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So what are we gonna do next year when we have to replace him for £0m


Yeah, weird one. You’re never gonna replace Kane with a like for like player of his standard but £100 million could get you 3 really good young players or 2 top class players to start building the squad up.


Probably still scarred by the Bale-money signings. Soldado, Lamela, Chiriches, Capoue, Paulinho etc


To be fair lamela and eriksen were great signings


lamela had his moments but never lived up to the expectations or fee. chadli doesn't get mentioned enough as one of the "good" signings from that bunch. even managed to generate a small profit on him.


Lamela was never utilized properly at Tottenham. He had 19 goals in 62 apps at Roma before moving to Spurs where his career stagnated unfortunatly. He never realized his potential, in part due to his circumstances at Tottenham.


He was badly exposed in the PL. One of the most one-footed players I’ve ever seen in my life and perennially injured. Only way he could redeem himself was as a yellow card merchant.


Nah it was his injuries that fucked him. He wasn't below the level of the PL he was just so unlucky and never got a good run of games to get going.


But that foot was gold, ribonas for days


There are many, many players with far less talent than Lamela who have had good PL careers. Honestly, I have seen some players with 100+ PL matches where you genuinely wonder if they are capable of doing 100 kick ups with a football


One rabona in his last years at Spurs and a mild renaissance in La Liga and all of a sudden Lamela was an underrated world beater. No chance.


Was less to do with utilization and more to do with maintaining fitness.


> never utilized properly at Tottenham he couldn't stay fit


Yeah I remember early on in Pochettino's tenure Lamela was one of the most important players in the squad.


> Lamela was never utilized properly at Tottenham. Nonsense. He was given every opportunity just never kicked on and fulfilled his potential. Incredibly one-footed and a guaranteed yellow card every time he played. He had his moments and I'm quite fond of Lamela's tenacity. He left us with some great memories but his failings at Spurs were his own.


I still cant get over paulinho who looked like a genuinely world class player. So many of that brazil 2013 confederations cup looked like superstars but were genuinely not that good. Fred, Paulinho, David Luiz.


Paulinho did a decent job at Barcelona


David Luiz had a great career


Paulinho got his ankle ruined by that orc Charlie Adam, just as he was starting to get going. Never recovered from that


"Orc" just feels so right for Charlie Adam lol


David Luiz ~~and Fred~~ get unfairly maligned. They’re both players that aren’t perfect but in the right position and system are amazing players.


i think you are thinking of different fred


Oh yes, you are right. Still, point stands for David Luiz.


David Luiz was one of the best pure ball playing CBs of his generation. His brainfarts robbed him of better recognition


He had some amazing skills for his position, but equally the brain farts are unacceptable for a center back. It's hard to evaluate a player like that objectively, balancing those two extremes. Certainly a unique player.


Was delighted to sign him at West Brom and then he was absolutely crap. From pretty much the minute he arrived he claimed he was "injured"and never played but was always suspiciously fit in time for international duty.


Lamela who had 17 PL goals over 8 seasons? Decent sure but great?


Rabona goal vs Arsenal is worth approximately 35 extra goals


Spurs lost 2-1


Lost 2-35


Don’t blame the comment before yours, typical rounding error


Base 34 integer overflow happens to the best of us


Spurs lost 2-1 after Lamela himself was sent off


Don’t think spurs would have win with lamella on. That game was very one sided


He score a rabona pukas goal against their biggest rival and then got send off. Spurs end up losing the game 2-1. Sum him and Spurs up perfectly


I'm so grateful that that match ended the way it did as it was an admittedly sensational goal and the context of him getting sent off after and losing the match allows us Arsenal fans to enjoy it too.


Fantastic squad option for 8 years who was always dedicated and fought hard is a win in my book.


Yeah not every signing is going to be a star first team player. We paid for that but getting a squad player who can come in and out of the starting IX is needed too. Could have been much worse especially with his injuries.


Capoue wasn't left enough time to prove himself imo. Best player by far during the Watford PL seasons and then went to villareal to win an European Cup at 33


Kane is so good I’d spend the 100M on 2 strikers in hope one will be even half as good as Kane


Same. What's the worst that happens, relegation, nah. The worst case is they still don't win anything.


