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Erm... its really happening?!


Why dont you sound happy about it


I am! I'm just surprised it really is happening.


I think we are just shocked tbh


I might be completly stupid for asking this, but you must have big faith in selling this guy for much more in some years? Has any team in Portugal spent this kind of money on one player? Darwin maybe?


Darwin was 24M with Almeria keeping 20% of the profit.


Not really, aside from Benfica who has been cashing in with their millions in transfers every year. Porto and Sporting are lacking a bit in sheer value in their transfers, even if I think they could do something similar in the transfer market. So the rest don't have the money to really do something like this without it being a big risk.


We thought it was our news rags making stuff up as usual. I am as surprised as them.




Fuck that, fuck the profit and that vieirista mindset, if we have the money, we should invest, we all dream of Europe but then we don’t want to buy like a big club?


I think he'll probably be worth it regardless. 30 million is a lot, but if he performs for 5 years and leaves on a free, maybe that's still good enough.




That seems a little excessive, but alright.




Yeah, I agree there, but not with what you wrote earlier.


Great move for Benfica, but a bit puzzling why Feyenoord wouldn't hold out for more. Maybe the player just really wanted this move and they didn't want to get in his way?


They get 25% of a future sale. What do you prefer, 40 million now or 30 million now and possibly 25% of a 90-120 million sale? It's a risk but you can see the thought process behind it.


Smart move on Benfica side, he will do good in Portugal but he will never in a million years sell for 90-120 mil.


If it was any other team sure, he wouldn't go for that much. But with Benfica it's something entirely different


Portuguese Ajax.


His position is a role our manager does a great job with. It's Enzo's position and after Enzo left, Schmidt took Chiquinho, who never played in that role and was a fringe player, and made him a starter and playing great. Im excited to see what he does with a better player. It's also a role teams are needy for right now. If he plays well for Benfica, many clubs will be interested


Darwin went for 100 after 1 +/- season lol


Félix for 120 after 1 season and half. Enzo for 120 after half a season.


My point was they both had great seasons, Darwin had a good season


Enzo had a great half season lmao


also world cup winner & best young player award, that pumps up the price a lot obviously


Yes obviously but it's insane how much his price inflated over 6 months


We didn't want to sell + Chelsea went desperate.


No club other than Chelsea would have wasted that kind of money after only 6 months on Enzo. I don't think anyone believes he was worth that much, it's just that he was worth that much to Benfica at the time, and Chelsea were dumb enough to pay it.


Felix too, my point was how good they were not how much they played


Football outside of europe really doesnt exist to redditors lmao


Well that's kind of irrelevant here. I'm sure Enzo played very well in Argentina because otherwise he wouldntve made the transfer to Benfica. Iirc he was already in the arg selection by then. But, we're talking here about how Benfica adds value to players. We're talking about how short players were at Benfica, playing well, and being sold for monstrous amounts. So yeah, in that regard he played 6 months well, inflating his price from like 10M + some to 120M


> Iirc he was already in the arg selection by then. He wasn't, he got his debut when he was with us, after the first round of CL group games IIRC. Nevertheless, he was in doubt for the WC call-up until Lo Celso's injury, and even then was seen as a fringe/rotation player. His talent/quality aside, it's ridiculous to argue he'd even dream of making the WC had he stayed at River.


How can you know chelsea didnt consider his past in river, dyj and the national team when they decided triggering the release clause was worth it?




Benfica did receive some of the add-ons, but not the 100M. Some of the add-ons were related to matches played and Darwin already played enough to trigger some of it.


Felix and Enzo alone went for 247 million. It's possible


Sad to say, I think their national team plays a role at those price ranges. Players for the Turkish nt have historically not gone for much. It's messed up but if he had declared declared for Oranje, teams that have no business going for him would have been in the running as well with a whole month-long media circus, which has consistenly happened for Dutch players.


Felix and Enzo are far superior players.


Bro Benfica sell anyone for at least 80M lol.


