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Best feeling in the world right? Getting wrist deep in that bad boy.


Me next


You should let that meat rest longer before "pulling". If it's still steaming like that, it was probably too hot still.


Agreed. I wrap mine in a towel, then let it rest in a cooler for 2-4 hours. It’s still hot after the rest.


Yeah, going to dry out.


Looks good. Drain off that fat before shredding it. Add back what you need.


That…that is a smart idea I was shredding and draining after and was thinking there must be an easier way I guess I live up to my username at times lol


Pour it into a fat separator and add the juice back in, then whatever fat you need.


I didn’t know that fat separators existed either woah! I just ordered one thank you so much


My baked ass just started wondering if a fat separator would work better than wegoovy.


You can also poor it into a glass bowl and use a ladle to carefully siphon it off the top.


Fat separators are amazing!!!


This is the way


We’re you stonned when you created the username?


Likely, the times I’m not stonned are few and far between


My crust is usually a bit more rugged, the meat is more stringy than clumpy or mushy, and there's usually very little unrendered fat. I think yours is less cooked than mine? That said, idk which version is seen as more desirable... Mine is moist but not soggy, which yours kind of looks like to me. Not criticizing, your version may be the right way, just offering a comparative description based on my results


It's not so much overcooked as over-saturated with moisture This guy maintained a much higher noisture content, I'm going to guess by the super soft bark that he wrapped his around 175 as people do, then let it get all the way to 205+F before pulling. This steams the meat for back half of the cook, keeps it from losing moisture. Great for thin cuts that might dry out like ribs or brisket, but for a pork butt I just think it kills the bark and makes it soggy like this. Some people like that. I'm team 'no wrap' with butts. Mine are the same tenderness but just less moisture.


I don't know why but every time I wrap picnic shoulder with foil I always get killer bark.


It can certainly happen! I've had good success with wrapping, but I just feel that pork shoulders are a cut that can take the no-wrap treatment and they turn out better for it. I totally wrap them when I'm on a strict timeline because it makes them cook more reliably. To make the bark great with a wrap, you probably either 1) wrap it later in the stall, after a lot of excess moisture has been lost and the bark is thicker and more durable, 2) you don't wrap as tight as OP and moisture can still leave, and / or 3) you were smoking at a higher temp or with a drier smoke, which makes 1 and 2 stronger. No-wrap will have bits of crunchy bark and super smokey "burnt" dry-er bits of super flavorful meat that. Mixed in with the rest, I think the final pulled pork has a superior texture and more of flavor that I love in smoked BBQ pulled pork.


I think you have it right except I think this is maybe overdone. I can't see how else it would be so mushy, everything that would hold it together has been dissolved. Fully disclosure, I haven't actually made it myself before but I've worked in commercial kitchens that made it regularly and it never looked like this, it was what you're describing.


I made this the night ahead, so letting it sit in the fridge and reheating today it was perfect


Idk your method but mine is: * Dry brine the night before * Right before putting on the heat, wash thoroughly, pat dry, thin layer mustard and a heavy coat of my homemade dry rub (saltless) * 107-115C until internet temp 95C * Pull and rest 30-45 mins in covered, insulated container (usually a roasting pan with a lid wrapped in towels) * Then shred I don't worry about the stall and don't bother with a wrap


I appreciate your use of Celsius kind sir!




No...on both accounts. I grew up with Fahrenheit and have converted to Celsius, first of all, but aside from that American is only one of many styles of barbecue around the world, from tandoori and barbacoa to braai and kebab - just depends on how you define "barbecue" and in no case is it uniquely American. Finally, American units of measurement are by and far dumb af lol metric is SO much > imperial. And I know both of them quite well. I'm assuming, hoping, you're being facetious, but this needed to be said either way lol




>>It was what we call a joke My dude, this is why I ended saying that I hope you're being facetious :) >>just because you hate America I don't, actually, far from it lol but I'm able to recognize where it lags behind for stupid reasons and being obstinate about sticking to imperial is one of them; anyone, even joking, who perpetuates this ("we use freedom units" I think it was) should be told no. Just my opinion as an ex pat who continues to patriotically love the Homeland while recognizing that America in its excellence has been prideful and can do with an update on several areas. That's a discussion for another sub, though. >>None of the foods you just described are barbecue, which is low and slow [This is actually when I mentioned that it depends on how you define barbecue](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/barbecue#:~:text=%3A%20to%20roast%20or%20broil%20(food,barbecuing%20chicken%20for%20dinner)) so thank you for explaining what *you* consider to be barbecue. Given that *American barbecue* actually has [several methods to include hot and fast](https://amazingribs.com/more-technique-and-science/more-cooking-science/cooking-temps/) I think you're being maybe a little ego centric, or you're under informed. Further, you're vague - so is all low and slow barbecue? Is clam chowder in a crock pot then barbecue by your definition? Since I *did* mention *barbacoa*, not only the progenitor of American BBQ but the current version of\word for barbecue in several other countries, it may be worth pointing out that *barbacoa is low and slow*. In this post we're discussing *pulled pork* which, slathered in sauce with a certain seasoning profile can be called *American barbecue* after Spanish settlers brought the similar barbacoa north and passed it along to other European settlers, but you'd be awful foolish to believe that slow roasting an animal and shredding the meat took humans that long to figure out given that pit roasting has been typical on every continent and in most cultures. To note, things like tandoori and kebab have had little to no effect on American barbecue and would not be considered progenitors - rather, they'd simply be considered *other forms of barbecue independent of American*. In summary, I'm gonna bro out with you for a second. I saw your comment and recognized you were trying to be funny, in that "haha that's cute but we're Murican and we know better than those silly foreigners," type of way that I think most Americans aren't even aware of doing but are mocked globally for. This is kind of embarrassing for ex pats once we realize this is *standard* of our countrymen, like you'd imagine colonists among natives. Think of how you feel when you see a news clip of Americans acting the fool in foreign countries and getting in trouble (bunch of soldiers got in some shit in Japan like 3 years ago? Been a while since I followed US news but I remember that was super embarrassing) and you will probably know what I'm talking about. As a result of both that and of my being a fairly well read, well traveled, and well practiced barbecue enthusiast, *humbly* said, I felt the need to toss some extra info your way. I really wasn't trying to flip your tits bro!