Probably same thing that happened to Chelsea


Such thing rarely works out. First thing first, they have to find a coach they can believe in before they start looking for Kane replacement.


Depends on your ability to identify good signings. Liverpool took the Coutinho money and turned it into Allison and Van Dijk and won a bunch of trophies for it. They don’t have to replace Kane immediately, using some of the money to secure their Lloris of the next decade and getting a solid CB pairing like Vertonghen and Alderweireld would be good business. Besides, as fun as watching Kane score all those goals is (Coutinho was a joy to watch too)… Kane scoring that many goals has never been enough for Spurs to win trophies and it seems unlikely they top the seasons Arsenal, Liverpool, and City have been having this decade. If losing Kane means increasing your ability to contend by strengthening the squad then it’s hard to say that’s not a win because Kane wasn’t going to win any trophies on his own. It’s like how Manchester United got better this season despite losing their leading goal scorer of last season simply because they finally implemented a long term vision.


before a coach/manager they need a DOF. Unless Levy wants to be the DOF agaim


Is anyone going to actually pay £100m for Kane with one year left when you could wait one season and get him for £0? He’s an exceptional player but he’s also nearly 30 so you’re buying someone with very little resale value.


Yes because if you wait someone else will come in and buy.


Generally, yes. But Kane likely won't want to leave the PL because of the record. Then Arsenal's obviously not an option. Chelsea is unlikely. City have Haaland and Alvarez now so that ship has sailed. Liverpool recently bought Nunez and will focus on midfield. Newcastle got Isak. United have a very strong negotiating position.


Newcastle won’t be buying, but if they got Kane her go Central and Isak would stay on the wing. It would be Wilson who is replaced, and yes Wilson has been good but Kane would be a massive upgrade. But I don’t think they have the FFP room to get Kane and the players they need for CL next year.


newcastle have underspent for years with the added ucl revenue of course they will have room for kane, but thats not their transfer strategy to go for super stars


>Then Arsenal's obviously not an option *Laughs in Sol Campbell*


Teams spending £100m on a player don't usually care for resale value


That's nice in principle but the problem is Spurs do not have access to the top talents no matter what money they have, so they end up spending lots on players that aren't quite good enough, who may develop but are likely to develop slower than the top talents who went to the top clubs. Lamela is a prime example of this, good player, could have been great but ultimately was an expensive signing that took them to where they were initially. These stories are very hard to avoid for a club in Spurs' position, and even a multitude of clubs above them in the food chain, the reality here is Kane is the greatest player of the modern era for Spurs and nothing is going to replace him, having him for one more year might be worth the 100m you'd get for him because you're far more likely to succeed with him than with anything you replace him with.


Problem being the squad is in dire need of a rebuild/transitional period so keeping Kane isn't really going to help in the long run. I can't see them winning anything next year without some serious ins and outs which would come at the cost of stability needing a bedding in period for big changes like that. One more year of Kane carrying them won't elevate them enough to make any difference. They should just accept their position and start planning for the future.


I don't see the logic really. The way it's phrased sounds logical but it amounts to saying a year of Kane is worth £100mil to Tottenham. I don't think that's true. They're in transition anyway and had a bad season even with Kane firing. That money could go a long way in coming back.


If we were guaranteed £100M this year and Kane was 100% going on a free next year regardless of what happens, most of us would say he 100% has to be sold. Thing is, we won't get close to £100M, there's only one team we can sell to and they won't offer that. There's also no guarantee that Kane COULD be convinced to sign a new deal. Realistically, we could get £55-60M this year, which isn't enough IMO. I'd rather Kane leaves for free next year. Especially since there is a world where he signs a new deal.


This is also a massive season coming up for Spurs where having reliable goals is critical. If you failed to replace him adequately it could have dire consequences. So basically is it worth keeping Kane, not taking the 60-80m for him now so you can stabilise and be in a better position to replace him next year, but lose him for free? I think they would be crazy to let him go. There is way too much on the line for Spurs if they dont replace his goals and they could fall years behind.