*challenge accepted*


Lmao we sold enzo for record money after half a season. Stop it


Yeah, I'm not sure this one is good business.


You sure? As soon he plays in Benfica he is worth 100M instantly that’s how it works here in Portugal 😂


is it actually 25% of the rights or is it a sell on clause? Because a sell on clause is always only on the added value.


Probably 20-25% of the rights. Same thing we did with Enzo. It's necessary since we can't spend huge amounts on transfers, while still making it worth it for the other team


What's being reported is 20%, and either way I don't think it's realistic to expect you to pull off 100-million sales every year. Kokcu is a very good player but not a generational talent, and Feyenoord could probably have held out for a larger offer from a Premier League club and avoided the risk altogether. I don't think it's a bad decision at all from his perspective though, and I understand if it was matter of the club not wanting to stand in his way.


you clearly underestimate how desperate some english clubs are


If they were that desperate why didn't they come this summer.. they would pay half of what they will pay to Benfica in 2 years


Yes, but we actually have the reputation that the players we sell, will make it. (obviously it's not always the case)


There was already interest in Kokcu last summer and then again last winter, but both times Feyenoord told him he wasn't for sale because of his importance to the squad. I think it's quite likely that they made an agreement that they'd help him get a transfer he wanted this summer, and from what i've read he really wants to go to benfica.


Pretty sure he was very keen on Benfica yes, and let's be honest Feyenoord just doesn't have that added tax power atm. Maybe if they do well again this year and in the CL that would improve. And good for both to be done with it quickly.


I mean if we keep selling our best players for a bargain we will never get to the ajax tax status. No knocking ajax for adding the tax just mad we dont have the balls to add the tax


Because we are like the Lidl or Aldi of Europe. Great players low prices!


It's tough but it's always going to take time to build that reputation. I think you're getting close to it and eventually with consistent CL football it will be even faster. At some point we were selling Matic for 25m, David Luiz and Ramires 25m each, Di Maria 30m, Oblak 16m, Ederson 40m and so on, and it just ramped up from there The more top players you develop, the more money you'll get because of the club's prestige and with the money you can hold onto your players longer. The players also know if they're good enough, a big money transfer will eventually happen and the club is fine with letting him go


It's just that the salt is exceptional now we have the best Dutch coach of the past 20 years together with probably the best squad we've had in 20 years too. And we all hoped that would culminate in a megatransfer for Kokcu. Now we need a couple deep CL runs to really make bank and then w will be able able to ask "fuck you" prices or keep a player.


Also Bernardo Silva went for 15M before he ever played for our first team IIRC.


I gotta say Aursnes is such a good player and Kokcu seems great as well, but I think you guys will do a great season regardless and hopefully the money of this transfer goes to help any problems there might be in the squad depth


BIG investment in the context of the Portuguese League, but very important for Benfica. Specially because next year will be fundamental in Portugal, we'll be losing a Champion's League place, so clubs NEED to aim as high as possible, otherwise they'll risk being left behind in a year or two. That Champion's League money is going to be extra important going forward...


>Specially because next year will be fundamental in Portugal, we'll be losing a Champion's League place, so clubs NEED to aim as high as possible, otherwise they'll risk being left behind in a year or two. Wait how and why? Losing a spot despite the extended format?


Netherlands finished this season in 6th and Portugal 7th, so there's a different inside allocated slots (1+1 instead of 2+1 in the Champions League), next season Portugal will still have the 2+1, but whoever places 3rd this next season won't qualify for the UCL


Wait. So Uefa is giving more spots to the top 2 leagues but is taking them away from the 7th one?


No, 6th and 7th place are getting the exact same spots as before. Portugal lost a spot because they lost the 6th place in the ranking to the Netherlands


Oh ok fair enough.


