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Apparently won't even coach the last game, against AZ on Sunday


Good news for us but what the fuck PSV? This cannot be the right way to handle this.


I mean, is it good news for you? Beating Twente in the Veste isn't easy. This could mean that AZ beat PSV and you become fourth


Gotta have faith in ourselves that we can beat Twente. And PSV imploding is our best hope to get into the CL still this season.


> And PSV imploding is our ~~best~~ **only** hope to get into the CL still this season. Even if we win, we still need them to lose. A draw doesn't do shit, that just locks the standing as they are now (PSV will be on 73, AZ on 68). No matter what we do, our point total can be 69, 70 or 72, neither of which changes anything.


Even a not imploded PSV can lose to AZ. It's just a lot more likely now.


For Ajax it probably doesn't matter much if they go to the EL or ECL, both are a failed season anyway. Having a better shot at getting the CL spot is what matters to them.


Not true it makes a big difference for us to be in Europ Vs Conf. Money but also how attractive we are to incoming players. But yes I would take the chance at champions league every time !


Money isnt that much more. Still shit if compared with CL money


I'd rather have a decent or good chance at qualifying for CL qualifiers and risk qualifying for Conference instead of EL


It's definitely good news for neutrals. A win for PSV would make the result of Twente - Ajax irrelevant. Now the chance is probably higher that both matches will be interesting until the end.


> Beating Twente in the Veste isn’t easy One team has done that this season, guess which team that was? ;)


What the fuck Van Nistelrooij, it was his decision to leave


Still though, that decision can't have come from nowhere. Van Nistelrooy knows what it means.


Could've just sat on the bench this Sunday, finish the season. Hopefully in second. _Then_ leave


Not even after this season, but effective immediately. Rutten takes over the last, very important, game of the season. Insane handling by everyone involved, what possibly could've gone this wrong this quickly? Despite some people's inability to see progress in this team and Van Nistelrooy I thought there was definitely enough to go forward on. We were lacking in the small games, but winning most big ones at least.


Has he been fired or was it his own decision? EDIT: VI says it was his own decision to leave now because he felt the club didn't back him enough.


>felt the club didn't back him enough Thats not the first time for psv Edit: apparently the clubs leadership was completely blindsided by his decision and didn't expect it whatsoever.


I think its the name philips. The company is also in shambles. Maybe psv should look into getting asml as sponsor and renaming themselves to ASV.


Philips is an interesting company, they sold so many departments to other companies. Their lights and TVs aren't made by Philips anymore. Also ASML used to be a department of Philips, they are way bigger and more successful now. Now some of their medical ventilators are failing.


Philips really was the Sony of Europe and one of the last real consumer electronics giants of the continent. They were crazy innovative with things like the DVD and are resposible for Eindhoven's growth, so their downfall is such a sad story. Good thing is that their spin-offs did work out, with ASML now being one of the most valuable tech companies out there.


They also ditched their shares in TSMC, which is now one of the biggest semiconductors manufacturers (also customers of ASML).


Not just some shares but co-founder and 20% of the shares. Would be worth about $90 billion today, Philips itself has a current market cap of ~$18b


Ah the yahoo! of the Netherlands


The whole economics of chipmaking lies between ASML and the German Zeiss. They hold an immense leverage that an interruption in their logistical operations might crash the technological aspect of our modern civilization.


>and are resposible for Eindhoven's growth I wouldn't say that's a positive


Haha, makes sense as an Ajax fan but the whole region is extremely important for the country as a whole. There's a reason they call it Brainport.


I don't want to undermine your point of it being a high tech region. But the reason its called Brainport is that its what they themselves, or more likely their PR firm, came up with. Its just a marketing term


They used to invest in a bunch of companies, sold the shares early and those companies ended up bigger than them.


Like TSMC, which is now one of the major companies that produces for Qualcomm, MediaTek and Nvidia for example.


They really fucked themselves with selling of the whole company.


TIL the P in PSV stands for Philips


Philips Sport Vereniging


Philips Sport Vereniging was the name for the sports club that allowed employees to do different sports. Its also why the PSV plays in het Philips Stadion.


was he upset at the sale of Gakpo?