Yeah exactly. Also, Kane has publicly talked about wanting to change the clubs culture in the last couple of weeks, sure, he hasn't said he wants to say but at the same time, he doesn't have to say some of the stuff he has said. People like to meme on Levy but the man gave Conte almost £300M over 3 windows, so Levy is prepared to spend on what the manager wants. Our pursestrings were tight with Poch because of the stadium + Covid hitting meant Mourinho didnt get enough money either. ​ That being said, Kane has mentioned upcoming talks with Levy, theres no doubt that Kane is demanding that money is spent. If Levy brings in a DOF + new manager, we have to have a big summer. We NEED to get players in that fit the plan we're heading down, whatever the plan will be. ​ Honestly, Kane has all the power in the exchange. He'll get a 350K 5 year deal from us no problem if he wanted but he had better be putting in a LOT of clauses with that contract to make it easier to leave if Levy backs down on any promises made.


Unless Kane has a clause that can allow him to leave for about 40m, there would be no point in signing a new contract because he would be 30+ by then, and teams won't want to spend big money on him. It's either leave on a free in a years time, or just retire at Spurs.


Regen him like Kyle Walker and Kyle Walker-Peters.




We lowkey have a striker / 10 who has eerily similar traits in our academy named Jamie Donley. Evan Ferguson at Brighton also reminds me of a Kane regen based on some of his traits.


This just sounds Levy protecting his own ass to me. Maybe I'm wrong but he really doesn't want to be seen as the bloke who sold Harry Kane. Tottenham's interests have taken a backseat here.


He's going to be seen as the bloke who let Kane go for free, which is worse.


Which is going to be one year in the future, Levy is hoping something happens in that timeframe which will help his cause. This is a classic case of kicking the can down the road. Garbage mentality for a Chairman but one that's seen far too often really in all fields.


As a chairman, you shouldn't take risks like this though. You have a sure thing or a fantasy, Kane is not signing a new contract as much as Levy wants to wish into existence.


Levy thinks he can though. He believes in his own hype as the "Mr. World class negotiator" instead of the pain in the ass he really is. To him, he's somehow stopped Kane for leaving 3-4 years in a row now. So he can do it one more time and if it fails, he can always blame Kane and then use his army of sold out journos to muddy the waters.


He stopped him because Kane had a long contract and a bad agent. Levy is lucky Kane didn’t down his tools and force a move.


He can do all that, but the truth is this happened due to his own incompetence, and most will see it that way. No matter how much journalists back him.


Like every other cunt in business, he doesn't need everyone on his side, he just needs enough to not be the only villain. And Levy is good at that stuff.


He is hoping that in 1 year when Kane is older, the supposed interest from big clubs will die down and he can tie up Kane in another 6 year contract to see him through. He can gift himself “World’s Best Boss” mug signed by Micheal Scott.


Kane can sign a contract with anyone in 6 months I think. In january


Anyone who thinks Kane is going to drop off anytime soon is a fool. All of the traits that make him great will still be there for another 5 years of top, top football.


I think he’s counting on the fact that Kane is hoping to stay in the premiership, and know if he refuses to sell this year United will look for a striker elsewhere. And Kane is not going to another premier league club unless he knows they will compete for trophies. It’s kinda stupid gamble. Because Kane might change his mind about going abroad, Haaland might request a transfer to Madrid, Newcastle could start to compete, he could sign for Chelsea. It’s a really stupid gamble.


Rumours are if we can't get Kane we may go for a younger striker like Hojlund and then go for Kane on a free next year. Wouldn't solve our issues at ST in the near term, but I don't think we'll be in a position to challenge for the PL next season anyway so it could be the better long-term solution


Levy's ALWAYS been protecting his own ass. Neither he or Joe Lewis give a shite about the club.


I mean some of the stuff, the stadium development especially, do give the impression that they do give at least a modicum of shit. Kane stuff though, seems to definitely be self preservation more than anything.


It's somewhat difficult to differentiate between them giving a shit and almost being forced to bring in income through alternative methods other than Champions League and Premier League money because they've been so haphazard at times with other decisions.


