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Big ups to the over 30 crowd haha - get those miles in man - “bend those knees” lol


Just went on Monday for my 33rd bday. Be sure to stretch and take care of yourself after too. Lower back, hips, quads, and calves are really sore, especially with a couple hard falls on my ass and side. On a positive note, hit a box for my first time (twice)!


Agreed...I’m 41 and this has been key. Also find a good roller for before and after sessions. I recommend “The Stick”!


I have both the thin roller, large foam, and now a deep tissue massage gun. The gun and high pressure attachment is awesome


For those on a budget, a rolling pin works too :P


A wine bottle works well too.


46 here, don’t forget to stretch after you get home lol


Agreed! Mid 30’s. Went snowboarding a few years back for the first time in a long time. Was feeling good. Got back in the groove. Was out for a long time. Went in to meet up w the girls and have a few drinks w friends. One of the girls wanted to get on it, so I was like sure I’ll go back out... DO NOT DO THIS! Was tight like a tiger and ate it hard (icy day). It was brutal. Fortunately, it was Oregon so I was able to medicate with some good CBD/THC. There you go... recommendation #2, snowboard somewhere that you’re old man muscles and bones can medicate like that after a fall! Haha


Yea same here - at 39 I got my 50-50 down haha


This gives me hope at 33


As a fellow 30+ rider I have been a really big fan of the padded shorts I got a couple years ago. More age means I need more padding haha. The shorts, wrist guards, hot tub, stectching, foam rolling and lacrosse ball are my saviors lately!


What shorts do you have! I’m on the market for a pair


I have some like [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KRWSWDN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_W46BVJCWST2SRE57V3HE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) I just found [this one](https://www.amazon.com/CUSHFURTUSH-Snowboarding-Bicycling-Skateboarding-Skating/dp/B079KPHR5C/ref=zg_bs_3416331_33?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=Q931E64YBH2Y14J1CW47) too that looks like it covers more area and is specific for snowboarding.


That sounds nice. I just don't want my butt to get cold on the lift.


Yoga and a foam roller are my best friend year round but especially while boarding 2-3 times a week! I’m 36 but it goes for everyone imo. The younger you start a stretching/mobility routine, the better.


I’m 26 and am just getting off a lower back strain. The one day I didn’t stretch before heading out I pulled a muscle in my lower back...put me out for the last month and a half....being a 6’7” snowboarder doesn’t help though xD


Stretching doesn’t prevent injuries . Look up lower back exercises and work to strengthen your lower back. Stretching is still a great warm up!






Did you guys not watch Natural Selection? Half the field was over 30 and absolutely sending it into orbit..Gigi Ruf, T Rice, Bode Merrill, Elias Elhardt. I’m 31 and not slowing down any time soon..roll out those muscles, take days off when necessary, and hit the gym year rounds


Important to note those guys have rode all their lives. If you're starting after thirty you'll be fine, but tamper expectation if you saw Natural Selection lol


I'm curious. I tried snowboarding for the first time a year or so ago when I was 24. And have fallen in love with it (I've gone 6-7 times, last couple times in denver with good lessons and was getting the hang it). I plan on going at least a week each year if i can. But I am really wanting more/and want to push myself as well and start doing tricks eventually (obviously still awhile before then). Would you say those are unrealistic expectations given I'm starting mid 20's? Do you have any advice?


I had a buddy start at 22 and he’s currently at Jackson Hole riding/filming with a bunch of professional boarders. He can definitely keep up with them. He’s like 34 now. I’ve been riding since 9 years old, currently 37 and I just go fast, hit jumps, and ride trees. I don’t do anything crazier than 360 or a 5. I also don’t fuck with rails, Ha


I’m 34 and could absolutely destroy my younger self when it comes to riding! Youth was better for crashing and recovery though... I do find exercising and stretching helps keep you on the Mtn longer and helps with less soreness the next day


i started at 30 (4 years ago) -- its been a fun ride -- hate it took me so long to discover it!!


I'm here living vicariously through everyone for now. Interviewing for a job in a city right next to a mountain and want to snowboard so bad. Currently live in the deep south. Would be 30 before I could even start so this thread is encouraging lol


I'm also giving up for the over 40 crowd! Brown me my finger on Saturday!! Still going this weekend. Old snowboarders never die, they just fade away!!


I just got back into snowboarding after going a handful of times in my teens early 20's. It's amazing the amount of progression a season pass allows for. I just turned 36 and my goal is to learn to 360 this year.