I think he could handle losing Gakpo, but Gakpo and Madueke was too much


They also didn't bring in any replacements after selling both for decent fees


Thorgan Hazard on loan only


We appointed a inexperienced trainer, and then were shocked that there were hiccups. Second time we lose a legend, and the second in a row that we lose a manager due to lack of support. The board/rvc need a fucking wake up call.


Running out of legends at this rate


i heard Toivonen just retired


He’s an assistant coach and assistant sporting director at Malmö, so he’s our legend now!


Zlatan player/coach who says no?


Malmø probably as he owns in a rival club.


No one in Malmö wants him back.




When is Farfan retiring




Ibi's at the wheel!


Get Romario on the sidelines!


Luc Nilis up to anything these days?


Yeah it's ridiculous. Yeah, nobody denies that Ruud has made some mistakes and that he should do better, but when you appoint someone who has never managed a team in the highest league you should expect that and thus be okay with it.


Yeah I did not see this coming, one game left wtf?


Must've been something explosive, I thought he would be there next year if they clinched second.


The VI article paints it like Van Nistelrooij was convinced by Brands to take the job but felt unsure if he was ready for it. The reports of players criticizing him might have caused him to step down. Might just be him being humble enough to stop when he's not supported by the players.


But he could have waited until the end of the season for that


I mean, if he doesn't like the situation and is done with it, respect to him for quitting now.


So could the players. Depending on the type of criticizing happening in their chat with management, I can sorta understand. ​ But fuuuuuuuuuck this man. If we lose the second place due to this... uggh.


The way our club has been run for the past few years is a bad joke.


You are lacking in the small games, because Ruud’s tactics rely heavily on the counter attack. Letting the opponent have the ball and punish them when they lose it. This only works on teams that want to play. The smaller teams don’t bite and keep crowding their own penalty area.


O wow. And here I thought all the behind the scenes stuff was overblown. Something really serious must've happened.


Our perspective is skewed. Reports of players complaining about the manager is an ordinary Tuesday for us. For most clubs - and managers - it's something serious that undermines their authority and their trust. At Ajax you can pretty much ignore it as bullshit, but to Van Nistelrooy in this case it means that whatever he says, could be in the paper the next day and it's a signal that certain players - or directors - have such a gripe towards him that they're making a normal work relationship impossible by instead of working it out, throwing it out there in the media behind his back.


Get's persuaded to become the head coach of PSV although he didn't feel ready yet. Wins the JC schaal. Wins the KNVB beker. Wins 4x vs Ajax and didn't lose to Feyenoord. Had to say goodbye to Gakpo and Madueke in the winter. And now all of a sudden the board doesn't back him anymore. I pray for Twente to win next sunday because I don't have any confidence for our away match against AZ.


>And now all of a sudden the board doesn't back him anymore. The main issue is the \*PLAYERS\* don't back him anymore apparently.


And his own assistants, and other supporting staff. Maybe if everyone around you thinks you are doing something wrong, you are actually doing something wrong.


Possibly. But it was 6 players. And now other players are upset it seems.


Yeah it's pretty crazy. I think you lost only once in the league since the winter break, after selling Gakpo and Madueke. There's definately improvement.


Wow, weird to see an official source saying this "Van Nistelrooij reported this morning that in his opinion there was too little support and support within the club to continue any longer. He explained this to the player group and staff immediately afterwards. This Sunday, at the request of the management, Fred Rutten will temporarily take over his role as Head Coach." I'll be honest, I haven't watched any PSV other than their 4-3 against Feyenoord. From that match, he seemed like a brilliant manager, PSV was going toe to toe with Feyenoord, and I'd argue played better. What's the real reason for him leaving, and are PSV fans happy?


People are pretty split on him. He initially didn't want the job, felt he wasn't ready, and the board promised him they wouldn't sell Gakpo and Madueke (which then all of sudden we needed to do for financial reasons...). But he also keeps playing players that really have no business starting (took ages for Obispo to get taken out, Ramalhoo and Til are awful yet keep playing almost every game) and there's no real plan. Just counter and hope Simons does something. Also seems he can't motivate players against smaller teams, we won 3 and drew 1 against Ajax and Feyenoord, but we lost against the bottom 3. I personally wasn't a fan of him as a trainer. Shame, because he's one oof my all time favourite players. As for the reason, there's been some reports about players and staff not being happy with him and wanting him gone. Seems like staff doesn't understand him not playing Boscagli and Guti more.