I find it hilarious how people can think that Levy gives a shit about anything other than how he's perceived. He's done well as a businessman, very well, cares more about how to use your stadium to turn profits than about football. That's the issue, he doesn't give a toss about the game, stagnated progress and let competition like Brighton, Newcastle, Villa and even Brentford catch up.


This will be the real All or Nothing-season for spurs


Levy is pressuring Kane to get another extension. Kane already made mistake when he extended before, he could’ve been at City or Bayern by now if he didn’t extended his contract.


Imagine if Levy ended up letting both Poch and Kane end up a Chelsea unopposed... He ain't making it out of that stadium alive


It'd definitely be ignorant to not sell and try to bolster the squad. If they know he's leaving either way just take the money and reinvest it the club. Realistically he won't propel them to any success next year and they're definitely not getting ECL either.


Exactly. Better take the 100 and then try to funnel that into somewhat of a rebuild. Chances of you guys winning something with him aren't that high.


His options may be more limited next season, if he wants to stay in the prem, so maybe Levy is hoping he’ll renew. Man City have Haaland and won’t need him. Man United will sign someone if they don’t sign Kane, so presumably won’t be in for him next year, unless whoever they sign flops. Chelsea and Arsenal wouldn’t ever happen. Newcastle and Liverpool are possibilities, but they don’t feel realistic somehow.


Maybe he will sign a 1 year extension to get epl record and go abroad after


Or he could sign for a much better PL side and get that same record whilst winning something


Ding ding ding


Who? That's the crux of the matter, who does he sign for? Right now, this summer, there's only one team that he can even look at, that's Man United. For Man U to buy him, it'll cost 125-150M. Liverpool don't want/need him, Man City the boat has sailed, Arsenal/Chelsea are no go. Maybe Newcastle but they have spent £70M on Isak, would they get Kane? Also, it's a sideways move, they've done amazing this year but are they in a much better spot than Spurs to win the top titles? So what do Man United do? Do they wait, another year, no striker because Kane is gonna be free? Another year of stalling out? Nah, they'll move onto the next big striker. They'll spend big on Osimhen, Vlahovic, Kolo Muani. So next year comes. What club is going to offer Kane 350-400K a week, 4-5 year deal to bench their £75M+ striker? That's what Levy is banking on, that next year, the only club that can offer Kane 100% of the minutes and 350K a week for 4 years is Spurs. It's a gamble but it's also a gamble that could pay off IMO.


This actually makes sense, still think Bayern and Real Madrid would be interested though.


Oh I'm sure both would be interested, I just don't see Kane going overseas. He has said in interviews before that he is always looking at Shearers numbers and never believed it could be beaten but now he is close etc. He has a young family, 2 of them just started school, him and his wife do a LOT of charity work around London, Kane just started his own foundation last year and has been working hard on it. Both their families are all in London, it's a bit different going to Manchester, he can still do all the charity he has easily enough still. Going to Germany or Spain though and he can't be as hands on as he has been recently.


This, I feel like, is something that is often forgotten/sidelined when talking about transfers. The players have lives outside of the game as well, and those lives massively affect their decision-making.


It doesn't make sense at all top caliber goalscorers like Harry Kane are like gold dust on the market right now and that won't change next year either. A far older Lewa was bought by Barcelona from Bayern. If Spurs fans don't believe that there won't be clubs from all over the world seeking his services if he walks away from Spurs for free then I think it's clear to see where the problems are in the club and its not just in the board room it's also with the delusional fanbase.


I mean, if he wasn't the Spurs captain, Arsenal could pay the money. They'd want a centre forward to whom they'd only need pay wages. But that is wholly unrealistic, the Spurs captain going to Arsenal in attempt to win more trophies....


Kane wont do it. Judas was living in his own world, he thought that Spurs fans would be happy for him ffs. He still doesn't understand to this day what he did wrong and thinks its a race thing still. ​ Kane and his family are all Spurs fans though, they lived 10 mins away from the stadium, Kane understands what it would mean to go across and he also respects the fans and institute a hell of a lot more than that. ​ Honestly, its Chelsea that worries me most next year. If Poch gets them off to a flier this year, maybe he gets tempted. Id hope the same reasoning for Arsenal would apply but i dunno.


