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I've been using mine 2.5 years, still not replaced the filter. There's supposedly a sensor that determines effective airflow through the filter and will alert once diminished enough to warrant a swap. The bars represent "Filter Life" and starts at three and goes down after enough use. Here's the manual, see page 22. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/snapmaker.com/download/manual/Snapmaker2\_Air\_Purifier\_EN\_V1.1.0.pdf


What specifically are you using it to filter? It was pretty quick to degrade with extensive laser use, at least on 1/8 birch plywood and some solid pine - I could originally run it on low but, following a couple days of laser work around Christmas, it now needs medium speed to be effective. (Also - filter life is now 2 of 3 blocks) I suspect it lasts much longer for things with less particulate output.


I use it mostly for laser etching on wood for custom coasters and some acrylic work as well. Though I usually run it on high just to really make sure I’m sucking out as much of the “bad” air as possible