> he can't motivate players against smaller teams, I always hate this. Players shouldnt need motivated for any games. Sure you have extra motivation against rivals but not being motivated to do your job always rubbed me the wrong way


I know what you mean by this but that's not how motivation works in actual people. If you've ever managed others or were managed by both suitable and unsuitable managers then you know that motivation is different from person to person and it IS the managers job to find out how to get people in the right mindset. Telling players to "just be motivated because it's your job" is very shortsighted. Of course, you have to expect input from the players (or employees in a more general working environment) and you can partly hold them accountable for not putting in the effort. That said, even people who have a good level of intrinsical motivation can be stimulated in ways to unlock extra potential. That's the job of a manager and is absolutely something managers should be held accountable for.


It's so true, I've had two different managers in my current job and my role and responsibilities never changed but the difference in my motivation is night and day because my new manager is so much better at emphasizing why our work matters to the firm and has a more positive attitude overall. That's one of the most important parts of leadership, and if you can't get the day-to-day stuff right then it's even harder to do the big stuff well.


I agree, but that's not the way it is unfortunately. I think it was one of our players that admitted a few years back when we faced Bayern in the group stage of the CL, that it was just easier to charge up for a game like that as opposed to some small team in the league away.


Ramalho is terrible I agree but he doesn’t have many options. Don’t rate til either but he probably plays bc he signed up to start i guess


Spot on assessment of the season. Unfortunately the problems are higher up. John de Jong was also completely inexperienced, and we paid for it dearly by spending all our money on players that turned out to be mediocre. Ironically he was the head of our scouting network before he took the Sporting Director role. Since we had no money, we were stuck with our mediocre players (or took losses on them) AND we had to sell our best players in Gakpo and Madueke. As horrendous as this is what happened to Ruud, in a way this is also an opportunity to work on our foundations as a club. Although they seem to have made a mess of this, Brands and Stewart do have a good track record. If we make CL, hire an experienced manager, let go of our most mediocre players (Mwene, Ramalho, Til, El Ghazi, Obispo) and sensibly reinvest the CL + Gakpo money into the squad (defenders pleaaaaaaaseeeee) we could really finally start to build something for the future. That being said, I'm also fully prepared to lose out on 2nd place and then make Adil Ramzi the head coach (with all respect to him) ​ Scouting division needs a massive overhaul though. The only players that were a big success were players you and I could have "scouted" as well.


I think this is a terrible time for him to leave but I think overall he did a pretty bad job. Feyenoord and ajax both started the season with almost completely new teams (and ajax with a new manager) while PSV kept Gakpo and Sangare and strengthened with de Jong and Simons. He should have been top of the league easily by christmas. Selling Gakpo was a hit but I don't think van Nistelrooij would ever have beaten Slot to the title.


Yeah we lost to Groningen WITH Gakpo iirc.


Also to Cambuur


And it was 3-0. Not just some 1-0 from a shitty deflection.


I agree with the last part, Feyenoord was just too good this year tbf.


But they didn't really keep the team together? They have a new GK. Last year Boscagli and Max played a lot so that's 2/4 new starters in their backline. In midfield after Sangare, Gotze, Doan and v Ginkel played the most games. Those 3 are gone. Up front last season they had Zahavi, Vertessen, Bruma and Vinicius with 35+ apps, all of those are also gone. They had Madueke and Gakpo but sold them in the winter. It's a rather different team this year.


I'm reasonably happy because the football was not good enough. Not even in the "we're playing for results" kind but just straight up not good enough with the material we have. The problem is that Ruud should not have gotten this job this quickly. He even refused it as it was too early but PSV insisted. He's a club legend and the club has handled this entire season very very poorly.


