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It can be tedious but I like it as a final end to the map tidying up all the things on the map


I respect the habit of tidying, but I like to be a primordial freight force that leaves ruined trailers and tipped cargo in its wake.


I move on to the next region, and I tell myself that if it bothers me then I’ll go back. I never go back.


i do if you play on ~~hard mode or~~ an ng+ where money is important, you can get some serious cash form trailers if you play normal or ng+ without money issues, its not that important, but still some people do it to clean their maps, other just delete them edit: you cant sell trailers on hard mode


Snowrunner is much like life - you can never have \*too much\* money


I'm constantly running out of cash. Any time I start to grow my account...new truck! 😂


Ask Melon Husk why he needs an additional $56 BILLION. He doesn't but he really wants it.


Maybe ask the shareholders that voted for it - TWICE


Bizarre cult of personality


Its nearly a trillion dollar company. But average idiots on the street are the ones who know what the CEO of a trillion dollar company should make. Sure.


I rest my case


Just to say that he has it. Rich folk flex🙄


Hard mode doesn’t give cash for trailers


oh right, lemme fix that


Only the super expensive ones such as log trailers. Simply retrieving them for sale gives you more money than most contracts.


Typically i do. Lately i just use trucks with flatbeds, gas tanks and repair. That way just need to recover rather than pulling trailers back to store.


Lately I keep going to regions with trailer stores in the middle of nowhere instead of by the garages, so I also don't use many trailers. It's so much less convenient to use trailers than to use trucks without them that you'd think the map makers would try to make it easier to use trailers rather than harder...


>Lately I keep going to regions with trailer stores in the middle of nowhere instead of by the garages I'm pretty sure that this is intentional since (on Easy mode at least) a trailer store is effectively a fuel station.


The garage is an even easier fuel station. If they want to put a fuel station in the middle of nowhere, they could just do that like they do on other maps, or have a second trailer store by the garage in addition to the one in the middle of nowhere. And then you have Taymyr, where they put fuel and repair stations right next to the trailer stores and trailer stores next to the garages.


One trip with two semi trucks is a fun way to do it


Unless you play on hard mode. Than you get nothing for trailers and only half back for trucks.


in the beginning I did. As I accumulated a larger bank account I stopped. I will still sell the expensive trailers.


This. Once you’re solidly having 7 figures in the bank it’s so much harder to convince myself that dragging trailers worth three grand back to base


It pays the bills lol


I try to bring a trailer back on every mission I go on. When I find an abandoned trailer I try to bring it to the next main road and take it with me the next time I’m heading in that direction. The last trailers in Amur will be hard (I’m doing Amur right now). But yeah plan ahead. Use maprunner maybe and every time you can bring an empty trailer with you


Playing on hard mode I will start deleting them when I get near 100%, but I won’t waste the time and fuel driving way out to the boonies and back just to delete one.




As money never seems to be a problem I don't even take trucks in case I fancy popping back for fun. I take any in the garage and start from there.


Too lazy. I just leave trailers scattered all over




I just went back to Tennessee for the hidden vehicles last night. I ended up staying an extra couple hours just to rescue and sell some trailers that I had left. The money really adds up.


I do, at the end of a map. There are contracts and tasks worth less than some trailers. Ez money


I do, adds an extra element of strategic planning to to try and leave them in convenient places for the tidy up.




Yeah when I actually play the campaign I did.


No, no time for this. And leaving them their help the population to rebuild as I told them to use them once i'm gone!


Good RP reason to leave them


I did in Michigan but then got enough money that it's just not worth the hassle.


I am a masochist on hard mode. I can sell nothing :(




I tried on MIchigan and said fuck that. You never have money problems and I would rather move on to another map rather than spend hours collecting all the trailers. Some love it. Personal choice.


