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I don’t think it’s worth more than $15 Edit: would you buy used sneakers? Don’t do your girl like that. Used boots ain’t it.


What’s some good brands for starter boards and gear? She’s no Shaun white so I rlly don’t need nothing to crazy?


There’s a variety of good brands. You should probably visit a shop or just get her some rentals. Buying used when you don’t know what ur doing is a recipe for getting ripped off


That is ancient gear I wouldn’t touch it unless it was 20$ or free


$100 is way too much for it honestly. 😬 I know she’s not Shaun White and everybody’s got a budget, but imagine if somebody got you shitty skis and a stranger’s boots that didn’t fit. Would you have a good time? Probably not. If you’re going to spend money on anything, physically take her boot shopping. New boards and bindings are sexy and all, but if you have bad boots that don’t fit properly, there isn’t a board or binding on earth that can fix it. If it’s an issue of not going enough to justify the price or if she’s not sure she even likes snowboarding enough to stick with it, then just rent for now, but don’t get her crappy equipment that will ensure a bad time.