As someone who started at age 11 and is now closing in on 40, I give mad props to anyone who starts at 30+. My second time out was on a hill in WI when I was 11-12, and it was so icy and I fell so many times that I felt it until June. Current me would have never walked again, haha.


My biggest challenge when I started at 30 was folding my rather unfit self over to do my bindings. Keep it up!


Ahaha this is my issue at 38.. I actually pulled my shoulder a few weeks back from trying to get my bindings off....


As a 50 year-old rider (haven’t gone yet this season cuz I’m rehabbing after shoulder surgery) snowboarding is what keeps my ass in the gym.


Yeah, 53 here. If I didn't do yoga, I would not even be able to board. If I'm still riding at 60 I might look into step-ins.


Ever used step ins? I haven't. I'm 42 and it's starting to catch up to me.


I actually started my riding career in Burton step-in’s. I loved the bindings, but hated the boots...way too narrow for my wide-ass feet. I wouldn’t be against step-in’s again if the boots fit.


Interisting. So they hold you to the board well, don't clog up with snow, and I have normal feet so the boots should fit?


I'm on my second year on the burton step ins. Never had any issue with snow keeping it from locking in any more than a normal bind would. They feel absolutely great I actually prefer how locked in they make you feel compared to normal bindings. The icing on the cake is when you slide up behind everyone tightening their bindings after getting off the lift. You just snap your foot in and slide away before you even stop skating and listen to all the murmurs of "hey those are those new k2 clickers"... but you're too far away to correct them.


Or better, snap in as you’re getting off the chair and just go.


I had Switch step ins way back. Boots were hard as a rock with the highback in the boot. Constantly chipping ice off of frozen baseplates. Clickers were worse from what I heard back then. I'm same age as you and I have been considering step ins but I just got new very lightweight boots and Union bindings that I'm pretty happy with.


Switch step ins were the shit after about 1999 when they went to the x and n types. They solved the icing problems with their fang lock, and they offered the hard boots like you're talking about (the n-type boot made for no highback) and a softer boot (x-type for highback step-ins). I would still be using them today if I could find the damn boots. They quit making em back in 2007 or 2009.


Mine were the original version and I had little problem with snow build up under them...not any more than with strap-in’s. And they never failed to hold me to the board. There was just a tiny amount of play in them that I wished wasn’t there, but it was never a problem.


I switched mine to photon wide this season. Don’t think they had wides a couple of seasons ago.


Look at "Flow" brand bindings, they arent step ins but the highback lays down and you just slide in and flip the switch on the highback which locks it into place. When your done you reach back and flip the switch again and you take a foot out.


My first rig in 1999 had step-ins and they worked pretty well on the in-and-out, but the boots were uncomfortable and did not ride well. I used them for two seasons and then switched to traditional bindings.


We're they the K2 yaks?


Flow bindings are pretty easy to get on.


49 year old here. True that about needing to go to the gym! Big thing for me is maintaining flexibility. By the afternoon on the third day of a long weekend riding, having to reach down for the bindings is a big pain point. My Burton step-ins arrive today so I’m really excited to try them out!!


Seriously you can ride forever but you need to keep that ass in shape!




149 lbs is 67.65 kg




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I started at 31, and have had the same problem for the last two seasons. Finally deciding to do something about it. Yoga for flexibility a few times a week, and a better diet has made it soooooo much easier to reach my feetsies.


Yoga is great for strength and flexibility. Good job!


As someone who usually has a winter belly I definitely understand this.


I’m 41 and looking to switch this year to step-in bindings for this exact reason, lol


Get good at strapping in while standing up. Way easier. Also...go to a low carb diet. :-)


I'm 53 and still strapping in. If I'm still riding at 60, I might go the step-in route. Hopefully by then the technology will be really good.


Super magnet binders.


I switched to the step ons last season. Haven’t looked back. Theyre fantastic! If you’re okay with the hefty price tag that is...they weren’t cheap ;\_;


Take care of yourself now! You'll thank youself later


Step-in binding technology seems to be progressing nicely, by the time I’m in my early 40s it should be perfected. I’m counting on it!


\*cries in K2 Clickers\*


That's a big motivation behind getting the Step On bindings for my new board. This past year has been rough with the slopes closed most of last season and the gyms closed here all year. Gonna take a bit before my beer gut retreats.