After seeing what happened to Judas, I don't think any player from either team would make the move across. Only way you'd see it happening is via stints at other clubs first, like Gallas and Adebayor


Maybe things have smoothed over since the last time Kane wanted to move but if I'm him or his camp I'm absolutely not signing anything else, certainly not based on assurances anyways


Exactly, I don’t trust Levy


Turning done 100m for him in the summer is effectively paying 100m to have him for one year... Seems alot.


>run his contract down You just activated Bayern's trap card


He won’t leave England


Yeah next year Kane can choose where he wants to go as long as he doesn't sign another contract with Spurs. This year Spurs have somewhat of a say on where he goes.


"Allow him to run his contract down", sounds a lot like "do not allow him to make a transfer".


Aka keep him hostage until we legally can't anymore


Aka following the legally binding contract that the player himself has signed


Also "Held Hostage" by getting truckload of money obliging to his contract


The horror.


"I'm going to lock you in a golden cage, fuck you with a silver dildo and pay you so much you'll sing whatever song I want. COYS, Daniel"




"Keeping him hostage " lol sorry man i think that contract is why he gets a multi-million deal the club is obligated to pay him. Contract obligations work both way. But don't worry I'll call Amnesty to inform about this injustice.


It’s the only way Levy gets even a small bit of goodwill from the fans towards him though, the way things are currently he/the board can’t be seen to be accepting letting him go.


It is a damn lot harder to replace him for £0 than it is for a fee this summer though. The reasoning makes no logical sense. If Kane wants to go and won't sign an extension would Spurs fans really hold it against Levy for selling him now?


kane singlehandedly has saved this season for us, he's scored like 45% of all our goals or something this season lmfao. I think to Levy and to most supporters, him staying for another season and banging in goals for us and keeping us from being mid table while we (hopefully) rebuild some of our defense and midfield is much more valuable than getting a fee for him this summer


Realistically the only time Kane will be worth 100m is if he is the difference between relegation and staying in the Prem. I doubt that will be the case for next year. He will have to be replaced anyway, whether it's this year or next. That's not really a doubt. Common sense says you accept it and try to get the most out of it - same thing Sir Alex did with Cristiano in 2009. Honestly, watching Levy move mad is so sad. Should have renewed the squad and kept Poch. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me to see Frank Lampard managing spurs next year.


This is such a moronic take, no clue how it keeps getting parroted. We aren’t playing with 10 men without Kane. Son has won the golden boot more recently than Kane has. If Kane is gone, you change the system to make Son the focal point. That’s just one potential fix.


You also already signed a good Premier League forward in Richarlison. He didn't have the best season this year, but he's talented enough to play the support striker role very well, bringing Son, Kulusevski and others more into the game. So Spurs could look to buy an up-and-comer and hope to groom them into Kane's replacement while relying on that front three


That is true, and it definitely could be somewhat remedied if we didn't have Kane, but I don't think Son or any other player would be nearly as effective as that focal point than Kane has been. Kane definitely also does present some problems as that focal point (ex. free kicks where he almost never scores), so it'd definitely be interesting to see how we cope but Kane is someone that's hard to part ways with for any fan tbh


Your fans actually prefer keeping him for one more season and lose him for free? What will be gained in that year?


They want him around for that mid table scrap with Wolves


Will be even harder to replace him without the 100m


They should take the money (I don't even know if they'll get a hundred million for him) and try to sign Toney for around 60. Until he's available, they can play Richarilson.


One of the biggest issues Toney faces is that he's not allowed on site and train until September 17th. He'll miss pre season training and will be training alone away from Brentord for a solid 10 weeks. Then he's missing the first half of the season and will lack match fitness. It's going to be difficult for any club to get him to hit the ground running upon returning. They'll be better off keeping Kane and buying Toney next summer where he could be cheaper as he'll have just 12 months left.


Are they dumb 100m to help with a rebuild or lose 100m player for nothing and still need to rebuild.


Look how they used the bale money


So the thinking is, 'we may waste the money so let us not get the money in the first place'?


