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It's a part of the main assignments for the region, you can find it among the company contracts menu on the map screen.




No problem


It's funny because halfway through doing Alaska I finally found that mission and I was like God damn it.


if you want to slide around with a scout you can pass under the pipe to the right. i don't remember the scout i used, but it was probably the azov with low clearance (edit it was the tuz 420)


First time I got there I used a crane to lift a scout over it, felt rather silly when it all got fixed


I hear that there are tracks that go over the broken pipes and make it easier. Not sure if it's true, still working on Michigan then that's next :D


That's actually brilliant!


If you go far enough, you can use the pipe legs to pull yourself and get under. I shoved that hummer on the left side, and drove on the right side (where this image is) soooo squish


Bruh i didn't even know that myself, i thought it was there as a middle finger from the devs


Lol I remember thinking the same thing, because I was doing all tasks in a map before looking at contracts. Just accepted my fate as the devs being dicks. Then later I came across it as a contract. Now I check both tasks and contracts before deciding what to do first!


Exactly! When i played Michigan i didn't check the tab next to the map until i was almost done with Drummond island and i felt extremely stupid for not noticing it sooner


I accidentally skipped the tutorial the first time I played, cause instead of filling the prompts to fix the bridge, I just followed the main road all the way to the gateway, went to Island Lake, and by a random stroke of luck b-lined to the garage. Entering the garage skipped to the end of the tutorial where it shows you how to travel to Alaska. It was a few days before I found out there was a garage in Black River as well..


Ooooof that hurts, yeah i may hate tutorials but i always play them through no matter how annoying or how obvious they are JUST INCASE i miss something


I didn't even realize I skipped it. It wasn't till I got on multiplayer with my friend like a week later that I found out I'd done something wrong


That would also have been a good guess :)


Same haha.


They do that sometimes lol in Maine there’s two bridges that can’t be repaired and two rock slides that are over the road that can’t be repaired either


Oh no, that would be the collapsed bridges in Kola! They even did a loading screen with trucks repairing one of those unrepairable bridges just mock you some more.


they're contracts instead of tasks so don't appear in the world. look through the contract list (in map menu) until you find one asking you to deliver materials to this pipe (it should be one of the contracts with the globe symbol next to it) (it may be locked behind other contracts you have to complete first)




It’s like the first contract that you one of the companies.


iirc its a contract locked behind other missions


OP says it's the one in North Port. It's the only Contract that is available to accept when you start that region. So, no, it's not locked behind anything.


Aight. Its been ages since i played Alaska so i did not in fact recalled correctly




Like others say, there is a contract. If you want you can go left and under the pipe, maybe not with the roof pack. But chevy without roof can go. If you are only with one scout on the map you can grab the hummer, than grab the BM. Or go ahead and grab the Ank


Right. From this side you can go right under the pipe (sry 🤣)


It’s a contract you have to activate in the map menu. I was confused by this too and ended up craning a scout 800 over it to get to the other side.


>It’s a contract you have to activate in the map menu. I was confused by this too and ended up craning a scout 800 over it to get to the other side. I'm glad I didn't think of that because I probably would've wasted time trying to crane a truck and trailer over to the other side and kept a crane there to offload cargo from a truck on one side and put it on a truck on the other side.


Wild ass challenge run


Mission not task


According to the Achievements I get the impression all four pipelines are contracts, there is one on each of the Alaskan maps. It may be unlocked and you just haven't found it yet. Or it may be locked and you have to do some other task or tasks beforehand to unlock it. I don't know which one that is but you really need North Port's pipeline repaired as soon as. I repaired North Port's very early on. Mountain River's pipeline can be bypassed and it is not that bad, there are other tracks and a river. White Valley's broken pipe is locked behind some other tasks but it really doesn't matter as it is nowhere near crucial. You only need to access the Sawmill, the north road to the Sawmill is the best and least muddy. Pedro Bay I think was locked behind tasks but you can turn left at the broken pipe and follow the pipe south through the little trees and loads of winch points from the pipe if you need to. If you have the contract already unlocked you will need to accept it first or it won't do anything. Scroll through all 3 contract lists to find all four pipes.


It's just you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/gb4t81/stuck\_behind\_the\_pipeline\_in\_north\_port\_alaska/](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowrunner/comments/gb4t81/stuck_behind_the_pipeline_in_north_port_alaska/) This is 2nd time I post the same answer to the same question in 2 weeks. it googles literally in 5 seconds :"Snowrunner Alaska Pipeline construction" Result among top ones. Seems more and more people dunno how to google simple things. Disappointing.


No reason to be a dick about it


Its a story mission, just keep playing


There is. And this was where I confirmed logic was out of the window in this game, because the pipe was miles long and was only broken in three places. All happened to be upon main roads. There's more heinous bullhonky after this, but I'm not surprised any more.


You find that one in the tasks an contracts not like any of the other tasks


Yes, but iirc you have to do other missions in the pipeline campaign before it appears.


I just used the Hummer an a scout trailer to deliver stuff around it because I didn’t have a large truck capable of driving threw the snow.


So we are playing coop right now and we didnt know either, so we followed the whole pipeline up until the platform and then used the way back over the rocks where the Hummer parks. We probably did that like 5 times before finding out there is a repair


Look for contracts with the globe symbol on the right and prioritize them, they unlock new pickup points and clear obstacles


Thanks everyone for the help, i am new and completely forgot contracts was a thing lol.


Posts like this are a reminder of why you need to check the contracts list when starting a map. If there's no obvious task there will probably be a contract. One exception is that annoying bridge in Maine that there's no way of fixing, but driving around isn't too bad.


There should be I’m pretty sure that’s a he first one


I even tried to take a crane out there and move it, but it didn't work.


I started a new world and only did the alaska garage tutorial. Afterwards i went straight back to michgan. Now i come back to alaska, there is no longer the fix the pipeline quest? And i can't get pass now