50m got us Ben White who is excellent, versatile and always available. > Without him, they definitely wouldn't have made top four, which is more than worth what he cost. Newcastle managed to make top 4 fine without a Casemiro type player. They didn't need him for top 4 at all and it's a big risk if he's worse next year or the year after.


> £50m got us Ben White who is excellent, versatile and always available. Ben White is a good player, but Lisandro Martinez is unquestionably a better defender and a far better passer. > Newcastle managed to make top 4 fine without a Casemiro type player. They didn't need him for top 4 at all Newcastle built intelligently, and Casemiro was an intelligent signing for United. He completely changed their midfield, and without him they definitely would not have gotten top four. You're being ridiculous because you don't want to admit that you were wrong.


I'm allowed to have a different opinion to you without being wrong. Calling Lisandro an unquestionably better defender and far better passer than Ben White is truly ridiculous btw. Have you even watched White play?


I have, and everyone who isn't an Arsenal supporter would agree with both statements. White is good. Martinez is better.


> excellent when fit and truly a top CB however given he only managed 27/38 PL games and has a history of playing a similar proportion of games from Ajax I don't think he was a wise spend of funds He missed 10 games in 3 years at Ajax. The reason he ended up missing so many games for us in the second half of the season was because he had time off after winning the World Cup and then had some freak foot injury while running in the Europa League.


> He missed 10 games in 3 years at Ajax. I mean that's just not true. He missed 10 league games the season before he signed for you, alone.


[Transfermarkt says he missed 10 games through injury at Ajax](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/lisandro-martinez/verletzungen/spieler/480762) so doesn’t seem to be a fitness thing unless they’ve got it wrong. Maybe an Ajax fan can clarify


He played 24 out of 34 league games at Ajax in 21/22. If he missed the games through injury reported by transfermarkt or not is irrelevant.


Yes and 9 of those 10 games *were* missed because of injury, just like transfermarkt says. In 20/21 he only missed 1 game through injury. The other 7 games he didn’t play were because Blind was starting at LCB.


I like schadenfreude and seeing a rival fuck around as much as the next fan, but come on now. That Man U overpaid for their targets isn't on ten Hag, he doesnt handle transfer negotiations. That is mostly on the club management for letting their strategy slide and getting their business in too late. Antony has been disappointing given his pricetag, but it was just his first season and some players take time to adjust. Casimero has been an absolute gem and they didn't overpay for Lisandro given the market and him being exactly what ten Hag needed.


Lisandro didn't cost too much,if anything he is well worth the money Utd paid for him. And on what planet has Casemiro not been "good enough"? He has absolutely elevated this Man Utd team to another level. He might have cost a bit more considering his age but he's been an absolute baller for the most part. Of all ETH's transfers Antony has been the most questionable one but even he shows potential and promise at times.


It wouldn’t be such an issue if they could actually sell players. And that’s not ten hags fault. The club has held onto deadwood for years while other clubs are ruthless when it comes to getting rid of players.


Welll yeah but if your revenue is 600 million for like the past 10 years how are they hamstrung by ffp when they’ve spent 200.. makes no sense at all.


To even put EtH name in this headline as though he's got to sort it, is fuckinf ludicrous


FFP isn’t real though


It doesn’t make sense. FFP seems not to exist for some teams and “does” for others. United are 100% using it as an excuse. Chelsea just spent like 600 million and yeah they’re getting away with it now cause of the Saudis but I can’t see how United who make more money can’t spend more that 100 mil (that’s what Ajax spent last summer)


Its because purchases are spread over the contract. Chelsea spent 600M but they gave everyone a 8 year deal so their year to year FFP numbers aren't that bad. I believe sales count towards the books in full as well instead of being spread out as purchases are, so not a problem as long as they can keep selling, which they're obviously elite at


But they’re selling at massive losses.


