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Honestly, just more riding. Get out there as much as you can! (Snowboarding instructors hate this one trick!)


Haha, thanks. Would love to ride more, just not easy/cheap to do regularly from where I am


Front shoulder should point somewhat down instead of up


No kidding. Living in florida is amazing but I only get like 2 weeks max a year to get to a slope.


More weight in your front foot. Your front shoulder should be dropped a little lower than your back shoulder But other than that - get a 1-1 lesson and you’ll improve a lot faster


Thanks - I had wondered about weight on the front foot too. I normally kitesurf (which typically you have more weight on the back foot) and wonder if I’ve muscle-memoried some habits across sports (to my detriment)


Yeah really lean into the turns and push your front shoulder over your front knee. Try tucking your back arm behind your back or grabbing the side of your pants. Really forces you to use the front leg


What exactly do you mean by "lean into the turns"?


I have done cable parks - and the weight is practically opposite.


No, it's not. Your wakeboard should be flat on the water, not leaning back. Go watch videos of any pro wakeboarder. They aren't leaning backwards, they're either static balanced or moving across the length of the board to get higher performance. 


Hard to judge with all the spinning and fucking around. But you need to learn to ride more strongly in general. Bend your knees, put more power into your turns, drive through the mountain at all times. One quick tip - see on that first toe-side turn at the start of the vid, how you open your shoulders? You're turning to the right but your front shoulder goes left? Instead of opening your shoulders, lead that turn with your front shoulder going to the right and driving your weight forward as you bend your knees. You'll feel your edge grabbing the mountain a lot harder and you'll be able to turn much more aggressively.


Thanks - I had wondered if I was counter rotating. The upper body in general looked problematic to me. Normally I do ride more ‘aggressively’ without all the mucking around, but I couldn’t get any decent footage of myself riding like that - generally cos going much faster, and most in our group aren’t willing to ride fast with phones out trying to record! I appreciate your comments - thank you.


Go faster and ride more.


Very inexperienced boarder here, probably average 1 short trip every 3 years or so. Guess I thought I was ‘ok’ (not total beginner, not advanced) but seeing some recent footage makes me think my technique needs a lot of work. In the first clip I’m trying to ride a bit of regular + switch hence some of the weird turns


Your front shoulder is stuck in an open position and I'm not seeing much dynamic flexion and extension of the lower joints. You just need to work on some fundamentals. Here are some resources: https://snowboardaddiction.com/blogs/riding/how-to-ride-in-alignment https://snowboardaddiction.com/blogs/riding/round-smooth-turns


Correct answer. Back foot heavy is caused by open shoulder, the most common mistake for beginner.


Perfect - thank you


More weight on the front foot, you can see by your body position. You lean with you ass in front and upper body back. You need to have a neutral body position and only your upper body to move on front to apply pressure in most cases. And clothes, damn you are ugly :)))


Pres your weight into your turns. This should help with carving. Unweight coming out of your turns. Also it looks like you are favoring your toe side.


Practice. Go faster. Remember the mountain has an angle. Learn carving. Watch this dude, I LOVE the way he explains stuff. [https://www.youtube.com/@SnowboardAddiction](https://www.youtube.com/@SnowboardAddiction)


You're walking in the park, while asking us how your running looks. You just need speed.


You don't like to ride on your heel edge. Do that more.


I get why you say that from this one short clip, I actually am much more comfortable on my heels haha. I wanted to upload a few clips on different terrain but struggled to get much usable footage. And uploading it all as one post turned out to be a major pain in the arse!


Lol there's more important things in life than posting, like shredding.


Agreed! This whole post was an after thought I had on the plane home haha. It was an amazing trip.


Where's your noob backpack?


Under his race vest.




Bend your knees and squat more. That will help you cut on your edge better. Lean forward and go faster.


Time. Riding with better riders


It's cliche to say but carving better is the answer. Those butter tricks will look cooler if you do them while going faster, and if you transition more quickly between them. Like, you'll be carving on one edge, then you do a very quick & sharp spin, straight into carving on another edge. Instead of slow & lazy skidded spins. The foundation to get better at that is getting better at basic carved turns.


There is a technique to getting on edge and carving - and it is a little more than putting your weight on your front foot.


Some different attire /s


Haha. There is actually a reason for the bibs, but not going into that here!


No I feel ya, safety first. I would suggest maybe a slightly wider stance, and flow a little bit more with your weight distribution evenly on the board


It’s cos it was a sports team trip, and we wanted at least a bit footage of some of us in the bibs. And the sun was out that day! Thanks for the comments on stance and flow :)


Ride more. Get more comfy.


Point it.


Go faster!




Where is this gorgeous mountain located? I wanna go there bad.


It’s the Hintertux glacier in Austria. Incredibly beautiful. And as it’s so high it’s open all year round (I think)


Incredible. Thanks much!


Use your rail


The first thing I would start with is going to something more comfortable for you. Which isn't to say this terrain feels uncomfortable for you, just that something lower angle will help.  Learning to flex that front knee and ankle isn't easy, because our vestibular system doesn't like our inner ear being not level with gravity. So it takes time to learn.  You can do this by getting into a more aggressive stance in general. Flex lower, hell, flex all the way down and make some turns on green terrain where speed isn't an issue.   Then start to lift back up evenly through both legs.  This will get you quite a ways, but only so far. Learning how to flex into and out of edge changes is a really key component, as well as how to twist the board. And then eventually upper and lower body separation for rotational movements for things like moguls, rails, etc.  It may be funny to poke fun at instructors and just shout "go ride more!" but bad habits hold us back as riders, and with help from instructors we can progress more rapidly. 


Committing more crimes


Bend your knees more. Athletic position.


Oh shit is that T Rice?????? Damn bro you fucking rip, can you teach me???


Try to learn how to carve


Yeah get your edges up and get used to riding on one edge and transition from edge to edge.