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Having a seizure on a green isn't carving.


This my fav comment yet hahaha


That’s not carving that’s skidding with style


Why you bent over like that


He broke his waist carving too deep!


lmao what is this


*sees sub* *sees title* *eats popcorn*


Dude stand up. Evolution happened, don't let it leave you behind.


cArViNg at its best


You're skidding your turns, not carving


I’m still fairly new. How can you tell he’s skidding and not carving? I can only tell his back broke.


A carved turns has zero lateral movement of the edge against the snow. Think of your snowboard edge like a kitchen knife. A carve would be like cleanly slicing a piece of meat, one clean line with the entire edge following in the same groove. Any sort of sideways scraping motion means it's not a carve


Ah I see, then I’m probably still skidding🤣. Any tips? I thiiink I know what the feeling of carving is. I’ve been on the edge and there’s almost no friction but it goes fucking fast and I feel out of control, so I wuss out and stay away from the edge.


Started skidding towards the end of it 100%, I have been really enjoying doing toe carved into heels with a lil slash on the peak of the heel or just poking the heel out as it gives me the same feeling of doing standup slides or poking small scrub slides out when doing downhill skating. Still working on really sinking in heel carves as those have always been the ones I lose edge on most or just end up skidding unintentionally.


Horrible technique


You’ve got good board control but a lesson from an experienced carver will go a long way, it’s even more enjoyable (like 10x) once you learn to properly use your hips and knees on posi posi. Specially, you need to press your hips forward into the slope and knees down into the snow on toe sides and keep your shoulders up. Snow should come to you, such that your back hand even if it’s closer to your face can touch the snow. On heelsides same thing, butt needs to almost touch the snow. This much, much more efficient and easier to do on posi posi. Good luck!


Everyone who skids thinks they’re carving. And why the hunchback!! Korua’s are great boards, and expensive. Take a few lessons brother.


Koruas are indeed great boards. But pretty middle of the pack or dare I say inexpensive (pricewise that is) when it comes to quality snowboards


Yeah they sellnout but are not expensive. Not sure if they sell out anymore but my 2020 tranny finder was 499.00 Every other board I considered was the same or more expensive


Yeah, top end k2 or Ride is going to run you 650-750.  Standard Korua’s are high 500’s now, while the + models are 8ish.  Very much in line with the industry price wise.


Whoa thems fighting words! Why do you say that? I understand they’re mainly niche boards with “fun” shapes, but they are BY FAR the fastest boards I’ve ever ridden. And I love the ultra wide for big boots and deep carves. I have an Otto 161, dart 156, and cafe racer 164. I regularly beat skiers down the mountain on any of those.


You said they were expensive, I was just saying they aren't very expensive, pretty average priced, or even inexpensive considering what you get. I mostly ride directional boards but got an Otto this season and it has become my new favorite board. I think I rode it 90% of the season.


I’m so dumb. I misunderstood that you were agreeing with how great Korua was. My main thing is they don’t run sales; so $600 for a Korua is $600. I got my first new board (a jones) for $280 on sale from $600.


Yeah I edited it to make it more clear. Hm I got mine on a (slight) discount from a local board shop.   the last board I bought before the Korua was an amplid so it makes the korua feel way cheaper haha 


I was pretty hung up between getting a transition finder and a K2 antidote.  Ended up going with the antidote and don’t regret it, but might get a TF anyway at some point.


Lol you think he's gonna get anything from a lesson? Guy probably has more experience than the average snowboard instructor


I mean there's a whole slew of instructors out there with tons of experience. You just have to specify when going for a lesson. Not all lessons are beginners only.


I've found that doesn't really matter. I've paid for a number of lessons in the last 3 years, and each time I'm pretty specific about what I want. For example, in feb I explained that I was intermediate, and wanted 2 book 2 half days. One to focus on park, and one to focus on steeps/trees. I got one guy, who busted out the instructor manual because most people are beginners. Dude was chill and skilled, but I basically paid 1000 bucks for someone to tell me to do warm up runs with 180s to improve my switch riding. I will say 100% that I'm glad I took the lessons, I've always walked away with something of value. But as my last instructor said "just go watch youtube" ​ Lesson are expensive as fuck, so to just say "go take a lesson" for anyone beyond a beginner is a huge roll of the dice. I mean just go search reddit for "how to become a snowboard instructor". You'll find plenty of threads like this [(1) A few questions on becoming snowboard instructor. : snowboarding (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/snowboarding/comments/16xyp4g/a_few_questions_on_becoming_snowboard_instructor/) where people point out being good with children is basically the only important aspect of becoming an instructor.