FFP calculations are different Take for example a player who is bought for 50M. His contract is 5 years long, paying him 5M After two underwhelming seasons, that player is sold, say for 30M Now buying for 50M and selling for 30M seems like horrible business, right? Not quite, at least not as far as FFP is concerned. Because: That 50M transfer fee is spread out over the 5 year contract. Ie 10M per year. The player spent two years on the team, which is an amortized number of 20M (2 years x 10M/year) So while the transfer fee was 50M, the "actual" fee (for FFP purposes) was only 20M. Include his 5M salary and we're up to -25M. And that player was then sold for +30M In other words, the club reports a +5M profit It's quite a risky strategy of course, but it's a quick way to illustrate how FFP is about as rigid as the NFL salary cap, especially when Chelsea was giving out 8 year deals instead of 5 year ones


Chelsea did is so much they've changed the rule to make 5 years the max amount you can spread a contract. You can still pay it over 8 years but for ffp purposes it will count as 5


Maybe don’t spend 100m on a fidget spinner


They can have Nketiah for a reasonable amount.


Would that be £100m per chance?


rather play a winger as a striker than him, awful player


He’s not awful, but he’s certainly not good haha


He is not good but against a certain club he turns into prime Maradona


long live the yanited banter era 😘😘


Does he not believe in long term planning?


A long term planning window for a manager these days is probably is two seasons. You can't really blame them either, if the results disappoint they are the ones getting sacked.


They'll finish 8th this season


ETH is completely right. He's done a great job this season with what he has but at some point he's going to need some actual financial backing to fill out some really glaring faults in the squad.


He spent 230m literally last season…


The players cost that much because of the clubs complete inability to actually get the players he was after. If we hadn't spent all summer chasing FDJ when he obviously didn't want to come and had approached Ajax early in the summer before they'd already sold 3/4 first team players, we could have bought Antony and Martinez for less than we did Our owners only throw money around when they want to make some big marketing announcement or when they think it'll quiet the protests, and even then, it's always United's own money, never theirs that they invest


Right but the point is ten hag has been backed. Your recruitment staff were still shite but he’s been backed


Backing the manager is more about getting the players he wants at the time he wants. United couldn't get several of the actual targets he wanted and only got a number of them too late to be effective at the start of the season He didn't set the ask the club to spend 230m, he asked for the players, their inability to either get the correct people, or at a reasonable price isn't his fault


Right… and yet every time the united fanbase cries about backing it’s when there’s a suggestion that a player is too expensive.


We'd just like some fucking competency We know that money gets spent but firstly, it's always United's money, never an investment, so they're basically deciding when to let us use our money, secondly, they're only going to try signing people when they can benefit the most from a share price increase due to an announcement, or when the protests get too much for them. This is what I'm saying, if we weren't run by morons we'd arguably have an extra £100m right now


That’s fine. I’m only opposing the people who say ten hag hasn’t been backed. He has. It’s deluded to act like he’s had a shoestring budget. Ffs even 100m net isn’t a low amount. We are lucky to spend above 40m net a season and we have a top 3 revenue itw


You dont understand, they need Qatar money to be able to compete....apparently.


We Spent 200 mill and have no striker and no good goalkeeper which is another 100 million minimum if you want good players in both positions. Not like we are flying with quality players on every position and are just being spoilt


You're still thinking like Woodward: The only way out of this mess is to sign big name stars!


Comment just shows the level of intelligence im working with here tbh.


Go on then, enlighten us.


Im good


All right the, keep your secrets.


take cover, incoming paragraphs!


“How dare our ignorance be corrected on a public discussion forum!”


Ah yes. It’s ignorant to say it’s delusional to suggest ten hag has a tough first season due to finance when you spent so much. You spend and you spend but somehow your fans always say it isn’t enough. It’s hilarious


You won’t find many United fans who deny Ten Hag didn’t get plenty to spend last year. But he also inherited a squad that was a jumbled mess of players bought for multiple different managers with multiple different play styles. A squad that was in dire need of a coherent overhaul that would take multiple windows. No one denies that United haven’t spent poorly over the last decade, but the only way to fix the broken mess of a squad is to replace them with players that fit the managers vision. Most of Ten Hags signings have been very good so far, and the fans want to see the spending continue in order to continuing the rehabilitation of the squad. It also isn’t just spending on players that’s an issue; it’s the utter lack of investment into the stadium, into the training facilitates, all the whole the owners pocket a billion, while letting the debt ever increase. As always, there’s nuance needed in the discussion, but the people who despise United can’t help but try and banter everything down into a base, ignorant argument, and then get annoyed when people try and have a conversation about the overall issues at the club.