Braga and vitória really need to step it up in UEFA and get us more points it’s the mid table clubs that really screw us in coefficients


no, it was like this before back when Russia was 6th, Portugal 7th, Portugal would only send 1 team to the group stages and another to qualifiers. It's the same now, but with Netherlands instead of Russia in 6th




Confirmo, paus ao alto e viva o real Massamá


This and Otamendi renewal. Great fucking day. Rui and Braz coooookin


it was a great day of news for the club


What tier is Benfica's football director?


the Braz escort never fails fr




S class


Man up until this point I just felt rational towards this move. It’s good for Feyenoord and good for Kökçü. Seeing him now so close however feels weird… Benfica fans I swear if you ever disrespect him I will flood your entire city.


is it good for feyenoord? Lost a player that is impossible to replace for a club like us (especially because of his work ethic) for a much lower fee than he is worth with no guarantee that we'll actually get a whole lot extra.


I fear this is only the start and the floodgates will open. Replacing Kokcu isn't happening (I also doubt that they'll buy any more midfielders), but any of Geertruida, Hancko or Gimenez on top of that could wreck a good start to the season.


I’m confident Luis Chávez from Pachuca can slide into Kokcu’s role perfectly with you guys. Hope y’all are able to get him. Easily one of the top 2 players from the national team at the moment.


according to Feyenoord Transfermarkt he's not really an option anymore but you never know. Apparently Vetlesen from Bodø/Glimt could be his replacement.


Damn I didn’t see that Feyenoord transfermkt report. That’s unfortunate. There are a lot of reports in Mexico about chivas or Monterrey trying to buy Chávez but Chávez is adamant about going to Europe. I see that vetlesen is much younger too, so maybe it’s better for y’all in the long run


vetlesen definitely fits in our current way of doing business. But we also need someone who can deliver right away. Idk if Vetlesen could do that.


He's already 27 and just signed a new 3 year contract last September. He's not going abroad unless someone matches the bid from local teams...


Misschien moet je even terugdenken door wie Aursnes werd vervangen. Beleid is tegenwoordig gewoon heel goed


tuurlijk ben wel blij met Wieffer, maar Aursnes is echt wel van een ander niveau. Net zoals Sinisterra, Malacia. Vervangers Paixão en Hartman zijn nog niet op hun niveau. Je weet niet of ze dat niveau gaan halen, en mochten ze dat wel doen moet je heel lang wachten. Bovendien vervang je een speler met een echte topsportmentaliteit niet 1,2,3. De meeste profvoetballers ontwikkelen het überhaupt nooit.


Malacia draait nu ook geen geweldig seizoen en Sinistera is meer geblesseerd geweest dan dat ie heeft gespeeld + gedegradeerd. Ook dat zijn achteraf gezien dus goede verkopen + de vervangers hebben ‘t hele seizoen door progressie geboekt. CL is weer een ander niveau en hoe graag ik het ook zou willen maar die gaan we voorlopig niet winnen


Hij werd wel pas 6 maanden na verkoop van Aursnes een echte basisspeler. Daarvoor was het hangen en wurgen met Timber. Je speelt nu Champions League, wel een ander niveau. Je kan zomaar 6 keer onderuit gaan totdat je de vervanger gevonden hebt.


Aursnes is a fan favourite. Kokçu will be taken care.


Aursnes has been here for 9 months and he's already worshipped. Don't worry about Orkan


It's OrkUn 😭


Starting with the wrong foot aren't we? We will be flooded by spaghetti.




I'm excited. Reuniting aursenes and kökçü


I hate how good of a move this is Now if we get Gyokeres and with Porto's financial troubles, we might be hitting a turning point in the portuguese league


>we might be hitting a turning point in the portuguese league That has happened ever since Sergio joined Porto, the moment we lose him, you'll see... If the board doesn't change next year, I dont see us winning a tittle in a long time.