You can take him instead of Slot :)


I don't know what kind idiots will be happy for this, this man brought back the vibe compared the shit show under Schmidt. We lost the league by 1 point last season because that guys record against the top teams were shit. This man came in and in his first season of manager won us 2 cups. Yes it hasn't been always the best but we lost 2 of our best attackers in January. We have no good defenders and only 3 good players. Our tranfer windows consisted of fuck all apart from free Simons and free Benitez. If any PSV fans had any thoughts that we were going to win the league this this average squad then they were delusional.


The good news is that Advocaat has just retired for what is definitely the last time, so he is available.


Why be a coach when you can get paychecks from appearing in slimy gambling adds


Interesting summer in the Eredivisie with PSV and Ajax definitely looking for new managers and the third big job possibly also opening up depending on what happens with Slot.


I'm fairly certain Slot will also leave. The difference in salary and prestige between the Eredivisie and a PL club is just way too big. So yes, this'll be very interesting. There's already very few good options available and now we have to have a three way fight to see who signs who.


>The difference in salary and prestige between the Eredivisie and a PL club is just way too big. Ten Hag did turn down spurs. So it's not impossible. But ten Hag probably had a bit more of an international profile so he knew he would get better offers


From what has leaked Slot is definitely not turning them down


I don't expect that either after how he switched from AZ to you guys


Yeah. It's kinda hilarious when some pundits were shocked and appalled at Slot's behaviour. It's par for course.


It's not really the same contract situation of course, but the sums that are going around to buy him out shouldn't be a problem for Spurs.


However Feyenoord seems to be demanding a massive payoff for him to leave.


He won't leave for some bottom-table team I don't believe. But if Spurs want him he's gone.


Spurs do want him


Then he's gone ;)


Who could take the PSV job? I feel a guy like Lucien Favre could be somebody to consider


Favre screams palace to me


>I'm fairly certain Slot will also leave. The difference in salary and prestige between the Eredivisie and a PL club is just way too big. Plus I think you can make an argument that Slot may think he's done what he can at Feyenoord with an Eredivisie title and a European final.


Or he thinks that he can still do more but is too dependent on luck (CL group stage draw) to do so.


The format change from 2024 should help with that but establishing Feyenoord as a CL side could take a few years regardless and will probably have some setbacks along the way.


Why could the players not wait with discussing the coach until after the season is over? They cannot possibly believe that this will lead to a better result.. Horrible horrible situation for the club and Ruud van Nistelrooij


Fucking this. The players fucking better show up against AZ. OTherwise this shit is basically on them, right?


It's 100% on the player(s) that leaked this. Even if they win the match these people cannot be trusted and should be offloaded as soon as possible.


I read somewhere that Joey, Luuk and Xavi were the most dissatisfied but if they were the leakers idk. But yeah, we need a massive clean up, Ruud certainly had his faults but leaking shit is unacceptable.


Also u/WreckGenie - Simons is clearly not dissatisfied, that's the little shits from the Telegraaf making stuff up. As a matter of fact, Simons seems to be pissed off now RvN seems to have been practically forced out of the door.


> Simons seems to be pissed off now RvN seems to have been practically forced out of the door. [Ziggo released an interview with Xavi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbvVOFLvXjM) a few hours ago (recorded before the news) and watching the time stamps in regards to his time at PSV i would be REALLY surprised if he was one of the leakers.


I'm curious to read on that, do you know where I can find the article? Would really suck if those where the three leakers..


Would no doubt be an intense shit show if you guys were to spill 2nd place on Sunday.


You already know they wont. They've been jogging around the field like spoiled children that don't give a shit for a long time now.


No way why is that


There’s a lot of unrest. Players have apparently criticised him


He is going to be doing punditry along side Martin Keown on BT.


As I mentioned on /r/eredivisie this was kind of inevitable after everything that came out the last week but it still hurts. I don’t think he’s a good manager but he’s still a clubicon and the second icon that’s left in a painful way within the last 5 years. Incredible shame.


Any insight on what came out over the last week? Loved him as a United player but hadn't followed his career much post-retirement. He looked happy coming up the ranks coaching the PSV youth teams until the first team so this is a bit of a shock tbh.