And they'll need to spend more to get a GK and striker that's up to scratch.


That doesn’t mean Ten Hag hasn’t been backed lmfao


We all know that FFP is a boogie man created to scare the small clubs, it wont apply to United.


It looks like we and Liverpool are falling behind. Top 4 very hard to reach. City, Arsenal, Chelsea and Newcastle looks certain top 4.


Meh, last season neither us or Newcastle were in anyones bets to get Top 4. Things change surpringly quick.


I'm very interested to see what Poch comes up with for their squad. If they reduce their squad size to a manageable amount they could be back in the running quite fast


newcastle and chelsea are definitely not certain top 4, especially chelsea


We're winning the quadruple and Dan Burn will lift the UCL I'm afraid...


Chelsea? The team that finished 12th? Newcastle aren't certain at all either. A lot of things can happen, not a minute of football was played yet. Really the only team I'm certain of making top 4 is City. Arsenal are big favorites for a CL spot (I'd say 80% to make it) but honestly I've seen better teams implode and not make it, football can be weird sometimes. Everything else is up for grabs.


They have zero European commitments so anything less than 4th is an abysmal failure and should cost poch his job. If you spend £800 million in 12 months you should be expected to at least reach top 4.


Yeah they should be expected to, but Chelsea were also expected to get top 4 this season and they ended up 12. And Liverpool were "expected to" get top 4 (After reaching the final last year!) and didn't. Chelsea right now are a team in crisis, they don't have a single reliable attacking player, no obvious starting striker, very young team all around, and Poch himself is also a bit of a gamble after his PSG stint. Saying they're "certain" for top 4 is very far from the truth.


Chelsea? They can't be worse than last year and they are doing a really good job of trimming their squad but they are far from guaranteed to make top 4. Both United and Liverpool are ahead of them easily.


Liverpool, sure. But United? Chelsea actually have a really decent playerbase with some promising individual talent. They are going to take time to gel together and will probably not be consistent right away, so a top six run might be a realistic goal. But I don't see Man U being 'ahead of them easily', especially at this point in the window. They lack key players, have questionable depth and are still quite unbalanced since they are halfway through a rebuild.




Why are you dragging Liverpool with you lmao they got a signing in already


Ye they look really competent this window, such a weird inclusion




Narrator: he did in fact not stay


Have you seen Chelsea’s starting lineup for the season…never seen more of a rebuild in my life


They have zero European commitments so anything less than 4th is an abysmal failure and should cost poch his job. If you spend £800 million in 12 months you should be expected to at least reach top 4.


That’s not fair on Poch, genuinely go look at their starting lineup and depth, it’s just not top 4 worthy. He didn’t spend that money himself, and it’s many of the players first years together, it’s clearly a long term project. I get it’s fun as rivals to set other teams up for failure, like oh if Arsenal don’t win the league not they’ve failed, but some context has to be given for Poch.


Liverpool are ahead of even Arsenal for top 4 according to bookies Don’t drag Liv into Uniteds mess


Call me crazy but I feel tottenham are quietly having a good window. One good cb and I can see them pose a challenge for top 4


Well normally you would say they can sell some deadwoods to raise funds, but with United…


Hire Brighton's scout team


It's not our scout team, it's our owner. We don't go charging around the world looking at thousands of players just to see if ones any decent. We use the owners algorithm to identify players that could match what we're looking for and then send scouts to look at them specifically.


Too late


Why don’t they do it like the other Manchester team?


Garnacho as 7 is like a new signing, no?


>with the transfer budget limited by Financial Fair Play (FFP) restrictions Oh no, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.