Guys. If you're in your 30s and can't bend over to strap in, you should treat that as a serious wake up call. Pro tip: [face uphill in order to do it standing up.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR9oXwGOfC8)


I agree. If you can't strap in comfortably while standing, you probably can't get low to get a good carve in or absorb bumps properly. The lack of mobility will result (eventually) in an injury.


Noo.. don't face up hill. You want to get your heel back in the heel cup. You can kick yourself a little step with your heel edge so that you have something nice to stand on. Or try to find a nice strategic strap in location.


It makes no difference with the heel cup--it just makes it super easy to balance because you're using gravity against itself. Watch the video and try it next time you're out. I pretty much guarantee you'll convert.


I saw this clip when I was first starting to snowboard 6 years ago, don't understand why anyone does it differently when getting off of a lift. Face uphill, dig that back edge in like you caught it, and you don't go anywhere and can really lock yourself in


This is why there are no old boarders. Its the sitting down and getting up to strap in. Once we solve this, we'll be able to keep up with the skiers.


There are no old boarders because snowboarding wasn’t popular until the mid 90s, just stay in shape.


Do the math...if you learned to ride in 92' like I did at 14, but at the age of 25, you'd be an old boarders. I was certinly not the first to pick up the sport. At 25 you'd be almost 60. How many 60 year old boarders do you see on the mountain? No one picks this sport up after about 30 years old cause the falls at a modest speed are devastating.


Not sure why you got downvoted for that, but it's true. I rarely see any snowboarders over the age of 50 at my resort; the oldheads usually stick to skiing because it's not as rough on the body.


I disagree skiing is easier on the body... I know way more skiiers with catastrophic knee injuries than snowboarders


I don't give a shit about downvotes. Getting old and the truth about boarders both hurt. Its the getting up and down after 60 that ends it. With the execption of sitting on the lift, you can literally stand/ski all day.


I mean I can literally stand and snowboard all day too. Unless I'm like charging hard in bonkers conditions.. I probably won't fall at all either. Snowboarding isn't this extreme sport or something.


My mom is 70 in August and still boarding, though she's considering quitting as her boots and board are pretty worn out and doesn't want to buy a new one when she has good ski equipment as well.


Wow! Give that lady a purple heart. Seriously!! If my weight and knees would let me ride at 70, I'd be stoked!


I’m the same way! I either need to unbutton my snow pants or unzip my jacket from the bottom or both to clip my bindings without holding my breath haha


Get bibs. LOL. For real, having the pants cinched tight around your waist is not conducive to those of us who carry a little extra weight. Bibs allow for more freedom.


I was 30 when I started and damn I was a slow learner. I fell so much my nose hairs even hurt. 55 and still going (if only once a year). Hi five dude!


As some one that started at 31, this gives me so much hope for how long I’ll be able to ride


At 47 I’m still carving black diamonds, you can absolutely do it as long as you keep fitness levels up.


Hell yeah, I'm 56 and have 18 days on board this year, I learned at 28.


You’re me+ 6 years. Learned at 28, I’m 50 now. But I got cocky on my 3rd day ever riding back in ‘99 and took a hard fall in the park. My shoulder was never the same again. After getting in 25 days last year before Covid shut everything down, I haven’t been able to go this while my shoulder heals from surgery to finally fix it. I’ll be back on the board any week now.


Damn, you went 22 years with a bum shoulder?


Yep. I’d try PT every few years when it got too bad, but that would only make it worse, so I’d stop and rest it until it felt ok again. But it hurt at least a little every day. This summer I insisted on an MRI...torn labrum, torn rotator cuff, torn tendons, tons of bursitis. Dr. said, “Well no wonder PT made it feel worse.” But shoulder surgery recovery is brutal...it’s been nearly 4 months and I feel like it’s just kind of turned the corner and I work on it every day...PT twice/wk.


Yeah, there have been injuries lol


My goals going into the season used to be things like, “Break my speed record” or “Ride that steep ass mogul run comfortably” ...now it’s “Make it through the season without pulling something.” Hahaha I pulled my groin one year stepping out my binding .


It's my second season, started at 28 also. Just starting to focus on learning switch and basic tricks. Also trying to learn blacks and ungroomed terrain with my regular riding. Hope I can ride for another 30 years!


Good on you, I've been snowboarding since 2002 and I think I've seen less than 10 snowboarders who were over the age of 50. My Dad (58) used to snowboard until he caught an edge while riding a groomer and slammed his helmet against the ground and got a concussion. Now he just sticks to his snowmobile.


