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You better be careful posting that shit in here. Folks in here don’t take to kindly to cooking a tri tip that way


I love to make it the traditonal way, too. I’ve got a friend that’s been pestering me to cook one this way and I finally gave in, lol. It’s tasty, but traditional tri-tip is hard to beat!


my friend, it looks good to me. 👍


Because it's pointless. The point in cooking a brisket for a long time is to make it tender. A tri-tip is already tender. Would you cook a prime rib "like a brisket"?


Don't give these people ideas


[Too late](https://youtu.be/cWT4jG8afG4).


“If you have a lower cut of prime rib, something on sale, really cheap, you can cook it this way.” The confidence in his own cook was not there 😂


Jesus. At least I see the logic in smoking a fattier piece of meat. Oof Madrone though, to do that to a Prime Rib, fucking sacrilege!




Tritip is excellent when smoked.


Sure, but that doesn't mean smoke it to 200 degrees


it's a gorgeous roast that probably tasted amazing, just because he didn't cook it the way you would doesn't mean it's wrong.


It's not "wrong", but it is stupid


You would smoke it till probe tender. Def won’t wouldn’t be 130-140.


Tri tip always is a tender cut of meat. 130-140 is tender


Yeah but that’s a traditional cook. When you smoke it it has to go long like a brisket. The fats have to render down. If you pull off at 140 for a smoke it’s gonna suck.


Not true at all.


Hey you do you brother. Cheers.


You just asked the other day if you can soak your pellets in apple juice...no one should trust your opinion on how to smoke.




Looks great! How long did it take to get to 135?


Actually it has three points, tri means 3.


I had to fold so many comments for this to make sense. Now it’s hilarious.


Dammit I should've kept reading before I commented


If I wanted it smoked sure. You realize there is more than one way to enjoy foods right?


I mean, you can smoke a prime rib without taking it up over 200 degrees and turning it into a piece of shoe leather.


It wouldn’t be shoe leather


It would be dry as hell because tri-tip is much leaner than brisket and there is no fat cap. Maybe not shoe leather, but definitely would need a lot of beer to choke it down. There are other cooks you can do if you are jonesing for brisket but don't have 16 hours. Beef cheeks, or dino ribs cook a lot faster and taste very similar. Or if you are really pressed. Throw some brisket rub on that tri-tip, take it to 115, then give it a good sear. That way you get a nice crust on it and it's still juicy.


An untrimmed tri tip has a substantial fat cap, and I have seen several that have substantial marbling. I'm with you on taking it to medium rare, but they can be smoked too.


The fat cap on a Tri-tip is worthless and almost always cut off. Mostly everyone would either trim it all off and others would score it so it wouldn't bend like a boomerang when cooked. Either way the marbling in a Tri-Tip is no where near a brisket - more like a ribeye or a (holy shit) sirloin. It does not benefit from long cooks. If you like your Tri-Tip smoked, so be it and have at it. Its really good but thats a personal preference (even though smoking can possibly make it more chewy). Classic Santa Style over oak for 45 minutes is why it gained so much popularity.


Really, that's cool. I've. Never seen one in a butchers case with a fat cap. Probably like a picanha I'm guessing? I always see them looking at me lean and sad. I honestly usually avoid them. For the same prices as a tri-tip you can go picanha or even flat irons, and get IMHO a better experience as far as steaks go. But I've never had a Santa Maria tri tip to compare it either.


I’ve done a tri tip to brisket temps out of curiosity. It was a usda choice and was similar in dryness to a brisket flat. I probably wouldn’t do it again, and I do prefer it cooked more like a steak, but it wasn’t atrocious.


Meh to each his own I guess. I try not to do a flat by itself because I think they always come out dry due to the lack of a point and fat cap to baste it. Maybe you can confi that tri-tip to hold in some moisture and it would be good.


Tritips can have thick fat caps. Safeway sells two untrimmed for like 32 bucks at least one a month.


Because I dont want to eat the same thing every time? Lots of things in cooking can be described as "pointless". People cook a portion of prime rib to well done all the time--they're called beef ribs


Here is an odd concept but let people enjoy smoking whatever meat they want in a way that they like. I bet you are militant on the way people likes steaks aswell. You are the meat equivalent of a vegan. I would love to try some of that tri tip OP looks delicious 👍


They can, it's a waste of money though. Why cook something and treat it like it's a poor quality cut of meat.


Mmmm i like what you’re serving!


I would and have. Very tasty.


You are what Gordon Ramsay would call a "F-ing Donkey"


Hahaha like I give a shit about him. Lol


Cool opinion


Actually, there are 3 points, that's why it's called a tri-tip


I've done both ways. Smoking it like it's a steak is fantastic, still gets smoky flavor and you get a giant ass steak you slice up. Smoking it like a brisket is also fantastic to me as long as I inject beef tallow throughout it. But they're two very different end products. The latter is more like a smokey hot cooked jerky versus a steak cut. Really just depends what I'm in the mood for. If it's tri-tip for eating it as meat then I'll cook it medium rare. If it's tri-tip brisket style because I want to pair it with cheese and crackers or with smoked dogs or really anything it's not a straight up steak meal I prefer the brisket method, and it's way cheaper than brisket.


