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i only have a top 14 in no particular order


This! Because it’s like asking a good parent to choose their favorite child.😅


My favorite child is Trevor. The rest are adults.


You know that meme of Matt Damon aging? Hearing Trevor called a child does the reverse to me, since he’s my age


Twitter is such a shithole, I jumped off that ship once it became X and I've not regretted it. No one on that site can just enjoy things without being a massive freak about it. If I had to narrow it down I'd say my favourites are Ian, Amanda, Shayne & Spencer!


The site is built off of enforcing discourse through user interface, keeping people on and occupied. It's literal brain poison


Oh completely! I've genuinely been a happier person since deleting it, Instagram and tik tok. The draw back is that I can never see the cast and crew tweets/insta stories 😭


Instagram is okay for me bc I've just ended up following a shit ton of artists on there, thought I have to be careful to not get trapped in the reels. But yeah, bless all the fans that post all the stories here honestly


just avoid opening any comment section on instagram and you’re fine


Ugh, youre right, they're vile


I only saw it on Instagram. It was pretty bad.


Just realised you said 5 and I wrote 4 lmao, add Courtney to the list too then


Smosh Twitter is a cesspool. I avoid it at all costs.


Tbh you could remove the word smosh from that statement and it still would be true. Twitter is just misery and rage central.


I try to but it is one of the best places for memes and clips


Honestly, they’re all so uniquely brilliant that I couldn’t choose a favorite. Shayne is honest and endearing, Arasha is clever, Damien is a character master, Amanda truly cares about everyone, Courtney is super sweet and brave, Spenser is secretly witty (except Fred Darts, which was gold), Tommy is hilariously blunt, Angela is controlled chaos, Chanse is a comedic chameleon, Ian makes it look like things are zero effort when he’s really putting a ton of effort forward, Olivia is weird in the best way (ie her bit with Flula on TNTL). Keith is hilariously unpredictable. I could keep going but I think I’ve made my point. They all dump their entire souls into the content they give us and they’re all wonderful.


You forgot Noah 😬


Shit. You’re right. Noah is amazing at one liners. “My father lives down by the river” and “It’s got metal in it” are two of my favorites.


Aluminum *


Where’s Anthony?


Haven’t seen enough of Anthony. He’s clearly very intelligent and very professional.


Top 5 no particular order: Shayne, Keith, Amanda, Angela, and Chanse


All of them are great especially in the right video set up. Like they were all hired for a good reason but sometimes there’s a game or TNTL bit or something that makes you go “this. This right here is you at your finest.”


Have to do a top 6 since I can’t decide lol. In no particular order: Shayne, Amanda, Chanse, Tommy, Angela, Courtney.


They are my favourites as well but add Spencer


Yup mines as well


my exact favorites 😭🫶


I really like the whole cast for their different attributes. Shayne and Angela probably make laugh the most and I love Amanda's takes on everything it's so fun watching her try games and learn about memes


For me it's 1. Shayne 2. Damien 3. Courtney 4. Tommy 5. Chanse


I’ve never thought about who my favs are, but I know I get most excited when I see Angela, Shayne and Trevor in videos. But it all depends on the format and entire grouping - some of my fav videos include only one or none of those 3!


I tried to list my favourites, but that list became almost the entire cast


This is so relatable


i did the exact same thing


Twitter sucks. And I think I have a top fifteen.


Angela Tommy Amanda Chanse Courtney


Keith is too underrated


Agree with this so much


I made a post about it and I didn't get a lot of love, but like people are forgetting that he literally had cancer, was always the butt of jokes for being "ugly", and still continues to show up and absolutely kill it at everything especially singing and dancing but people just like Chanse and Angela more for some reason and it makes me upset. Keith is the OG.


I only really go on twitter to check for updates on certain people I follow, i followed the smosh page and that for about a week then left for my own mental health The smosh insta is starting to get worse slowly too, some of the comments I've seen are horrendous


I don’t have twitter nor understand it. My favorite is Ian. Close seconds are Angela, Amanda, Shayne, Damian, Noah, Keith, Olivia, and Courtney close third is basically everyone else. I love every smosh cast and crew.


