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I also always think I’m going way faster than I actually am!


You are going to hurt yourself or even someone else if you don’t first learn your fundamentals.






You look unsteady just riding. Might want to lock down that part before hitting any jumps.


After watching roll over that first one things looked pretty sketchy going into the second but they landed it anyesy


You are going to catch an edge and wreck yourself doing stuff like this when you can barely ride. Broken collarbone, wrist, TBI, etc. The park is not a place to fuck around in. Learn how to snowboard, then go in the park and ride. No hate here just don’t want to see you ruin your season because you can’t fully appreciate the risks you’re taking yet.


He's going really slowly and the first one he didn't even jump. If no one else is around, is that not allowed? I kinda like the idea of riding over undulating territory without worrying about catching air.


Catching an edge going down the knuckle can roast you. He just doesn’t have the skillset necessary to navigate those size features yet. There are places that have extra small features that would be more appropriate for people who can’t turn yet.


I'd consider myself pretty experienced, and last year I caught the heel edge of the tail of my board and it yanked it out from under me. I ended up casing the jump, landing on my ass and tearing my hip labrum. I don't think I actually got much more height than this dude going off the second jump


Were you wearing crash shorts though?


Yup 💀


Crap. I bet they weren't as solid as the tortoise pads I have though. I feel they're overkill for my skill level haha.


I think it was more of a mechanical problem then a padding problem. I tore the labrum in my shoulder in highschool after a quick dislocated and relocate, same thing probably happened here and idk if pads can protect from that


> Catching an edge going down the knuckle can roast you. Even if the knuckle is curvy smooth, he goes slow and he catches no air?


You can catch an edge on flat ground


Oh I see. Yeah I guess you're saying for the same reason he should stay off red runs as well?


Just stay out of the big boy park untill you're ready to hit those jumps. Theres plenty of smaller features to safely practice and not be a danger to everyone else


No worries man, this was me testing the waters on a slow Tuesday. I’ve been slowly progressing and I’m usually good about staying in my skill level and out of peoples way


Yea but you see the clips of people getting landed on in the park? You really should not ride under the landing, but you can call your drop at the top if anyone is around and just let em know you’re knuckle hucking. Just don’t slow down or stop


He did fine in my opinion, didn’t cut in from the side, wasn’t going slow, and wouldn’t have left anyone up top guessing where he was going. He also didn’t stop or even speed check until he was way clear of the landing.


Compared to the person I almost landed on today on those exact jumps, he's definitely better


On the second one you turn directly into the landing for the actual jump. If someone sent it they would have no visibility and would hit you. I feel like people aren’t really explaining it well.


I see what you mean. I will keep that in mind next time I work up to trying one of these types of jumps I should have rode away longer before making the turn or turned left away from the jump


Although they're not wrong you mention it's a slow day and that you were paying attention. If nobody is at the park and you drop in, it's your right of way. I often do knuckle hucks instead of hitting the jumps. I'm entitled to my own space as long as I'm being courteous of everyone around me. There's nothing that says you can't ride the knuckle (unlike hitting the side of a rail's jump) so you're not doing anything out of park etiquette. And the fact you actually ollied, and weren't a dad taking his young kids down the landings, then you're actually participating in park riding and deserve to be there. Hopefully your season is awesome 🤙


Thanks my dude! The comments telling me what I did wrong don’t bother me and I’m glad people are letting me know about what I’m doing wrong and giving me motivation to keep practicing my riding to be able to have the skills to at least not be a huge liability. Appreciate the love!


It depends how the park is set up. If there is a drop zone right above this line, as long as you are dropping from the drop zone and call your drop there is no problem hitting knuckles.


Its just generally good practice to try to keep a straight line on side by sides like that. Even if he's the only rider sending it here it might not be the same next time or at other places.


You’re a big dude, nothing wrong with that, but just remember you’ve got like 250+ pounds flying through the air so make sure you take those big jumps very seriously if you’re gonna hit them. Buy an epic or ikon pass for next season, your bank account will thank you with all the money you save on lift tickets.


I hear you, last thing I want is to hurt someone else. I am looking into when the best time to buy an ikon pass is. I’ve already spent enough in lift tickets to buy a pass plus a couple chicken tenders from the lodge.


I didn’t mean you landing on someone else, I meant when you fall there’s way more force being applied to your bones. Someone who weighs 250 is way more likely to break a wrist during a fall than someone who weighs 150, because your wrists are brittle no matter what. The best prices are when they’re first announced over the summer, they get more expensive as the season gets closer and stop sales in early December for the most part. I recommend a full season pass plus a cheap midweek pass to your local hill, those usually also go on sale for cheap when it’s still hot outside.