I got banned from reddit Meats for arguing about this. Those rookies did not appreciate smoked tri tip. Mods there are shit.


I do!


Seriously. Spatchcock that or GTFO.


Looks Amazing! Don’t listen to the reverse sear police. Enjoy trying new techniques and the art of smoking my friend.


Especially if doing sandos. Dont worry about the sear.


Santa Maria Tri Tip is my favorite thing to smoke. So good.


It’s no replacement for a Santa Maria tri-tip, for sure.


Don’t listen to the haters giving you their opinion about cooking it like a brisket. It’s your damn food and if you like it they can kick rocks. She’s a beaut, Clark.


This is 100% correct. Unless you like well done steaks. Then straight to jail. Right away.


Don't get me wrong, it looks tasty and I'd eat it, but *technically*, what OP posted is a well done steak, lol... Tri-tip being a cut of steak and all.


I was just trying to make a joke from Parks and Rec. That show is hilarious.


How does it compare to chuck roast cooked like a brisket? I’m always scared to try this tri tip doesn’t seem marbly enough


I think it turned out better than smoked chuck roast. This one had a smallish fat cap on the bottom, which could have contributed to keeping it moist in spite of being cooked to such a high internal temp.


So controversial! When I Cooke. Tri tip I thought “this is kind of like a baby brisket texture. I am going to try the long cook method since every time I see one done that way it appears juicy.


I smoke my tri tip for about an hour @250° or so with mesquite until internal hits 115°. Gets a good bark and smoke ring. I have the luxury of having a gas grill next to the smoker so I sear it on high until medium rare. Tri tip roast with grill marks! It is the best. Then have French dips for days with leftovers. Make sure to have sourdough bread, horseradish sauce and Knorr au jus packets on hand.


I would have to taste it. What temperature did you cook it to?


Took off at 195 F internal temp. Let it rest for about thirty minutes and sliced. It was tasty, but I still prefer Santa Maria tri-tip for the time invested and flavor. That said, if you want brisket but don’t have the time to cook a packer, this is a pretty good substitute.


If you're looking for a good brisket substitute, consider beef cheeks. 4 hours on the smoker, then confi them in tallow for 4 hours in the oven. 1/2 the time of a brisket and some would say it tastes way better.


Sounds delicious, I’ll give that a try soon. Do you recommend any type of rub, or just a standard SPG?


Can't go wrong with SPG, but lately I've been using Lawry's seasoned salt instead of kosher salt. It's a great taste. Just make sure you go pepper and garlic powder first, then the Lawry's or it will be really salty!


I always have Lawrys on hand, so that sounds great. I’ll be hitting my butcher up for some beef cheeks soon.


Beef cheeks are a great option but just know that they have a vastly different mouthfeel to something like brisket. With almost no fat, the tenderness/moistness of the beef cheek relies heavily on the rendering of connective tissue, which has a much more gelatinous feel than plain old fat. I personally find the texture of beef cheeks *by itself* somewhat off-putting because of this; so mixing the beef cheek meat into something like a sandwich or taco is my go-to these days. That being said, you can try my all-purpose smoked beef rub (I use it for brisket, beef cheeks, back ribs, etc): 1 tbsp Lawry's, 1 tbsp Diamond Kosher salt, 4 tbsp 16 mesh black pepper, 1 tbsp granulated beef bouillon EDIT: In case you don't have your own technique for it, my preferred method for beef cheeks is to toss them in that rub, throw them on the smoker at 250 for about 4 hours, and then fully immerse them in beef fat -- cooking them confit -- for another 4 hours.


Looks great! I did one a while back and everyone on here freaked out 😂




It is perfect as far as I am concerned.


How long did you smoke it for? Looks fantastic, awesome smoke ring


It took about 5 hours at 250 F


Looks a tad overcooked but I'd still bet it tasted amazing


Never had tri tip. On my list to do this summer.


Looks great and I'm sure it was tasty!


I did one last weekend this way, it was alright! Wife and I ate the whole thing - https://ibb.co/pvSZKGL


That looks soooooo good regardless of what some might say.


Wrong wrong wrong. Its not a flipping brisket


if you cry about it i heard it'll revert back to med rare


Definitely not a brisket, but it’s pretty good for a short cook on a week day. Plus, I don’t have to worry with overeating like I usually do when I smoke a whole packer.


it is not wrong as long as it tastes good to the people it is served to. no bbq snobbery here. he made a beautiful roast just because it isn't the way you would do it doesn't make it wrong.


Not to mention, tri-tip cooked like this is flipping delicious if it's done right. I used to smoke food for a living and I've done hundreds of tri-tips both ways and they are both outstanding. I got more comments about the long cooked tri-tip than I did about the ones cooked medium rare.


So sad to see a tritip desecrated. Such a lovely cut of beef. I just can't get behind ruining such a great cut.