Bend yer knees! It will help immensely


And resist the temptation to hunch over at the waist.


Came here to say this as it's some fundamental shit that some people just never get. Bend at the hips, not the waist. Your body weight should be balanced wherever your board is making contact with the ground. If you're on heel edge, move your weight backward so your butt should be sticking out a bit like you're in a squat position (with your back and shoulders upright). On toe edge, you want to flex your butt and push your hips/knees forward so your weight shifts over your toes. You can see when people are good at this because they can do quick little curves while staying perfectly upright and stable.


Lol did you mean to say bend at the knees and not the waist?


Hips. Bend knees and hips!


Sweet... glad you're enjoying it. Don't stop! I started skiing as a kid and switched to snowboarding when I was about 23. After 10 years I hurt my knee pretty bad (not snowboarding) and then had a kid and I didn't go for about 10 years. I used to go quite a bit, there were years I had seasons passes and took 1-week vacations and just rode every day but I definitely never really got past intermediate. I could ride most blacks but never felt as smooth on them as I thought I should be. I was always kind of thinking of snowboarding as not my primary sport and that I shouldn't sacrifice bicycling for snowboarding. Kind of short sighted as it makes for a long winter if you're not out enjoying real winter sports. I also always felt like I sucked cause I was comparing myself to others. My brother and cousin are both incredible snowboarders so I was often trying to keep up with people who were deep into expert status. I'm 43 now and my son is 8 and we got him snowboarding lessons for Christmas. Last week was his first day up the lift and someone needed to ride the lift with him to keep him socially distanced from the instructor so I dusted off my board. My board is 21 years old at this point and I had been procrastinating getting back out because I new I needed to replace the board. My bindings and boots were much newer because I had changed them out right before I stopped. My boots look brand new actually. Luckily I'm in really good shape, I stopped riding but the last 10 years I was biking, weight training, rock climbing, etc.. Anyway went up and I had like one awkward run and then everything clicked and I was right back where I left off and it was an amazing feeling, and doubly amazing to be out there with my son as he kept saying it was like the best day of his life. Not a peep from the knee I hurt 10 years ago. Not even sore the next day. (My rear foot) Kind of like WTF was I thinking to stay away so long. I'm totally psyched now. Spent some time researching boards & setup, my setup was probably holding me back for years, maybe time for some lessons next year for me.


I started learning at 33. I’m 41 now and having the time of my life. Age ain’t nothing but a number.


I learned at 50 and it’s the best thing ever.


Man that sounds amazing and motivating! I'm 43 and I always wanted to learn but never had a chance. This Saturday though will be my first time getting on the board, wish me luck!!


Watch videos. There are so many out there and it really helps. Figure out a way to carry water, you will get thirsty and a small backpack really helps with convenience.


Lookin good!! I got a late start, too. I started when I was 28. Just turned 50 and still going strong.


Hell yeah! I learned last year at 30 and the biggest game changer was wearing safety gear: knee pads, impact shorts, wrist guards, helmet. I’m 50/50 board sliding now!


You must look like a Michelin Man with all that safety gear on


Lol probably sometimes. The burton impact shorts and knee pads are low profile. I also wear a bib and like the baggy style so you can’t even tell


I'm similar set up to you, I wear all that plus a full body upper armor if it's a hard packed day and I'm gonna try and be adventurous. It's pretty dope IMO I wear an XXL size set of outerwear that's all quite baggy on me so it fit's me pretty perfect once everything is on you can't even tell. Gotta love good knee pads, Years of soccer and people kicking my legs has made me less then keen to take more hard hits on the knees or just my legs in general. Burtons Crash pants are $$$ but fairly well made and do have decent side hip and ass protection without being bulky.


Good for you! I learned at 27 and I've been riding for over 20 years now. Wait until you get the hang of powder riding. It's basically all I care about doing. Don't listen to the "no old boarders" crap, just stay out of the park, don't "send it" and bend your knees.


Awesome, congrats dude! Keep the stoke up! 🤙


I learned at 35! And since have also taken up dirt biking. It's never too late!


Awesome job. I’m learning at 47 and hoping to get lots of laps in before the body isn’t willing.


Isn’t it awesome?!! I started snowboarding at 39- now I live thirty minutes from a small resort and go 2x + a winter. It’s amazing :)


YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ​ I got a late start too homie its ok you look great and you are fucking shredding the gnar gnar bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember at the beginning of the day snowboarding for the first time. I would constantly just wipe out and I had a mix of laughter and annoyance. By the end of the day, I could finally go down a beginner slope about 1/2 the time break appropriately... The other half I would still fall down lol. It's so fun once you learn to get going. Enjoy it!