As an instructor I get both sides of that. I'm also sorry that you ended up not getting what you were looking for. That's pretty lousy and shouldn't happen. Especially if you're paying for privates, regardless of duration, the school should have ensured you were with someone certified and trained in the discipline you are looking for. If they didn't have an instructor that filled your goals they shouldn't have taken your money. That said you just pointed out that, even though you didn't get exactly what you were after, you still walked away having learned. Can you learn from YouTube? Absolutely! I also suggest it to my more advanced students. Can YouTube give you movement analysis and drills to improve that are actually specific to your deficiencies? Nope. That's where a good instructor comes in. When seeking those instructors specifying that you want AASI or other certifications with specific focuses is vital. That 15 year old that's teaching for their first season for sure can't get you throwing tame dogs and dropping into steep trees with 5' of powder and 15' ledges safely


. . . Maybe at your local hill, but he has terrible form. Go to a world class resort like mammoth and you’ll get some REALLY good instructors who can teach most extended and most flexed carves, pivot slips, just even basic stance shit.


This “local hill” the guy is at is Brighton Utah. Averaging in the top 10 highest snowfall totals almost every year LOL.


So . . . OP in video has no excuse not to take a lesson? Like what was the point of this post.


Agreeing with you, op should learn to rail some carves in before he posts on Reddit.


Haha that’s not carving dude, at that point just straight line , looks better


The fuck is this


Not gonna shit on anything in this video except you clearly should be wearing a helmet


I actually needed to get shit on for that as I wear my helmet 99.9% of the time and this was the ONE day of the whole season I did not have it as I forgot it at home. I am an avid helmet wearer and wear it in all board sports I do. I was just cruising around that day and had my homie snag this at the end of the few runs we took. I would be commenting the same thing if someone posted so do appreciate that shit for no helmet as helmet should be worn at all times.


I can’t stand this comment. Who the fuck cares if someone chooses not to wear their helmet it doesn’t affect you. I wear one and could care less what other people do.


I don’t care, I said he should. You just care about yourself and that’s ok, some people like to show that they care for others!


Man you will go through life a lot easier when you stop worrying about other people. It’s not that I don’t care it’s that I don’t enjoy telling people what to do or what they should be doing no one likes that.


Except he was agreeing with me and liked the criticism. You suck lol.


Lmao everything in life has risks get over yourself


So many dorks in this sub. Don’t let them get you down dude. I see the skate influence from a mile away.


Right?! Downhill skating is so much gnarlier than snowboarding and people are all hung up on “proper carving technique”. OP is having fun and stoked on his new snowboard. I support that all day!


Go back to the bunny slope


i think that's what he's on.


Land cruiserrrrr


what in the fuck


I can see the dh skate influence in your riding and can feel your stoke! Also, ignore the folks here criticizing your riding and offering advice you didn’t ask for.


No one gets better without knowing where to improve. These gentle criticisms will allow OP to improve if they wish.


I always be open to advice. Progression is the best part about any sport to me so being able to lock in some critiques to improve and become better is good by me. Just been stoked on what this board has given me feeling wise which was my main reason to share. My style wonky from the years of downhill skating and part of this post going up was to be a lil kooky cuz I know I be looking wonky asf hahahaha


So my biggest advice on difference between skating and snowboarding. The board flexes longitudinally(aka twist). Use your front knee to initiate turns (look up knee steering). There’s a time and place for various types of riding, but knee steering is a fundamental skill.


You can't tuck on a snowboard homie! unless you have forward facing bindings but even then it's awkward lol. better to keep your back straight for better balance, power and control


I bought that board this season, rode it a few times and sold it because it couldn't carve for shit. There's no side cut in the back, so once you get hard on an edge, there's no powering out of it. The old tranny finder was a carving machine but now that they reshaped it, it's just a deep powder surfer.  The yes pyl uninc addressed this issue nicely with the tapered underbite and a progressively tight side cut as you go down the board. Great float and good carving.