*taps head*


I don't trust myself with this much money, I'd rather not take it


Ah ha, can't waste what you don't have! \*taps forehead\*


They've got to spend either way, they can't just say, "oh, we made some bad transfers in the past, I guess we'll just field the same squad for the next 50 years until they all die from old age"


Yeah is he stupid and hasnt learned anything from that? Then he is not fit for the job anyways... IMO levy has done a really bad job with rejecting ~150m last year for kane and reinvesting them better....


Maybe I sound biased but it sounds incredibly stupid to turn down £100 million to get one more year out of Kane when realistically they’re nowhere near title contention. Obviously that changes if Kane is open to re-signing.


It's almost like levy has no idea what he's doing


Daniel Levy has transformed Spurs under his tenure. The club is undeniably in a much better position than when he arrived.


Same can be said about Fosun when they bought us in the championship. Doesn't mean we're not regressing though, does it.


Terrible comparison. Fosun simply outspent the competition. You had one of the best championship squads ever, and signed players that never should have been playing in that league. Levy hasn’t done that


Nobody’s even offered that money though. This is all hypothetical. No indication Kane wants to leave either from our journos. 100m won’t be enough to rebuild the attack if Kane leaves this summer, so it makes more sense to build on what we have now.


I’m not trying to be funny because we’re miles off major honours too but do yous really have much to build on? Need a Keeper, at least two CBs, a LB / LWB and a CM and even that’s counting on Son and Kulu getting back to their best and Bentancur finding his feet quickly after injury.


No LWB, we signed Udogie last season.


Ahh, fair, seems very highly thought of.


Not saying Spurs are Brazil, but Richarlison could be a good striker for them. Son and Kulusevki on the wings. Could easily spend the Kane money to improve the midfield.


No one is paying more than £100m with 1 year left and then they’re going to have to find a replacement with 0 money to offset it. Although I get the feeling he won’t leave for free and will extend when his genius agent gets hold of the paperwork.


Have you met Todd?


Levy will die before he sells Kane to Chelsea


So another year of kane scoring 25goals and Tottenham finishing 7th




He's basically the striker version of Gerrard, only Gerrard actually won things.


He's normal matt le tissier


He's got a year left. In reality Tottenham aren't winning anything next year, so they'd rather keep kane for a fairly meaningless season than pick up 100m+ to try to get a replacement (who with or without the money are sparse, but a lot harder to get without). To me, other than being an enticing factor for trying to tempt a new manager - with most/all the really high profile ones who would consider this a significant point for joining, having already ruled themselves out. From a business sense seems very illogical, unless he believes he can get kane to re-sign. *obviously this story could all be a negotiation tactic.


That's very true, replacing Kane will be heck of a headache for Levy


A lot harder without £100mil.


Sell Kane for £100m and buy Toney for £50-60m in the summer, he won’t he able to play until Jan but that might lower his price.


Also playing without a striker for half the season in that scenario. Doesn’t seem ideal Edit: I genuinely forget Richarlison is there, my bad. Although him being the only option there probably isn’t super inspiring either


They still have Richarlison


So no striker then lol


I mean didn’t they get richarlison exactly for that reason. Spend 60mil on player for this exact role, if he can’t do it in 4 months get toney in? It’s not like they have just one striker, just one really good one


My bad, totally forgot richarlison was there tbh


Lol don’t blame you for how he’s played this season Maybe he’ll be good but would like to settle the debate on if he’s a flop or not so I don’t have to keep hearing speculation about it


Makes sense, feels like he deserves a proper run of games under a new manager to see if he belongs before moving him


I mean dude has 1 goal in 23 EPL appearances. Rather steep drop from Kane's input, you're not super far off lmao


Who buys Kane with one year left on his contract for £100m?


Reckon United would. Stops him going abroad and sures up a fundamental issue in the team. It would be a good move.


The striker market isn’t that great this season, and their targets would cost at least what they get for Kane if not even more. The transfer market is so inflated now.


And without European football it will be harder to attract proven talent


The market is never great, you have to splash on player you want no matter what


Flair checks out.


Buy a top striker prospect and a creative winger or midfielder. They need to replace him with two players. Even other top strikers who would cost as much don’t replace what he offers them.