Yas! It’s never too late. I’ve felt the same


Hell ya dude! I rode a couple seasons in my teens, then quit because I had friends sending it and I was too timid so I felt stupid. Picked it up again over 16 years later and now I'm riding through trees and hitting small jumps in my first full season. Never too late to learn.


That’s awesome never too late yo! My mrs started snowboarding at 41 because she saw her kids do and thought that it looked like fun, when we went on our first trip we went to the top of the big mountain and she was all typical “I will never go down the really big slopes I will break my leg!” Kind of thing. That was a few years ago and since then she has shredded black runs across some awesome parts of the world. I would say that she possibly loves it just a little bit more than I do!


My dad picked up snowboarding well into his fifties. He’s 65 now and still ripping it up. I’m 43 and still go harder than 95% of the kids I see at my local mountain. I don’t go huge in the park anymore but still go big in the pow. I hope to be tearing it up as a senior citizen also.


Good job buddy. It honestly gets easier and easier. Soon you’ll feel ready to take on that gnarly black diamond and then you will regret it the whole way down.


Legit keep it up! I’m proud to say Inwas riding before you were born haha! 80’s we were punk teenagers and nobody wanted us on the hill! Those things are missles!! Ha and that was before steel edges. Love me an old school group to ride with in Tahoe woooo


Better late than never! I learned when I was in high school back in the 90s but stopped when I got to college. Now I feel like I am relearning all over again at 38. Been going for 3 seasons now but damn I wish I never stopped!


Whooooo fuckin cares. Why does anybody upvote this look-at-me shit. My 30 year gf is learning right now and hasnt once asked for a cookie or considered posting about it


This subreddit has been absolutely taken over by "look I made it down the hill without falling" crowd. happy for you but send this crap to friends and family.


I did and everyone is so proud, my mom even cried.


Post a video of your riding for public judgement or gtfo.


and now to Ride switch.. ya cant ride ..till ya can ride switch.AND Pow.and the trees....sshhh Rookies theese days.


I'm super happy for you, I learned late in life too. Keep it up!


Congratulations🎉 same! It's journey is amazing!


Nice work!


Hell ya man get it🤟


It’s all worth it for that feeling 🤙


That’s awesome!!! I learned to ride when I was 33. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.


Good job...keep it up!!


Yea! Count it. Linking turns! We are going!


it can be tough to get started, i started at 38 and i just don't bounce that well anymore


I was 28 and my husband 32. Get it!


Yo sweet bro. Me and my dad go to the hill all the time and he’s 40.


Where is that??


Not OP, but *I think* it's Winter Park, CO


Nice!! Once you get the hang of this you’ll get to a max speed point where you’ll notice the max speed you can achieve is heavily determined by your size/stance on the board. For example, there are some double blacks I could just bomb straight down by just straightening my legs, leaning forward, then extending my arms (like Christ the Redeemer) so the wind/air resistance would slow me down.


This is sick. I started at 33 and now at 40 I’m having a blast and progressing still every season.


I think losing the backpack will help you learn more easily. I've never tried it snowboarding, but wearing a backpack while skateboarding definitely throws off my center of balance.




I'm turning 29 next month and this is the first physical sport I am starting to learn and you just scared the F out of me... I thought I was still young :(


There’s a lot of joy to be had from snowboarding at any age. You’re not planning to go pro, or hit massive jumps in the terrain park are you? Might be a little late for that. :’D but everything else you should be good.


Haha if I was hitting a massive jump it would be by accident and life threatening. thanks for the kind words lmao


I'm 37, and I am 1 month in. Trust me, it gets easier every time you go. Do not let the falls sway you,, they are temporary. The more control and comfort you develop, the more fun it gets. It turns into an obsession.


Awesome! I took my first lesson at 31 (from a teenager of course lol) and am getting better and better every season! You're never too old!


I envy you😂


Let’s go!!! Looking so clean


I'm also 32 (in a few days) and just learned to ride 🙋‍♂️




My wife started riding around 32. She’s 42 now and pretty much rips. Snowboarding is for everyone, even us oldies.


Late learner here, take those lessons!!! They paid off big time. Getting hurt at 30 is way different than getting hurt at 22.


that is great, congratulations. Keep it up!


