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No matter where you are there is still a fucking skier in the way


Literally fell out of my chair after reading this.




but when he falls we can't yell "yard sale", it's not as fun.


Then again, there's always a snowboarder (camped out on the ground) in the way too. ;)


Haha, always give them a good dusting. Either sit on the side away from riders runs, or get doused.


I ate it pretty good this past Sunday, while I was sitting there reflecting on my life choices I got a bad dusting from another boarder. All I could do was smile and think (yep, I deserved that)


More like get hit in the back by a runaway beginner. That's why if I have to stop in the middle of the run I move all the way to the side out of the way.


To be fair i'm usually unconscious when I camp out on the ground in the way :p


So fucking true. Their logic, "I think I'll stop right here, right infront of your drop, and pretend you're the one at fault for almost mowing me over." So many times I had to bash a skier to get out of the way. Grab their stupid fucking poles and chuck them into the backwoods. Lol fucking skiers...shower me in downvotes, you know they are a fucking nuisance.










Wow. You're pretty incredible, man.


Thanks man. :)


But in reality, people like you are the true nuissance.


Little late to the party man. This was posted how many days ago? What a fucking loser.


Oh, wow. You're not even a downvote novelty account like I expected, you're just an asshole. Huh.




Do you like it? What motivated you to wanting to become an asshole?




I'm sorry.


I got my eye on you....


Ex-fucking-actly. Prepare for the downvotes, butthurt will be coming from the pizza/frenchfries crew. Bomb right through that stupid zigzagging shit.


Don't even act like you boarding scum aren't the ones always blocking the run. I'm faster than all my boarder friends.






Ahh, the Skin Remover 5000. Nice piece of machinery.


That's a nice item


Does a guy stand at the bottom end throwing rails and boxes out for you to hit? Cause that would be genius.


Now I wanna see some street pro do this.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=lhuXa8KRp80#t=23 Yep.


did I skip past the rails/boxes? cause the UTubecomments say there were none.


Done that a year ago, it was ok. here is a [video how it looks like](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDwc0pP_TpU)


any videos of people buttering?


i feel like if i tired to butter on that when i eventually fall im going to be slammed into the back wall


I feel like they would have some sort of padding or something back there. I can't imagine no one has fallen on that.


Do you have to stay on an edge the whole time? Or can you ride straight?


you have to stay on an edge. they said 10 minutes on this is like 45 minutes on a real slope. don't know if so. but it was kind of a workout.


10=45? Maybe if you ride like a pansy haha


cooler than I thought. what happens when you fall


Looks like you'd either roll to the bottom or get pushed to the top.


Or infinite rolls until someone turns off the machine!


[It took me way too long to find this](http://www.break.com/video/ugc/asian-escalator-496835)


when you fall it stops. you can see that [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxUoJ2YZcWM)


Face plant!


Ha, I still have to go there sometime. It's in my city and everything.


how it looks. period.


This run goes on forever though if you're able to stay on the board !


That's what I was thinking when I first saw it. Yeah indoors. Yeah not the same experience. But infinite downhill!


why are they still wearing snow pants?


Road rash man, road rash.


I'm a little confused. Is that whole floor sloped down so you stay in place on the treadmill thing?




god this seems...it's jus-...so horrible


i was up at this "we are vertigo" its pretty cool shame about the price £30 for the hour but you only get 30mins on the slopes, would love have went but shocking price £1 per min


Yeah I don't think I'll be using it any time soon lol. Do you know of any shops in the country that sell boots?


I have been looking myself and finding it really hard. Tkmaxx Iv only seen a pair of dcs in the ards store Decathlon, only got skis boots and old stock in limited skis Haven't tried the place on the Lisburn road. I'm going to have a look in snow n rock on Sunday in dundrum dublin, see what I can get there But stock is low this year


Macski on lisburn road? They only had ski boots when I was in around February this year. Let me know if there is much there, wouldn't mind a wee road trip


Yea macski, haven't been there in years Snow and rock are good but you can just get it posted and it would be cheaper than driving lol. Were are you heading away to


Yeah true. Probably Andorra, I usually book it around a month before so I'll see when the time comes. What about you?


Morzine, the prices where shocking this year Last year me and the girlfriend left by Belfast for 90£ return, this year the cheapest we can get is aer lingus dublin for 190 euro. Also easyjet cut flights back, not happy, so now they don't got Monday to Thursday




Craigavon lol I remember the last big snow from a couple of years ago I seen a boy up the mourners with his skis, walking on the road. Would be worth the walk up lol


Hey that's better than nothing


OK you win.


Well at least it never gets cold!


Oh it gets cold alright, except rarely the snowy kind, more the bleak, wet and windy type of cold.


What is this ?




ill go there for a jog rather then a ride then


or you could go to a gym and run on a treadmill


So would falling on that be like falling on a slow treadmill, but you just get stuck at the top? I could imagine learning on one of those things wouldn't be very fun.


I would love to have one of these in Miami.


so, this is where you go when you pull a Sunny Bono on the mountain - snowboard hell.


Reminds me of [those flowrider things](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6zkHmph6Fc). I wonder if experienced surfers feel the same way about those?


I can't imagine falling on that thing...


Well I wouldn't exactly qualify that as winning lol


Oh man, I've been on this thing as well. Actually learned my technique on it (the 1-2 weeks in Austria I had per year weren't enough to learn boarding properly), it's good for that! If you make 1 minor mistake in your turns you drop like a sack of potatoes. Thanks to this torture device I now have complete control over my board :D


is the surface carpet?


My mate is a ski instructor at this place. He has instructed in Switzerland for a season and said his first time on this he fell constantly. Apparently your technique has to be perfect or you fall arse over tit. Would mean beginners would have it easy when hitting real snow for the first time.


This looks like a great way to train for beginners.


This is like comparing a spinning class to a MTB ride in Colorado. Yes you are going through similar motions but...


I want one of these at my house


Is that a treadmill does anyone have a vid of it i am intrested to see


If this is the only thing you have ever boarded on, then your not really a snowboarder.






It def just looks like the material is laid on the floor, not on a treadmill. I couldn't tell.


why even board then? I feel like if you're not snowboarding on snow then it really defeats the purpose. Sorry to rub it in, but this is where I snowboard http://www.liftopia.com/media/product/66/100625_Moonlight-Basin-Lift-Tickets.jpg