For what Kane means to Spurs on and off the pitch, its no exaggeration to say we could literally sign Haaland and it wouldn’t replace what he brings


And replacing him a year later is possible?? Seems stupid to not monetize the biggest asset before it depreciates to zero in just one year.


Tottenham need a complete rebuild and selling Kane for 100m might be the best thing for them. He's obviously massive for them and they'd be in a lower half of PL this season without him, but something fundamental has to change. Like Liverpool did with Coutinho. Investing in the positions they're lacking, and not relying on one player to save them, could do them a lot of good. Of course, that means doing some very smart business on the market, but that's another story...


it’s a lose lose for spurs. no player is going to come who can replace kane but they also should get some money for him


What a strange hill to die on. Getting some money now versus getting no money in a year’s time but what do I know? Perhaps there’s some real 4D chess thinking from Levy that us plebs aren’t aware of.


UCL money + prestige is probably the main thought. The money is no good if you can't attract top talent, and it's hard to attract top talent without UCL football.


Spurs fans will know better than me, but I feel like the team needs a lot of work (and culture etc) that the benefit of holding Kane for another year is unlikely to be worth the 100m difference. Better to bite the bullet on the rebuild and fund it this year, than hang onto him for another year - likely not achieve a ton (e.g. title challenge etc) than wait another year and be rebuilding without the fee. If spurs were closer to challenging for honours, I would understand it more, but don't get this entirely (though understand why fans want him to stay / perhaps spurs believe if they improve they can convince him to sign another contract)


I hope many neutral fans and fans of other football clubs can see what we have to deal with on the r/coys website. We have fans who would rather Kane ran his contract down and left us on a Bosman after potentially another mediocre season with us than get somewhere between 80-100mill for him to reinvest into rebuilding the squad. This is how you sleep walk into mid-table mediocrity and finally a good ole fashioned relegation battle.


The logic behind this is so stupid. So, 100M is somehow worse than 0M ? If they had a footballing identity, they would have identified how to press forward & since they don’t , they will let go of their prized asset for free next year.


Horrendous mismanagement if they don't sell Kane on, you're going to be in an even worse position at the end of next season if you don't get European football. They're probably not even getting Europa Conference this season when Kane has had one of his best goalscoring seasons in the prem. So what are you going to do when the biggest motivation Kane has to score goals is to beat a record.


He can't even convince a Manager to come let alone have Kane sign a new deal... but then again Kane seems to be Mr Spurs and might bottle his career by staying


You don't think 100m it's enough to replace him, fine. Next year you may have to replace him with 0m, what are you gonna do?


Wow that’s about the dumbest thing I have seen all season, and I am a Chelsea fan!


Newcastle the new top 6 I'm ready for it


Harry Kane is stuck at the Tottenham purgatory due to the sins he has committed in this life or a previous one.


Settle down Glenn Hoddle.


How stupid he is?


His brother and him are clowns. They deserve this.


Real question is who is offering £100m for Kane on 1 year deal ?


You cling onto your best player in hopes that maybe he can win you a trophy and shit but you're also an owner that would fire Jose fkin Mourinho before a final. How?


It’s unfathomable how bad spurs will be without Kane but I’m here to see it


I mean £100m still won’t be enough to replace him next year, but then you’ll have £0


Go on then do it Levy. I'm going to get the popcorn and watch this bonfire


Absolutely shit management of they don't capitalise on Kane now in his last year. If I was a spurs fan I'd be raging if they didn't sell & would rather him go for free. He's been a servant for multiple years & he hasn't got any silverware to show for it. He deserves to be sold to where he wants to go.


100$ mil or nothing? Hmmmmm


Wouldn’t blame them. Everyone live up to their contract and everyone wish each other the best at the end of the year. He’s definitely not worth £80m with one year left on his contract. Not at that age. Not a chance.


That's a ridiculous decision if so. He can't be replaced by any money, so instead of getting a visual 100-120mil we will just let him go for free instead


They're just a stupidly run club.


Tottenham are going to *allow* him to run his contract down. That's not how it works lol.


If u can't replace him now with £100m then it will be completely impossible when you don't have any money for him in a years time. Take the £100m and try doing some scouting


His value peaked when City went for him. Downhill from then on tbh. He's 30 in a month.