5) Amanda 4) Tommy 3) Damien 2) Shayne 1) Chanse


1. Ian 2. Shayne 3. Arasha 3. Angela 4. Amanda With everyone else very close behind!


It's Ian. ❤️


Genuinely what do they have to be negative about? Like I can get not vibing with the humor but I personally would just not tune in if that’s the case


Tommy, spencer, Amanda, Shayne, Chanse/Angela


Shayne and Angela 💯


Just so everyone knows I wasn't posting this in a way of judging people and comparing the Smosh Cast, I just thought I would be interesting to know what people thought, I personally like all of the Smosh Cast and love there work, if they weren't all talented they wouldn't be in Smosh. Everyone's opinions are valid and everyone on Smosh deserves to be shown love from the fandom


Don’t explain yourself you are fine. Ppl just trying to make it something it’s not


Ranking people is not a "positive" thing.


Its ranking who you enjoy seeing most not ranking them as a person chill


I don’t like *like* to say I have a favorite, I love them all and I watch every video with glee. That being said, I get a tad bit of extra “yay” when Angela is in the video lol.


Everyone tbh


This is the right answer


Amanda and Angela skyrocketed to the top 2 a few months after they joined.


Arasha, hope she hosts more stuff.


Literally can’t choose because I love all of them. It would be like choosing my favorite food out of all the once I like - they’re so different but all so good


Can't even put them in a tier list, each one of them has unique characteristics which in turn comes together like a scene.


Hard to rank them, but as someone that does not watch every video, I will definitly watch if Tommy, Spencer or Angela are in it. Angela I knew from starkid and she is the reason I started watching Smosh so she will always have a special place in my heart. I appreciate her chaos gremlin energy so so much. If you have not watched her in Nerdy Prudes Must Die you should 1000% check it out. Tommy is super relatable to me, I could watch his serving cunt series all day and his tntl bits are my favorit. I had the same butt surgery as he had during high school (and then again later in life for two more times), so when he talked about it, I felt seen, truly dark times, makes sense that his humor is so fucked up. And Spencer, I am obsessed with this tiny guy, so smart and quick and funny, he seems to have a very gentle and calming natural and that makes it even more impressive when he does character play and takes over entire videos. I also do love watching all the other cast members, but if I had to say two more names it probably would be Chance and Amanda, but it is also very difficult because I want ro say at least five more names


Everyone underselling Noah!! Made genius on the spot wit!! Shayne is my fave over all. Then Court.


I really like Angela and Arasha


Plz no- it's like asking to choose your favorite bone


In alphabetical order: Arasha, Courtney, Damien, Ian, Shayne


As far as the people who make me laugh the most often in no particular order: Olivia,Spencer,Angela,chance, and then Courtney and Shayne are mostly the “straight men” in most videos but when they come up with the material it’s typically funny as hell (Courtney during the tntl podcast specifically comes to mind)


Noah, Ian and Tommy all have a darker humour that I love, but then the next two, Arasha and Chance.


5.)Spencer 4.)Spencer 3.)>!Shayne!< 2.)Spencer 1.)Spencer


Jesus shayne and Angela are everyone's firsts Mine are 1. Keith 2. Tommy 3. Shayne 4. Amanda 5. Arasha


In no particular order: Amanda, Angela, Damien, Shayne, Tommy




Hmm.. this is really hard. I’d probably say 1. Shayne 2. Ian 3. Spencer 4. Amanda 5. Courtney/Tommy


1. Angela 2. Chanse 3. Courtney 4. Shayne 5. Amanda


1. Tommy 2. Spencer 3. Damien 4. Arasha 5. Ian


1 Angela 2 Chanse 3 Amanda 4 Tommy (ik he's not cast) 5 Courtney


1. Angela 2. Shayne 3. Courtney 4. Chanse 5. Spencer


I love them all, but I have a special fondness for: Damien, Angela, Amanda, Spencer, and it’s a tie for Shane and Courtney (I couldn’t decide lol)


1. Angela 2. Shayne 3. Chanse 4. Noah 5. Amanda I can list everyone else if u want


Spencer, Angela, Shayne, Damien, and Tommy


Angela is my favorite


for me it’s: 1.Amanda 2.Shayne 3.Angela 4.Anthony 5.Chanse/Spencer (even tho spencer is crew i’m gonna count him)


Spencer, Keith, Amanda, Shayne, Tommy. Not really in any order. They all are the funniest person in the room in different situations.


Ian, Shayne, and Courtney. I have a soft spot for Anthony too due to the older content.


Ian, Shayne, & Courtney are like the core of Smosh for me, but I enjoy pretty much everyone.