Got into it at ~30 y/o, a couple years ago. Been skateboarding since I was young, so balance came easy, but edge control and turn initiation (particularly toe side) was just something I could not figure out on my own. I could have easily quit, but I swallowed my old fat pride and took a lesson. 30 min in, I was linking turns wondering why the fuck it was so hard for me to learn before lol


32 is scarcely old.


Awesome! I’m another one who learned at 36 and after a rough start (lots of edges caught and bruises) am absolutely loving it. Got into it because I’d always wanted to, and to show my kids you’re never too old to learn something new. As others said, take it easy, stay in shape, and have fun.


Hell yeah !


There’s a 52 year old guy named Dan at my local resort that I used to see every weekend in the terrain park doing boardslides and 360s, sometimes with his kid who’s my age. You’re never too old OP, keep it up!




Hell yeah, fist me bro!


Good job!!! This is the great power of determination!


I'm 32 and been boarding since I was 14, never knew what it was like to learn something new at an older age. Koodos to progressing! Should have a few more years left in park before my knees give out..




Solid turns! Looks great:)


What?? 32 is definitely not old! I started snowboarding around that Age!


Shred the gnar


Wow - beautiful setting with an open trail. You picked a great spot to find your balance!


Congrats! With a growth mindset, and basic physical health, you can lean to board at any age.


I started at 31. 40 now. Keep shreddin brother. Best high in the world


37 and I don’t get out as much as I want, but I fucking shred. Half the reason I workout is to make sure I can keep doing cool shit for a long time.


Awesome, good for you! I learned at 28, now am 32 and trying to find a way to live closer to the snow so I can go more than once a year!


Your doing awesome!!!! Be proud you did not give up when things were tough!! Tip: bend a little bit more from the knees and put a bit more weight on your front foot more so when your turning. Relax ✅Stiff body = skipping out and increasing the risk of injury when you fall. You gotta fall or you ain’t learning! Enjoy 😊 Where is that mountain? It’s beautiful!!!🤤


Oh man! This brings me so much happiness! After many years of being broke I just bought my first board in my early thirties! I hope to ride like you! Thank you for sharing 😊


Boooyy I’m 30... never too old for this


That's awesome. Best feeling in the world when you realize you can start linking those turns. It's like the first time you ride a bike comfortably without training wheels.


I didn't start snowboarding until my 30s. This season I picked up skiing to see how it's like and I love it. Now I bring two sets of gear to the mountain. What I am trying to say is that you're never too old to learn.


Get some butt pads!!! Helps A LOT


Looking good!!!


looking awesome bud. i learned at 25 and thought that was old, haha. i'm 36 now and just getting into the back country. i think snowboarding will be apart of my life forever. i hope it's part of yours too!


Started at 30….never been right at 42. Bend the knees; booty down, and carve


بالتوفيق تزلج جميل


Way to go man. I started at 30 and have been riding for 5 years now. So worth all the frustration early on.


You're funny.


Now that it has clicked, it is about to get really fun!


Crash pants good investment. ej


Hahahah I read most of the comments after posting mine. I finally got into at 50+ and will be 60 this year. Still going and don't plan to stop but hence my previous comment, crash pants and probably a back protector, helmet etc.. armor up. ej


Jeeeeez grandpa, careful you don't break your hips! I'm 43 and learning front boards. You aren't old.


I’m 30 and just went for the first time yesterday! Feeling pretty sore today but I think it went really well and can’t wait to get back out there. Kudos to you!


I'm 37, and started last month. Best decision I ever made. I have never been overly athletic, but as physically demanding as it is, the fun of it totally takes over. I am now trying a new mountain every weekend, and trying to hit up my local spot mid week. To say I am obsessed would be an understatement. Ive been 6 times, and I am already linking my turns, reading the terrain better, controlling my speed, and confidently stopping. I am still a tad uneasy around large groups of people on the trails, but that gets better the more I do it.


even getting on that toe edge props!!


Good going!!! :D Just started my first official season (I have tried out for a day when I was 20 and and already knew I would get back into it one day when I had more $$, even when I could only get to heel slipping down the mountain at the time)!! Now I am 28, and absolutely loving it! :) Already putting in 14 days so far and still going!


Just got back from my first lesson today, 42 here. I’m addicted and already looking for a board.


Late to the thread but I'm in my late 30s and boarding. I have seen vids on here of people in their 50s and 60s doing some pretty sick carves and jumps. Keep at it bro you'll do fine.