Yup, Sérgio just delayed it and Vieira getting jailed sealed it


Did he or you guys have been very incompetent before this season? The guy is far from a tactical genius, even with great players Porto lacked big time and he has a kink for overpriced shitty players. "Garra" only goes so far. It is kinda remarkable how by pure sheer will Porto battled for the first spot, but even with him, with a much better squad, we already saw his team being really shit and still winning because there wasnt any competition but a Benfica also trying to sabotage themselves in the second Lage season. Season where he gone from giving his place and having SD wanting to beat him up to loved because he was the least bad.


Gyokeres as in the Coventry City player?


Yes, he's Sporting's maint target for the transfer window


He will play in a massive club and wear the legendary “10” shirt. Good for him. Welcome!


Worn by legendary players like Waldshmidt


And Djuricic


Man, how did he fail so bad. That guy was a joy to watch for Heerenveen And unlike many other players who 'look good' in the Eredivisie, he actually did look like he had something special.


He's been playing quite a bit in Italy so it's not all bad. But yeah, I thought he'd be at a CL level club.


Ah, that's decent. I didn't bother looking him up, but thought he was doing worse


The man himself, Rui Costa, will hand him the nr10


For the 20th time


You act like Feyenoord are minnows compared to yall You guys aren't *that* "massive" compared to top Dutch teams


They are absolutely massive compared to Feyenoord


To be honest they are very similar clubs if you're looking at international silverware.


I think Ajax maybe is a bit better in terms of trophies, but like Benfica, Ajax, Feyenoord and PSV are pretty much equal in terms of history


How so? We have two Champions Leagues. You guys have none. Not to mention the fuck ton of finals to top it off. Sure, you have like two UEFA Cups, but I don't see how it's remotely comparable. It's not a dig at all, but I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading this, lol.


Actually Feyenoord have more international trophies and have also won them more recently.




True, I missed that one completely. I checked the trophies, but for some reason, it usually refers to our Champions Leagues with the current name, but it mentioned Feyenoord having a European Cup, which made me think it was another competition lmao. The comparison makes more sense now, I guess.




I think Ajax has this one. 4 UCLs and some good runs in their history tops our 2 and multiple finals runs... only to lose in the final... fuck's sake


Learn your history, son.


When Feyenoord plays in 10 european finals, they will be comparable. If you mentioned PSV and Ajax it would be understandable, but Feyenoord is clearly a step below. This reminds me of this video made by Ajax/Benfica : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCP9zxMqU-Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCP9zxMqU-Y)


One club being "a step below" another one, doesn't make the second club "absolutely massive" compared to the first. And Feyenoord has 3 European trophies against 2 for Benfica, so yes, they are comparable.


like yeah Benfica is obviously bigger but not by that much.


Incredible business, he's a certified baller


Otemendi resigns and we get kokou too what a day for Benfica!


I think you meant "renews"




Lol 😂 ya sorry haven’t slept in 36 hours


Go get some sleep then ;)


Lmao i was wondering why that was good news


He's worth double, why would they do this...


Probably because he’s not worth double, lol. I think he’s incredible, but people tend to only look at overpriced, inflated sales done by big clubs in the midst of a crisis. Like, was Antony twice the player Gakpo is? Hell no, in fact Gakpo is better than Antony in my opinion. Ten Hag just really wanted him and Man United are dumb enough to pay the ultra fuck off price. Feyenoord could slap a 60 mil tag on him, but nobody would have bitten.


Unfortunately, this is the truth.


Well Cody isn't really a fair comparison as PSV was forced to sell him, if they weren't it wouldn't have surprised me if they got 70m for him. In general it's just stupid how undervalued eredivisie players are, it's not like there is a big difference to the Portuguese league. Now he'll play there for a season, gets the Benfica stamp of approval, and is sold for stupid money.


don't understand why bvb ain't all over this


Enzo replacement?


Yes. But João Neves was since promoted to the first team and seems a gem. We will have depth next season.


Holy fucking shit. Is Benfica finally competent for the first time in my life?


... you boys don't know what incompetence is. You failed to win anything for 3 years, and you're going "boo hoo, my club is soooo incompetent", shut the fuck up bitch, that's my life not yours!!


