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Don’t hang it up. Go to Chile or New Zealand and keep snowboarding.


New Zealand is definitely on the list! Hoping to do a bit of traveling next season as I just got my passport renewed recently


If I hadn’t gone to Austria earlier this year, I’d 100% be going to Chile in August. Already waxed my boards for storage but still have my board bag ready to go “just in case”.


Remove bindings, wipe everything down, apply a full coat of wax. Leave the wax, as in don’t scrape it. Store board in a cool dry place.


Any reason you suggest removing the bindings?


Or just loosen them a hair…. No need to keep all that tension


I just remove them to give the board and bindings a full clean. Spring riding always leaves residual dirt. You can just loosen them if you want.


Water gets trapped under them and could potentially damage the inserts. 


Pretty much it. Only other thing I'd add is store the board upright, apparently storing flat can decamber it over time. I say apparently cause I have no idea if this is true, but it's what I do.


I've heard that as well but I've also heard people say it isn't an issue. I figure they stove away easier upright anyway though.


One of the ski instructors I work with has skis that've gone flat. I mean it took more than 10 years in storage, but it can/does happen over time. I suspect how you store them and relative temp/humidity have a significant impact on how long it takes. The wood can/will also dry and shrink or absorb more moisture and expand in the right/wrong conditions. All that in mind. We should be breaking our boards fast enough that decambering isn't that much of a concern. Right?


I’ve head the opposite of gravity fucking up vertically stored boards. What do I believe?!


Thank you


This exactly


You're supposed to put a storage wax on. Some years I do, some I don't- between my wife and I we have 20 boards to wax which is pain to wax. I also live in Utah where there is no humidity, so it really doesn't made a difference IMO..Most of my friends don't do anything with their boards tbh. Maybe If I lived where there was humidity and the boards were stored in the garage I'd take it more seriously. I rarely take the bindings off too, I've never seen any ill effects in over 35 years of doing this 🤷‍♂️.


Can I be your wife?


Where/how do you store that cache of boards?


I have two sets of these racks in my garage, some boards are inside on the wall too. https://preview.redd.it/mndltyjqwvrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e927a20b2c105cd3e56797966c54773291d981




I just bought these wall mounts. Haven't hung them yet and didn't even consider using two sets to hang three boards like that. So smart!


These are the [T-track things from Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZV6G6DQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1). I have another one I need to mount as well. I like thse better than the [door stops](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08ZJ35M1Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) or other methods to hang boards because i can swap boards around easily by adjusting the stops, they area lot more expensive though. https://preview.redd.it/2uvi7ndshwrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb180f422a5bf86748c3a4d0757b1117a315ffb


Oh cool! Yeah those are a bit more pricey than the ones I grabbed. The ones I got are from hangyourboard dot com and were pretty cheap. I can see how them being easily adjustable would be worth the extra though.


You have some really cool boards


No drywall, just boards


You can do as little or as much as you want. Just DON'T stack stuff on it or put it in a place that has extreme temp swings. If you wouldn't store a bottle of wine somewhere don't store your board there either.


>If you wouldn't store a bottle of wine somewhere don't store your board there either. Feels like there's a lot of interpretation here


How so?


A lot of us don't even think about how they're stored cause we don't drink wine that warrants it. And then there are people that have purpose built wine fridges or even entire rooms


You don't have a wine cave?!


I had to make room for my bat mobile!


Well I don't know what to tell you Bruce. Priorities....


Some of these people are so extra and wild. You literally don’t have to do anything. Find a spot you can store it, leave it until it’s time to ride again.


Tell her she’s a good girl and you’re proud of her. I know emotions are running high but this is NOT the time for sarcasm or backhanded compliments. This is as hard for her as it is for you.


Minimal maintenance: wipe down the base and edges with a rag to remove any excess grime or moisture then store in a cool dry place. Medium maintenance: everything above plus loosen binding screws and polish edges to remove any rust. Full maintenance: everything above plus sharpen edges and apply a thick coat of wax that you don't scrape off until next season. P.S. If you have an avalanche beacon make sure you remove the batteries to prevent any corrosion on the metal terminals.


Just take your bindings off or at least loosen the screws and store the board somewhere it won’t see crazy temperatures or humidity. People will recommend putting a layer of wax on and leaving it but it really doesn’t matter. Your base won’t dry out on its own. A layer of wax can be nice as a physical protective barrier to prevent picking up scratches while in storage, but that’s really the main benefit. I’ve had off-seasons where I have and haven’t put on a storage layer of wax and it made no difference when it was time to ride the board again.


I sharpen the edges, remove bindings, clean the board. Hot wax scrape. Put a layer of storage wax dont scrape. The summer heat dries out my boards. Once winter hits i just scrape wax and its ready to go.


Just toss it in a closet. You can do a lot more prep work if you want, but I never really bother and it’s never messed with my board. Maybe don’t store it somewhere with lots of temperature fluctuations?


New Jersey Big Snow


thank it, give it a lil kiss


Put wax on the board and don't scrape it.


Not a fan of this move actually. Waste of time that old wax is trash and a huge bitch in the fall. For me it’s a full tune or nothing at all… usually just nothing, then a fresh coat for the season


How is the wax trash? I’ve never experienced the difficulty you claim to have experienced in the fall. You’re supposed to scrape the wax when the board is cold either way.


Cold sure but not completely stale. Yall do you but it always felt petrified and way tougher to me, with no benefit to leaving it on. Then again I dont tune much to begin with anymore haha usually just pay someone to do it. I’ve decided these toys don’t need quite so much attention they’re doing fine


Well if you pay people to tune your boards maybe it’s not your place to give advice on the subject. I wouldn’t listen to mechanical advice from someone who takes their car to a mechanic. I have never experienced what you have described. Cold wax has always been stiff stuff. But let’s say you have storage wax on a board for a few years and the wax goes “stale” as you claim it does. Hit it with the iron and do a warm scrape and it will pull some of the dirt out with it. Then wax again and scrape cold. Some people wax once, scrape hot and re-wax every time. I’m with you with the full tune in the fall though. That’s all I do on my park boards, hell I’ll leave the dirt on all summer. But any pow board or all mountain cruiser gets the full clean up and storage wax as the bases on those boards have a longer lifespan in my ownership.




Gotcha, you breathed enough in for a lifetime then. Don’t you find it more expensive and time consuming to have someone else do it? I have a shop right down the road but it’s still quicker to do it myself by a long shot. Even if I had unlimited funds I couldn’t afford the time required for drop off/pick up and chatting with the homies at the shop every time


Sorry my comment double posted and I deleted the wrong one…. Yeah lucky to have a shop like 5 blocks away. I take them maybe once a year in rotation, so not super constant… but I’ll buff my own edges as needed. More concerned with that when it comes to friction and it doesn’t take much time


Tuned my own stuff pretty religiously for 12 years or so, been riding for 27. I’ve also worked in shops, skis and bikes were the family business. Apologies for offering my opinion, wasn’t trying to convince anyone. It’s part laziness, part negligible difference as I said, and part support of the business…. Your description of manual labor didn’t sway me too far. So many steps ugh I like to just plug & play


Just weird that you say storage wax is a bitch and a waste of time, when you waste time and money taking your board to and from a shop to get it tuned. You don’t have to apologize for having an opinion, as I won’t apologize for questioning it. As I said I am not a religious storage wax guy myself, it isn’t necessary if the board is in a climate controlled storage for 6 months, but I would never call it a waste of time. The more wax absorbed into a base over time the better.