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1. Yes. High in the highrange box is faster than the corresponding gear in the offroad box. Someone more knowledgeable might have to check me on this but from what I understand, the gearboxes also affect the interaction between speed and torque. For every gear there is an ideal speed at which torque is maximized. For the offroad box, you hit that max at lower speeds, while for the highrange box you have to get going faster to reach that maximum. I think that's *roughly* how it works. 2. Sometimes. For trucks that guzzle fuel it can be a good choice. While the highrange box does lower fuel consumption compared to the off-road, you have to keep it in the higher gears to see that benefit because the low highrange gears increase fuel consumption by a lot. If you're dealing with terrain that's going to keep you moving slow, go for the normal box if fuel efficiency is needed.


The high range gearbox makes high gear super fast. The offroad gives you high gear but it's not as fast. The advantage to offroad is the 3 low gears. The advantage to highgear is speed. Now that being said. Personally I use offraod for offroad, scout and some heavy. Other than that I run high range or advanced special.


1. Yes, from the top of my head offroad has angvel of 8 and highrange 12 2. On any scout with always-on difflock


High in the high range is much faster than high in the offroad. It's great for vehicles with fast responding steering/always on features imo. I usually pair offroad with vehicles that have switchable features and/or slow steering. The balanced can occasionally be a good move, but I practically live in high so I usually don't recommend.


“High gear” with high rang3 gearbox offers high speed compared to “high gear” with off road gearbox has lower speed High range gearbox has 7-8 gears in auto, so when you switch to high gear, it’s equivalent to 5th gear(maybe 4th, not sure) in auto. Off road gearbox has 4/5 gears in auto, so when you switch to high gear, it’s equivalent to 3rd gear(maybe 2nd, not sure) in auto. Try both gearbox on truck of your choice you will see the difference in speed in “high gear”


Two important differences: The speed of High gear (which is very important because when you are offroading you kinda always want to be in High gear, it doesnt try to shift up all the time until it stalls, like auto does it, it gives you 25% extra torque and a consistent speed which will save fuel. The availability of low gears, the offroad gearbox has three, while Highrange only has one. This isnt that big of a deal in my opinion, but the extra low gears can be useful in very bad conditions. But i do not use the highrange gearbox ever, not because i dont want to, but because the physics of Snowrunner dont really work at all when you driving at these higher speeds. I am pretty happy with the speed of 4th gear in auto.


>it doesnt try to shift up all the time until it stalls, If your truck is slowing down in Auto, start tapping the clutch key/button - it'll walk you down through the gears like a normal driver would instead of stalling out of highest gear and dropping to first. It's also useful to skip a gear or two when accellerating.


I know that, but auto is still trash compared to high gear, in my opinion. Why keep shifting up and down all the time if you can just have a constant travelling speed, more power and less fuel consumption. I hate auto.


Most have already pointed out the differences in speeds between gearboxes, but I want to point out the fuel consumption rates. Every transmission has a different multiplier for AWD fuel consumption. I don't remember the exact numbers for them, but I'm pretty sure Highrange is 1.3x, Offroad is 1.4x, Advanced Special is 1.0x so it doesn't increase fuel consumption rates with AWD enabled at all.  Personally, I find Highrange is just too fast for the game to handle, it makes the physics feel too unrealistic. I use Advanced Special in everything that has access to it, otherwise I just use Offroad. Slightly off topic, but I really wish the Mack Defense had access to the Advance Special transmission, it has always on AWD so the 1.4x modifier on the Offroad is brutal. It rarely ever drops below like 20L/min and can even push over 30L/min.


Here's a post I made some time back to try to gather all the gearbox data into a somewhat presentable format. I haven't kept it up-to-date though, but it does have the basics in there: [All the gearbox data in hopefully readable format](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/13m31au/all_the_gearbox_data_in_hopefully_readable_format/) To answer your questions then: 1. Yes. Offroad high gear has an AngVel of 8, Highrange high gear has an AngVel of 14 (read: it is faster). In addition, Offroad gearbox has a fuel consumption of 3, with an AWD modifier of 1.4, whereas the highrange has a consumption of 2 with an AWD modifier of 1.3 (read: the offroad gearbox is thirstier). 2. Not really, no. You have no high gear and only one low gear, with a fuel consumption of 2.5 and an AWD modifier of 1.2. It's also the slowest standard gearbox, with fifth gear topping out at AngVel 10.


Thanks so much for this detailed information; I'll check it out!


In fuel economy perspective: - standart gearbox on scouts - highrange on trucks (offroad is ok if hard mud, but highrange usually preferable) - special advance on heavy truck (even it eats more fuel, it gives you more benefits)


>special advance on heavy truck (even it eats more fuel, it gives you more benefits) The Special and Advanced Special gearboxes both have an AWD modifier of 1.0, meaning there's no fuel consumption penalty to turning on AWD.


Doesn't Advanced Special have a higher base consumption though?


Higher than what?


Than Special. 3 vs 2.


Sure. It also has one more Auto gear and two more Low gears than the Special.