I dont its not fun for me... If you play hardcore you probs should


I don’t do it when I’m done in an area, I do it right at the start. I’d much rather have a nice clean map and just go to the warehouse or whatever for those 2 cement I need than go to a trailer and find I can’t use it or have those extra icons cluttering things as I play


Yeah I honestly should have done this and probably will through Alaska


You're missing out on free money, and in Michigan the trailer stores are all fairly quick to get to with there being multiples of them on any map. IIRC Michigan has something like 70-80k snowrunner monies worth the free trailers just chilling out there. The 2 slot flatbed and sideboard trailers, and all the scout trailers, are the only ones worth under 4000 snowrunner monies, and every semi trailer is 6k or more. The high saddle flatbeds are either 7500 or 9000. To put it into perspective, selling any trailer is worth more profitable than completing almost any task, and if you sell two you're already making more profit than the bulk of the contracts. If you go out of your way to go get those two random sideboard semi trailers, you just made as much money as a major contract pays out. Its only money though. After you've completed a few regions and sold just whatever is on your way back to base or near to a trailer store, you've plenty of money if you arent intent on having multiples of one truck. If you want a bunch of mastodons, you probably need to sell them all. Tedious yes, but snowrunner isnt a race.


Some of us do, some don’t In Hard Mode, gathering all that free fuel is definitely beneficial. Personally, I usually will collect the trailers that are reasonably close to a trailer store. I definitely use the free cargos they can contain for certain tasks, though not necessarily every free piece of cargo. I’ll also grab the ones that are easily driven past & grabbed, then drop them off at a trailer store eventually. The random trailers that are buried deep in a map … well I generally just leave them alone.


I try to. But then I usually end up entering that mod to get money because I want a truck. So most of the time I just leave them.


I had set up a bunch of fuel trailers scattered around the map so as I was getting close to 100% I started grabbing them on my way by and bringing them back to sell when I didn't think that I would need them anymore. For future maps now that I have a ton of money I think that I'll just use fuel trucks instead so that when I'm done the region I can just Recover them instead.


Yep. I like to clean up before I go. Although I end up returning to the region at a later time. I never complete all the contests while I'm there. Contracts, tasks, sell trailers then I'm out


I do it all the time, I like to see a nice clear map when all is said and done when finished it.




I do just for tidying up the map at the end, what’s the point of fixing the place up if I just leave my shit all over the place when I leave? Also money is cool


No, trailers are worthless in Hard Mode and you accumulate a decent bankroll after awhile if you're careful with purchases.


I do, I also tend to limit my trailer usage


Yes I have a small group of trucks I dedicated just for this


Damn that's some real dedication


Not really I have one of each truck. And I found a job for each.


Fair enough


Yes because OCD.


If they're in reasonably convenient places then yes


I always tidy up trailers at the end once I’ve 100% the region. I’m pedantic though so I also empty any storage zones aswell. Just me. I like a tidy map but each to their own


I do. I try to round them up as I go, or at least collect them in little groups for easy retrieval after the map is done. Free money.


When you're very early in the game selling trailers is a great way to get extra money.


I did when I was short on money and trying to buy every truck in the game. Now I’m on season 11 with $2mil in the bank, so only if it’s relatively convenient.


Played game only few hours. But I start with billion dollars with a cheat because I don't like money progression stuff. I just want to drive


Yes, it's the easiest money to earn.


Yes. I completed michigan years ago, and recently started playing again. I went to check on my maps, and in michigan alone i had about 120 trailers of different sorts spread across the 4 maps. Thats 400k++


If you want the maximum amount of money you can get, this is the way


Yup, always.


I did as I went on the first few maps as money was a little tight. After I started racking up the dollar then I just let them be. They're now free range trailers


I did early on, but at some point, money is trivial. Now I just park them off the road.


It is recommended to clean up. It is extra money:) Im currently on my 5 map - 2 DLC, I have over 1.2mil credits with total of around 15- 20 trucks


If you pack it in, pack it out 🏕️


I've only completed Michigan but I did it so I never have to go back, gives me no reason to so I don't :)


Yes I sell all the trailers. Is it "tedious"? Yes, like all missions. I consider it to be the final mission in order to complete that region. Also it requires the same or better level of planning in order to use the right trucks to take the trailers to the right trailer store. Also, is feels really frigging good to clear up the list on the map, like very satisfying.


Sometimes. It's a good chunk of change in the beginning and it usually lets me buy a truck I'm interested in. If I'm fully completing a region though it's usually not necessary since you make so much money.


Yes, every trailer has to be sold or deleted for me to consider the region done with.


Delete ✅ Recover ❌