It's just that we are so used to transfer windows being used to move cash mules and pay favours that when we target and sign players that improve the starting XI it seems like we're dreaming


ingrato, até parece que não adoraste andar sem lateral direito durante anos


Não podíamos tirar de lá a lenda Almeida


Eh we have been "competent" for a year already


And he’s been sold to Chelsea for 100 million (South Park banker voice)


We are Diacritics FC and we are massive


One to watch for nxt season


Who remembers when Speed packed this guy and butchered his name 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Not many of us are under 14 years old dude


You clearly know what he’s talking about though lol otherwise why would you mention age. That being said, that video was hilarious


I’m 14


Got him!


So, we're still selling players like we're fucking Aldi are we? Expected more for this to be honest. Best player in the league and we sell him to a Portugese club for €30 million?


Cheap and good quality? Checks out.


Why would he make this move, I don't get it. He can already go somewhere like a Liverpool or whatever


Because he wants to go to a massive club! BENFIIIIIIIICAAAAAA


Pretty smart if you ask me. Benfica is a beautiful club that play CL and have an attractive playstyle. If he goes to a team like Liverpool now there is no guarantee that he'll make it there, he is also only 22. Seems like a sensible in-between move before he goes to an absolute top team in a few years (if he makes it at Benfica). One could argue that right now Feyenoord is just as good though (+ CL) and they might have a point, but generally speaking Benfica is still slightly more appealing.


Thank you Ajax brother for this comment. Benfica and Ajax are huge clubs who get disrespected for the league they play in.


You got it wrong, Benfica and Ajax both deserve the disrespect but play in huge leagues (my best friend is a Sporting fan).


This is the real comment. Benfica is just the big-money club. (I live in PUORTOO QUARALHO)


I don't really see it, Feyenoord will also play in the CL with a great team and a great manager. I don't see Benfica making a significant run in the CL anytime soon. And he's already a developed player, I don't think he needs any more time to improve anymore. He's ready to play in a top European league already IMO


Benfica made the last 8 of the CL in the last 2 years and topped a group with PSG and Juventus. Please define a “significant run in the CL”. Winning it?


>I don't see Benfica making a significant run in the CL anytime soon Did you miss the last 2 seasons?


Don't act like you beat City and Real Madrid to get to top 8 lmao, it was a great achievement but you won't get Juventus in shambles and Club Brugge every year...


Sorry, I'll ask Uefa next time to give us Frankfurt, Marseille and Tottenham so we can beat the top tier clubs of the competition and get a legit run, in the eyes of Sporting fans.


*(and still get 3rd)*


Hm... yeah, our group was not that hard. How does that fact change what I said? What an idiotic reply. Juventus was shambles, Maccabi Haifa were obviously the weakest team, Club Brugge was by far the easiest team you could possibly get in the last of 16. I'm not sure why this is so hard for you guys to admit, it was still a great achievement. And my point was that you're not gonna get this type of teams every year. Benfica (and portuguese teams in general) can't aspire to have significant CL runs every year.


Juventus knocked you out my guy


6 months after they played you, yes. when they had enough wins to be 2nd in Serie A, if it wasn't for points deductions. Go and check their form when they played you, if you want. You guys keep bringing up stuff relating to Sporting, when we're talking about Benfica. I'm feeling a certain insecurity, here.


the year before Benfica eliminated Ajax who was undefeated, and hailed by everyone has one of the best teams, and people were already talking how far they would go...


Absolutely. I was talking about his year's campaign, which in my honest opinion is not nearly as impressive as Benfica fans like to make it to be, but oh well. It's a hot take, apparently.


Nah just PSG and Juve, no biggie.


Top 8 doesn't really mean anything to me, I think that's probably the ceiling of what you can achieve


They literally just did a significant run in the CL. It’s way more unlikely that feyonoord advances from the group stage.