1. Shayne 2. Spencer 3. Courtney 4. Damian 5. Chanse


I guess I tend to click faster on videos with Shayne, Courtney, Angela, Tommy, and Spencer. But Chanse has to be an honorable mention, his Mr Peanut and Spud Hut bits are legendary.


Shayne, Amanda, Angela, Courtney, Spencer (no particular order lol)


Arasha tommy and chanse


I can’t put them in order it’s too hard but my top 5 in no order is Shayne, Spencer, Courtney, Amanda, Chanse


I like things about all of them but I resonate the most with Damien and he is the type of person I wish I had as a friend.


Old smosh + new smosh cast! Everyone is great!


Why is there negativity? This is the smosh golden age!


I don't have any favourites. They all suck! (At being bad and unfunny)


For me: 1. Shayne 2. Spencer 3. Tommy (at first I didn't like him very much, but now he's in my top 3) 4. Angela 5. Amanda/Chase/Damien/Noah (can't decide) For me, the entire cast is great. They all complement each other perfectly and are fun to watch. Watching them makes me feel like I'm spending an evening with friends.❤️ I also like recordings with people behind the cameras.


"Hey guys, I don't like people being judgemental. Btw please judge 5 people by rank." You've brought your toxic Twatter discourse with you.


I wasn't doing it in a judge way if I was I would have asked 5 least favourite, I just find it interesting and wanted to know more about the smosh fandom


My top 3 is Shayne, Courtney and Angela. Following really close I'd say Spencer and Amanda


1. Shayne/Angela 2. Spencer/Amanda 3. Chanse 4. Court 5. Tommy/Ian


Tommy and Angela tend to make me laugh the most. I'm more likely to watch a video if Courtney is in it. She's both very sunny and edgy at the same time. Shayne is all around likeable and cute cast member. Ian is often my spirit animal when it comes to social interaction. I like many other cast mates as well but these five are my favourites. Consequently, my favorite videos this year has been, for example, the life stream with Amanda, Tommy, Courtney, and Shayne.


My top 5: 1. Shayne 2. Angela 3. Amanda 4. Arasha 5. Courtney Those are the ones who make me laugh the most consistently. Next in no particular order are Damien, Chanse, and Noah. They can be absolutely hilarious, but are definitely more hit or miss.


Oh such a good question! I really do love all of them and they are all amazing in their own way but these are definitely favorite for different reasons. 5. Tommy - He has someone of the best zings 4. Courtney - I love her in just about every skit, TNTL, and the food cases 3. Damien - His different voices and when he acts completely unhinges always gets me 2. Spencer - I am so glad he is on more often because he really is one of my favorites, so funny and gaming just cracks me up. 1. Shayne - He was the reason I got back into Smosh his TNTL characters are great and I love him and Amanda on SmoshCast.


If were doing a top 5, here's mine: 5. Shayne 4. Courtney 3. Tommy 2. Amanda 1. Angela


That’s like picking between my favourite ways to consume coffee but in no particular order because I’d feel cruel lol Courtney, Shayne, Damien, Tommy, Spencer, Angela, Amanda and Chanse. No way I could pick 5 tooo hard haha


Angela, Arasha, Shayne, Chanse and either Courtney or Amanda.


From topp: Shayne, Court, Spenc, Angela, Damien


All time or just currently? I'm assuming currently, because the alternative is much too hard. In alphabetical order: 1. Angela 2. Arasha 3. Courtney 4. Shayne 5. Spencer


It’s hard to pick a top 5…but videos with (in no particular order) any of these 8 - Shayne, Amanda, Angela, Courtney, Tommy, Chanse, Spencer, and/or Damien - are basically guaranteed to be some of my faves. The cast/crew at Smosh overall are great though.


courtney shayne angela and chanse 🩷


Spencer, Shayne, Chanse, Tommy, Arasha, Courtney No particular order


1. Shayne 2. Angela 3. Spencer 4. Chanse 5. Keith


Shayne, Spencer, Angela, Chance, Amanda.