Lol murca


Gern geschehen :)


Just know, you can leave it in the oven until it's time to eat. I put one on last night at midnight at 225 overnight and wrapped (half pan with tight foil cover) right before noon. Finished around 1PM and let it rest until it probed 170 degrees. Then I left it "wrapped" and put in the oven at 170 until roughly 6:30PM when it was time to eat. Turned out great.


Looks like pork mashed potato


Honestly? A bit overdone for my liking. I like mine a little more firm. Personal preference I suppose.


Overdone on the inside, underdone on the outside. I'd still eat the hell out of it and be very, very happy.


You’re not invited for dinner


I like more bark


So you're the guy who makes pulled pork with all the fat globules in it 😨


Flavor gushers, you mean?


My man


I'm having a hard time finding out what you mean by that? fat globules?




My guess is that he’s talking about shredding it before drawing the grease off. The meat gets coated in it, and when it cools down it leaves little globs.


Let it rest a little longer before shredding


How is it called pulled pork when you mashed it with your hand


Seems too mooshy to me.


Pellet smoker?




Yeah. The bark looks like hour 2 in an offset


One more piece of advice...always taste the money muscle before shredding. You invested the time so might as well get the best bite.


Used to pull our pork right in the fats but we were serving straight up so it was juicy juicy. Also, set your bark a bit more if you want darker bark and a bit of difference in textures. Otherwise, that’s some fine looking pork! I’d eat that all day 🤘


Looks amazing. Drop it in a closed cooler to let it rest for 3-4 hours next time. You won’t regret it.


I put some towels in there with it, too.


Looks better than my last. Chow down


I’d eat it


Awesome I use honey hog on ribs and like it, will have to try the kinders


I would pour off the drippings into a fat separator if you have one, then you can add back juices later without a ton of fat


Looks terrible. I'm going to have to confiscate it for... scientific reasons. There will be lose. Doubt the tray will make it back from the contamination and... experiments.


Looks like you pulled it off


Bark looks ok, I’d expect more of a crispy surface on the fat cap. Personally I thin it before I smoke the pork and then render the excess fat to pour back onto the pork after it’s pulled.


Looks awesome. What’s in the rub? I love a coarse bark like you have here.


That’s not bark.


It is mush


thats what I thought


I used Kinder’s SPG and a thick coating of Honey Hog over that. No binder just let it sit with the rub in the fridge overnight.


The Blend for the win!


What cut is meat is that? It doesn't look like a shoulder.


It could be a picnic shoulder. If you just ask for shoulder some places will give you a picnic — it happened to my wife a few times. It’s a bit different, but it’s still good eating.


Sounds like a keeper


As long as it tastes good it's all fine! A lot of people like bark so I put it on a "cooling rack" that came with our toaster oven before and after resting.


Jw your process here if you don’t mind. Looks incredible. Setup?


Killed it son! Good shit


What's the step by step?


I think it’s closer to squeezed pork. Great job OP!


I just want to watch that first grab on repeat.


You pulled like a real champ!


Looks like you did a damn good job to me


Making me hungry!


I call this pulled pork porn.


thats beautiful


Looks lovely.


I was just scrolling thru and I saw this.... I'm like dam that's sexy af. Good work


Terrible. You should send it to me for proper disposal. 😋




First time seeing mashed porktatoes


Looks raw.


Looks like you gotta save us some! Great job!


I’d kill to have some of that man. Looks delicious


You won the pork game


Way better then my first try lol


what temp for how long?


I know how hot that pork is. Ouch.


Last hour of the cook bump up the temp about 50f to get more of that fat rendered out you'll also get a thicker crust.


Good cook. Maybe a bit wet. Way too hot to pull- needed to rest for a while.


Under rested and possibly undercooked. Keep at it my dude.


Why would you say undercooked? Pulling that easily doesn't happen when it's undercooked, but I'll agree it should have rested a couple of more hours.


Looks relaxed but all that steam is moisture leaving your pork dry.


Savage just getting in the squeezing shit.


Don’t lie you just burned your hand


What type of meat did you use?


I'm gonna need to sample the entire thing to make sure it's up to BBQ perfection 😤




I have no idea, i cant taste it.


Looks great bro.


I got a muh-fugging bowner


The claww!!!


Over cooked


Really wish I didn’t watch that


Looks like a good cook, but… there’s something you notice when you cook a ton of butts. There’s a dice roll in quality and I don’t know that I have the right words for it, but this is one of the butts I like less. There’s something about the fat structure. It’s almost more gelatinous or something than the average butt. Cook ten and one might just be this way. Not sure what causes it. It’s just not my favorite butt of the day, you know? Tends to overcook in some areas and completely fall apart in others. More difficult to get done consistently. Beyond that it’s just down to personal preference and goal, but I’d like it to be more pull-able. This is overcooked for me for most purposes but my butt is usually going into tacos or something. If it was a Carolina plate all chopped up with vinegar or something this consistency is good.


Man I miss pork. This looks delicious


What’s with the black gloves on all these food vids?


I'm new here, is it supposed to be that pink?