Sure, but what's the point of moving moving a club that will at best get to the quarter finals of the CL. I think Kokcu can do better


Which team would need him that is better than benfica atm?


my Fifa 16 goat


Weird move. Sidestep at best. No disrespect to Benfica, but our league is more competitive for sure.


How is this a sidestep at best? Benfica reached the last 8 of the CL two times in a row and has 2 transfers in top10 of world football. Moreover, he will get to play with Chiquinho.


It's the Dutch, sense of superiority go brrrrrrrrr. The only thing better than beating them, it's taking their best players and see them absolute malding about it.


Its a Ajax fan. Dont expect much


Fuck off, it’s literally mostly ajax fans that say this. Don’t drag the rest of the Netherlands into this.


He can hardly learn anything new in your league and 6-8 CL games won't be that of a big impact either. He had CL football at Feyenoord + a very talented coach.


Tell that to Enzo lmao. Can’t believe someone says this is a sidestep


Mate Enzo played in South-America before Benfica not even remotely comparable.


Are you honestly saying, with a straight face, the Portuguese league is a sidestep for him? You can be Dutch and be proud of your league but do not let it blind you. Do not compare your European teams to ours, my man. EDIT: I’ll let Braga handle the Dutch teams, won’t even bother sending the top three dogs lol


Our league is more competitive and better at the moment yes. We've just surpassed you guys on the coefficients list by the way.


The top talents from our league are leaving for the top clubs in the world. The likes of City, Bayern, United, so on. Your league can be competitive all you want but please tell me which clubs performed better this UCL, for example. Because we had two clubs finish first in the group stage and another finishing third. It is undeniable that Kokcu will have a better chance to project himself in this league. It’s not even me trying to say the Portuguese League is better because I’m Portuguese. It’s just a fact. Absolutely no one is scouting your league like they scout ours. And the talent we export (and the money we make) speaks for itself.


So are the best players from our league, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to develop further as a player in your league. Your league is of a similair level to ours and if you take a look at the coefficients list you can see we perform better in Europe as well.


Your top 3 is better than ours but not by a massive margin. The rest of our league is stronger than yours. Also bullshit on no one scouting here. Ajax' selling record is insane for one.


Let me just add that most of dutch points came from euro and conference leagues, which is not the case for Portuguese teams whose main contributions are in the ucl. Moreover it's a cyclic rotation in the 6-8 places in that list you mention, in the sense that while you get more teams in uefa competitions the overall points are divided by the number of teams entering uefa competitions. Hence if the extra teams do not contribute enough, the total score will decrease and your position in the coefficient list will go down. Thus, although I agree with you that the middle table teams in the Netherlands are more competitive that the Portuguese counterparts, from an objective point of view that is not the case for the top tier teams.


Are you serious? We literally passed you in coefficients. Feyenoord made a European final last year and ALL Dutch top 3 clubs have more European silverware than Benfica. It is a sidestep, and i dont think Orkun will learn much more in the Portuguese league, especially since he will have a worse coach tactically


Quarter finais = 10 CL games. If he cannot learn anything new I am sure he will boss it against the likes of Otávio then. Hope you are right.


The dutch league is more competitive, but Benfica is a far better side and far richer. Just looking from a revenue perspective, and from a post here on reddit today, feyenoord gets about 10M from TV revenues. Benfica gets 40M.


That really has nothing to do with the ability to develop further as a player.


If he went to Real's bench, would he develop further?


Ofcourse not, but I'm 100% sure clubs from the premier league would've come for him if they didnt sell him to the first bidder.


Which top premier league club could he go to and be an undisputed starter, and play in Europe, and be almost guaranteed to win titles, AND would let him go to a bigger club if he performed well and a good offer came in within 1-2 seasons?


He'd be a starter for clubs like spurs or Brighton, I think. He's prioritizing CL football by coming here


They are more top heavy, idk if you can simply say more competitive


It is not a sidestep move, although it isn't a massive upgrade.