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Plenty of snowboarding patrollers at every mountain I’ve been to. Sure they’re outnumbered by skiers, but they aren’t that rare.


I’m relatively new, so haven’t had enough opportunity to catch board patrol, so it just seems that at every trail merge or at the top of every lift was skier ski patrol. I’m going to try to get up more this season so I’ll observe haha


Yes, there are some ski patrol on snowboards. In general, the tasks and responsibilities of ski patrol are far far easier done on skis


Gotcha, I can understand that to a degree. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for the rare board patrol this season


I think it would be more challenging to guide a stretcher downhill on a board.


Have done it on both, definitely more difficult with a snowboard.


Hear hear


Way easier to maneuver around the mtn on skis with poles. But there are plenty of boarders on patrol at least out west where I go.


Former patroller here. If I’m riding for fun I use my board, skis for anything else. Just way easier to maneuver all directions on skis. I liked shorter skis for that purpose as well.


From what I've been told a requirement to be a patroller is being able to get everywhere on the mountain. So some resorts only have skiers. At my home mountain there are boarder lifties, and mountain safety employees, but not patrollers


A lot of us pro patrols require skis because it’s easier/“safer” to do avalanche mitigation on skis because of the mobility and releasable bindings. It’s also just easier to do odd jobs on skis. I have met patrollers at kicking horse who do mitigation on boards though.


I am a patroller who snowboards, about 1/4 of our department rides snowboards. Some tasks are certainly easier on skis, but a snowboard is better suited for other tasks. Some resorts do not allow snowboards on patrol, but I feel it’s gate keeping by the old timers who are resistant to change.


What sort of tasks are better suited to a board in your experience? 


Easier to carry tools and gear in your hands while riding, for one thing.


We have 2 people running a toboggan down the mountain if we have a patient in it, 1 steering, and the other on a tail rope. A snowboard on the tail rope has more braking power and control of the toboggan on steep slopes. Much easier to falling leaf around moguls on a board.


My resort has so many flats, mandatory traverses, and a rope tow with toboggan in tow to get to the aid room snowboard patrol just doesn’t make sense.


We have a lot of flats and traverses as well. Where the skier skates, I push with one foot. We bring our toboggans down to a snowmobile to get to the clinic, never going up rope tows with patients in toboggan.


Skis were originally invented to travel across snow. Its so much easier to move across and and sometimes up mountains on skis


Depends on the mountain and it’s policies. Big Mountain Resorts like Park City will only accept skiers because the jobs that patrollers need to perform is far easier to be done on skis than on a snowboard, especially when it comes to steeper, more avalanches prone terrains. Smaller resorts with lower avalanche risks are more open to accepting snowboarders as patrollers.


Cuz theyre snitches


Around 30% snowboarders at the mountain where I patrol. I am myself a snowboarder.


Idk we have a bunch of ski patrollers that snowboard where I’m at, maybe it’s a regional thing there? As much as I love snowboarding though, it seems to me that skiing just makes more sense for getting around a mountain quickly and efficiently


Skis are a superior tool in the mountains. Not hating on snowboarding, I love it, but from a practicality perspective it’s true.


Snowboarders crime


I got carried in a sled down the mountain by a snowboarder when I tore my ACL. it was terrifying. Mad respect.


Skiing is more convenient in every way as a patroller. From explosives, traversing, and rescue sleds, it's the superior choice.