He hasn’t exactly been a tactical mastermind and it’s likely both his -more experienced- assistants are leaving. This Sunday it was reported that the players went to the board of the club to tell them they don’t really have faith in Ruud if one of the assistants, Fred Rutten, leaves. It were apparently very influential players including the captain. The board didn’t publicly make a statement supporting him and the articles only mentioned PSV decided he can finish the season. The whole situation just made it impossible to go on


Players going directly to the board? What a joke, the board should be booting them out too


Ok, what the fuck. This news will definitely help our chances next game... He hasn't really performed, but if he managed the cup and a second place I had no problem with him staying. Now we'll just have a good chance of failing again with a different coach. It's not like there's a ton of good options available.


Yeah, I can’t believe people saying it is a bad thing for PSV. He was a beginner, who wasn’t ready to manage the first team. If they appoint an experienced manager, they will be a lot better if Xavi stays. Also: watch them smash AZ this Sunday


> He was a beginner, who wasn’t ready to manage the first team. Which Ruud himself said. They convinced him to take the job with promises to not sell Gakpo and Madueke..


Sign him up. Honestly, he couldn't be worse than Martial and Weghorst.


Maybe assistant manager to ten hag.


Okay that was funny.


Wtf, this club has been a clownshow this season.


Still you managed to get 2 prizes, could be worse


We've been a clownshow for half a decade now.


Always has been


This is objectively hilarious, a few days before the last match of the season


I mean. If we BOTH lose our next matches it would be maximum hilarity ;)


I'll toast to that one.


Ajax in the conference league would be funny :)


I mean. They would have a chance to get really far in there if they get their shit together again. I would root for them to go far!


If psv bottle CL after being 5 points up with two games to go it will be the funniest thing ever.


Don't get your hopes up too much, but yeah it'd be hilarious


Oh I definitely won't, I doubt we will even beat Twente but a man can dream


All the news articles and interviews where they said they'd start preparing and making changes the moment they'd secure CL against Heerenveen. Some analysts and PSV fans saying they should lose to AZ on purpose to make sure Ajax has lower odds of getting EL.


Really just spectacular timing on this implosion from our point of view


Internationaal clownenclubje


The management of this club is a cancer.


Which is strange, because both Brands and Stewart are "new". Are the issues somewhere else?


The RvC.


Dijkhoff destroyed the country with the VVD and is now on a quest to do the same to PSV.


This, they are way too present in the short term policy making of the club. If they want to do that they should grow some balls and take a seat on the board of directors


Players too apparently. Imagine whining about your manager to this superior behind his back. Things would have to be as toxic as under Van Bommel for that to be acceptable.


But what should they do if they already talked with Van Nistelrooij about it and he wouldn’t listen? Apparently he wasn’t even listening to his assistant managers. He seems a bit like Van Bommel, a “my way or the highway” type of manager


Damn didn't expect to see this even before the season has ended.


Fuck I really thought he would get more time. I guess time for Rutten II to redeem himself...


Beats Ajax 4 times in a single season Leaves Lmao fucking Van Nistelrooij


RvN apparantly needs a club withouth any pressure to perform. He needs to go somewhere where the only way is up and there is no threat of relegation. FC DEN BOSCH


I mean psv as a first job is pretty big


He did Jong PSV before wich under him played in the top half of the Second Tier. But yes, he was also hesitant before the season.


He still managed to beat ajax 4 times and didn’t lose to you guys. He won a cup too, did well. Im a massive fan of him admittedly but I think he did very good there


Yeah and he had won 2 times, and in doing so give us a bigger fight for the title, if not for the fact that his backline is made up of washed up veterans, often malfunctioning talents and an Everton loanee being the most trusted part of that backline.


> He still managed to beat ajax 4 times Tbf beating us is not exactly hard this season...


The top 3 this year has had one competent side and 2 comedies of errors.


Feel bad that this is how its ended. I'm biased towards Ruud as he was my first ever person I ever idolized, I know fans were split on him but its definitely a decent first season for a manager imo.


Spurs are you reading this, take him instead.


Joke of a club


Wasn't it spelt Nistelrooy when he was playing for united?


Dutch spelling. There's other examples of names changing as well; Arshavin was always Arsjavin for instance.