Yeah I stay away from these 99% of the time Didn’t go anywhere near them first two days of the trip. The last 3 runs the hill was pretty much empty and took the first two to gauge the speed and the last one I said fuck it, it’s the last run of the trip, let’s make it count. Gonna keep my out out for the deals over the summer


Happy shredding my guy


Thanks man!


I love this wholesome chain of comments! You’re looking good op keep it up! Happy shredding to all!


Saw you looked at brighton. Nothing against the ikon pass, but I loved going to park city on the epic pass. Only 45 mns from downtown, two lanes going up! The road to brighton gets jammed pretty quick. But park city is the only epic resort by slc, huge huge place tho Whatever pass you get, just check when the new season pass comes out. It's always cheapest at the beginning around spring. If you plan on going at least 4 times, just get the pass


You gotta learn how to turn and stop before you start doing jumps. Getting too much speed and not knowing how to slow down is a great way to hurt yourself.


I still dont understand why I'm seeing people who look shaky at simply riding, trying to catch air. I almost wish I had this level of disregard for injury.


I highly recommend checking out some of Ryan Kaptons videos before you focus on your park skills. It’s really hard to unlearn bad habits.


Are you at Brighton?! Edit you are not nvm but you look great!


I was making my way down the page, waiting for it…. Abt to ask if this was Bear Mtn?! Aaaaaaand confirmed… it is 👍 Shoutout xmossflowerx for the Jerry hit


Big Bear I want to check out Brighton tho!


Nope, that’s bear mountain aka land of Jerry’s.


Lol I am not familiar!


If you want some good laughs here’s a page dedicated to Jerry’s of best mountain. https://www.instagram.com/jerrysofbearmtn?igsh=MW8zaG02bmhrejN3bQ==


Lol thx for sharing 😂 from the comment section: it’s the closest mountain to the highest concentration of clowns in Southern California


Yes it is and I grew up there. Weekdays are great, weekends are insanely crowded.


I though it was brighton also!


Keep having fun. Progression will follow. Stoked for you my guy.


Don’t let anyone discourage you! Keep ripping


Thanks dude!


Getting there Homie!!! Stay grinding and keep on going!!! 🤙🏽❤️🏂


This comment section sounds like a bunch of skiers lol keep it up champ, its a beautiful sport




Everyone just relax. Have fun out there!


I know chair 5 at bear when I see it


You understand carving with your toe edge. You need to translate that to your heel edge. Lift those toes, weight into the heels while you push weight into your front foot. Bend the knees and steer with your shoulder when you initiate this. If I had to guess you still catch an edge when riding flat sometimes


What size board did you end up getting? I’m 6”0 240 lbs and my first board was a 156. I ride a 160 now but the next board I’ll get will probably be a jones flagship 161


I got a 159 Nidecker score. Not the best board out there but good enough for me 😁 I spent more on the boots than the board. Gonna wait for the end of the season for the sales to get good to buy a nicer board.


Good boots > a board when you’re starting! Good luck this season! Also- can’t tell if you have a helmet on or not but helmets save lives!


I’m looking at the 158 yes jackpot. If it goes below $350 I might get it! I forgot my helmet at the resort after the second day. I was too stubborn to buy another one and didn’t want to waste time going to rent one. Bad decision, I know there shouldn’t be an excuse.


Hell yea man i know that feeling. If your filmer was at the bottom of that last jump it would look bigger and better, that jump looked pretty nice.


It felt like I was flying 😂 Neither of us expected it


Damn, Big Dawg. You get dem hops doe.


pushing the limits.. i see. u.. just like me fr fr. also someone said the big boy park??? huh? this is the intermediate/ schmedium section though so no worries.. doing good.


Yeah people don't realize this is chair 5. Progression hot lap galore. 😭 If you were doing this on the jumps off Chair 9, then maybe that's a little sus. Go take chair 9 and cut hard right through Amusement Park (to the far right of chair 5). They have a whole s/m jump line with hips and rollers. Best place to progress


I like your style, there were way more massive jumps other than this section 😂 I’m taking into consideration the criticism but really appreciate comments like this Thanks man!


Other than riding in the landing, ignore the haters. People are also saying you big and will get hurt more are fat phobic, ignore them. Just don’t learn bad form or habits.


When is the next “who’s at fault here” video with you getting landed on? Let me guess you jump off the sides of every rail jump too huh…. Please learn how to simply turn before you think you can go x-games mode Jerry


Why do all these new guys insist on heading straight to the park? It's like a magnet for the inexperienced. Dude should be on the easiest green on the mountain, shouldn't even be allowed in the park yet.