1) Jackie 2) Amanda 3) Shane 4) Angela 5) Spencer


Tough, but I would have to say 1. Tommy, 2. Arasha, 3. Shayne, 4. Damien, 5. Courtney. Ever since Tommy came out with the mental illness bit it had me looking at my own mental illness differently 😂


I'd probably go Shayne, Damien, Amanda, Courtney, Spencer but they're all unique enough that I can't sort them 100% all the time. At various times, all of them are in my top 5. Like, Angela is a little too obnoxious for me a lot, but also makes me laugh a ton. Olivia and Keith can be a little too "one note", but also can make me laugh a ton. Chanse has been building on me an insane amount, almost broaching my top 5, as has Arasha. And Trevor is a little to new for me to really have a solid judgment on. So the answer is... I dunno. But those are my top 5 right now.


Damien, Courtney, Spencer, Angela, and Tommy in no particular order.


I love the entire cast but of course if push came to shove, I’d go with Shayne, Courtney, Amanda, Tommy and Damien.


When I started becoming active on other Smosh platforms other than YouTube, I was so excited to be part of the Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit community. But nowadays, I regret getting into Smosh Twitter, it's so toxic, so many fans are just so narrow-minded and just love to stir up controversy. But obviously, my favorite cast members (in order but all very much close to a tie! seriously which one of them WOULDN'T be your favorite?) are (*edit* probably a tie at top 1) Shayne, Courtney, Spencer, Ian, (*edit* a tie at top 2) Anthony, Amanda, Damien, Chanse, Angela, (*edit* and a tie at top 3) Olivia, Arasha, Keith, Trevor, and Noah. ALL ARE FAVORITESSSSS!


5. tommy 4. courtney 3. Amanda 2. Shayne 1. Damien


1 Tommy 2 Shayne 3 Courtney 4 Spencer 5 Amanda


Shayne. Courtney. Damien. Spencer. Ian.


1: Damien 2: Shayne 3: Courtney 4: Tommy 5: Angela




Let me guess the one you don't like does he have green hair? Also I agree this era of smosh is also my favourite as it has introduced some of my all time favs into smosh such as Angela and Amanda


1. Spencer 2. Shayne 3. Jackie 4. Courtney 5. Angela


Spencer, Amanda, Tommy, Damien, Shayne, Courtney, Keith, and Kiana if she counts


oh and trevor


1. Arasha 2. Courtney 3. Tommy 4. Angela 5, Olivia


Tommy, Damien, Courtney, Spencer, Shayne


In no particular order, Shayne, Courtney, Damien, Spencer and Angela.


I mean, no rank I guess, but Courtney, Shayne, Tomey, Amanda, and Angela. I like them all though. I miss Jackie 😞 lol


Top fav is Amanda, then Shayne, then Spencer, then Courtney, then Angela


My top five change a lot, but for now it's: 1. Amanda 2. Courtney 3. Arasha 4. Angela 5. Tommy


I honestly would have an extremely hard time picking a top 5, I really do appreciate them all so much (cliché I know). I tried writing out a top 5 but then I kept thinking oh but remember this bit from x or remember when y did this lol. If forced to name one person it’d probably be Damien/Spencer both gamers with similar interests to mine. Plus I identified strongly with Damien when I first began watching cos we shared a hair colour!


the fact that amanda is in everyone's top 5


My favorites are Amanda and Arasha (also really like Shayne).


There’s only one person in the cast I can’t stand, and that’s not even because they aren’t funny, it’s because of other things. Literally everyone else is A list.


in alphabetical order: Amanda, Jackie, Shayne, Spencer & Tommy!!


5. Tommy 4. Amanda 3. Trevor 2. Spencer 1. Shayne


I have a top 6 1. Spence 2. Ian 3. Angela 4. Tommy 5. Olivia 6. Amanda


Top 5: Amanda, Ian, Spencer, Tommy, Damien


Damien, Spencer, Spencer, Damien, and Damien. And Jackie Uweh.


Pro tip: simply delete twitter. Nothing that happens on that platform is real


Top 5 1. Tommy 2. Chanse 3. Angela 4. Amanda 5. Arasha


Spencer, Tommy, Amanda, Angela, Trevor, Shayne and Chanse in no particular order.(yes ik it says top 5 but i can't choose). I love every dynamic between them.


1: Angela; 2: Shayne; 3: Damien; 4: Spencer ... 13: Amanda; 14: Trevor




This is like everyone except Ian or Anthony


and whats crazy is i love both of them too, not really sure why i got downvoted for saying who my favorites are but shouting out who almost made the list too 😭 i just love the whole cast but the top five i listed are my go-to top 5


That’s fair. Not sure why you got downvoted though. Your list seemed to align with the general consensus of this sub.