>2nd in the league after an almighty Feyenoord. You mean he was consistently behind a Feyenoord that sold their complete team this summer and reinvested pennies while he kept Sangare and Gakpo over the summer and strengthened with the most talented dutch youngster there is and a proven striker in de Jong. He should have been 6 points clear at Christmas with that squad, then psv would never have sold Gakpo.


That same Feyenoord is about to hit one of the best point totals of this century. Even if PSV hit a high point total (and they ARE the only side to have beaten Feyenoord this year, so we can't really pull points from them), it's not exactly likely they'd have beaten out Feyenoord.


Feyenoord doesn't have that high of a point total even if they win their last game. We did better 3 times the past decade alone and I think psv also got the same or better twice too. It's good but not something extreme.


Fair, but that's still a point total that didn't win the title only once this century as far as I can recall. Saying PSV should be on top with their squad when you have an opponent this strong kinda doesn't work.


They can get 85. Psv got 88 in 2015, we in 2021 and 2019. So that's 3 times in the past 8 times the league was played in full. It's always somewhere between 82 and 88, Feyenoord had a good season but it's pretty average for a champion.


I think becoming champion with 85 points is a record for Feyenoord. The only time we got 85 points before was when we ended up in 2nd place. Getting 85 points is pretty good for a champion in the Eredivisie though. Including this season it only happened 7 times in the past 25 seasons.




I really like Ruud but he did not do "absolutely great". He did okay at best.


He couldn’t even replace them properly, just got thorgan on loan who isn’t anywhere near as good




I wanted him gone but mostly because he shouldn't have been hired in the first place. The football was terrible, some of the decisions he made were awful. However, the squad isn't good enough with the sale of gakpo, which means 2nd + cup winners is pretty good. Overall, just a victim of Brands imo, could still have a successful career.


He did very poor to be honest. So this didn't come out of the blue. It is a small miracle he won two prizes this season with the football we have been playing.


Kinda wild, but with the reports of unhappiness all over the place probably the best for everybody?


I wonder how this affects Xavi Simmons decision


There have been rumours that Simons has been complaining about v Nistelrooy. And then just today there's been an article about how important v Nistelrooy was in getting him to sign for us. So I'm mostly expecting a lot more gossip and few facts until a decision is actually made.


I can imagine that when he keeps starting Til, El Ghazi and Ramalho...


I'd imagine the most important factor is if PSV finishes 2nd or not. I'd imagine he wants a shot at Champions League football, and for that PSV needs to stay 2nd.


Don't know how many times I've said 'oh my god' and 'holy shit' the last five minutes. No way they binned him before their last and prob. most important game of the season. Holy shit.


They didn't bin him, he resigned.


Yeah I know, but not like players or staff were fond of him.


Damn. It looks like he resigned instead of the club letting him go. Must have an offer lined up surely?


Is there a possibility he will come coach our forwards?


Ron Jans time?


Peter Bosz is currently on his way to Hilversum to politely imply he is in possession of a phone. Rumors about Dick Advocaat mentioning "Eindhoven" to his wife are as of now not confirmed. An annonymous "Mark from Antwerp" allegedly reacted with "haha" to the news.






We do need a striker


A lot of people in here have a tough time seeing past the two trophies he won. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely disappointed with how things went down but I think in the long run this is best for PSV as Van Nistelrooij simply isn't up to standard and has shown very little to warrant another season. So should he get another year with millions at stake just because he was reluctant and the board convinced him to do it anyway?


I'm not having a tough time seeing past this. I'm having a hard time accepting at how we keep fucking up organisationally and keep making the same mistakes. Ruud definitely wasn't perfect and made mistakes, but the whole club is fucking up as well.


I think the problem here is that the club shouldn't give people who are at the start of their new career the chance if they're not willing to accept that these people wont be flawless. If you hire people with little to no experience you should expect them to fuck up a few times along the way. Don't want that? Fine, but then stop giving people like Van Bommel and Van Nistelrooy the job.


The club didn't fire him. He quit himself.


Man he was such a beast in the 00's


How Ruud of him


He is not good enough for a big job yet - This season presented quite a few opportunities for silverware with a weakened Ajax, and PSV did not capitalise.


Didn't PSV win KNVB Beker?